function process($params, $options) { if (is_null($params) || empty($params)) { $controller = new \com\indigloo\sc\controller\Http400(); $controller->process(); exit; } $token = Util::getArrayKey($params, "name"); // group controller is invoked via the fixed links // (as opposed to users typing in search box) // so we (exact) match this token against post_groups index. $sphinx = new \com\indigloo\sc\search\SphinxQL(); $qparams = Url::getRequestQueryParams(); $gpage = Url::tryQueryParam("gpage"); $gpage = empty($gpage) ? "1" : $gpage; $pageSize = Config::getInstance()->get_value(""); $paginator = new Pagination($qparams, $pageSize); $ids = $sphinx->getPagedPostByGroup($token, $paginator); $sphinx->close(); $template = NULL; $searchTitle = NULL; $groupName = \com\indigloo\util\StringUtil::convertKeyToName($token); if (sizeof($ids) > 0) { $pageHeader = "{$groupName}"; $pageBaseUrl = "/group/{$token}"; $template = APP_WEB_DIR . '/view/tiles-page.php'; $postDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Post(); $postDBRows = $postDao->getOnSearchIds($ids); } else { $pageHeader = "No results"; $template = APP_WEB_DIR . '/view/notiles.php'; } $pageTitle = SeoData::getPageTitleWithNumber($gpage, $groupName); $metaKeywords = SeoData::getMetaKeywords($groupName); $metaDescription = SeoData::getMetaDescriptionWithNumber($gpage, $groupName); include $template; }
static function createPostView($row, $voptions = NULL) { $voptions = empty($voptions) ? array() : $voptions; //default options $options = array(); $options["abbreviate"] = false; $options["image"] = true; $options["group"] = false; //override defaults foreach ($voptions as $key => $value) { $options[$key] = $value; } $imagesJson = $row["images_json"]; $images = json_decode($imagesJson); $view = new \stdClass(); $view->hasImage = false; $view->images = NULL; $view->hasGroups = false; $view->groups = array(); $view->id = $row['id']; $view->itemId = PseudoId::encode($view->id); // title in DB is 128 chars long. // here on page we want to use a 70 char title. // also used in item images alt text // clean up bad utf-8 data for display $view->title = Util::filterBadUtf8($row['title']); $view->title = Util::abbreviate($view->title, 70); $view->description = Util::filterBadUtf8($row['description']); if ($options["abbreviate"]) { $view->description = Util::abbreviate($view->description, 160); } $view->userName = $row['user_name']; $view->createdOn = AppUtil::convertDBTime($row['created_on']); $view->pubUserId = PseudoId::encode($row['login_id']); $view->loginId = $row['login_id']; $view->userPageURI = "/pub/user/" . $view->pubUserId; //process post image. if (!empty($images) && sizeof($images) > 0 && $options["image"]) { /* process image #1 */ $view->hasImage = true; $image = $images[0]; $imgv = self::convertImageJsonObj($image); $view->thumbnail = $imgv["thumbnail"]; $view->height = $imgv["height"]; $view->width = $imgv["width"]; $view->srcImage = $imgv["source"]; /* assign all images */ $view->images = $images; } //process groups if ($options["group"] === true) { $group_slug = $row['group_slug']; $groups = array(); if (!is_null($group_slug) && strlen($group_slug) > 0) { $slugs = explode(Constants::SPACE, $group_slug); $display = NULL; foreach ($slugs as $slug) { if (empty($slug)) { continue; } //@imp @todo @hack // dirty hack - for single quotes in group name - for old data // anything indexed as flury's - should be converted to flury // now we ignore the single quote in group name so we should be fine $slug = str_replace("'s", "", $slug); $display = StringUtil::convertKeyToName($slug); $groups[] = array("slug" => $slug, "display" => $display); } } if (sizeof($groups) > 0) { $view->hasGroups = true; $view->groups = $groups; } } return $view; }
function nameToSlug($group_names) { $group_slug = ""; if (!Util::tryEmpty($group_names)) { $slugs = array(); $names = explode(",", $group_names); foreach ($names as $name) { if (Util::tryEmpty($name)) { continue; } // remove single quotes from group names // it is a bit difficult to deal with single quotes and sphinx $name = str_replace("'", "", $name); $slug = \com\indigloo\util\StringUtil::convertNameToKey($name); array_push($slugs, $slug); } $group_slug = implode(Constants::SPACE, $slugs); } return $group_slug; }
static function process($postId, $loginId, $version, $catCode, $group_slug) { //sanitize input settype($postId, "integer"); settype($loginId, "integer"); settype($version, "integer"); $sqlm1 = "insert ignore into sc_group_master(token,name,cat_code,created_on) values('%s','%s','%s',now()) "; $sqlm2 = "insert ignore into sc_user_group(login_id,token,name,created_on) values('%d','%s', '%s', now()) "; $sqlm3 = "update sc_site_tracker set group_flag = 1 where post_id = %d and version = %d "; $dbh = NULL; try { $dbh = PDOWrapper::getHandle(); //Tx start $dbh->beginTransaction(); $slugs = explode(Constants::SPACE, $group_slug); foreach ($slugs as $slug) { if (Util::tryEmpty($slug)) { continue; } //do processing $name = \com\indigloo\util\StringUtil::convertKeyToName($slug); $sql = sprintf($sqlm1, $slug, $name, $catCode); $dbh->exec($sql); $sql = sprintf($sqlm2, $loginId, $slug, $name); $dbh->exec($sql); } //All group slugs for post processed $sql = sprintf($sqlm3, $postId, $version); $dbh->exec($sql); //Tx end $dbh->commit(); $dbh = null; } catch (\PDOException $e) { $dbh->rollBack(); $dbh = null; throw new DBException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode()); } catch (\Exception $ex) { $dbh->rollBack(); $dbh = null; $message = $ex->getMessage(); throw new DBException($message); } }
function edit($loginId, $listId, $name, $description) { //md5 hash as hex string and bytes $hash = md5($name); $seoName = StringUtil::convertNameToKey($name); $bin_hash = md5($seoName, TRUE); mysql\Lists::edit($loginId, $listId, $name, $seoName, $hash, $bin_hash, $description); }
static function renderSlugPanel($dbslug) { $records = array(); //explode DB slug on space $slugs = explode(Constants::SPACE, $dbslug); //sort slugs on alpha sort($slugs); foreach ($slugs as $slug) { if (Util::tryEmpty($slug)) { continue; } $slug = trim($slug); $name = StringUtil::convertKeyToName($slug); $records[] = array("slug" => $slug, "name" => $name, "checked" => "checked"); } $view = new \stdClass(); $template = "/fragments/ui/slug-panel.tmpl"; $view->records = $records; $view->total = sizeof($records); $html = Template::render($template, $view); return $html; }