public function update(ProductRequest $request, Tag $tag, $id)
     $tagsProduto = $tag->criaTags($request->only('tags')['tags']);
     $produto = $this->product->find($id);
     return redirect()->route('admin.products');
Пример #2
 public function tag($id)
     $categories = $this->category->all();
     $tag = $this->tag->find($id);
     $products = $tag->products()->get();
     return view('store.tag', compact('categories', 'products', 'tag'));
 private function storeTag($inputTags, $id)
     $tag = new Tag();
     foreach ($inputTags as $key => $value) {
         $newTag = $tag->firstOrCreate(["name" => $value]);
         $idTags[] = $newTag->id;
     $product = $this->productModel->find($id);
Пример #4
 public function tagToArray($tags)
     $tagBanco = new Tag();
     $tags = explode(',', $tags);
     $tags = array_map('trim', $tags);
     $tagCollection = [];
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         $t = $tagBanco->firstOrCreate(['name' => $tag]);
         array_push($tagCollection, $t->id);
     return $tagCollection;
  * [insere_tags description]
  * @param  [type] $alltags [description]
  * @param  [type] $id      [description]
  * @return [type]          [description]
 public function insere_tags($alltags, $id)
     $tagModel = new Tag();
     $product = $this->productModel->find($id);
     $tags = explode(',', $alltags);
     $tagsAdd = array();
     foreach ($tags as $newtags) {
         $tag = $tagModel->firstOrCreate(['name' => trim($newtags)]);
         $tagsAdd[] = $tag->id;
Пример #6
 public function criaTags($tagsString)
     $tags = explode(';', $tagsString);
     $tagsIds = array();
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         $tagObject = new Tag();
         $tagObject->name = $tag;
         //$tagsExistentes[] = $tagObject->firstOrCreate(['name' => $tag]);
         $tagsIds[] = $tagObject->firstOrCreate(['name' => trim($tag)])->id;
     return $tagsIds;
 public function tag($id)
     $categories = Category::all();
     $tag = Tag::find($id);
     $products = $tag->products;
     return view('store.tag', compact('categories', 'products', 'tag'));
 private function storeTag($inputTags, $id)
     $tagsIDs = array_map(function ($tagName) {
         return Tag::firstOrCreate(['name' => $tagName])->id;
     }, array_filter($inputTags));
     $product = $this->productModel->find($id);
  * @param string $tags
  * @return array
 private function getTagIds($tags)
     $tags = array_filter(array_map('trim', explode(',', $tags)));
     $tagsIds = [];
     foreach ($tags as $eachTagName) {
         $tagsIds[] = Tag::firstOrCreate(['name' => $eachTagName])->id;
     return $tagsIds;
Пример #10
 public function tags($id)
     $tag = Tag::find($id);
     if ($tag) {
         $categories = Category::all();
         $products = $tag->products;
         $tag_name = $tag->name;
         return view('store.tags', compact('categories', 'tag_name', 'products'));
     } else {
         return redirect()->route('store.index');
Пример #11
 private function syncTags($tagList, $id)
     $syncTag = [];
     $tags = explode(',', str_replace(';', ',', $tagList));
     $tags = array_filter($tags);
     $tags = array_map('trim', $tags);
     $tags = array_map('strip_tags', $tags);
     $tags = array_map('strtolower', $tags);
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         $syncTag[] = $this->tag->firstOrCreate(['name' => $tag])->id;
     $product = $this->product->find($id);
 public function update(Requests\ProductRequest $request, $id)
     $input = $request->all();
     $tags_update = array_map('trim', explode(',', $input['tags']));
     $array_update_tags = array();
     foreach ($tags_update as $tag) {
         if (!empty($tag)) {
             if (!in_array($tag, Tag::lists('name')->toArray())) {
                 Tag::create(['name' => $tag]);
             array_push($array_update_tags, Tag::lists('id', 'name')->toArray()[$tag]);
     return redirect()->route('admin.products.index');
 private function storeTag($inputTags, $id)
         $tag = new Tag();
         $countTags = count($inputTags);
         foreach ($inputTags as $key => $value) {
             $newTag = $tag->firstOrCreate(["name" => $value]);
             $idTags[] = $newTag->id;
         $product = $this->produtoModel->find($id);
     $tagsIDs = array_map(function ($tagName) {
         return Tag::firstOrCreate(['name' => $tagName])->id;
     }, array_filter($inputTags));
     $product = $this->produtoModel->find($id);
Пример #14
 private function addTags($product, $tags)
     //Insert New Tags or get a id for existents tags:
     $idsTags = array();
     //Initiates array to get tag's ids
     $tags = strtolower($tags);
     //All tags to lower case!
     $tagsArray = explode(",", $tags);
     //Transform tags strings in array
     foreach ($tagsArray as $tag) {
         $tag = trim($tag);
         $newTag = Tag::firstOrCreate(['name' => $tag]);
         $idsTags[] = $newTag->id;
     //Attach tags with array idsTags by Sinc():
Пример #15
 public function listProductsTags($id)
     $categories = $this->category->all();
     $tag = $this->tag->find($id);
     return view('store.products_tag', compact('tag', 'categories'));
 private function savetags($id, $tags)
     // transforma objeto  de csv para lista
     $tag_list = explode(',', $tags);
     $tag_list = array_map('trim', $tag_list);
     $tag_id_list = [];
     // atualiza tabela de tags
     foreach ($tag_list as $tag) {
         $tag = ltrim($tag);
         if ($tag != '') {
             $tag_reg = Tag::ofName($tag)->get();
             if ($tag_reg->count() == 0) {
                 $tag_reg = Tag::create(['name' => $tag]);
                 $tag_id_list[] = $tag_reg->id;
             } else {
                 $tag_id_list[] = $tag_reg[0]->id;
     $product = $this->productsmodel->find($id);
Пример #17
 public static function getProductsByTag($id)
     return Tag::find($id)->products;
 private function getTagsIds($tags)
     // array_filter remove todos os CAMPOS em branco e mantém apenas campos que possuírem dados.
     // array_map passa uma função em todos os elementos do array, no caso é o trim para remover os ESPAÇOS.
     // CAMPOS em branco são esaços em branco dentr de uma única TAG(espaço branco entre letras de uma tag.
     // Ex: "   mundo ,casa, bola  ,amor, etc...
     // ESPAÇOS em branco são Tags sem nenhum caractere(espaço branco entre virgulas/tags).
     // Ex: mundo, ,bola,casa, ,etc,...
     $tagList = array_filter(array_map('trim', explode(',', $tags)));
     $tagsIds = [];
     foreach ($tagList as $tagName) {
         // $tagsIds vai receber um novo Id de uma tag.
         // utilizo o metodo firsOrCreate do Model Tag, passando o parametro name = $tagName
         // ele pesquisa no bd se exite uma tag com o nome $tagName. Se existir, ele pega a tag e o id dela e grava no array $tagsIds para
         // depois iserir no bd. Se não existir, ele vai criar uma nova tag com o nome $tagName, pegar o id dela e gravar no array tagsIds
         // para ser inserida no bd da mesma form.
         $tagsIds[] = Tag::firstOrCreate(['name' => $tagName])->id;
     return $tagsIds;
 function tags_to_array($string)
     $tags = explode(',', $string);
     $result = [];
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         array_push($result, Tag::firstOrCreate(['name' => trim($tag)])->id);
     return $result;
  * Run the database seeds.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     //elimina i dati dal DB
     factory('CodeCommerce\\Tag', 10)->create();
  * Update the specified resource in storage.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function update(Requests\ProductRequest $request, Tag $tagModel, $id)
     $product = $this->product->find($id);
     $data = $request->all();
     $tags = explode(',', str_replace(', ', ',', $data['tags']));
     $relatedTags = [];
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         $tag = ucfirst(strtolower($tag));
         $thisTag = $tagModel->firstOrCreate(['name' => $tag]);
         echo $tag;
         $relatedTags[] = $thisTag->id;
     return redirect()->route('products.index');
 public function produtosPorTag($id)
     $produto = Tag::find($id)->products;
     $categories = Category::all();
     return view('store.produtos_por_tag', compact('produto', 'categories'));
  * Update the specified resource in storage.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function update($id, Requests\ProductRequest $request)
     $input = array_map('trim', $request->all());
     if ($input['recommend'] == "on") {
         $input['recommend'] = 1;
     } else {
         $input['recommend'] = 0;
     if ($input['featured'] == "on") {
         $input['featured'] = 1;
     } else {
         $input['featured'] = 0;
     $tags = trim($request->input('tag'));
     $tags = array_filter(explode(",", $tags));
     $tags = array_filter($tags, 'trim');
     $arrTags = array();
     foreach ($tags as $t) {
         $tagAtual = Tag::firstOrCreate(array('name' => trim($t)));
         array_push($arrTags, $tagAtual->id);
     $product = $this->productModel->find($id);
     $arrTrim = array_map('trim', $arrTags);
     return redirect()->route('product');
Пример #24
 public function listByTag($id)
     $tag = Tag::find($id);
     $products = Product::getProductsByTag($id);
     return view('store.tag', compact('tag', 'products'));
 private function tagToArray($tags)
     $tags = explode(",", $tags);
     $tags = array_map('trim', $tags);
     $tagCollection = [];
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         $t = Tag::firstOrCreate(['name' => $tag]);
         array_push($tagCollection, $t->id);
     return $tagCollection;
  * armazena tags e retorna array com as ids das tags
  * @param array $tagNames
  * @return array tagIds
 private function storeTags(array $tagNames, $productId)
     if (count($tagNames > 0)) {
         foreach ($tagNames as $tagName) {
             $tag = Tag::firstOrCreate(array('name' => trim($tagName)));
             //cria se não existir
             $tagIds[] = $tag->id;
         $product = $this->products->find($productId);
         //só mantén relacionadas as atuais
Пример #27
 public function run()
     factory(Tag::class, 20)->create();
 private function storeTags($tagList)
     $tags = array_map('trim', explode(',', $tagList));
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         if (!empty($tag)) {
             $id = Tag::firstOrCreate(['name' => $tag]);
             $tagId[] = $id->id;
     return $tagId;
Пример #29
 public function getTagsIds($tags)
     $tagList = array_filter(array_map('trim', explode(',', $tags)));
     $tagsIDs = [];
     foreach ($tagList as $tagName) {
         $tagsIDs[] = Tag::firstOrCreate(['name' => $tagName])->id;
     return $tagsIDs;