public function run() { $user_list = config('user_list') ? config('user_list') : array(); $date = date("Y-m-d"); $user_check = array(); for (;;) { foreach ($user_list as $user => $user_info) { $log_head = date("H:i:s") . ':' . $user . '--'; $check = isset($user_check[$user]) ? $user_check[$user] : FALSE; if (!$check) { $baidu = new BaiduAction($user, $user_info['password']); $tieba = new TiebaAction($baidu->getCookie()); $result = $tieba->sign(); if ($result) { foreach ($result as $key => $value) { $result_info = implode(';', $result[$key]); switch ($key) { case 'success': $info = '以下贴吧签到成功:'; break; case 'repeat': $info = '以下贴吧已经签到:'; break; case 'ban': $info = '以下贴吧已被封:'; break; case 'error': $info = '以下贴吧签到失败:'; break; default: break; } Log::log($log_head . $info . $result_info . ENTER); } if ($tieba->success_count + $tieba->repeat_count + $tieba->ban_count == $tieba->num) { Log::log($log_head . '本日全部贴吧签到完成。' . ENTER); $user_check[$user] = TRUE; //完成标记 } } else { $info = 'COOKIE错误,可能需要验证码登录。--'; Log::log($log_head . $info); Log::log(Email::send($user_info['email'], $user, $info) . ENTER); unlink(COOKIE_PATH . '/' . md5($user)); } Log::save(); //保存日志 $date = date("Y-m-d"); } if ($date != date("Y-m-d")) { $user_check[$user] = FALSE; } //重置完成状态 } sleep(mt_rand(config('min_time'), config('max_time'))); } }
/** * 获取关注贴吧列表 * @return boolean */ private function getmylike() { $islogin = "******" . time(); $check = json_decode($this->curl_get($islogin)); if (!$check->is_login) { return FALSE; } $mylikeurl = ""; $result = $this->curl_get($mylikeurl); $page = 2; $result2 = $this->curl_get($mylikeurl . '&pn=2'); $result .= $result2; while (strpos($result2, '/f?kw')) { $page++; $result2 = $this->curl_get($mylikeurl . '&pn=' . $page); $result .= $result2; } $pre_reg = '/f\\?kw=(.*?)"/'; preg_match_all($pre_reg, $result, $matches); $i = 0; $kw_name = ''; foreach ($matches[1] as $value) { $kw_name .= $value . ';'; $i++; } Log::log("获取结束,一共[ {$i} ]个贴吧。" . ENTER); $this->num = $i; return $kw_name; }
public static function handleException($e) { if (error_reporting() == 0) { return; } while (ob_get_level() > 0) { ob_end_clean(); } $eS = $e->getMessage(); $eN = $e->getCode(); $eC = $e->getTrace(); // Put current context into stack trace array_unshift($eC, array('file' => $e->getFile(), 'line' => $e->getLine())); if ($e instanceof ErrorException) { switch ($e->getSeverity()) { case E_ERROR: case E_PARSE: case E_CORE_ERROR: case E_USER_ERROR: default: $logType = LogLevel::CRITICAL; break; case E_WARNING: case E_CORE_WARNING: case E_USER_WARNING: $logType = LogLevel::WARNING; break; case E_DEPRECATED: case E_NOTICE: case E_USER_DEPRECATED: case E_USER_NOTICE: $logType = LogLevel::NOTICE; break; case E_STRICT: $logType = LogLevel::INFO; break; } $exceptionType = 'error'; } else { $exceptionType = get_class($e); if (strpos($exceptionType, '\\') !== false) { $exceptionType = substr(strrchr($exceptionType, '\\'), 1); } $logType = LogLevel::ERROR; } $logString = sprintf('[Gateway] Uncaught %s#%d with message: "%s".', $exceptionType, $eN, $eS); unset($exceptionType); // Current request context $resolver = Resolver::getActiveInstance(); if ($resolver) { if ($resolver->request()) { $client = $resolver->request()->client(); } $response = $resolver->response(); } unset($resolver); // Prevent recursive errors on logging when database fails to connect. if (Database::isConnected()) { // Release table locks of current session. @Database::unlockTables(false); if (Database::inTransaction()) { @Database::rollback(); } } $logContext = array_filter(array('errorContext' => $eC, 'client' => @$client)); // Log the error try { @Log::log($logType, $logString, $logContext); } catch (\Exception $e) { } unset($logContext); // Send the error to output $output = array('error' => $eS, 'code' => $eN); if (System::environment(false) != System::ENV_PRODUCTION) { $output['trace'] = $eC; } // Display error message if (isset($response) && @$client['type'] != 'cli') { // Do i18n when repsonse context is available if ($e instanceof GeneralException) { $errorMessage = $response->__($eS, $logType); if ($errorMessage) { $output['error'] = $errorMessage; } } if ($e instanceof ErrorException) { $statusCode = 500; } else { $statusCode = 400; } if ($e instanceof ValidationException) { $output['errors'] = $e->getErrors(); } $response->clearHeaders(); $response->header('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8'); $response->send($output, $statusCode); } else { header('Content-Type: text/plain', true, 500); echo "{$logString}\n"; // Debug stack trace if (System::environment(false) != System::ENV_PRODUCTION) { echo "Trace:\n"; array_walk($eC, function ($stack, $index) { $trace = $index + 1 . '.'; $function = implode('->', array_filter(array(@$stack['class'], @$stack['function']))); if ($function) { $trace .= " {$function}()"; } unset($function); if (@$stack['file']) { $trace .= " {$stack['file']}"; if (@$stack['line']) { $trace .= ":{$stack['line']}"; } } echo "{$trace}\n"; }); } } // CLI exit code on Exceptions and Errors if (in_array($logType, array(LogLevel::ERROR, LogLevel::CRITICAL, LogLevel::ALERT, LogLevel::EMERGENCY))) { $exitCode = $e->getCode(); if ($exitCode <= 0) { $exitCode = 1; } die($exitCode); } }
/** * 百度登陆方法 */ private function login() { //生成一个cookie $ret = $this->http_request("", "", ""); //获取token并保存cookie $ret = $this->http_request("", "", ""); preg_match_all('/login_token=\'(.+)\'/', $ret, $tokens); $login_token = $tokens[1][0]; //登陆并保存cookie $post_data = array(); $post_data['username'] = $this->username; $post_data['password'] = $this->password; $post_data['token'] = $login_token; $post_data['codestring'] = $this->codestring; $post_data['charset'] = 'UTF-8'; $post_data['callback'] = 'parent.bd12Pass.api.login._postCallback'; $post_data['index'] = '0'; $post_data['ppui_logintime'] = '8213'; $post_data['isPhone'] = 'false'; $post_data['mem_pass'] = '******'; $post_data['loginType'] = '1'; $post_data['safeflg'] = '0'; $post_data['staticpage'] = ""; $post_data['tpl'] = 'mn'; $post_data['u'] = ""; $post_data['verifycode'] = $this->verifycode; $ret = $this->http_request("", $post_data, ""); if (strstr($ret, 'captchaservice')) { if (preg_match('/(captchaservice\\w{200,})/', $ret, $match)) { $this->codestring = $match[1]; $code_ini = VERIFY_PATH . config('code_ini'); Log::log('需要验证码,即将下载验证码' . ENTER); $img_path = VERIFY_PATH . config('img_name'); $img_url = '' . $this->codestring; if (config('manual') == 1) { $this->getImg($img_url, $img_path); Log::log('当前为手动模式,请手动输入验证码到配置文件中' . ENTER); for (;;) { if (is_file($code_ini)) { $verifycode = parse_ini_file($code_ini); } if (isset($verifycode['verifycode']) && $verifycode['verifycode'] && isset($verifycode['status']) && $verifycode['status'] == 1) { $this->verifycode = $verifycode['verifycode']; Log::log('已获得验证码:' . $this->verifycode . ENTER); break; } sleep(10); } } else { Log::log('当前为自动模式,尝试获得验证码' . ENTER); for (;;) { $this->getImg($img_url, $img_path); $verifycode = Ocr::ocr($img_url, realpath($img_path)); Log::log('已识别验证码:' . $verifycode . ENTER); if (strlen($verifycode) == 4) { $this->verifycode = $verifycode; Log::log('格式符合,尝试登陆:' . ENTER); break; } else { Log::log('格式不符,再次识别:' . ENTER); } } } $this->login(); } } //记录下所有cookie $this->writeCookie(); Log::save(); }