Пример #1
  * @dataProvider providerUsage
  * @param array $row
  * @param string $name
  * @param string $type
  * @param string $outputExpected
  * @return void
 public function testUsage($row, $name, $type, $outputExpected)
     $this->field->expects($this->any())->method('isType')->will($this->returnCallback(function () use($type) {
         return in_array($type, func_get_args(), true);
     $output = $this->csvCellContentFieldsHelper->render($this->field, $row, 0, 0);
     $this->assertInternalType('string', $output);
     $this->assertSame($outputExpected, $output);
Пример #2
  * Instantiate an Input object for the supplied field call setAllowEmpty()
  * depending upon whether the field is required.
  * @param Field $field
  * @return Input
 protected function instantiateInput(Field $field)
     $input = new Input($field->getControlName());
     if ($field->isRequired() && !$field->isType('boolean')) {
     } else {
     return $input;
 public function __invoke(Field $field)
     if (!$field->isType('reference')) {
         throw new Exception('The FilterReferenceAsText template can only be used on DB reference fields.');
     $reference = $field->getOptionPairsReference();
     $titleColumn = $field->getOptionPairs()->detectTitleColumn();
     $field->assignHelperCallback('SelectFilter.FilterType', function () {
         return ['type' => 'text', 'options' => []];
     })->assignHelperCallback('SelectFilter.SelectModifier', function ($helper, Select $select, $conditionSetName, $queryVars) use($reference, $titleColumn) {
         $filter = new TextFilter($reference['table'], $titleColumn);
         return $filter->apply($select, $conditionSetName, $queryVars);
Пример #4
  * Fetch a single row from this listing by using the supplied ID value to
  * match against the listing's primary key field.
  * @param Fields $fields
  * @param mixed $id
  * @return \Dewdrop\Db\Row
 public function fetchRow(Fields $fields, $id)
     $select = $this->getModifiedSelect($fields);
     $quotedPrimaryKey = $select->quoteWithAlias($this->primaryKey->getTable()->getTableName(), $this->primaryKey->getName());
     $select->where("{$quotedPrimaryKey} = ?", $id);
     return $this->select->getAdapter()->fetchRow($select);
Пример #5
  * Populate the primary key value from the supplied row (already saved in
  * the RowEditor) up to the linked field in this object.  For example, say
  * you'd configured a link like this in your RowEditor:
  * <pre>
  * $rowEditor->linkByField('addresses', $this->orderModel->field('address_id'));
  * </pre>
  * Then, when this method was called, you'd get a row from the addresses
  * table that had already been saved by the row editor.  And, using that row,
  * this method would set the value of the orderModel's address_id field
  * to the primary key of the addresses row.
  * @param Row $row
  * @return \Dewdrop\Fields\RowEditor\Link\Field
 public function populateValueFromSavedRow(Row $row)
     $references = $this->field->getTable()->getMetadata('references');
     foreach ($references as $foreignKey => $referencedColumnAndTable) {
         if ($foreignKey === $this->field->getName()) {
             $referencedColumn = $referencedColumnAndTable['column'];
     return $this;
Пример #6
  * Using the supplied \Dewdrop\Fields and \Dewdrop\Db\Select, modify the
  * Select to include only the current page with the correct number of
  * records.  The DB driver is used to ensure we can get the total number
  * of records that _would_ have been returned had no pagination been applied
  * after the query has been executed (using whatever facility is provided
  * for that use in the specific RDBMS).
  * @param Fields $fields
  * @param Select $select
  * @return Select
  * @throws Exception
 public function modifySelect(Fields $fields, Select $select)
     if (!$this->isEnabled()) {
         return $select;
     $column = $select->quoteWithAlias($this->field->getTable()->getTableName(), $this->field->getName());
     $this->showingDeletedRecords = (bool) $this->request->getQuery($this->getQueryParameterName());
     if ($this->isShowingDeletedRecords()) {
         return $select->where("{$column} = true");
     } else {
         return $select->where("{$column} = false");
Пример #7
  * Assign the provided row object to the named model.  This will iterate
  * over all the fields and call setRow() on each one associated with
  * the named model so that their values can be set and retrieved for
  * editing.
  * @throws \Dewdrop\Fields\Exception
  * @param string $modelName
  * @param Row $row
  * @return RowEditor
 public function setRow($modelName, Row $row)
     $model = $this->getModel($modelName);
     if ($model !== $row->getTable()) {
         throw new Exception('The row should be from the same table instance.');
     foreach ($this->fields as $field) {
         if ($field instanceof DbField && $field->getTable() === $model) {
     if ($this->deleteField) {
     if (array_key_exists($modelName, $this->defaultsByModelName)) {
         $this->applyDefaultsToRow($row, $this->defaultsByModelName[$modelName]);
     $this->rowsByName[$modelName] = $row;
     return $this;
Пример #8
  * A fall back method for timestamp fields.  Will convert the DB value to a
  * Unix timestamp and then format it with PHP's date() function.  (How
  * retro!)  You can customize the format with setDateFormat().
  * @param DbField $field
  * @param array $rowData
  * @return string
 protected function renderDbTimestamp(DbField $field, array $rowData)
     $value = $rowData[$field->getName()];
     $timestamp = strtotime($value);
     if ($timestamp) {
         return date($this->dateFormat . ' ' . $this->timeFormat, $timestamp);
     } else {
         return '';
Пример #9
  * Use the supplied \Dewdrop\Db\Field object to set the helper's options
  * and then render the input.
  * @param Field $field
  * @param array $options
  * @return string
 protected function directField(Field $field, array $options = array())
     $fieldDefaults = array('name' => $field->getControlName(), 'id' => $field->getHtmlId(), 'value' => $field->getValue());
     return $this->directArray($fieldDefaults + $options);
Пример #10
  * Add a field, optionally changing its control name to disambiguate it
  * from other fields with the same control name on this page.
  * @param DbField $field
  * @param string $groupName
  * @return \Dewdrop\Fields\Edit
 public function add(DbField $field, $groupName = null)
     if (null === $groupName) {
         $this->fields[$field->getControlName()] = $field;
     } else {
         $fieldIndex = $groupName . ':' . $field->getName();
         $this->fields[$fieldIndex] = $field;
     return $this;
Пример #11
  * Handle the model (\Dewdrop\Db\Table) objects for the supplied newly added
  * DB field.  We allow custom model names for situations where you need to
  * add fields from two different instances of the same model (e.g. you have
  * an two Addresses model instances on your fields set because you have both
  * a billing and a shipping address).
  * @param DbField $field
  * @param string $modelName
  * @throws Exception
 protected function handleModelsForDbField(DbField $field, $modelName)
     $fieldTable = $field->getTable();
     $groupName = $field->getGroupName();
     if (null === $modelName && isset($this->modelInstances[$groupName]) && $this->modelInstances[$groupName] !== $fieldTable) {
         throw new Exception('When adding fields from two instances of the same model, you must specify ' . 'an alternate model name as the second paramter to add().');
     if (null === $modelName) {
         $modelName = $groupName;
     if (isset($this->modelsByName[$modelName]) && $this->modelsByName[$modelName] !== $fieldTable) {
         throw new Exception("The name '{$modelName}' has already been used with another model instance. " . 'Please make sure to use model names consistently when adding fields.');
     $this->modelInstances[$groupName] = $fieldTable;
     $this->modelsByName[$modelName] = $fieldTable;
     // Update the field's control name so that generated IDs, etc., use the new name
     if ($modelName !== $groupName) {
Пример #12
  * Render the image picker using the supplied Field object.
  * @param Field $field
  * @return string
 public function directField(Field $field)
     return $this->directArray(array('name' => $field->getControlName(), 'id' => $field->getHtmlId(), 'value' => $field->getValue()));
Пример #13
  * A fall back method for timestamp fields.  Will convert the DB value to a
  * Unix timestamp and then format it with PHP's date() function.  (How
  * retro!)  You can customize the format with setDateFormat().
  * @param FieldInterface $field
  * @param array $rowData
  * @return string
 protected function renderDbTimestamp(DbField $field, array $rowData)
     $value = $rowData[$field->getName()];
     $timestamp = strtotime($value);
     return $this->view->escapeHtml(date($this->dateFormat . ' ' . $this->timeFormat, $timestamp));
Пример #14
 public function direct(Field $field, Field $cascadeFrom)
     return $this->view->select(['name' => $field->getControlName(), 'id' => $field->getHtmlId(), 'options' => [], 'value' => $field->getValue(), 'attributes' => ['data-cascade-options' => $this->view->encodeJsonHtmlSafe($field->getOptionGroups()->fetchJsonWrapper()), 'data-cascade-from' => '#' . $cascadeFrom->getHtmlId(), 'data-cascade-title' => "Choose a {$cascadeFrom->getLabel()}...", 'data-show-blank' => true, 'data-blank-title' => '', 'data-value' => $field->getValue()]]);
Пример #15
 protected function handleDbReference(DbField $field, $type)
     return function () use($field, $type) {
         return array('type' => $type, 'options' => array('options' => $field->getOptionPairs()->fetchJsonWrapper()));
Пример #16
  * Provide a default sorting strategy for reference columns.
  * @param DbField $field
  * @param Select $select
  * @param string $direction
  * @return Select
  * @throws Select\SelectException
 public function sortDbReference(DbField $field, Select $select, $direction)
     $optionPairs = $field->getOptionPairs();
     $tableName = $optionPairs->getTableName();
     try {
         $titleColumn = $optionPairs->detectTitleColumn();
     } catch (TitleColumnNotDetectedException $e) {
         $titleColumn = $field->getName();
     if ($titleColumn instanceof Expr) {
         $orderSpec = "{$titleColumn} {$direction}";
     } else {
         $orderSpec = new Expr("{$select->quoteWithAlias($tableName, $titleColumn)} {$direction}");
     return $select->order($orderSpec);
Пример #17
  * A fall back method for timestamp fields.  Will convert the DB value to a
  * Unix timestamp and then format it with PHP's date() function.  (How
  * retro!)  You can customize the format with setDateFormat().
  * @param FieldInterface $field
  * @param array $rowData
  * @return string
 protected function renderDbTimestamp(DbField $field, array $rowData)
     $value = $rowData[$field->getName()];
     $timestamp = strtotime($value);
     // Hack for handling GMT offsets in WordPress.
     if ($timestamp && function_exists('get_option')) {
         $timezoneString = get_option('timezone_string');
         if ($timezoneString) {
             $offset = timezone_offset_get(new DateTimeZone($timezoneString), date_create($value));
             $timestamp += $offset;
     if ($timestamp) {
         return $this->view->escapeHtml(date($this->dateFormat . ' ' . $this->timeFormat, $timestamp));
     } else {
         return '';
Пример #18
  * Use the supplied field to render the closing tags.  The field's
  * note will be used, if it is set.
  * @param Field $field
  * @return string
 public function closeField(Field $field)
     return $this->closeArray(array('note' => $field->getNote()));
Пример #19
  * Use a \Dewdrop\Db\Field object to set the editor's id and content.
  * @param Field $field
  * @return string
 public function directField(Field $field)
     $field->getFilterChain()->attach(new StripSlashes());
     return $this->directArray(array('name' => $field->getControlName(), 'value' => $field->getValue(), 'id' => $field->getHtmlId()));