Пример #1
// consoleoptions
$console = Console::getInstance();
$opt = (new Getopt(['projectId|p=s' => 'project id', 'accessToken|a=s' => 'user access token', 'localeDefault|l=s' => 'default locale. Default de-DE', 'applicationName|n-s' => 'name of your application. Default PHP PhraseApp Client', 'preferDirection|d-s' => 'prefer direction for sync (remote, local). Default: remote', 'exclude|x-s' => 'regex to exclude files. can be given multiple times: Default: []', 'tagForContentChangeFromLocalToRemote|t-s' => 'tag for content change from local to remote. Default: newContent', 'doNotUseLocaleDefaultAsLocaleSource|u' => 'do not use the default locale also as source locale.', 'help|h' => 'Display this help message', 'quiet|q' => 'Do not output any message', 'version|V' => 'Display this application version']))->setOptions([Getopt::CONFIG_CUMULATIVE_PARAMETERS => true]);
try {
    if ($opt->help) {
        throw new \Exception('wants help');
    if (!$opt->version && count($opt->getRemainingArgs()) != 1) {
        throw new \Exception('missing remaining args');
    // create config
    $config = new Config($opt->projectId, $opt->accessToken, $opt->localeDefault);
    // set application name
    if ($opt->applicationName) {
    // set preferDirection
    if ($opt->preferDirection) {
    // set tagForContentChangeFromLocalToRemote
    if ($opt->tagForContentChangeFromLocalToRemote) {
    // set doNotUseLocaleDefaultAsLocaleSource
    if ($opt->doNotUseLocaleDefaultAsLocaleSource) {
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
    $message = 'sourcePath' . PHP_EOL;