Пример #1
  * Retrieve the value of this field for the associated row, if available.
  * @throws Exception
  * @return mixed
 public function getValue()
     if (!$this->row) {
         throw new Exception("Attempting to retrieve value for {$this->name} field with no row assigned.");
     return $this->row->get($this->name);
Пример #2
  * Load the initial value for the supplied attribute name.  If the supplied
  * row is new (i.e. no primary key value), then we use the default value
  * for the attribute.  Otherwise, we query that appropriate value table.
  * @param Row $row
  * @param string $name
 public function loadInitialValue(Row $row, $name)
     $db = $this->table->getAdapter();
     $attribute = $this->getAttribute($name);
     if ($row->isNew()) {
         return $attribute['default_value'];
     } else {
         $valueTable = $this->getBackendTypeTableName($attribute['backend_type']);
         $stmt = $db->select()->from($valueTable, array('value'))->where('attribute_id = ?', $attribute['attribute_id']);
         foreach ($this->table->getPrimaryKey() as $keyColumn) {
             $keyQuoted = $db->quoteIdentifier("{$valueTable}.{$keyColumn}");
             $stmt->where("{$keyQuoted} = ?", $row->get($keyColumn));
         return $db->fetchOne($stmt);
Пример #3
  * Assign the provided row object to the named model.  This will iterate
  * over all the fields and call setRow() on each one associated with
  * the named model so that their values can be set and retrieved for
  * editing.
  * @throws \Dewdrop\Fields\Exception
  * @param string $modelName
  * @param Row $row
  * @return RowEditor
 public function setRow($modelName, Row $row)
     $model = $this->getModel($modelName);
     if ($model !== $row->getTable()) {
         throw new Exception('The row should be from the same table instance.');
     foreach ($this->fields as $field) {
         if ($field instanceof DbField && $field->getTable() === $model) {
     if ($this->deleteField) {
     if (array_key_exists($modelName, $this->defaultsByModelName)) {
         $this->applyDefaultsToRow($row, $this->defaultsByModelName[$modelName]);
     $this->rowsByName[$modelName] = $row;
     return $this;
Пример #4
  * Using the supplied source table row, retrieve the initial value for
  * this relationship.  This is typically called by \Dewdrop\Db\Row when
  * get() is first called for this relationship.
  * @param Row $row
  * @return array
 public function loadInitialValue(Row $row)
     $value = $row->get($this->getSourceColumnName());
     // If the anchor column has no value, we can assume this relationship has no value
     if (!$value) {
         return array();
     $db = $row->getTable()->getAdapter();
     $stmt = $db->select();
     $whereName = $db->quoteIdentifier("{$this->xrefTableName}.{$this->getXrefAnchorColumnName()}");
     $stmt->from($this->xrefTableName, array($this->getXrefReferenceColumnName()))->where("{$whereName} = ?", $value);
     return $db->fetchCol($stmt);
Пример #5
 public function assembleUserMessage(Row $user)
     $lists = [];
     if ($this->changes->hasAdditions()) {
         $lists[] = $this->addVerb . ' ' . $this->assembleList($this->changes->getAdditions());
     if ($this->changes->hasRemovals()) {
         $lists[] = $this->removeVerb . ' ' . $this->assembleList($this->changes->getRemovals());
     $lists = implode(' and ', $lists);
     return "{$user->shortcode()} {$lists} on {$this->field->getLabel()} for {$this->subject->shortcode()}.";