public function fetchFeed($params = null)
     $sql = new Sql($this->adapter);
     $select = $sql->select()->from($this->table);
     $params['orderColumn'] = 'id';
     $params['orderDirection'] = 'DESC';
     $tableSchemaArray = TableSchema::getSchemaArray($this->table);
     $hasActiveColumn = $this->schemaHasActiveColumn($tableSchemaArray);
     $params = $this->applyDefaultEntriesSelectParams($params);
     $columns = ['id', 'identifier', 'action', 'table_name', 'row_id', 'user', 'datetime', 'type', 'data'];
     // ->order('id DESC');
     $select->where->nest->isNull('parent_id')->OR->equalTo('type', 'FILES')->unnest;
     $select = $this->applyParamsToTableEntriesSelect($params, $select, $tableSchemaArray, $hasActiveColumn);
     $rowset = $this->selectWith($select);
     $rowset = $rowset->toArray();
     $rowset = $this->convertDates($rowset, $tableSchemaArray);
     //        @TODO: Returns date in ISO 8601 Ex: 2016-06-06T17:18:20Z
     //        see:
     //        foreach ($rowset as &$row) {
     //            $row['datetime'] .= ' UTC';
     //        }
     $countTotalWhere = new Where();
     $countTotalWhere->isNull('parent_id')->OR->equalTo('type', 'FILES');
     $activityTotal = $this->countTotal($countTotalWhere);
     return ['total' => $activityTotal, 'rows' => $rowset];
 public function fetchFeed($params = null)
     $sql = new Sql($this->adapter);
     $select = $sql->select()->from($this->table);
     $params['orderColumn'] = 'id';
     $params['orderDirection'] = 'DESC';
     $tableSchemaArray = TableSchema::getSchemaArray($this->table);
     $hasActiveColumn = $this->schemaHasActiveColumn($tableSchemaArray);
     $params = $this->applyDefaultEntriesSelectParams($params);
     $columns = array('id', 'identifier', 'action', 'table_name', 'row_id', 'user', 'datetime', 'type', 'data');
     // ->order('id DESC');
     $select->where->nest->isNull('parent_id')->OR->equalTo('type', 'FILES')->unnest;
     $select = $this->applyParamsToTableEntriesSelect($params, $select, $tableSchemaArray, $hasActiveColumn);
     $rowset = $this->selectWith($select);
     $rowset = $rowset->toArray();
     foreach ($rowset as &$row) {
         $row['datetime'] .= ' UTC';
     $countTotalWhere = new Where();
     $countTotalWhere->isNull('parent_id')->OR->equalTo('type', 'FILES');
     $activityTotal = $this->countTotal($countTotalWhere);
     return array('total' => $activityTotal, 'rows' => $rowset);
Пример #3
 public function toArrayWithImmediateRelationships(RelationalTableGateway $TableGateway)
     if ($this->table !== $TableGateway->getTable()) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The table of the gateway parameter must match this row\'s table.');
     $entry = $this->toArray();
     $schemaArray = TableSchema::getSchemaArray($this->table);
     $aliasColumns = $TableGateway->filterSchemaAliasFields($schemaArray);
     // Many-to-One
     list($entry) = $TableGateway->loadManyToOneRelationships($schemaArray, [$entry]);
     // One-to-Many, Many-to-Many
     $entry = $TableGateway->loadToManyRelationships($entry, $aliasColumns);
     return $entry;
Пример #4
  * Fetch related, foreign rows for one record's OneToMany relationships.
  * @param string $table
  * @param string $column_name
  * @param string $column_equals
 public function loadOneToManyRelationships($table, $column_name, $column_equals)
     if (!TableSchema::canGroupViewTable($table)) {
         return false;
     // Run query
     $select = new Select($table);
     $select->where->equalTo($column_name, $column_equals);
     // Only select the fields not on the currently authenticated user group's read field blacklist
     $columns = TableSchema::getAllNonAliasTableColumnNames($table);
     $TableGateway = new RelationalTableGateway($this->acl, $table, $this->adapter);
     $rowset = $TableGateway->selectWith($select);
     $results = $rowset->toArray();
     $schemaArray = TableSchema::getSchemaArray($table);
     $results = $this->loadManyToOneRelationships($schemaArray, $results);
     return array('rows' => $results);
Пример #5
    // This `type` variable is used on the client-side
    // Not need on server side.
    // @TODO: We should probably stop using it on the client-side
    // Add table name to dataset. @TODO more clarification would be useful
    // Also This would return an Error because of $row not always would be an array.
    foreach ($requestPayload as &$row) {
        if (is_array($row)) {
            $row['table_name'] = $table;
    if ($app->request()->isPut()) {
        $TableGateway = new TableGateway($acl, 'directus_columns', $ZendDb);
    $response = TableSchema::getSchemaArray($table, $params);
})->via('GET', 'PUT');
$app->post("/{$v}/tables/:table/columns/:column/?", function ($table, $column) use($ZendDb, $acl, $requestPayload, $app) {
    $TableGateway = new TableGateway($acl, 'directus_columns', $ZendDb);
    $data = $requestPayload;
    // @TODO: check whether this condition is still needed
    if (isset($data['type'])) {
        $data['data_type'] = $data['type'];
        $data['relationship_type'] = $data['type'];
    //$data['column_name'] = $data['junction_key_left'];
    $data['column_name'] = $column;
    $data['table_name'] = $table;
    $row = $TableGateway->findOneByArray(array('table_name' => $table, 'column_name' => $column));
  * Fetch related, foreign rows for one record's ManyToMany relationships.
  * @param  string $table_name
  * @param  string $foreign_table
  * @param  string $junction_table
  * @param  string $junction_key_left
  * @param  string $junction_key_right
  * @param  string $column_equals
  * @param  string $parentField
  * @param  int    $level
  * @return array                      Foreign rowset
 public function loadManyToManyRelationships($table_name, $foreign_table, $junction_table, $junction_key_left, $junction_key_right, $column_equals, $parentField = null, $level = 0)
     $foreign_table_pk = TableSchema::getTablePrimaryKey($foreign_table);
     $foreign_join_column = $foreign_table . '.' . $foreign_table_pk;
     $junction_join_column = $junction_table . '.' . $junction_key_right;
     $junction_comparison_column = $junction_table . '.' . $junction_key_left;
     // =============================================================================
     // HOTFIX: prevent infinite circle loop
     // =============================================================================
     if ($parentField && $this->hasToManyCallStack($parentField, $foreign_table)) {
         return $column_equals;
     if ($parentField !== null) {
         $this->addToManyCallStack($level, $parentField, $foreign_table);
     $junction_table_pk = TableSchema::getTablePrimaryKey($junction_table);
     $junction_id_column = $junction_table . '.' . $junction_table_pk;
     // Less likely name collision:
     $junction_id_column_alias = 'directus_junction_id_column_518d31856e131';
     $junction_sort_column_alias = 'directus_junction_sort_column_518d318e3f0f5';
     $junctionSelectColumns = [$junction_id_column_alias => $junction_table_pk];
     $sql = new Sql($this->adapter);
     $select = $sql->select();
     // If the Junction Table has a Sort column, do eet.
     // @todo is this the most efficient way?
     // @hint TableSchema#getUniqueColumnName
     $junctionColumns = TableSchema::getAllNonAliasTableColumnNames($junction_table);
     if (in_array('sort', $junctionColumns)) {
         $junctionSelectColumns[$junction_sort_column_alias] = 'sort';
     $select->from($foreign_table)->join($junction_table, $foreign_join_column . '=' . $junction_join_column, $junctionSelectColumns)->where([$junction_comparison_column => $column_equals])->order($junction_id_column . ' ASC');
     // Only select the fields not on the currently authenticated user group's read field blacklist
     $columns = TableSchema::getAllNonAliasTableColumnNames($foreign_table);
     $ForeignTable = new RelationalTableGateway($this->acl, $foreign_table, $this->adapter);
     $results = $ForeignTable->selectWith($select);
     $results = $results->toArray();
     $foreign_data = [];
     $columns = TableSchema::getAllNonAliasTableColumns($foreign_table);
     foreach ($results as $row) {
         $row = $recordData = SchemaManager::parseRecordValuesByType($row, $columns);
         $junction_table_id = (int) $row[$junction_id_column_alias];
         $entry = [$junction_table_pk => $junction_table_id];
         if (in_array('sort', $junctionColumns)) {
             // @TODO: check why is this a string instead of an integer.
             $entry['sort'] = (int) $row[$junction_sort_column_alias];
         $schemaArray = TableSchema::getSchemaArray($foreign_table);
         $alias_fields = $this->filterSchemaAliasFields($schemaArray);
         // (fmrly $alias_schema)
         $row = $this->loadToManyRelationships($row, $alias_fields, $parentField, $level + 1);
         $entry['data'] = $row;
         $foreign_data[] = $entry;
     return ['rows' => $foreign_data];
 public function applyParamsToTableEntriesSelect(array $params, Select $select, array $schema, $hasActiveColumn = false)
     $tableName = $this->getTable();
     if (isset($params['group_by'])) {
         $select->group($tableName . '.' . $params['group_by']);
     } else {
         $select->group($tableName . '.' . $this->primaryKeyFieldName);
     //If this is a relational order, than it is an array.
     if (is_array($params['orderBy'])) {
         $select->join(array('jsort' => $params['orderBy']['junction_table']), 'jsort.' . $params['orderBy']['jkeyRight'] . ' = ' . $tableName . '.' . $this->primaryKeyFieldName, array(), $select::JOIN_LEFT);
         $select->join(array('rsort' => $params['orderBy']['related_table']), ' = jsort.' . $params['orderBy']['jkeyLeft'], array(), $select::JOIN_LEFT);
         $select->order('rsort.title', $params['orderDirection']);
     } else {
         $select->order(implode(' ', array($params['orderBy'], $params['orderDirection'])));
     if (isset($params['perPage']) && isset($params['currentPage'])) {
         $select->limit($params['perPage'])->offset($params['currentPage'] * $params['perPage']);
     // Are we sorting on a relationship?
     foreach ($schema as $column) {
         if ($column['column_name'] != $params['orderBy']) {
         // Must have defined table_related
         if (!isset($column['relationship']) || !is_array($column['relationship']) || !isset($column['relationship']['table_related'])) {
         // Must have defined visible_column
         if (!isset($column['options']) || !is_array($column['options']) || !isset($column['options']['visible_column'])) {
         $relatedTable = $column['relationship']['table_related'];
         $visibleColumn = $column['options']['visible_column'];
         $keyLeft = $params['table_name'] . "." . $params['orderBy'];
         // @todo it's wrong to assume PKs are "id" but this is currently endemic to directus6
         $keyRight = $relatedTable . ".id";
         $joinedSortColumn = $relatedTable . "." . $visibleColumn;
         $select->reset(Select::ORDER)->join($relatedTable, "{$keyLeft} = {$keyRight}", array(), Select::JOIN_LEFT)->order("{$joinedSortColumn} " . $params['orderDirection']);
     // Note: be sure to explicitly check for null, because the value may be
     // '0' or 0, which is meaningful.
     if (null !== $params[STATUS_COLUMN_NAME] && $hasActiveColumn) {
         $haystack = is_array($params[STATUS_COLUMN_NAME]) ? $params[STATUS_COLUMN_NAME] : explode(",", $params[STATUS_COLUMN_NAME]);
         if (!isset($params['table_name']) || empty($params['table_name'])) {
             $tableName = $this->getTable();
         } else {
             $tableName = $params['table_name'];
         $select->where->in($tableName . '.' . STATUS_COLUMN_NAME, $haystack);
     // Select only ids from the ids if provided
     if (array_key_exists('ids', $params)) {
         $entriesIds = array_filter(explode(',', $params['ids']), 'is_numeric');
         if (count($entriesIds) > 0) {
             $select->where->in($this->getTable() . '.' . $this->primaryKeyFieldName, $entriesIds);
     // Where
     $select->where->nest->expression('-1 = ?', $params[$this->primaryKeyFieldName])->or->equalTo($tableName . '.' . $this->primaryKeyFieldName, $params[$this->primaryKeyFieldName])->unnest;
     // very very rudimentary ability to supply where conditions to fetch...
     // at the moment, only 'equalTo' and 'between' are supported... also, the 'total' key returned
     // in the json does not reflect these filters...
     // -MG
     if (array_key_exists('where', $params)) {
         $outer = $select->where->nest;
         foreach ($params['where'] as $whereCond) {
             $type = $whereCond['type'];
             $column = $whereCond['column'];
             if ($type == 'equalTo') {
                 $val = $whereCond['val'];
                 if (is_array($val)) {
                     $where = $select->where->nest;
                     foreach ($val as $currentval) {
                         $where->equalTo($column, $currentval);
                         if ($currentval != end($val)) {
                 } else {
                     $outer->equalTo($column, $val);
             } else {
                 if ($type == 'between') {
                     $val1 = $whereCond['val1'];
                     $val2 = $whereCond['val2'];
                     $outer->between($column, $val1, $val2);
     //@TODO: Make this better
     if (isset($params['adv_where'])) {
     if (isset($params['adv_search']) && !empty($params['adv_search'])) {
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($params['adv_search'] as $search_col) {
             $target = array();
             foreach ($schema as $col) {
                 if ($col['id'] == $search_col['id']) {
                     $target = $col;
             if (empty($target)) {
             // TODO: fix this, it must be refactored
             if (isset($target['relationship']) && $target['relationship']['type'] == "MANYTOMANY") {
                 $relatedTable = $target['relationship']['table_related'];
                 $relatedAliasName = $relatedTable . "_" . $i;
                 if ($target['relationship']['type'] == "MANYTOMANY") {
                     $junctionTable = $target['relationship']['junction_table'];
                     $jkl = $target['relationship']['junction_key_left'];
                     $jkr = $target['relationship']['junction_key_right'];
                     $keyleft = $params['table_name'] . ".id";
                     $keyRight = $junctionTable . '.' . $jkl;
                     $jkeyleft = $junctionTable . '.' . $jkr;
                     $jkeyright = $relatedAliasName . ".id";
                     $select->join($junctionTable, "{$keyleft} = {$keyRight}", array(), Select::JOIN_INNER);
                 } else {
                     $select->join(array($relatedAliasName => $relatedTable), $tableName . '.' . $target['column_name'] . " = " . $relatedAliasName . ".id", array(), Select::JOIN_INNER);
                 $relatedTableMetadata = TableSchema::getSchemaArray($relatedTable);
                 if ($search_col['type'] == "like") {
                     $select->join(array($relatedAliasName => $relatedTable), "{$jkeyleft} = {$jkeyright}", array(), Select::JOIN_INNER);
                     $search_col['value'] = "%" . $search_col['value'] . "%";
                     if (isset($target['options']['filter_column'])) {
                         $targetCol = $target['options']['filter_column'];
                     } else {
                         $targetCol = $target['options']['visible_column'];
                     foreach ($relatedTableMetadata as $col) {
                         if ($col['id'] == $targetCol) {
                             if ($col['type'] == 'VARCHAR' || $col['type'] == 'INT') {
                                 $where = $select->where->nest;
                                 $columnName = $this->adapter->platform->quoteIdentifier($col['column_name']);
                                 $columnName = $relatedAliasName . "." . $columnName;
                                 $like = new Predicate\Expression("LOWER({$columnName}) LIKE ?", $search_col['value']);
                                 $where->addPredicate($like, Predicate\Predicate::OP_OR);
                 } else {
                     $select->where($jkeyleft . ' = ' . $this->adapter->platform->quoteValue($search_col['value']));
             } elseif (isset($target['relationship']) && $target['relationship']['type'] == "MANYTOONE") {
                 $relatedTable = $target['relationship']['table_related'];
                 $keyLeft = $this->getTable() . "." . $target['relationship']['junction_key_left'];
                 $keyRight = $relatedTable . ".id";
                 $filterColumn = $target['options']['filter_column'];
                 $joinedFilterColumn = $relatedTable . "." . $filterColumn;
                 // do not let join this table twice
                 // TODO: do a extra checking in case it's being used twice
                 // and none for sorting
                 if ($target['column_name'] != $params['orderBy']) {
                     $select->join($relatedTable, "{$keyLeft} = {$keyRight}", array(), Select::JOIN_LEFT);
                 if ($search_col['type'] == 'like') {
                     $searchLike = '%' . $search_col['value'] . '%';
                     $spec = function (Where $where) use($joinedFilterColumn, $searchLike) {
                         $where->like($joinedFilterColumn, $searchLike);
                 } else {
                     $select->where($search_col['id'] . " " . $search_col['type'] . " " . $this->adapter->platform->quoteValue($search_col['value']));
             } else {
                 if ($target['type'] == "DATETIME" && strpos($search_col['value'], " ") == false) {
                     $select->where('date(' . $tableName . '.' . $search_col['id'] . ") = " . $this->adapter->platform->quoteValue($search_col['value']));
                 } else {
                     if ($search_col['type'] == "like") {
                         $select->where($tableName . '.' . $search_col['id'] . " " . $search_col['type'] . " " . $this->adapter->platform->quoteValue("%" . $search_col['value'] . "%"));
                     } else {
                         $select->where($tableName . '.' . $search_col['id'] . " " . $search_col['type'] . " " . $this->adapter->platform->quoteValue($search_col['value']));
     } else {
         if (isset($params['search']) && !empty($params['search'])) {
             $params['search'] = "%" . $params['search'] . "%";
             $where = $select->where->nest;
             foreach ($schema as $col) {
                 if ($col['type'] == 'VARCHAR' || $col['type'] == 'INT') {
                     $columnName = $this->adapter->platform->quoteIdentifier($col['column_name']);
                     $like = new Predicate\Expression("LOWER({$columnName}) LIKE ?", strtolower($params['search']));
                     $where->addPredicate($like, Predicate\Predicate::OP_OR);
     return $select;