public function __construct() { $fields = [form::create('field_string', 'username')->set_attr('label', 'Username'), form::create('field_password', 'password')->set_attr('label', 'Password')]; parent::__construct($fields); $this->pre_fields_text = node::create('h2.form-signin-heading.text-center', [], node::create('small', [], 'Admin Login<br/>') . ini::get('site', 'title_tag'))->get(); $this->submit = 'Login'; $this->id = 'cms_login'; }
public function send() { $content = $this->do_replace($this->content); if (static::$sending_method == static::METHOD_SENDMAIL) { return mail(implode(',', $this->recipients['']), $this->do_replace($this->subject), $content); } else { if (static::$sending_method == static::METHOD_SES) { require_once root . '/library/aws.phar'; $controller = new \Aws\Ses\SesClient(['version' => 'latest', 'profile' => _ini::get('aws', 'profile'), 'region' => _ini::get('aws', 'region', 'eu-west-1')]); return $controller->sendEmail(['Source' => _ini::get('email', 'from_address'), 'Destination' => ['ToAddresses' => $this->recipients[''], 'CcAddresses' => $this->recipients['cc'], 'BccAddresses' => $this->recipients['bcc']], 'Message' => ['Subject' => ['Data' => $this->subject, 'Charset' => 'UTF8'], 'Body' => ['Text' => ['Data' => '', 'Charset' => 'UTF8'], 'Html' => ['Data' => $content, 'Charset' => 'UTF8']]]]); } } }
public function get_view() { try { ini::get('mysql', 'server'); } catch (\Exception $e) { $form = new cms_builder_form(); return $form->get_html(); } $form = new cms_login_form(); $form->wrapper_class[] = 'container'; $form->wrapper_class[] = 'form-signin'; return $form->get_html(); }
public function do_submit() { db::connect_root(); db::query('CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `' . get::fn($this->username) . '`'); db::query('USE mysql'); if (db::select('user')->retrieve(['user'])->filter(['`user`=:user AND `host`=:host'], ['user' => $this->username, 'host' => ''])->execute()->rowCount()) { db::query('CREATE USER \'' . get::fn($this->username) . '\'@\'\' IDENTIFIED BY \'' . $this->password . '\'', [], true); } if (db::select('user')->retrieve(['user'])->filter(['`user`=:user AND `host`=:host'], ['user' => $this->username, 'host' => 'localhost'])->execute()->rowCount()) { db::query('CREATE USER \'' . get::fn($this->username) . '\'@\'localhost\' IDENTIFIED BY \'' . $this->password . '\'', [], true); } db::query('GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `' . get::fn($this->username) . '`.* TO \'' . get::fn($this->username) . '\'@\'\'', [], true); db::query('GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `' . get::fn($this->username) . '`.* TO \'' . get::fn($this->username) . '\'@\'localhost\'', [], true); if (!is_dir(root . '/.conf')) { mkdir(root . '/.conf'); } ini::save(root . '/.conf/config.ini', ['mysql' => ['server' => '', 'username' => get::fn($this->username), 'password' => $this->password, 'database' => get::fn($this->username)], 'site' => ['title_tag' => $this->site_name]]); ini::reload(); db::default_connection(); $cms_builder = new \module\cms\object\cms_builder(); $cms_builder->manage(); $i = 0; do { if ($this->{'user_' . $i} && $this->{'password_' . $i}) { $user = new _cms_user(); $user->title = $this->{'user_' . $i}; $user->password = $this->{'password_' . $i}; $user->ulid = $this->{'user_level_' . $i} ?: 1; } $i++; } while (isset($this->{'user_' . $i})); ajax::current()->redirect = '/cms/login'; }
public function get_title_tag() { return ini::get('site', 'title_tag', 'NO Title tag!!!'); }
define('root', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']); define('core_dir', root . '/.core'); define('ajax', isset($_REQUEST['module'])); define('host', isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : 'Unknown_Host'); define('uri', isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? trim($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/') : 'Unknown_URI'); define('ip', isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : 'Unknown_IP'); if (!class_exists('\\classes\\autoloader', false)) { require_once root . '/.core/classes/auto_loader.php'; require_once root . '/.core/dependent/classes/auto_loader.php'; } $auto_loader = new \classes\auto_loader(); set_error_handler(['\\classes\\error_handler', 'handle_error']); register_shutdown_function(['\\classes\\error_handler', 'fatal_handler']); define('dev', in_array(host, \classes\ini::get('domain', 'development', []))); define('local', in_array(host, \classes\ini::get('domain', 'local', ['localhost']))); define('debug', in_array(ip, \classes\ini::get('developers', 'ip', []))); date_default_timezone_set(\classes\get::ini('zone', 'time', 'Europe/London')); if (debug || dev) { error_reporting(-1); ini_set('display_errors', '1'); } if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE') !== false) { define('ie', true); define('ie_ver', 0); } else { define('ie', false); define('ie_ver', 0); } if (!defined('load_core') || load_core) { $core = new core(); }
/** * */ public function load_page() { $compiler = new compiler(); $options = ['ajax' => ajax, 'admin' => core::is_admin(), "dev" => dev, "debug" => debug]; try { $compiler_page = $compiler->load(uri, $options); } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($this->path) { if (!is_numeric($this->path[0])) { $this->module_name = $this->path[0]; } else { $this->module_name = 'pages'; } } else { $this->module_name = ini::get('site', 'default_module', 'pages'); } $compiler_page = new compiler_page(); if (class_exists('module\\' . $this->module_name . '\\controller')) { $class_name = 'module\\' . $this->module_name . '\\controller'; $this->module = new $class_name(); $this->module->__controller($this->path); $this->module->page = $this->pagination_page; if (!ajax) { $compiler_page->content = $this->module->view_object->get_page(); } else { $compiler_page->content = $this->module->view_object->get(); $compiler_page->ajax = ajax::current(); } $push_state = $this->module->get_push_state(); if ($push_state) { $push_state->data->actions = array_merge($push_state->data->actions, self::$push_state_ajax_calls); } $compiler_page->push_state = $push_state; } $compiler->save(uri, $compiler_page, $options); } if (!ajax) { if ($compiler_page->push_state) { $compiler_page->push_state->type = push_state::REPLACE; $compiler_page->push_state->get(); } echo $compiler_page->content; } else { ajax::set_current($compiler_page->ajax); if ($compiler_page->push_state) { ajax::push_state($compiler_page->push_state); } $class = new \ReflectionClass('\\classes\\ajax'); $function = $class->getMethod('inject'); $function->invokeArgs(null, $compiler_page->content); } }
/** * @param array $data associative array of key => value to be added the the cache table. * @param array $dependencies table dependencies. * @param int $cache_time Cache time in seconds, 0 for not breaking * @return bool returns true on successful add or false on failure. */ public static function set(array $data, array $dependencies = ['global'], $cache_time = null) { if (self::$current == null) { try { self::connect(_ini::get('memcached', 'instance'), _ini::get('memcached', 'server'), _ini::get('memcached', 'port')); } catch (\Exception $e) { return; //trigger_error('Could not connect to memcached instance;' . $e->getMessage()); } } if (is_null($cache_time)) { $cache_time = self::DEFAULT_CACHE_TIME; } foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $new_key = self::get_key($key, $dependencies); self::$current->set($new_key, $value, $cache_time); } return true; }