Пример #1
  * Add the filter for the item with the given id from the parent data provider to the given config.
  * @param ModelIdInterface $idParent The id of the parent item.
  * @param ConfigInterface  $config   The config to add the filter to.
  * @return ConfigInterface
  * @throws DcGeneralRuntimeException When the parent item is not found.
 private function addParentFilter($idParent, $config)
     $environment = $this->getEnvironment();
     $definition = $environment->getDataDefinition();
     $providerName = $definition->getBasicDefinition()->getDataProvider();
     $parentProviderName = $idParent->getDataProviderName();
     $parentProvider = $environment->getDataProvider($parentProviderName);
     if ($definition->getBasicDefinition()->getParentDataProvider() !== $parentProviderName) {
         throw new DcGeneralRuntimeException('Unexpected parent provider ' . $parentProviderName . ' (expected ' . $definition->getBasicDefinition()->getParentDataProvider() . ')');
     if ($parentProvider) {
         $objParent = $parentProvider->fetch($parentProvider->getEmptyConfig()->setId($idParent->getId()));
         if (!$objParent) {
             throw new DcGeneralRuntimeException('Parent item ' . $idParent->getSerialized() . ' not found in ' . $parentProviderName);
         $condition = $definition->getModelRelationshipDefinition()->getChildCondition($parentProviderName, $providerName);
         if ($condition) {
             $arrBaseFilter = $config->getFilter();
             $arrFilter = $condition->getFilter($objParent);
             if ($arrBaseFilter) {
                 $arrFilter = array_merge($arrBaseFilter, $arrFilter);
             $config->setFilter(array(array('operation' => 'AND', 'children' => $arrFilter)));
     return $config;
Пример #2
  * Prepare a filter and return it.
  * @return IFilter
 public function build()
     $filter = $this->getMetaModel()->getEmptyFilter();
     if ($this->configuration->getFilter()) {
         $this->calculateSubfilter(array('operation' => 'AND', 'children' => $this->configuration->getFilter()), $filter);
     return $filter;
  * Fetch a single record by id.
  * This data provider only supports retrieving by id so use $objConfig->setId() to populate the config with an Id.
  * @param ConfigInterface $objConfig The configuration to use.
  * @return ModelInterface
  * @throws DcGeneralException If config object does not contain an Id.
 public function fetch(ConfigInterface $objConfig)
     if (!$objConfig->getId()) {
         throw new DcGeneralException('Error, no id passed, TableRowsAsRecordsDriver is only intended for edit mode.', 1);
     $strQuery = sprintf('SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s=?', $this->buildFieldQuery($objConfig), $this->strSource, $this->strGroupCol);
     if ($this->strSortCol) {
         $strQuery .= ' ORDER BY ' . $this->strSortCol;
     $objResult = $this->objDatabase->prepare($strQuery)->execute($objConfig->getId());
     $objModel = $this->getEmptyModel();
     if ($objResult->numRows) {
         $objModel->setPropertyRaw('rows', $objResult->fetchAllAssoc());
     return $objModel;
Пример #4
  * Add the parent filtering to the given data config if any defined.
  * @param ConfigInterface $config The data config.
  * @return void
 protected function addParentFilter($config)
     $environment = $this->getEnvironment();
     $definition = $environment->getDataDefinition();
     $basicDefinition = $definition->getBasicDefinition();
     $relationships = $definition->getModelRelationshipDefinition();
     if (!$basicDefinition->getParentDataProvider()) {
     // Apply parent filtering, do this only for root elements.
     if ($objParentCondition = $relationships->getChildCondition($basicDefinition->getParentDataProvider(), $basicDefinition->getRootDataProvider())) {
         $arrBaseFilter = $config->getFilter();
         $arrFilter = $objParentCondition->getFilter($this->loadParentModel());
         if ($arrBaseFilter) {
             $arrFilter = array_merge($arrBaseFilter, $arrFilter);
Пример #5
  * Add the parent filtering to the given data config if any defined.
  * @param ConfigInterface $config      The data config.
  * @param ModelInterface  $parentModel The parent model.
  * @return void
  * @throws \RuntimeException When the parent provider does not match.
 private function addParentFilter(ConfigInterface $config, ModelInterface $parentModel)
     $environment = $this->getEnvironment();
     $definition = $environment->getDataDefinition();
     $basicDefinition = $definition->getBasicDefinition();
     $relationships = $definition->getModelRelationshipDefinition();
     if ($basicDefinition->getParentDataProvider() !== $parentModel->getProviderName()) {
         throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Parent provider mismatch: %s vs. %s', $basicDefinition->getParentDataProvider(), $parentModel->getProviderName()));
     if (!$basicDefinition->getParentDataProvider()) {
     // Apply parent filtering, do this only for root elements.
     if ($parentCondition = $relationships->getChildCondition($basicDefinition->getParentDataProvider(), $basicDefinition->getRootDataProvider())) {
         $baseFilter = $config->getFilter();
         $filter = $parentCondition->getFilter($parentModel);
         if ($baseFilter) {
             $filter = array_merge($baseFilter, $filter);
Пример #6
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function initialize(ConfigInterface $objConfig, PanelElementInterface $objElement = null)
     $input = $this->getInputProvider();
     $value = null;
     $field = null;
     if ($this->getPanel()->getContainer()->updateValues() && $input->hasValue('tl_field')) {
         $field = $input->getValue('tl_field');
         $value = $input->getValue('tl_value');
         $this->setPersistent($field, $value);
     } elseif ($input->hasPersistentValue('search')) {
         $persistent = $this->getPersistent();
         if ($persistent) {
             $field = $persistent['field'];
             $value = $persistent['value'];
     if (!($this->getSelectedProperty() && $this->getValue())) {
     $arrCurrent = $objConfig->getFilter();
     if (!is_array($arrCurrent)) {
         $arrCurrent = array();
     $objConfig->setFilter(array_merge_recursive($arrCurrent, array(array('operation' => 'AND', 'children' => array(array('operation' => 'LIKE', 'property' => $this->getSelectedProperty(), 'value' => sprintf('*%s*', $this->getValue())))))));
Пример #7
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function initialize(ConfigInterface $objConfig, PanelElementInterface $objElement = null)
     if (is_null($objElement)) {
         $objTempConfig = $this->getOtherConfig();
         $arrTotal = $this->getEnvironment()->getDataProvider()->fetchAll($objTempConfig->setIdOnly(true));
         $this->intTotal = $arrTotal ? count($arrTotal) : 0;
         $offset = 0;
         // TODO: we need to determine the perPage some better way.
         $amount = $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['resultsPerPage'];
         $input = $this->getInputProvider();
         if ($this->getPanel()->getContainer()->updateValues() && $input->hasValue('tl_limit')) {
             $limit = explode(',', $input->getValue('tl_limit'));
             $offset = $limit[0];
             $amount = $limit[1];
             $this->setPersistent($offset, $amount);
         $persistent = $this->getPersistent();
         if ($persistent) {
             $offset = $persistent['offset'];
             $amount = $persistent['amount'];
             // Hotfix the offset - we also might want to store it persistent.
             // Another way would be to always stick on the "last" page when we hit the upper limit.
             if ($offset > $this->intTotal) {
                 $offset = 0;
         if (!is_null($offset)) {
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function prepare(Config $config)
     return $this;
Пример #9
  * {@inheritDoc}
  * @throws DcGeneralRuntimeException if improper values have been passed (i.e. not exactly one field requested).
 public function getFilterOptions(ConfigInterface $objConfig)
     $arrProperties = $objConfig->getFields();
     $strProperty = $arrProperties[0];
     if (count($arrProperties) != 1) {
         throw new DcGeneralRuntimeException('objConfig must contain exactly one property to be retrieved.');
     $arrParams = array();
     $objValues = $this->objDatabase->prepare(sprintf('SELECT DISTINCT(%s) FROM %s %s', $strProperty, $this->strSource, $this->buildWhereQuery($objConfig, $arrParams)))->execute($arrParams);
     $objCollection = $this->getEmptyFilterOptionCollection();
     while ($objValues->next()) {
         $objCollection->add($objValues->{$strProperty}, $objValues->{$strProperty});
     return $objCollection;
Пример #10
  * Initialize the sorting from the panel. Fallback to default sorting if nothing given.
  * @param PanelContainerInterface $panel         The current panel.
  * @param ConfigInterface         $dataConfig    The current config.
  * @param ListingConfigInterface  $listingConfig The listing config.
  * @return void
 public static function initializeSorting($panel, $dataConfig, $listingConfig)
     // Store default sorting start initializing the panel with an empty sorting.
     $sorting = $dataConfig->getSorting();
     // Restore default sorting if panel did not set any.
     if ($sorting && !$dataConfig->getSorting()) {
     // Initialize sorting if not present yet.
     if (!$dataConfig->getSorting() && $listingConfig->getGroupAndSortingDefinition()->hasDefault()) {
         $newSorting = array();
         foreach ($listingConfig->getGroupAndSortingDefinition()->getDefault() as $information) {
             /** @var GroupAndSortingInformationInterface $information */
             $newSorting[$information->getProperty()] = strtoupper($information->getSortingMode());
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getFilterOptions(ConfigInterface $config)
     $properties = $config->getFields();
     $property = $properties[0];
     if (count($properties) != 1) {
         throw new \Exception('Config must contain exactly one property to be retrieved.');
     $entityManager = $this->getEntityManager();
     $queryBuilder = $entityManager->createQueryBuilder();
     $values = $queryBuilder->select('DISTINCT e.' . $property)->from($this->entityClassName, 'e')->orderBy('e.' . $property)->getQuery()->getResult();
     $collection = new DefaultFilterOptionCollection();
     if ($values) {
         foreach ($values as $value) {
             $collection->add($value[$property], $value[$property]);
     return $collection;
Пример #12
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function initialize(ConfigInterface $objConfig, PanelElementInterface $objElement = null)
     if ($this->getPropertyName() && $this->getValue() && $objElement !== $this) {
         $arrCurrent = $objConfig->getFilter();
         if (!is_array($arrCurrent)) {
             $arrCurrent = array();
         $objConfig->setFilter(FilterBuilder::fromArray($arrCurrent)->getFilter()->andPropertyEquals($this->getPropertyName(), $this->getValue())->getAllAsArray());
     // Finally load the filter options.
     if ($objElement === null) {
Пример #13
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function initialize(ConfigInterface $objConfig, PanelElementInterface $objElement = null)
     if (is_null($objElement)) {
         $input = $this->getInputProvider();
         $value = null;
         if ($this->getPanel()->getContainer()->updateValues() && $input->hasValue('tl_sort')) {
             $value = $input->getValue('tl_sort');
         } else {
     $current = $objConfig->getSorting();
     if (!is_array($current)) {
         $current = array();
     $arrSecondOrder = $this->getAdditionalSorting();
     if (!$this->getSelected()) {
         if ($arrSecondOrder) {
             $filtered = array_intersect(array_keys($arrSecondOrder), $this->getPropertyNames());
         // Still nothing selected? - use the first.
         if (!$this->getSelected()) {
             $all = $this->getPropertyNames();
     if ($this->getSelected()) {
         $current[$this->getSelected()] = $this->flagToDirection($this->getFlag());
Пример #14
  * Fetch a variant of a single record by id.
  * @param ConfigInterface $objConfig The config holding the id of the base model.
  * @return null|ModelInterface
 public function createVariant(ConfigInterface $objConfig)
     $objItem = $this->getMetaModel()->findById($objConfig->getId())->varCopy();
     if (!$objItem) {
         return null;
     $model = new Model($objItem);
     $model->setMeta($model::IS_CHANGED, true);
     return $model;
Пример #15
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function initialize(ConfigInterface $objConfig, PanelElementInterface $objElement = null)
     if ($objElement === null) {
         $offset = 0;
         $amount = $this->getItemsPerPage();
         $input = $this->getInputProvider();
         if ($this->getPanel()->getContainer()->updateValues() && $input->hasValue('tl_limit')) {
             $limit = explode(',', $input->getValue('tl_limit'));
             $offset = $limit[0];
             $amount = $limit[1];
             $this->setPersistent($offset, $amount);
         $persistent = $this->getPersistent();
         if ($persistent) {
             $offset = $persistent['offset'];
             $amount = $persistent['amount'];
             // Hotfix the offset - we also might want to store it persistent.
             // Another way would be to always stick on the "last" page when we hit the upper limit.
             if ($offset > $this->intTotal) {
                 $offset = 0;
         if ($offset !== null) {
Пример #16
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function initialize(ConfigInterface $objConfig, PanelElementInterface $objElement = null)
     if ($objElement === null) {
         $input = $this->getInputProvider();
         $value = null;
         if ($this->getPanel()->getContainer()->updateValues() && $input->hasValue('tl_sort')) {
             $value = $input->getValue('tl_sort');
         $persistent = $this->getPersistent();
         if (!$persistent) {
             if ($this->getGroupAndSortingDefinition()->hasDefault()) {
                 $persistent = $this->getGroupAndSortingDefinition()->getDefault()->getName();
     $current = $objConfig->getSorting();
     if (!is_array($current)) {
         $current = array();
     if ($this->getSelectedDefinition()) {
         foreach ($this->getSelectedDefinition() as $information) {
             $current[$information->getProperty()] = $information->getSortingMode();
Пример #17
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function initialize(ConfigInterface $objConfig, PanelElementInterface $objElement = null)
     $input = $this->getInputProvider();
     $value = null;
     if ($this->getPanel()->getContainer()->updateValues() && $input->hasValue($this->getPropertyName())) {
         $value = $input->getValue($this->getPropertyName());
     if ($input->hasPersistentValue('filter')) {
         $persistent = $this->getPersistent();
         $value = $persistent;
     if (!is_null($value)) {
     if ($this->getPropertyName() && $this->getValue() && $objElement !== $this) {
         $arrCurrent = $objConfig->getFilter();
         if (!is_array($arrCurrent)) {
             $arrCurrent = array();
         $objConfig->setFilter(array_merge_recursive($arrCurrent, array(array('operation' => 'AND', 'children' => array(array('operation' => '=', 'property' => $this->getPropertyName(), 'value' => $this->getValue()))))));
     // Finally load the filter options.
     if (is_null($objElement)) {
         $objTempConfig = $this->getOtherConfig();
         $objFilterOptions = $this->getEnvironment()->getDataProvider()->getFilterOptions($objTempConfig);
         $arrOptions = array();
         /** @var ModelInterface $objOption */
         foreach ($objFilterOptions as $filterKey => $filterValue) {
             $arrOptions[(string) $filterKey] = $filterValue;
         $this->arrfilterOptions = $arrOptions;