Пример #1
 public static function getOrCreate(UserInfo $ui)
     $db = Loader::db();
     $petID = $db->GetOne('SELECT petID FROM PermissionAccessEntityTypes WHERE petHandle = \'user\'');
     $peID = $db->GetOne('SELECT pae.peID FROM PermissionAccessEntities pae INNER JOIN PermissionAccessEntityUsers paeg ON pae.peID = paeg.peID WHERE petID = ? AND paeg.uID = ?', array($petID, $ui->getUserID()));
     if (!$peID) {
         $db->Execute("INSERT INTO PermissionAccessEntities (petID) VALUES(?)", array($petID));
         $peID = $db->Insert_ID();
         Config::save('concrete.misc.access_entity_updated', time());
         $db->Execute('INSERT INTO PermissionAccessEntityUsers (peID, uID) VALUES (?, ?)', array($peID, $ui->getUserID()));
     return \Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\Entity\Entity::getByID($peID);
Пример #2
 public function trigger()
     $user = UserInfo::getByID($this->requestedUID);
     $pk = PermissionKey::getByID($this->pkID);
     return parent::triggerRequest($pk);
  * After canceling delete request, do nothing
 public function cancel(Progress $wp)
     $ui = UserInfo::getByID($this->getRequestedUserID());
     $wpr = parent::cancel($wp);
     $wpr->message = t("User deletion request has been cancelled.");
     return $wpr;
 public function userExists($username, $batch)
     $ui = UserInfo::getByUserName($username);
     if (is_object($ui)) {
         return true;
     return false;
 public function sendActivationEmail(UserInfo $ui)
     $mh = Loader::helper('mail');
     if (Config::get('concrete.user.registration.notification_email')) {
         $mh->from(Config::get('concrete.user.registration.notification_email'), t('Website Registration Notification'));
     } else {
         $adminUser = UserInfo::getByID(USER_SUPER_ID);
         $mh->from($adminUser->getUserEmail(), t('Website Registration Notification'));
     $mh->addParameter('uID', $ui->getUserID());
     $mh->addParameter('user', $ui);
     $mh->addParameter('uName', $ui->getUserName());
     $mh->addParameter('uEmail', $ui->getUserEmail());
     $mh->addParameter('siteName', \Core::make('site')->getSite()->getSiteName());
Пример #6
  * @param mixed
 public function setUser($user)
     if ($user instanceof \Concrete\Core\User\User) {
         $this->user = UserInfo::getByID($user->getUserID());
     } else {
         $this->user = $user;
     $this->name = $this->user->getUserName();
     $this->email = $this->user->getUserEmail();
Пример #7
 public function getMatchedTargetItem(Batch $batch, ItemInterface $item)
     $user = UserInfo::getByUserName($item->getIdentifier());
     if (is_object($user)) {
         $targetItem = new TargetItem($this);
         return $targetItem;
Пример #8
 public function testActiveUsers()
     $ui = UserInfo::getByID(2);
     $this->assertEquals(2, $this->list->getTotalResults());
     $this->assertEquals(3, $this->list->getTotalResults());
     $this->assertEquals(1, $this->list->getTotalResults());
Пример #9
 public function testCreateLegacy()
     $ui = \UserInfo::add(array('uName' => 'andrew', 'uEmail' => '*****@*****.**'));
     $this->assertEquals(1, $ui->getUserID());
     $this->assertEquals('andrew', $ui->getUserName());
     $this->assertEquals('*****@*****.**', $ui->getUserEmail());
     $ui = \Concrete\Core\User\UserInfo::add(array('uName' => 'andrew2', 'uEmail' => '*****@*****.**'));
     $this->assertEquals(2, $ui->getUserID());
     $this->assertEquals('andrew2', $ui->getUserName());
     $this->assertEquals('*****@*****.**', $ui->getUserEmail());
Пример #10
 public static function add($filename, $prefix, $data = array(), $fsl = false, $folder = false)
     $db = Loader::db();
     $dh = Loader::helper('date');
     $date = $dh->getOverridableNow();
     if (!is_object($fsl)) {
         $fsl = StorageLocation::getDefault();
     $uID = 0;
     $u = new User();
     if (isset($data['uID'])) {
         $uID = $data['uID'];
     } else {
         if ($u->isRegistered()) {
             $uID = $u->getUserID();
     if (!$folder instanceof FileFolder) {
         $filesystem = new Filesystem();
         $folder = $filesystem->getRootFolder();
     $f = new \Concrete\Core\Entity\File\File();
     $f->storageLocation = $fsl;
     $f->fDateAdded = new Carbon($date);
     $f->folderTreeNodeID = $folder->getTreeNodeID();
     $em = \ORM::entityManager();
     if ($uID > 0) {
         $ui = UserInfo::getByID($uID);
         if (is_object($ui)) {
             $ue = $ui->getEntityObject();
             if (is_object($ue)) {
     $node = \Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type\File::add($f, $folder);
     $fv = Version::add($f, $filename, $prefix, $data);
     $fve = new \Concrete\Core\File\Event\FileVersion($fv);
     Events::dispatch('on_file_add', $fve);
     $entities = $u->getUserAccessEntityObjects();
     $hasUploader = false;
     foreach ($entities as $obj) {
         if ($obj instanceof FileUploaderPermissionAccessEntity) {
             $hasUploader = true;
     if (!$hasUploader) {
     return $fv;
Пример #11
 public function get($itemsToGet = 0, $offset = 0)
     $_users = DatabaseItemList::get($itemsToGet, $offset);
     $users = array();
     foreach ($_users as $row) {
         $u = UserInfo::getByID($row['uID']);
         $wp = UserWorkflowProgress::getByID($row['wpID']);
         $users[] = new ProgressUser($u, $wp);
     return $users;
Пример #12
 public function testAddingBadgeToUser()
     \Config::set('concrete.email.enabled', false);
     \Config::set('concrete.log.emails', false);
     Action::add('won_badge', t('Won a Badge'), 5, false);
     $g = Group::add('Test Group', 'Gettin a Badge');
     $g->setBadgeOptions(0, 'test', 10);
     $g = Group::getByID(1);
     $user = \Concrete\Core\User\UserInfo::add(array('uName' => 'testuser', 'uEmail' => '*****@*****.**'));
     $uo = $user->getUserObject();
     $list = new EntryList();
     $results = $list->get();
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($results));
     $result = $results[0];
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\Concrete\\Core\\User\\Point\\Entry', $result);
     /* @var $result \Concrete\Core\User\Point\Entry */
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\Concrete\\Core\\User\\Point\\Action\\WonBadgeAction', $result->getUserPointEntryActionObject());
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\Concrete\\Core\\User\\Point\\Action\\WonBadgeActionDescription', $result->getUserPointEntryDescriptionObject());
Пример #13
 public static function getLastLoggedInUser()
     $db = Loader::db();
     $uID = $db->GetOne("select uID from Users order by uLastLogin desc");
     return ConcreteUserInfo::getByID($uID);
 public function import(\SimpleXMLElement $sx)
     if (isset($sx->pages)) {
         $nodes = array();
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($sx->pages->page as $p) {
             $p->originalPos = $i;
             $nodes[] = $p;
         usort($nodes, array('static', 'setupPageNodeOrder'));
         $siteTree = null;
         if (isset($this->home)) {
             $home = $this->home;
             $siteTree = $this->home->getSiteTreeObject();
         } else {
             $home = Page::getByID(HOME_CID, 'RECENT');
         foreach ($nodes as $px) {
             $pkg = static::getPackageObject($px['package']);
             $data = array();
             $user = (string) $px['user'];
             if ($user != '') {
                 $ui = UserInfo::getByUserName($user);
                 if (is_object($ui)) {
                     $data['uID'] = $ui->getUserID();
                 } else {
                     $data['uID'] = USER_SUPER_ID;
             $cDatePublic = (string) $px['public-date'];
             if ($cDatePublic) {
                 $data['cDatePublic'] = $cDatePublic;
             $data['pkgID'] = 0;
             if (is_object($pkg)) {
                 $data['pkgID'] = $pkg->getPackageID();
             $args = array();
             $ct = Type::getByHandle($px['pagetype']);
             $template = Template::getByHandle($px['template']);
             if ($px['path'] != '') {
                 // not home page
                 $page = Page::getByPath($px['path'], 'RECENT', $siteTree);
                 if (!is_object($page) || $page->isError()) {
                     $lastSlash = strrpos((string) $px['path'], '/');
                     $parentPath = substr((string) $px['path'], 0, $lastSlash);
                     $data['cHandle'] = substr((string) $px['path'], $lastSlash + 1);
                     if (!$parentPath) {
                         $parent = $home;
                     } else {
                         $parent = Page::getByPath($parentPath, 'RECENT', $siteTree);
                     $page = $parent->add($ct, $data);
             } else {
                 $page = $home;
             $args['cName'] = $px['name'];
             $args['cDescription'] = $px['description'];
             if (is_object($ct)) {
                 $args['ptID'] = $ct->getPageTypeID();
             $args['pTemplateID'] = $template->getPageTemplateID();
Пример #15
 protected static function createUser($uName, $uEmail)
     $user = \Concrete\Core\User\UserInfo::add(array('uName' => $uName, 'uEmail' => $uEmail));
     return $user;
 protected function getAssignments(AccessEntity $entity)
     $class = $this->getClass($entity);
     $ui = UserInfo::getByUserName($entity->getUserName());
     return $class::getOrCreate($ui);
Пример #17
 public function enterGroup($g)
     $app = Application::getFacadeApplication();
     // takes a group object, and, if the user is not already in the group, it puts them into it
     $dt = $app->make('helper/date');
     if (is_object($g)) {
         if (!$this->inGroup($g)) {
             $gID = $g->getGroupID();
             $db = $app['database']->connection();
             $db->Replace('UserGroups', array('uID' => $this->getUserID(), 'gID' => $g->getGroupID(), 'ugEntered' => $dt->getOverridableNow()), array('uID', 'gID'), true);
             if ($g->isGroupBadge()) {
                 $action = UserPointAction::getByHandle('won_badge');
                 if (is_object($action)) {
                     $action->addDetailedEntry($this, $g);
                 $mh = $app->make('mail');
                 $ui = UserInfo::getByID($this->getUserID());
                 $mh->addParameter('badgeName', $g->getGroupDisplayName(false));
                 $mh->addParameter('uDisplayName', $ui->getUserDisplayName());
                 $mh->addParameter('uProfileURL', (string) $ui->getUserPublicProfileURL());
                 $mh->addParameter('siteName', $app['config']->get('concrete.site'));
             $ue = new \Concrete\Core\User\Event\UserGroup($this);
             $app['director']->dispatch('on_user_enter_group', $ue);
Пример #18
 public function setPropertiesFromArray($arr)
     return parent::setPropertiesFromArray($arr);
Пример #19
 public function removeAvatar(UserInfo $ui)
     $this->connection->update('Users', array('uHasAvatar' => 0), array('uID' => $ui->getUserID()));
Пример #20
  * @param UserInfo $recipient
  * @param string $subject
  * @param string $text
  * @param \Concrete\Core\User\PrivateMessage\PrivateMessage $inReplyTo
  * @return \Concrete\Core\Error\Error|false|null
 public function sendPrivateMessage($recipient, $subject, $text, $inReplyTo = false)
     if (Limit::isOverLimit($this->getUserID())) {
         return Limit::getErrorObject();
     $antispam = Core::make('helper/validation/antispam');
     $messageText = t('Subject: %s', $subject);
     $messageText .= "\n";
     $messageText .= t('Message: %s', $text);
     $additionalArgs = array('user' => $this);
     if (!$antispam->check($messageText, 'private_message', $additionalArgs)) {
         return false;
     $subject = $subject == '' ? t('(No Subject)') : $subject;
     $db = $this->connection;
     $dt = Core::make('helper/date');
     $msgDateCreated = $dt->getOverridableNow();
     $v = array($this->getUserID(), $msgDateCreated, $subject, $text, $recipient->getUserID());
     $db->Execute('insert into UserPrivateMessages (uAuthorID, msgDateCreated, msgSubject, msgBody, uToID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', $v);
     $msgID = $db->Insert_ID();
     if ($msgID > 0) {
         // we add the private message to the sent box of the sender, and the inbox of the recipient
         $v = array($msgID, $this->getUserID(), $this->getUserID(), UserPrivateMessageMailbox::MBTYPE_SENT, 0, 1);
         $db->Execute('insert into UserPrivateMessagesTo (msgID, uID, uAuthorID, msgMailboxID, msgIsNew, msgIsUnread) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', $v);
         $v = array($msgID, $recipient->getUserID(), $this->getUserID(), UserPrivateMessageMailbox::MBTYPE_INBOX, 1, 1);
         $db->Execute('insert into UserPrivateMessagesTo (msgID, uID, uAuthorID, msgMailboxID, msgIsNew, msgIsUnread) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', $v);
     // If the message is in reply to another message, we make a note of that here
     if (is_object($inReplyTo)) {
         $db->Execute('update UserPrivateMessagesTo set msgIsReplied = 1 where uID = ? and msgID = ?', array($this->getUserID(), $inReplyTo->getMessageID()));
     // send the email notification
     if ($recipient->getAttribute('profile_private_messages_notification_enabled')) {
         $mh = Core::make('mail');
         $mh->addParameter('msgSubject', $subject);
         $mh->addParameter('msgBody', $text);
         $mh->addParameter('msgAuthor', $this->getUserName());
         $mh->addParameter('msgDateCreated', $msgDateCreated);
         $mh->addParameter('profileURL', $this->getUserPublicProfileUrl());
         $mh->addParameter('profilePreferencesURL', View::url('/account/profile/edit'));
         $mh->addParameter('siteName', Config::get('concrete.site'));
         $mi = MailImporter::getByHandle("private_message");
         if (is_object($mi) && $mi->isMailImporterEnabled()) {
             // we store information ABOUT the message here. The mail handler has to know how to handle this.
             $data = new \stdClass();
             $data->msgID = $msgID;
             $data->toUID = $recipient->getUserID();
             $data->fromUID = $this->getUserID();
             $mh->enableMailResponseProcessing($mi, $data);
         } else {
Пример #21
 public function getRequesterUserObject()
     return UserInfo::getByID($this->uID);
Пример #22
 public function enterGroup($g)
     // takes a group object, and, if the user is not already in the group, it puts them into it
     $dt = Loader::helper('date');
     if (is_object($g)) {
         if (!$this->inGroup($g)) {
             $gID = $g->getGroupID();
             $db = Loader::db();
             $db->Replace('UserGroups', array('uID' => $this->getUserID(), 'gID' => $g->getGroupID(), 'ugEntered' => $dt->getOverridableNow()), array('uID', 'gID'), true);
             if ($g->isGroupBadge()) {
                 $action = UserPointAction::getByHandle('won_badge');
                 if (is_object($action)) {
                     $action->addDetailedEntry($this, $g);
                 $mh = Loader::helper('mail');
                 $ui = CoreUserInfo::getByID($this->getUserID());
                 $mh->addParameter('badgeName', $g->getGroupName());
                 $mh->addParameter('uDisplayName', $ui->getUserDisplayName());
                 $mh->addParameter('uProfileURL', BASE_URL . View::url('/members/profile', 'view', $this->getUserID()));
             $ue = new \Concrete\Core\User\Event\UserGroup($this);
             Events::dispatch('on_user_enter_group', $ue);
Пример #23
 public function getUserPointEntryUserObject()
     $ui = UserInfo::getByID($this->upuID);
     return $ui;
Пример #24
 public function getConversationMessageUserObject()
     return UserInfo::getByID($this->uID);
Пример #25
  * @param $queryRow
  * @return \Concrete\Core\User\UserInfo
 public function getResult($queryRow)
     $ui = CoreUserInfo::getByID($queryRow['uID']);
     return $ui;
Пример #26
  * @param array $data
  * @return UserInfo
 public function register($data)
     // slightly different than add. this is public facing
     if (Config::get('concrete.user.registration.validate_email')) {
         $data['uIsValidated'] = 0;
     $ui = UserInfo::add($data);
     return $ui;