Пример #1
  * Mock the controller.
  * @return \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject|PackageController
 private function prepareController()
     $manager = $this->getMockBuilder(RepositoryManager::class)->disableOriginalConstructor()->setMethods(null)->getMock();
     $config = new Config();
     $config->merge(array('repositories' => array('packagist' => false)));
     $loader = new RootPackageLoader($manager, $config);
     $rootPackage = $loader->load(json_decode($this->readFixture('composer.json'), true));
     $loader = new ArrayLoader();
     $json = json_decode($this->readFixture('installed.json'), true);
     $packages = [];
     foreach ($json as $package) {
         $packages[] = $loader->load($package);
     $manager->setLocalRepository(new WritableArrayRepository($packages));
     $composer = $this->getMockBuilder(Composer::class)->setMethods(['getPackage', 'getRepositoryManager'])->getMock();
     $controller = $this->getMockBuilder(PackageController::class)->setMethods(['getComposer', 'forward'])->getMock();
     $home = $this->getMock(HomePathDeterminator::class, ['homeDir']);
     $composerJson = $this->provideFixture('composer.json');
     $this->provideFixture('installed.json', 'vendor/composer/installed.json');
     $container = new Container();
     $container->set('tenside.home', $home);
     $container->set('tenside.composer_json', new ComposerJson($composerJson));
     /** @var PackageController $controller */
     return $controller;
 public function testDetachedHeadBecomesDevHash()
     if (!function_exists('proc_open')) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('proc_open() is not available');
     $commitHash = '03a15d220da53c52eddd5f32ffca64a7b3801bea';
     $manager = $this->getMockBuilder('\\Composer\\Repository\\RepositoryManager')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     $self = $this;
     /* Can do away with this mock object when https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit-mock-objects/issues/81 is fixed */
     $processExecutor = new ProcessExecutorMock(function ($command, &$output = null, $cwd = null) use($self, $commitHash) {
         $self->assertStringStartsWith('git branch', $command);
         $output = "* (no branch) {$commitHash} Commit message\n";
         return 0;
     $config = new Config();
     $config->merge(array('repositories' => array('packagist' => false)));
     $loader = new RootPackageLoader($manager, $config, null, $processExecutor);
     $package = $loader->load(array());
     $this->assertEquals("dev-{$commitHash}", $package->getVersion());
 protected function setup()
     // Set config
     $this->refConfig = new ReflectionProperty(OptionalPackages::class, 'config');
     $this->refConfig->setValue(require 'src/ExpressiveInstaller/config.php');
     $this->io = $this->prophesize('Composer\\IO\\IOInterface');
     // Set composer.json
     $composerFile = Factory::getComposerFile();
     $json = new JsonFile($composerFile);
     $localConfig = $json->read();
     $this->refComposerDefinition = new ReflectionProperty(OptionalPackages::class, 'composerDefinition');
     // Load parsed package data
     $manager = $this->prophesize(RepositoryManager::class);
     $composerConfig = new Config();
     $composerConfig->merge(['repositories' => ['packagist' => false]]);
     $loader = new RootPackageLoader($manager->reveal(), $composerConfig);
     $package = $loader->load($localConfig);
     // Set package data
     $this->refComposerRequires = new ReflectionProperty(OptionalPackages::class, 'composerRequires');
     $this->refComposerDevRequires = new ReflectionProperty(OptionalPackages::class, 'composerDevRequires');
     $this->refStabilityFlags = new ReflectionProperty(OptionalPackages::class, 'stabilityFlags');
     // Set project root
     $this->refProjectRoot = new ReflectionProperty(OptionalPackages::class, 'projectRoot');
     // Cleanup old install files
 public function testNonFeatureBranchPrettyVersion()
     if (!function_exists('proc_open')) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('proc_open() is not available');
     $manager = $this->getMockBuilder('\\Composer\\Repository\\RepositoryManager')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     $executor = $this->getMockBuilder('\\Composer\\Util\\ProcessExecutor')->setMethods(array('execute'))->disableArgumentCloning()->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     $self = $this;
     $executor->expects($this->at(0))->method('execute')->willReturnCallback(function ($command, &$output) use($self) {
         $self->assertEquals('git branch --no-color --no-abbrev -v', $command);
         $output = "* latest-production 38137d2f6c70e775e137b2d8a7a7d3eaebf7c7e5 Commit message\n  master 4f6ed96b0bc363d2aa4404c3412de1c011f67c66 Commit message\n";
         return 0;
     $config = new Config();
     $config->merge(array('repositories' => array('packagist' => false)));
     $loader = new RootPackageLoader($manager, $config, null, new VersionGuesser($config, $executor, new VersionParser()));
     $package = $loader->load(array('require' => array('foo/bar' => 'self.version'), "non-feature-branches" => array("latest-.*")));
     $this->assertEquals("dev-latest-production", $package->getPrettyVersion());
Пример #5
  * Creates a Composer instance
  * @param  IOInterface               $io             IO instance
  * @param  array|string|null         $localConfig    either a configuration array or a filename to read from, if null it will
  *                                                   read from the default filename
  * @param  bool                      $disablePlugins Whether plugins should not be loaded
  * @param  bool                      $fullLoad       Whether to initialize everything or only main project stuff (used when loading the global composer)
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @throws \UnexpectedValueException
  * @return Composer
 public function createComposer(IOInterface $io, $localConfig = null, $disablePlugins = false, $cwd = null, $fullLoad = true)
     $cwd = $cwd ?: getcwd();
     // load Composer configuration
     if (null === $localConfig) {
         $localConfig = static::getComposerFile();
     if (is_string($localConfig)) {
         $composerFile = $localConfig;
         $file = new JsonFile($localConfig, null, $io);
         if (!$file->exists()) {
             if ($localConfig === './composer.json' || $localConfig === 'composer.json') {
                 $message = 'Composer could not find a composer.json file in ' . $cwd;
             } else {
                 $message = 'Composer could not find the config file: ' . $localConfig;
             $instructions = 'To initialize a project, please create a composer.json file as described in the https://getcomposer.org/ "Getting Started" section';
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException($message . PHP_EOL . $instructions);
         $jsonParser = new JsonParser();
         try {
             $jsonParser->parse(file_get_contents($localConfig), JsonParser::DETECT_KEY_CONFLICTS);
         } catch (\Seld\JsonLint\DuplicateKeyException $e) {
             $details = $e->getDetails();
             $io->writeError('<warning>Key ' . $details['key'] . ' is a duplicate in ' . $localConfig . ' at line ' . $details['line'] . '</warning>');
         $localConfig = $file->read();
     // Load config and override with local config/auth config
     $config = static::createConfig($io, $cwd);
     if (isset($composerFile)) {
         $io->writeError('Loading config file ' . $composerFile, true, IOInterface::DEBUG);
         $localAuthFile = new JsonFile(dirname(realpath($composerFile)) . '/auth.json');
         if ($localAuthFile->exists()) {
             $io->writeError('Loading config file ' . $localAuthFile->getPath(), true, IOInterface::DEBUG);
             $config->merge(array('config' => $localAuthFile->read()));
             $config->setAuthConfigSource(new JsonConfigSource($localAuthFile, true));
     $vendorDir = $config->get('vendor-dir');
     $binDir = $config->get('bin-dir');
     // initialize composer
     $composer = new Composer();
     if ($fullLoad) {
         // load auth configs into the IO instance
     $rfs = self::createRemoteFilesystem($io, $config);
     // initialize event dispatcher
     $dispatcher = new EventDispatcher($composer, $io);
     // initialize repository manager
     $rm = $this->createRepositoryManager($io, $config, $dispatcher, $rfs);
     // load local repository
     $this->addLocalRepository($io, $rm, $vendorDir);
     // force-set the version of the global package if not defined as
     // guessing it adds no value and only takes time
     if (!$fullLoad && !isset($localConfig['version'])) {
         $localConfig['version'] = '1.0.0';
     // load package
     $parser = new VersionParser();
     $guesser = new VersionGuesser($config, new ProcessExecutor($io), $parser);
     $loader = new Package\Loader\RootPackageLoader($rm, $config, $parser, $guesser);
     $package = $loader->load($localConfig, 'Composer\\Package\\RootPackage', $cwd);
     // initialize installation manager
     $im = $this->createInstallationManager();
     if ($fullLoad) {
         // initialize download manager
         $dm = $this->createDownloadManager($io, $config, $dispatcher, $rfs);
         // initialize autoload generator
         $generator = new AutoloadGenerator($dispatcher, $io);
     // add installers to the manager (must happen after download manager is created since they read it out of $composer)
     $this->createDefaultInstallers($im, $composer, $io);
     if ($fullLoad) {
         $globalComposer = $this->createGlobalComposer($io, $config, $disablePlugins);
         $pm = $this->createPluginManager($io, $composer, $globalComposer, $disablePlugins);
         // once we have plugins and custom installers we can
         // purge packages from local repos if they have been deleted on the filesystem
         if ($rm->getLocalRepository()) {
             $this->purgePackages($rm->getLocalRepository(), $im);
     // init locker if possible
     if ($fullLoad && isset($composerFile)) {
         $lockFile = "json" === pathinfo($composerFile, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) ? substr($composerFile, 0, -4) . 'lock' : $composerFile . '.lock';
         $locker = new Package\Locker($io, new JsonFile($lockFile, null, $io), $rm, $im, file_get_contents($composerFile));
     return $composer;
Пример #6
  * Creates a Composer instance
  * @param IOInterface       $io          IO instance
  * @param array|string|null $localConfig either a configuration array or a filename to read from, if null it will
  *                                       read from the default filename
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @return Composer
 public function createComposer(IOInterface $io, $localConfig = null)
     // load Composer configuration
     if (null === $localConfig) {
         $localConfig = static::getComposerFile();
     if (is_string($localConfig)) {
         $composerFile = $localConfig;
         $file = new JsonFile($localConfig, new RemoteFilesystem($io));
         if (!$file->exists()) {
             if ($localConfig === 'composer.json') {
                 $message = 'Composer could not find a composer.json file in ' . getcwd();
             } else {
                 $message = 'Composer could not find the config file: ' . $localConfig;
             $instructions = 'To initialize a project, please create a composer.json file as described in the http://getcomposer.org/ "Getting Started" section';
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException($message . PHP_EOL . $instructions);
         $localConfig = $file->read();
     // Configuration defaults
     $config = static::createConfig();
     // reload oauth token from config if available
     if ($tokens = $config->get('github-oauth')) {
         foreach ($tokens as $domain => $token) {
             if (!preg_match('{^[a-z0-9]+$}', $token)) {
                 throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Your github oauth token for ' . $domain . ' contains invalid characters: "' . $token . '"');
             $io->setAuthentication($domain, $token, 'x-oauth-basic');
     $vendorDir = $config->get('vendor-dir');
     $binDir = $config->get('bin-dir');
     // setup process timeout
     ProcessExecutor::setTimeout((int) $config->get('process-timeout'));
     // initialize repository manager
     $rm = $this->createRepositoryManager($io, $config);
     // load local repository
     $this->addLocalRepository($rm, $vendorDir);
     // load package
     $loader = new Package\Loader\RootPackageLoader($rm, $config);
     $package = $loader->load($localConfig);
     // initialize download manager
     $dm = $this->createDownloadManager($io, $config);
     // initialize installation manager
     $im = $this->createInstallationManager();
     // initialize composer
     $composer = new Composer();
     // initialize event dispatcher
     $dispatcher = new EventDispatcher($composer, $io);
     // initialize autoload generator
     $generator = new AutoloadGenerator($dispatcher);
     // add installers to the manager
     $this->createDefaultInstallers($im, $composer, $io);
     // purge packages if they have been deleted on the filesystem
     $this->purgePackages($rm, $im);
     // init locker if possible
     if (isset($composerFile)) {
         $lockFile = "json" === pathinfo($composerFile, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) ? substr($composerFile, 0, -4) . 'lock' : $composerFile . '.lock';
         $locker = new Package\Locker(new JsonFile($lockFile, new RemoteFilesystem($io)), $rm, $im, md5_file($composerFile));
     return $composer;
 protected function loadPackage($data)
     $manager = $this->getMockBuilder('\\Composer\\Repository\\RepositoryManager')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     $processExecutor = new ProcessExecutorMock(function ($command, &$output = null, $cwd = null) {
         return 1;
     $config = new Config();
     $config->merge(array('repositories' => array('packagist' => false)));
     $loader = new RootPackageLoader($manager, $config);
     return $loader->load($data);
Пример #8
  * Creates a Composer instance
  * @param  IOInterface               $io             IO instance
  * @param  array|string|null         $localConfig    either a configuration array or a filename to read from, if null it will
  *                                                   read from the default filename
  * @param  bool                      $disablePlugins Whether plugins should not be loaded
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @throws \UnexpectedValueException
  * @return Composer
 public function createComposer(IOInterface $io, $localConfig = null, $disablePlugins = false)
     // load Composer configuration
     if (null === $localConfig) {
         $localConfig = static::getComposerFile();
     if (is_string($localConfig)) {
         $composerFile = $localConfig;
         $file = new JsonFile($localConfig, new RemoteFilesystem($io));
         if (!$file->exists()) {
             if ($localConfig === './composer.json' || $localConfig === 'composer.json') {
                 $message = 'Composer could not find a composer.json file in ' . getcwd();
             } else {
                 $message = 'Composer could not find the config file: ' . $localConfig;
             $instructions = 'To initialize a project, please create a composer.json file as described in the http://getcomposer.org/ "Getting Started" section';
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException($message . PHP_EOL . $instructions);
         $localConfig = $file->read();
     // Load config and override with local config/auth config
     $config = static::createConfig($io);
     if (isset($composerFile)) {
         if ($io && $io->isDebug()) {
             $io->write('Loading config file ' . $composerFile);
         $localAuthFile = new JsonFile(dirname(realpath($composerFile)) . '/auth.json');
         if ($localAuthFile->exists()) {
             if ($io && $io->isDebug()) {
                 $io->write('Loading config file ' . $localAuthFile->getPath());
             $config->merge(array('config' => $localAuthFile->read()));
             $config->setAuthConfigSource(new JsonConfigSource($localAuthFile, true));
     // load auth configs into the IO instance
     $vendorDir = $config->get('vendor-dir');
     $binDir = $config->get('bin-dir');
     // setup process timeout
     ProcessExecutor::setTimeout((int) $config->get('process-timeout'));
     // initialize composer
     $composer = new Composer();
     // initialize event dispatcher
     $dispatcher = new EventDispatcher($composer, $io);
     // initialize repository manager
     $rm = $this->createRepositoryManager($io, $config, $dispatcher);
     // load local repository
     $this->addLocalRepository($rm, $vendorDir);
     // load package
     $parser = new VersionParser();
     $loader = new Package\Loader\RootPackageLoader($rm, $config, $parser, new ProcessExecutor($io));
     $package = $loader->load($localConfig);
     // initialize installation manager
     $im = $this->createInstallationManager();
     // Composer composition
     // initialize download manager
     $dm = $this->createDownloadManager($io, $config, $dispatcher);
     // initialize autoload generator
     $generator = new AutoloadGenerator($dispatcher, $io);
     // add installers to the manager
     $this->createDefaultInstallers($im, $composer, $io);
     $globalRepository = $this->createGlobalRepository($config, $vendorDir);
     $pm = $this->createPluginManager($composer, $io, $globalRepository);
     if (!$disablePlugins) {
     // purge packages if they have been deleted on the filesystem
     $this->purgePackages($rm, $im);
     // init locker if possible
     if (isset($composerFile)) {
         $lockFile = "json" === pathinfo($composerFile, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) ? substr($composerFile, 0, -4) . 'lock' : $composerFile . '.lock';
         $locker = new Package\Locker($io, new JsonFile($lockFile, new RemoteFilesystem($io, $config)), $rm, $im, md5_file($composerFile));
     return $composer;
Пример #9
  * Creates a Composer instance
  * @return Composer
 public function createComposer(IOInterface $io, $composerFile = null)
     // load Composer configuration
     if (null === $composerFile) {
         $composerFile = getenv('COMPOSER') ?: 'composer.json';
     $file = new JsonFile($composerFile);
     if (!$file->exists()) {
         if ($composerFile === 'composer.json') {
             $message = 'Composer could not find a composer.json file in ' . getcwd();
         } else {
             $message = 'Composer could not find the config file: ' . $composerFile;
         $instructions = 'To initialize a project, please create a composer.json file as described on the http://packagist.org/ "Getting Started" section';
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException($message . PHP_EOL . $instructions);
     // Configuration defaults
     $composerConfig = array('vendor-dir' => 'vendor', 'process-timeout' => 300);
     $packageConfig = $file->read();
     if (isset($packageConfig['config']) && is_array($packageConfig['config'])) {
         $packageConfig['config'] = array_merge($composerConfig, $packageConfig['config']);
     } else {
         $packageConfig['config'] = $composerConfig;
     $vendorDir = getenv('COMPOSER_VENDOR_DIR') ?: $packageConfig['config']['vendor-dir'];
     if (!isset($packageConfig['config']['bin-dir'])) {
         $packageConfig['config']['bin-dir'] = $vendorDir . '/bin';
     $binDir = getenv('COMPOSER_BIN_DIR') ?: $packageConfig['config']['bin-dir'];
     // setup process timeout
     $processTimeout = getenv('COMPOSER_PROCESS_TIMEOUT') ?: $packageConfig['config']['process-timeout'];
     ProcessExecutor::setTimeout((int) $processTimeout);
     // initialize repository manager
     $rm = $this->createRepositoryManager($io);
     // load default repository unless it's explicitly disabled
     $loadPackagist = true;
     if (isset($packageConfig['repositories'])) {
         foreach ($packageConfig['repositories'] as $repo) {
             if (isset($repo['packagist']) && $repo['packagist'] === false) {
                 $loadPackagist = false;
     if ($loadPackagist) {
     // load local repository
     $this->addLocalRepository($rm, $vendorDir);
     // load package
     $loader = new Package\Loader\RootPackageLoader($rm);
     $package = $loader->load($packageConfig);
     // initialize download manager
     $dm = $this->createDownloadManager($io);
     // initialize installation manager
     $im = $this->createInstallationManager($rm, $dm, $vendorDir, $binDir, $io);
     // init locker
     $lockFile = substr($composerFile, -5) === '.json' ? substr($composerFile, 0, -4) . 'lock' : $composerFile . '.lock';
     $locker = new Package\Locker(new JsonFile($lockFile), $rm, md5_file($composerFile));
     // initialize composer
     $composer = new Composer();
     return $composer;
Пример #10
    public function testNonFeatureBranchPrettyVersion()
        if (!function_exists('proc_open')) {
            $this->markTestSkipped('proc_open() is not available');

        $manager = $this->getMockBuilder('\\Composer\\Repository\\RepositoryManager')

        $self = $this;

        /* Can do away with this mock object when https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit-mock-objects/issues/81 is fixed */
        $processExecutor = new ProcessExecutorMock(function ($command, &$output = null, $cwd = null) use ($self) {
            if (0 === strpos($command, 'git rev-list')) {
                $output = "";

                return 0;

            if ('git branch --no-color --no-abbrev -v' !== $command) {
                return 1; //0;

            $self->assertEquals('git branch --no-color --no-abbrev -v', $command);

            $output = "* latest-production 38137d2f6c70e775e137b2d8a7a7d3eaebf7c7e5 Commit message\n  master 4f6ed96b0bc363d2aa4404c3412de1c011f67c66 Commit message\n";

            return 0;

        $config = new Config;
        $config->merge(array('repositories' => array('packagist' => false)));
        $loader = new RootPackageLoader($manager, $config, null, $processExecutor);
        $package = $loader->load(array('require' => array('foo/bar' => 'self.version'), "non-feature-branches" => array("latest-.*")));

        $this->assertEquals("dev-latest-production", $package->getPrettyVersion());
Пример #11
  * Creates a Composer instance
  * @param  IOInterface $io          IO instance
  * @param  mixed       $localConfig either a configuration array or a filename to read from, if null it will read from the default filename
  * @return Composer
 public function createComposer(IOInterface $io, $localConfig = null)
     // load Composer configuration
     if (null === $localConfig) {
         $localConfig = $this->getComposerFile();
     if (is_string($localConfig)) {
         $composerFile = $localConfig;
         $file = new JsonFile($localConfig, new RemoteFilesystem($io));
         if (!$file->exists()) {
             if ($localConfig === 'composer.json') {
                 $message = 'Composer could not find a composer.json file in ' . getcwd();
             } else {
                 $message = 'Composer could not find the config file: ' . $localConfig;
             $instructions = 'To initialize a project, please create a composer.json file as described in the http://getcomposer.org/ "Getting Started" section';
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException($message . PHP_EOL . $instructions);
         $localConfig = $file->read();
     // Configuration defaults
     $config = static::createConfig();
     $vendorDir = $config->get('vendor-dir');
     $binDir = $config->get('bin-dir');
     // setup process timeout
     ProcessExecutor::setTimeout((int) $config->get('process-timeout'));
     // initialize repository manager
     $rm = $this->createRepositoryManager($io, $config);
     // load default repository unless it's explicitly disabled
     $localConfig = $this->addPackagistRepository($localConfig);
     // load local repository
     $this->addLocalRepository($rm, $vendorDir);
     // load package
     $loader = new Package\Loader\RootPackageLoader($rm);
     $package = $loader->load($localConfig);
     // initialize download manager
     $dm = $this->createDownloadManager($io);
     // initialize installation manager
     $im = $this->createInstallationManager($rm, $dm, $vendorDir, $binDir, $io);
     // purge packages if they have been deleted on the filesystem
     $this->purgePackages($rm, $im);
     // initialize composer
     $composer = new Composer();
     // init locker if possible
     if (isset($composerFile)) {
         $lockFile = "json" === pathinfo($composerFile, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) ? substr($composerFile, 0, -4) . 'lock' : $composerFile . '.lock';
         $locker = new Package\Locker(new JsonFile($lockFile, new RemoteFilesystem($io)), $rm, md5_file($composerFile));
     return $composer;
Пример #12
 public function createComposer(IOInterface $io, $localConfig = null, $disablePlugins = false)
     if (null === $localConfig) {
         $localConfig = static::getComposerFile();
     if (is_string($localConfig)) {
         $composerFile = $localConfig;
         $file = new JsonFile($localConfig, new RemoteFilesystem($io));
         if (!$file->exists()) {
             if ($localConfig === './composer.json' || $localConfig === 'composer.json') {
                 $message = 'Composer could not find a composer.json file in ' . getcwd();
             } else {
                 $message = 'Composer could not find the config file: ' . $localConfig;
             $instructions = 'To initialize a project, please create a composer.json file as described in the http://getcomposer.org/ "Getting Started" section';
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException($message . PHP_EOL . $instructions);
         $localConfig = $file->read();
     $config = static::createConfig();
     $vendorDir = $config->get('vendor-dir');
     $binDir = $config->get('bin-dir');
     ProcessExecutor::setTimeout((int) $config->get('process-timeout'));
     $composer = new Composer();
     $dispatcher = new EventDispatcher($composer, $io);
     $rm = $this->createRepositoryManager($io, $config, $dispatcher);
     $this->addLocalRepository($rm, $vendorDir);
     $parser = new VersionParser();
     $loader = new Package\Loader\RootPackageLoader($rm, $config, $parser, new ProcessExecutor($io));
     $package = $loader->load($localConfig);
     $im = $this->createInstallationManager();
     $dm = $this->createDownloadManager($io, $config, $dispatcher);
     $generator = new AutoloadGenerator($dispatcher);
     $this->createDefaultInstallers($im, $composer, $io);
     $globalRepository = $this->createGlobalRepository($config, $vendorDir);
     $pm = $this->createPluginManager($composer, $io, $globalRepository);
     if (!$disablePlugins) {
     $this->purgePackages($rm, $im);
     if (isset($composerFile)) {
         $lockFile = "json" === pathinfo($composerFile, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) ? substr($composerFile, 0, -4) . 'lock' : $composerFile . '.lock';
         $locker = new Package\Locker($io, new JsonFile($lockFile, new RemoteFilesystem($io)), $rm, $im, md5_file($composerFile));
     return $composer;
Пример #13
 public function createComposer()
     $cwd = sprintf('%s/%s', getcwd(), '.eva');
     $factory = new Factory();
     if (false) {
         $composer = $factory->createComposer($this->io, $config, true, $cwd);
     //  -----------------
     //  -----------------
     //  -----------------
     $fullLoad = true;
     $composerFile = $cwd . '/manifest.composer.json';
     $file = new JsonFile($composerFile);
     $localConfig = $file->read();
     //  -----------------
     //  -----------------
     //  -----------------
     // Load config and override with local config/auth config
     //        $config = Factory::createConfig($this->io, $cwd);
     $vendorDir = $cwd . '/manifests/vendor';
     $config = $factory::createConfig($this->io, $cwd);
     $config->merge(['config' => ['vendor-dir' => $vendorDir]]);
     $localAuthFile = new JsonFile(dirname(realpath($composerFile)) . '/auth.json');
     if ($localAuthFile->exists()) {
         if ($this->io && $this->io->isDebug()) {
             $this->io->writeError('Loading config file ' . $localAuthFile->getPath());
         $config->merge(array('config' => $localAuthFile->read()));
         $config->setAuthConfigSource(new JsonConfigSource($localAuthFile, true));
     // initialize composer
     $composer = new Composer();
     // initialize event dispatcher
     $dispatcher = new EventDispatcher($composer, $this->io);
     // initialize repository manager
     //        $rm = $this->createRepositoryManager($io, $config, $dispatcher);
     //        $composer->setRepositoryManager($rm);
     $rm = new RepositoryManager($this->io, $config, $dispatcher);
     $rm->setRepositoryClass('composer', ComposerRepository::class);
     // load local repository
     $rm->setLocalRepository(new InstalledFilesystemRepository(new JsonFile($vendorDir . '/composer/installed.json')));
     // load package
     $parser = new VersionParser();
     $guesser = new VersionGuesser($config, new ProcessExecutor($this->io), $parser);
     $loader = new RootPackageLoader($rm, $config, $parser, $guesser);
     $package = $loader->load($localConfig);
     // initialize installation manager
     $im = new InstallationManager();
     if ($fullLoad) {
         // initialize download manager
         $dm = $factory->createDownloadManager($this->io, $config, $dispatcher);
         // initialize autoload generator
         $generator = new AutoloadGenerator($dispatcher, $this->io);
     // add installers to the manager (must happen after download manager is created since they read it out of $composer)
     $im->addInstaller(new Installer\LibraryInstaller($this->io, $composer, null));
     $im->addInstaller(new Installer\PearInstaller($this->io, $composer, 'pear-library'));
     $im->addInstaller(new Installer\PluginInstaller($this->io, $composer));
     $im->addInstaller(new Installer\MetapackageInstaller($this->io));
     //        if ($fullLoad) {
     //            $globalComposer = $this->createGlobalComposer($io, $config, $disablePlugins);
     //            $pm = $this->createPluginManager($io, $composer, $globalComposer);
     //            $composer->setPluginManager($pm);
     //            if (!$disablePlugins) {
     //                $pm->loadInstalledPlugins();
     //            }
     //            // once we have plugins and custom installers we can
     //            // purge packages from local repos if they have been deleted on the filesystem
     //            if ($rm->getLocalRepository()) {
     //                $this->purgePackages($rm->getLocalRepository(), $im);
     //            }
     //        }
     // init locker if possible
     if ($fullLoad && isset($composerFile)) {
         $lockFile = "json" === pathinfo($composerFile, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) ? substr($composerFile, 0, -4) . 'lock' : $composerFile . '.lock';
         $locker = new Locker($this->io, new JsonFile($lockFile, new RemoteFilesystem($this->io, $config)), $rm, $im, file_get_contents($composerFile));
     //  -----------------
     //  -----------------
     //  -----------------
     return $composer;