Пример #1
    function contentForThisStep()

    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
	    $(document).ready(function() {
		    $('#widget-end-date').datepicker({ dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', minDate: +1 });

        echo $this->javascriptValidation(1);

    <div id="step-1">
      <h3>Step 1: Basic Information</h3>
        if ($this->form && $this->form->hasErrors()) {
            foreach ($this->form->getErrors() as $e) {
          <div class="alert alert-error"><?php 
                echo $e;
      <br />
      <div class="row-fluid">
        <div class="span6" style="width: 100%;">
          <div class="control-group">
            <label class="control-label" for="widget-title">Title of Widget</label>
            <div class="controls">
              <input type="text" class="input-large" id="widget-title" name="title" maxlength="30"
        echo htmlspecialchars($this->widget->title);
" />
              <span class="help-inline error-msg">Please provide a title.</span>
          <div class="control-group" id="widget-goal">
            <label class="control-label" for="widget-want-to-raise">Amount to Raise</label>
            <div class="controls">
        $goal = isset($this->widget->goalAmnt) ? Currency\trimZeros($this->widget->goalAmnt->numUnits) : "";
              <input type="text" class="input-small" id="widget-want-to-raise"
                     name="goal" value="<?php 
        echo $goal;
        $s = new SelectField('currency', 'Currency', array('USD' => 'USD', 'EUR' => 'EUR', 'GBP' => 'GBP', 'CNY' => 'CNY', 'CAD' => 'CAD', 'JPY' => 'JPY', 'BTC' => 'BTC'));
        $s->setID('currency')->setAttribute('style', 'width: 6em;');
        $s->setValue(empty($this->widget->currency) ? 'USD' : $this->widget->currency);
        echo $s->renderInputHtml();
              <span class="help-inline error-msg">Please enter a valid (numeric) amount.</span>
          <div class="control-group">
            <label class="control-label" for="widget-end-date">End Date</label>
            <div class="controls">
              <input type="text" class="input-small" id="widget-end-date" name="ending"
        echo $this->widget->endingDateAsString();
              <span class="help-inline error-msg">Please correct the error.</span>
          <div class="control-group" id="bitcoin-addr-control-group">
            <label class="control-label" for="widget-bitcoin-address">Bitcoin Address</label>
            <div class="controls">
              <input type="text" class="input-large bitcoin-address" id="widget-bitcoin-address"
                     name="bitcoinAddress" value="<?php 
        echo $this->widget->bitcoinAddress;
" />
              <span class="help-inline error-msg">Please provide a valid Bitcoin address.</span>
              <span class="help-inline not-error">
                Please use a new, dedicated Bitcoin address for each
                widget. In this way, we are able to measure the amount that has been donated
                to your cause.</span>
        </div> <!-- /span6 -->
        <div class="span5 offset1">
          <div class="well">

        </div> <!-- /span5 -->
      </div> <!-- /row-fluid -->
    </div> <!-- /step-1 -->

Пример #2
 private function widgetPreviewURL(Widget $w)
     $width = $w->width ? $w->width : 350;
     $height = $w->height ? $w->height : 310;
     $vars = array('width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'title' => $w->title, 'goal' => empty($w->goalAmnt) ? 0 : $w->goalAmnt->numUnits, 'currency' => $w->currency, 'about' => $w->about, 'color' => $w->color, 'ending' => $w->endingDateAsString(), 'address' => $w->bitcoinAddress);
     return "/widgets/preview" . URL\makeQueryString($vars);