Пример #1
  * @covers \Cougar\Util\Arrays::renameKeys
  * @depends testRenameKeys
 public function testRenameKeysPerformance()
     // Create an array with 50,000 elements
     $n = 50000;
     $array = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
         $array[] = array("record_id" => 1, "first_name" => "Peter", "LAST_NAME" => "Stevens", "age" => 45);
     // Define the key map
     $key_map = array("record_id" => "id", "first_name" => "firstName", "LAST_NAME" => "lastName", "age" => "age");
     // Start the timer
     $start_time = microtime(true);
     // Rename the keys
     $new_data = Arrays::renameKeys($array, $key_map);
     // Stop the timer
     $stop_time = microtime(true);
     // Make sure the rename took less than one second
     $this->assertLessThan(1, $stop_time - $start_time);
Пример #2
  * Returns a list of records with the given values
  * @history
  * 2013.09.30:
  *   (AT)  Initial release
  * 2013.10.25:
  *   (AT)  Improve thrown exceptions
  * 2013.11.25:
  *   (AT)  Add support for _limit and _offset query parameters
  *   (AT)  Set default limit to 10,000 rows
  * 2014.02.27:
  *   (AT)  Fix bad logic when setting limit and offset on OCI
  * 2014.03.04:
  *   (AT)  Split function into a query-generating function and a query
  *         execution part to make it easier to extend query functionality
  * 2014.03.05:
  *   (AT)  Handle queryUnique flag
  * 2014.03.06:
  *   (AT)  Rename array keys when using the OCI driver
  * 2014.03.18:
  *   (AT)  Make sure the method is still persistent
  * @version 2014.03.18
  * @author (AT) Alberto Trevino, Brigham Young Univ. <*****@*****.**>
  * @param array $parameters
  *   List of query parameters
  * @param string $class_name
  *   Use array to return list as an array, or class name to return objects
  * @param array $ctorargs
  *   Constructor arguments if returning objects
  * @return array Record list
  * @throws \Cougar\Exceptions\Exception;
  * @throws \Cougar\Exceptions\AccessDeniedException;
 public function query(array $parameters = array(), $class_name = "array", array $ctorargs = array())
     # Make sure we are still persistent
     if (!$this->__persistent) {
         throw new Exception("Querying is no longer allowed on this model");
     # See if querying is allowed
     if (!$this->__allowQuery) {
         throw new AccessDeniedException("This model does not support querying");
     # Set the view (if it hasn't been changed)
     if ($this->__currentView == "__default__" && $this->__queryView !== "__default__") {
     # Extract the columns and aliases for the columns we can query
     $query_aliases = array_intersect($this->__alias, $this->__queryProperties);
     $columns = array();
     $key_map = array();
     foreach ($this->__queryProperties as $property) {
         if ($this->__visible[$property]) {
             if ($this->__exportAlias[$property] == $this->__columnMap[$property]) {
                 $columns[$property] = $this->__columnMap[$property];
                 $key_map[$this->__columnMap[$property]] = $this->__columnMap[$property];
             } else {
                 $columns[$property] = $this->__columnMap[$property] . " AS " . $this->__exportAlias[$property];
                 $key_map[$this->__exportAlias[$property]] = $this->__exportAlias[$property];
     # Recursively iterate through the query parameters
     $this->iterateQueryParameters($parameters, $query_aliases, $columns, $key_map);
     # Prepare the array that will hold the parameter values
     $values = array();
     # Set the default limit to 10,000 rows
     $limit = 10000;
     $offset = 0;
     $used_parameters = array();
     # Prepare the query and execute the statement
     if ($this->__queryUnique) {
         $query = "SELECT DISTINCT ";
     } else {
         $query = "SELECT ";
     $query .= implode(", ", $columns) . " FROM " . $this->__table . " " . implode(" ", $this->__joins);
     $where_clause = QueryParameter::toSql($parameters, $this->__columnMap, $query_aliases, $this->__caseInsensitive, $values, $used_parameters, $limit, $offset);
     if ($where_clause) {
         $query .= " WHERE " . $where_clause;
     # Set the limit and offset
     $limit = (int) $limit;
     $offset = (int) $offset;
     if ($this->__pdo->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME) == "oci") {
         if ($where_clause) {
             $query .= " AND ";
         } else {
             $query .= " WHERE ";
         $query .= "ROWNUM > " . $offset . " AND ROWNUM <= " . ($offset + $limit);
     } else {
         $query .= " LIMIT " . $limit . " OFFSET " . $offset;
     # Execute the query
     $results = $this->executeQuery($query, $values, $class_name, $ctorargs);
     # Oracle will turn all column names as uppercase. This will rename them
     # if we are returning an array and are using OCI
     if ($class_name == "array" && count($results) > 0 && $this->__pdo->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME) == "oci") {
         # Change the keys in the key map to uppercase
         $key_map = array_change_key_case($key_map, CASE_UPPER);
         # Rename the keys
         $results = Arrays::renameKeys($results, $key_map);
     # Return the result
     return $results;