public function setupSettingTable($timezone, $locale, $securityToken) { // create setting data table. $fields = array("setting" => "VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL", "context" => "VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL", "value" => "LONGTEXT"); if (!$this->dbConnector->createTable(CRM_SETTINGS_TABLE_NAME, $fields, ["setting", "context"])) { return false; } // fill the settings table. // base dir. We suppose here we have been called from updater.php or other root file. $currentURL = \creamy\CRMUtils::getCurrentURLPath(); // i.e: http://localhost:8080/creamy/updater.php $baseurl = \creamy\CRMUtils::getBasedirFromURL($currentURL); // => http://localhost:8080/creamy $data = array("setting" => CRM_SETTING_CRM_BASE_URL, "context" => CRM_SETTING_CONTEXT_CREAMY, "value" => $baseurl); if (!$this->dbConnector->insert(CRM_SETTINGS_TABLE_NAME, $data)) { return false; } // admin account $adminEmail = array("setting" => CRM_SETTING_ADMIN_USER, "context" => CRM_SETTING_CONTEXT_CREAMY, "value" => 1); $adminEmailFound = $this->dbConnector->insert(CRM_SETTINGS_TABLE_NAME, $adminEmail); // crm version $data = array("setting" => CRM_SETTING_CRM_VERSION, "context" => CRM_SETTING_CONTEXT_CREAMY, "value" => CRM_INSTALL_VERSION); if (!$this->dbConnector->insert(CRM_SETTINGS_TABLE_NAME, $data)) { return false; } // installation date. We try to get it from the Config.php file first if ($timestamp = filemtime(dirname(__FILE__) . '/Config.php')) { $dbDate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $timestamp); } else { $dbDate = $this->dbConnector->now(); } $data = array("setting" => CRM_SETTING_INSTALLATION_DATE, "context" => CRM_SETTING_CONTEXT_CREAMY, "value" => $dbDate); if (!$this->dbConnector->insert(CRM_SETTINGS_TABLE_NAME, $data)) { return false; } // plugin system enabled (1 by default) $data = array("setting" => CRM_SETTING_MODULE_SYSTEM_ENABLED, "context" => CRM_SETTING_CONTEXT_CREAMY, "value" => true); if (!$this->dbConnector->insert(CRM_SETTINGS_TABLE_NAME, $data)) { return false; } // statistics system enabled (1 by default) $data = array("setting" => CRM_SETTING_STATISTICS_SYSTEM_ENABLED, "context" => CRM_SETTING_CONTEXT_CREAMY, "value" => true); if (!$this->dbConnector->insert(CRM_SETTINGS_TABLE_NAME, $data)) { return false; } // email notifications of events. $data = array("setting" => CRM_SETTING_EVENTS_EMAIL, "context" => CRM_SETTING_CONTEXT_CREAMY, "value" => true); if (!$this->dbConnector->insert(CRM_SETTINGS_TABLE_NAME, $data)) { return false; } // job scheduling frequency $data = array("setting" => CRM_SETTING_JOB_SCHEDULING_MIN_FREQ, "context" => CRM_SETTING_CONTEXT_CREAMY, "value" => CRM_JOB_SCHEDULING_HOURLY); if (!$this->dbConnector->insert(CRM_SETTINGS_TABLE_NAME, $data)) { return false; } // active plugins (empty by default) $data = array("setting" => CRM_SETTING_ACTIVE_MODULES, "context" => CRM_SETTING_CONTEXT_CREAMY, "value" => ""); if (!$this->dbConnector->insert(CRM_SETTINGS_TABLE_NAME, $data)) { return false; } // customer list fields $data = array("setting" => CRM_SETTING_CUSTOMER_LIST_FIELDS, "context" => CRM_SETTING_CONTEXT_CREAMY, "value" => CRM_SETTING_DEFAULT_CUSTOMER_LIST_FIELDS); if (!$this->dbConnector->insert(CRM_SETTINGS_TABLE_NAME, $data)) { return false; } // timezone $data = array("setting" => CRM_SETTING_TIMEZONE, "context" => CRM_SETTING_CONTEXT_CREAMY, "value" => $timezone); if (!$this->dbConnector->insert(CRM_SETTINGS_TABLE_NAME, $data)) { return false; } // locale $data = array("setting" => CRM_SETTING_LOCALE, "context" => CRM_SETTING_CONTEXT_CREAMY, "value" => $locale); if (!$this->dbConnector->insert(CRM_SETTINGS_TABLE_NAME, $data)) { return false; } // security token $data = array("setting" => CRM_SETTING_SECURITY_TOKEN, "context" => CRM_SETTING_CONTEXT_CREAMY, "value" => $securityToken); if (!$this->dbConnector->insert(CRM_SETTINGS_TABLE_NAME, $data)) { return false; } error_log("Creamy install: Settings database set."); return true; }
]; var folder = <?php print $folder; ?> ; // print. $('.mail-print').click(function(e) { $('#message-full-box').printThis({ loadCSS: [ "<?php print \creamy\CRMUtils::creamyBaseURL(); ?> /css/creamycrm.css", "<?php print \creamy\CRMUtils::creamyBaseURL(); ?> /css/printpage.css" ], pageTitle: "<?php print $message["subject"]; ?> ", header: '<div class="print-logo"><img src="" width="32" height="32"> Creamy</div>' }); }); <?php // delete $successURL = "messages.php?folder={$folder}&message=" . urlencode($lh->translationFor("message_successfully_deleted")); print $ui->mailboxAction("mail-delete", "php/DeleteMessages.php", $ui->newLocationJS($successURL), $ui->showCustomErrorMessageAlertJS($lh->translationFor("unable_delete_messages")), null, true, true);
/** * This function iterates through a series of attachments (defined by messageid and folder) * and deletes that attachment from the database. If the file referenced by this attachment * doesn't exist anymore (orphan file) we delete it from disk. * @param $messageids Array a set of Int values containing the ids of the messages. * @param $folder Int folder id the messages belong to. * @return true if operation was successful, false otherwise. */ protected function deleteAttachmentsAndCheckForOrphanFiles($messageids, $folder) { $basedir = \creamy\CRMUtils::creamyBaseDirectoryPath(); foreach ($messageids as $messageid) { // iterate through all messages. $this->dbConnector->where("message_id", $messageid); $this->dbConnector->where("folder_id", $folder); error_log("Deleting attachements from message {$messageid} in folder {$folder}"); $attachments = $this->dbConnector->get(CRM_ATTACHMENTS_TABLE_NAME); if ($this->dbConnector->count > 0) { // do we have any attachments foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { // get id and delete the attachment $this->dbConnector->where("id", $attachment["id"]); if ($this->dbConnector->delete(CRM_ATTACHMENTS_TABLE_NAME)) { // success // Now check for orphan file. Try to look for other attachment referencing the same file. $this->dbConnector->where("filepath", $attachment["filepath"]); if (!$this->dbConnector->getOne(CRM_ATTACHMENTS_TABLE_NAME)) { // orphan file error_log("Removing file " . $basedir . $attachment["filepath"]); unlink($basedir . $attachment["filepath"]); // remove it } } else { return false; } } } } return true; }
/** * Sends an email warning the user of an event for today. * @param Array $event Associative array containing the event data. * @return Bool true if the email was successfully sent, false otherwise. */ public function sendNewEventMailToUser($event) { if (!isset($event) || !isset($event["user_id"])) { return false; } $eventUser = $this->db->getDataForUser($event["user_id"]); if (empty($eventUser)) { return false; } // prepare values. $lh = \creamy\LanguageHandler::getInstance(); $baseURL = \creamy\CRMUtils::creamyBaseURL(); // mail parameters $title = $lh->translationFor("event_for_today"); $text = $lh->translationFor("you_have_an_event") . $event["title"]; $linkURL = "{$baseURL}/events.php?initial_date=" . urlencode($event["start_date"]); $linkTitle = $lh->translationFor("see_event"); return $this->sendCreamyEmailWithValues($title, $text, $linkURL, $linkTitle, $title, $eventUser["email"]); }
/** Datatables */ public function urlForDatatablesTranslation() { if ($language = $this->getDisplayLanguage()) { $fileindisk = \creamy\CRMUtils::creamyBaseDirectoryPath(false) . CRM_LANGUAGE_BASE_DIR . "datatables" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $language . ".json"; if (file_exists($fileindisk)) { require_once './php/CRMUtils.php'; $langurl = \creamy\CRMUtils::creamyBaseURL() . "/lang/datatables/" . $language . ".json"; return $langurl; } } return null; }
</h3> </div> <div class="box-body"> <?php // Show installation blog. print '<h3>' . $lh->translationFor("results") . '</h3>'; print '<pre>' . $upd->getUpdateLog() . '</pre>'; // success? if ($result) { print '<p class="label label-success">' . $lh->translationFor("success") . '</p>'; // Talk about cronjobs print '<h3>' . $lh->translationFor("enable_creamy_events") . '</h3>'; print '<p>' . $lh->translationFor("creamy_events_description") . '</p>'; require_once 'php/CRMUtils.php'; # Creamy event job scheduling print '<pre>0 * * * * php "' . \creamy\CRMUtils::creamyBaseDirectoryPath(true) . 'job-scheduler.php' . '" &>/dev/null</pre>'; print '<p>' . $lh->translationFor("dont_know_cronjob") . '</p><br>'; } else { print '<p class="label label-danger">' . $lh->translationFor("error") . '</p>'; } // Accept button. $contentText = $result ? $lh->translationFor("crm_update_succeed") : $lh->translationFor("crm_update_failed"); print $ui->formWithContent("go_back_form", $contentText, $lh->translationFor("accept"), CRM_UI_STYLE_DEFAULT, CRM_UI_DEFAULT_RESULT_MESSAGE_TAG, "adminsettings.php"); ?> </div> </div> </section> </div> <!-- /.row --> <!-- /fila con acciones, formularios y demás --> <?php
?> </div> <h3><?php $lh->translateText("enable_creamy_events"); ?> </h3> <p><?php $lh->translateText("creamy_events_description"); ?> </p> <pre><?php require_once 'php/CRMUtils.php'; ?> # Creamy event job scheduling 0 * * * * php "<?php print \creamy\CRMUtils::creamyBaseDirectoryPath(true) . "job-scheduler.php"; ?> " &>/dev/null</pre> <p><?php $lh->translateText("dont_know_cronjob"); ?> </p><br> <form method="post"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-3"></div> <div class="col-xs-6"><a href="index.php" class="btn bg-light-blue btn-block"><?php $lh->translateText("start_using_creamy"); ?> </a></div> <div class="col-xs-3"></div> </div>
/** * Generates a new upload filepath. The base dir is the uploads directory, appending the * current year and month. Then a randomly generated filename will be used, with the * given extension. The method will create the intermediate directories if they don't exist. * @param String $extension (optional) Extension to be added to the filename. * @param String $lockFile If true, touches the file to lock it. */ public static function generateUploadRelativePath($filename = null, $lockFile = false) { require_once 'RandomStringGenerator.php'; $basedir = CRM_UPLOADS_DIRNAME . "/" . date('Y') . "/" . date('m') . "/"; $baseDirInDisk = \creamy\CRMUtils::creamyBaseDirectoryPath() . $basedir; if (!is_dir($baseDirInDisk)) { mkdir($baseDirInDisk, 0775, true); } // create dir if it doesn't exists // check filename if (empty($filename)) { // return a random filename. $rnd = new \creamy\RandomStringGenerator(); $filename = $rnd->generate(CRM_UPLOAD_FILENAME_LENGTH) . ".dat"; } // check if file already exists. $i = 1; $filepath = $baseDirInDisk . $filename; while (file_exists($filepath)) { // add -$i to filename $components = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_DIRNAME | PATHINFO_BASENAME | PATHINFO_EXTENSION | PATHINFO_FILENAME); $filename = $components["filename"] . "-{$i}" . (isset($components["extension"]) ? $components["extension"] : ""); $filepath = $baseDirInDisk . $filename; $i++; } // lock file (if $lockFile is set) so no other upload can access it. touch($filepath); // return relative url return $basedir . $filename; }
public function removeUserAvatar($avatarpath) { $basedir = \creamy\CRMUtils::creamyBaseDirectoryPath(); if (strpos($basedir . $avatarpath, CRM_DEFAULTS_USER_AVATAR_IMAGE_NAME) === false) { // don't remove default avatars. return unlink($basedir . $avatarpath); } else { return true; } }
/** Sets general settings parameters of the CRM */ private function setGeneralParametersInSettings() { // crm version $data = array("setting" => CRM_SETTING_CRM_VERSION, "context" => CRM_SETTING_CONTEXT_CREAMY, "value" => CRM_INSTALL_VERSION); if (!$this->dbConnector->insert(CRM_SETTINGS_TABLE_NAME, $data)) { return false; } // base dir. We suppose here we have been called from updater.php or other root file. $currentURL = \creamy\CRMUtils::getCurrentURLPath(); // i.e: http://localhost:8080/creamy/updater.php $baseurl = \creamy\CRMUtils::getBasedirFromURL($currentURL); // => http://localhost:8080/creamy $data = array("setting" => CRM_SETTING_CRM_BASE_URL, "context" => CRM_SETTING_CONTEXT_CREAMY, "value" => $baseurl); if (!$this->dbConnector->insert(CRM_SETTINGS_TABLE_NAME, $data)) { return false; } // installation date. We try to get it from the Config.php file first if ($timestamp = filemtime(dirname(__FILE__) . '/Config.php')) { $dbDate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $timestamp); } else { $dbDate = $this->dbConnector->now(); } $data = array("setting" => CRM_SETTING_INSTALLATION_DATE, "context" => CRM_SETTING_CONTEXT_CREAMY, "value" => $dbDate); if (!$this->dbConnector->insert(CRM_SETTINGS_TABLE_NAME, $data)) { return false; } // module system enabled (1 by default) $data = array("setting" => CRM_SETTING_MODULE_SYSTEM_ENABLED, "context" => CRM_SETTING_CONTEXT_CREAMY, "value" => true); if (!$this->dbConnector->insert(CRM_SETTINGS_TABLE_NAME, $data)) { return false; } // statistics system enabled (1 by default) $data = array("setting" => CRM_SETTING_STATISTICS_SYSTEM_ENABLED, "context" => CRM_SETTING_CONTEXT_CREAMY, "value" => true); if (!$this->dbConnector->insert(CRM_SETTINGS_TABLE_NAME, $data)) { return false; } // email notifications of events. $data = array("setting" => CRM_SETTING_EVENTS_EMAIL, "context" => CRM_SETTING_CONTEXT_CREAMY, "value" => true); if (!$this->dbConnector->insert(CRM_SETTINGS_TABLE_NAME, $data)) { return false; } // job scheduling frequency $data = array("setting" => CRM_SETTING_JOB_SCHEDULING_MIN_FREQ, "context" => CRM_SETTING_CONTEXT_CREAMY, "value" => CRM_JOB_SCHEDULING_HOURLY); if (!$this->dbConnector->insert(CRM_SETTINGS_TABLE_NAME, $data)) { return false; } // active modules (empty by default) $data = array("setting" => CRM_SETTING_ACTIVE_MODULES, "context" => CRM_SETTING_CONTEXT_CREAMY, "value" => ""); if (!$this->dbConnector->insert(CRM_SETTINGS_TABLE_NAME, $data)) { return false; } // customer list fields $data = array("setting" => CRM_SETTING_CUSTOMER_LIST_FIELDS, "context" => CRM_SETTING_CONTEXT_CREAMY, "value" => CRM_SETTING_DEFAULT_CUSTOMER_LIST_FIELDS); if (!$this->dbConnector->insert(CRM_SETTINGS_TABLE_NAME, $data)) { return false; } // timezone if (defined('CRM_TIMEZONE')) { $data = array("setting" => CRM_SETTING_TIMEZONE, "context" => CRM_SETTING_CONTEXT_CREAMY, "value" => CRM_TIMEZONE); if (!$this->dbConnector->insert(CRM_SETTINGS_TABLE_NAME, $data)) { return false; } } // locale if (defined('CRM_LOCALE')) { $data = array("setting" => CRM_SETTING_LOCALE, "context" => CRM_SETTING_CONTEXT_CREAMY, "value" => CRM_LOCALE); if (!$this->dbConnector->insert(CRM_SETTINGS_TABLE_NAME, $data)) { return false; } } // security token if (defined('CRM_SECURITY_TOKEN')) { $data = array("setting" => CRM_SETTING_SECURITY_TOKEN, "context" => CRM_SETTING_CONTEXT_CREAMY, "value" => CRM_SECURITY_TOKEN); if (!$this->dbConnector->insert(CRM_SETTINGS_TABLE_NAME, $data)) { return false; } } return true; }
public function generateStatisticsColors() { $num = $this->db->getNumberOfCustomerTypes(); $result = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $result[] = \creamy\CRMUtils::randomRGBAColor(false); } return $result; }
/** * Returns the custom action page for a module. This page is used by the module to perform custom * actions, like adjusting database records, CRUD operations and such. This module page will call * the module custom hook contained in the parameter hook_name, with the parameters received in * $_POST. For more */ public function customActionModulePageURL() { $baseURL = \creamy\CRMUtils::creamyBaseURL(); return $baseURL . "/php/" . CRM_MODULE_CUSTOM_ACTION_PAGE; }
/** * Deletes a module. */ public function deleteModule($shortName) { if (!$this->enabled) { return false; } // avoid nasty things here... $sanitized = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]+/", "", $shortName); // remove from active modules. if (($key = array_search($shortName, $this->activeModules)) !== false) { unset($this->activeModules[$key]); } // remove from current entries. if (array_key_exists($sanitized, $this->allModules)) { $moduleDefinition = $this->allModules[$sanitized]; $moduleDefinition->runMethodOnModule("uninstallModule", null); unset($this->allModules[$sanitized]); } // delete files and directory structure. $path = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . CRM_MODULES_BASEDIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sanitized; \creamy\CRMUtils::deleteDirectoryRecursively($path); return true; }