Пример #1
  * Extract data or throw errors.
  * @return mixed
 protected function getData()
     // Check if client says "Everything aokay"
     if ($this->response->isSuccess()) {
         if ($this->response->isSplitcontent() == true) {
             try {
                 $this->response->setResponse($this->rebuildSplitcontent($this->response->getSplitname(), $this->response->getSplitcount()));
             } catch (\RuntimeException $exc) {
                 throw $exc;
         return $this->response->getResponse();
     } else {
         if ($this->getDebug() == true) {
             $string = vsprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['client_error'] . ":<br />%s<br /><br />RPC Call: %s | Class: %s | Function: %s", array(nl2br($this->response->getError()->getMessage()), $this->response->getError()->getRPC(), strlen($this->response->getError()->getClass()) != 0 ? $this->response->getError()->getClass() : " - ", strlen($this->response->getError()->getFunction()) != 0 ? $this->response->getError()->getFunction() : " - "));
         } else {
             if ($this->response->getError()->getRPC() == "") {
                 $string = "There was an unknown error on client site.";
             } else {
                 $string = vsprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['client_error'] . ":<br />%s<br /><br />RPC Call: %s", array(nl2br($this->response->getError()->getMessage()), $this->response->getError()->getRPC()));
         throw new \RuntimeException($string);
Пример #2
  * @todo Update the error class or better make a implementation of it
  * @return IO
 public function InputResponse($strResponse, $objCodifyEngine)
     $objDebug = Debug::getInstance();
     // Check for start and end tag
     if (strpos($strResponse, "<|@|") === false || strpos($strResponse, "|@|>") === false) {
         $objDebug->addDebug("Error CtoComIOImpl_Default", substr($strResponse, 0, 4096));
         throw new \RuntimeException("Could not find start or endtag from response.");
     // Find position of start/end - tag
     $intStart = intval(strpos($strResponse, "<|@|") + 4);
     $intLength = intval(strpos($strResponse, "|@|>") - $intStart);
     $strResponse = substr($strResponse, $intStart, $intLength);
     $strResponse = base64_decode($strResponse);
     $strResponse = @gzuncompress($strResponse);
     // Check if uncompress works
     if ($strResponse === false) {
         throw new \RuntimeException("Error on uncompressing the response. Maybe wrong API-Key or ctoCom version.");
     // Decrypt
     $strResponse = $objCodifyEngine->Decrypt($strResponse);
     // Deserialize response
     $arrResponse = unserialize($strResponse);
     // Check if we have a array
     if (is_array($arrResponse) == false) {
         $objDebug->addDebug("Error CtoComIOImpl_Default", substr($arrResponse, 0, 4096));
         throw new \RuntimeException("Response is not an array. Maybe wrong API-Key or cryptionengine.");
     // Clean array
     $arrResponse = $this->cleanUp($arrResponse);
     $objContainer = new IO();
     // Set error
     if ($arrResponse["error"] != "") {
         $objError = new Error();
     return $objContainer;
Пример #3
  * Build the answer and serialize it
  * @return string
 protected function generateOutput()
     $objOutputContainer = new IO();
     if ($this->objError == false) {
     } else {
     $mixOutput = $this->objIOEngine->OutputResponse($objOutputContainer, $this->objCodifyengine);
     // Check if we have a big output and split it
     if ($this->config->getResponseLength() != -1 && strlen($mixOutput) > $this->config->getResponseLength()) {
         $mixOutput = str_split($mixOutput, (int) ($this->config->getResponseLength() * 0.8));
         $strFileName = md5(time()) . md5(rand(0, 65000)) . ".ctoComPart";
         $intCountPart = count($mixOutput);
         foreach ($mixOutput as $keyOutput => $valueOutput) {
             $objFile = new \File("system/tmp/" . $keyOutput . "_" . $strFileName);
         $objOutputContainer = new IO();
         $mixOutput = $this->objIOEngine->OutputResponse($objOutputContainer, $this->objCodifyengine);
     // Set some header fields
     header("Content-Type: " . $GLOBALS["CTOCOM_IO"][$this->strIOEngine]["contentType"]);
     // Clean output buffer
     while (@ob_end_clean()) {
     // Echo response
     echo $mixOutput;