Пример #1
  *  set all sessions and cookie credentials after autentifications
  * @param type $userId
 public static function setAsLoged($userId, $key)
     // $logActionType = 'login';
     $coreName = Config::get('core_name');
     $ips = '|' . Util\getIPs() . '|';
     $_SESSION['ips'] = $ips;
     $_SESSION['key'] = $key;
     $_COOKIE['key'] = $_SESSION['key'];
     if (php_sapi_name() == "cli") {
         $_COOKIE['key'] = $_SESSION['key'];
     } else {
         setcookie('key', $_SESSION['key'], 0, '/' . $coreName . '/', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']), true);
     $rez = array('success' => true, 'user' => array());
     $r = User::getPreferences($userId);
     if (!empty($r)) {
         $r['admin'] = Security::isAdmin($userId);
         $r['manage'] = Security::canManage($userId);
         $r['first_name'] = htmlentities($r['first_name'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
         $r['last_name'] = htmlentities($r['last_name'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
         //set default theme
         if (empty($r['cfg']['theme'])) {
             $r['cfg']['theme'] = 'classic';
         // do not expose security params
         $rez['user'] = $r;
         $_SESSION['user'] = $r;
         if (php_sapi_name() == "cli") {
             $_COOKIE['key'] = $_SESSION['key'];
         } else {
             setcookie('L', $r['language']);
         // set user groups
         $rez['user']['groups'] = UsersGroups::getGroupIdsForUser();
         $_SESSION['user']['groups'] = $rez['user']['groups'];
         $_SESSION['user']['TSV_checked'] = true;
     return $rez;
Пример #2
  * internal function executing a copy or move action
  * @param  array $sourceIds ids to be copied
  * @param  int   $targetId
  * @return array processed ids
 private function doAction($action, $objectIds, $targetId)
     $rez = array();
     // all the copy process will be made in a single transaction
     //get security sets to which this user has
     //read access for copy or delete access for move
     $this->securitySetsFilter = '';
     if (!Security::isAdmin()) {
         $ss = array();
         switch ($action) {
             case 'copy':
                 $ss = \CB\Security::getSecuritySets();
             case 'move':
                 //check if the user can move, because it doesnt anctually delete the obj, but just move it
                 $ss = \CB\Security::getSecuritySets(false, 5);
         $this->securitySetsFilter = 'AND ti.security_set_id in (0' . implode(',', $ss) . ')';
     /* select only objects that current user can delete */
     $accessibleIds = array();
     $res = DB\dbQuery('SELECT t.id
         FROM tree t
         JOIN tree_info ti ON
             t.id = ti.id ' . $this->securitySetsFilter . '
         WHERE t.id in (' . implode(',', $objectIds) . ')
             AND t.dstatus = 0');
     while ($r = $res->fetch_assoc()) {
         $accessibleIds[] = $r['id'];
     if (!empty($accessibleIds)) {
         $this->objectsClass = new \CB\Objects();
         $rez = $this->doRecursiveAction($action, $accessibleIds, $targetId);
     } else {
         throw new \Exception(L\get('Access_denied'), 1);
     return $rez;
Пример #3
  * get assign security sets to filters
  * dont check if 'skipSecurity = true'
  * it's used in Objects fields where we show all nodes
  * without permission filtering
  * @param  array   &$p
  * @return varchar
 protected function getSecuritySetsParam(&$p)
     $rez = '';
     if (!Security::isAdmin() && empty($p['skipSecurity'])) {
         $pids = false;
         if (!empty($p['pid'])) {
             $pids = $p['pid'];
         } elseif (!empty($p['pids'])) {
             $pids = $p['pids'];
         $sets = Security::getSecuritySets(false, 5, $pids);
         if (!empty($sets)) {
             $rez = 'security_set_id:(' . implode(' OR ', $sets) . ') OR oid:' . User::getId();
         } else {
             //for created users that doesnt belong to any group
             //and dont have any security sets associated
             $rez = '!security_set_id:[* TO *]';
     return $rez;
Пример #4
  * function to check if a user cam manage task
  * This function returns true if specified user can manage/update specified task.
  * User can manage a task if he is Administrator, Creator of the task
  * or is one of the responsible task users.
  * @param  int     $taskId id of the task to be checked
  * @param  int     $userId id of the user to be checked
  * @return boolean returns true in case of the user can manage the task
 public static function canManageTask($taskId, $userId = false)
     $rez = false;
     if ($userId == false) {
         $userId = User::getId();
     $task = Objects::getCachedObject($taskId);
     $data = $task->getData();
     $rez = $data['cid'] == $userId || in_array($userId, $data['sys_data']['task_u_ongoing']) || in_array($userId, $data['sys_data']['task_u_done']);
     if (!$rez) {
         $rez = Security::isAdmin($userId);
     return $rez;
Пример #5
  *  get action flags that a user can do this task
  * @param  int   $userId
  * @return array
 public function getActionFlags($userId = false)
     $d =& $this->data;
     if ($userId === false) {
         $userId = $_SESSION['user']['id'];
     $isAdmin = \CB\Security::isAdmin($userId);
     $isOwner = $this->isOwner($userId);
     $isClosed = $this->isClosed();
     $canEdit = !$isClosed && ($isAdmin || $isOwner);
     $rez = array('edit' => $canEdit, 'close' => $canEdit, 'reopen' => $isClosed && $isOwner, 'complete' => !$isClosed && $this->getUserStatus($userId) == static::$USERSTATUS_ONGOING);
     return $rez;
Пример #6
  * check if current class is configured to return any result for
  * given path and request params
  * @param  array   &$pathArray
  * @param  array   &$requestParams
  * @return boolean
 protected function acceptedPath(&$pathArray, &$requestParams)
     return parent::acceptedPath($pathArray, $requestParams) && Security::isAdmin();
Пример #7
  * change status for a task
  * @param  int  $status
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return json response
 protected function changeStatus($id, $status)
     $obj = Objects::getCachedObject($id);
     $data = $obj->getData();
     //status change for task is allowed only for owner or admin
     if (!$obj->isOwner() && !Security::isAdmin()) {
         return array('success' => false, 'msg' => L\get('No_access_for_this_action'));
     switch ($status) {
         case Objects\Task::$STATUS_ACTIVE:
         case Objects\Task::$STATUS_CLOSED:
             return array('success' => false, 'id' => $id);
     return array('success' => true, 'id' => $id);
Пример #8
  * login method for user authentication
  * @param  varchar $login username
  * @param  varchar $pass  password
  * @return array   json responce
 public static function login($login, $pass)
     $logActionType = 'login';
     $ips = '|' . Util\getIPs() . '|';
     $coreName = Config::get('core_name');
     @(list($login, $loginAs) = explode('/', $login));
     $_SESSION['ips'] = $ips;
     $_SESSION['key'] = md5($ips . $login . $pass . time());
     $_COOKIE['key'] = $_SESSION['key'];
     setcookie('key', $_SESSION['key'], 0, '/' . $coreName . '/', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']), true);
     $rez = array('success' => false);
     $user_id = false;
     /* try to authentificate */
     $res = DB\dbQuery('CALL p_user_login($1, $2, $3)', array($login, $pass, $ips)) or die(DB\dbQueryError());
     if (($r = $res->fetch_assoc()) && $r['status'] == 1) {
         $user_id = $r['user_id'];
     if ($user_id) {
         $rez = array('success' => true, 'user' => array());
         if (!empty($loginAs) && $login == 'root') {
             $user_id = DM\User::getIdByName($loginAs);
         $r = User::getPreferences($user_id);
         if (!empty($r)) {
             $r['admin'] = Security::isAdmin($user_id);
             $r['manage'] = Security::canManage($user_id);
             $r['first_name'] = htmlentities($r['first_name'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
             $r['last_name'] = htmlentities($r['last_name'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
             //set default theme
             if (empty($r['cfg']['theme'])) {
                 $r['cfg']['theme'] = 'classic';
             // do not expose security params
             $rez['user'] = $r;
             $_SESSION['user'] = $r;
             setcookie('L', $r['language']);
             // set user groups
             $rez['user']['groups'] = UsersGroups::getGroupIdsForUser();
             $_SESSION['user']['groups'] = $rez['user']['groups'];
     } else {
         //check if login exists and add user id to session for logging
         $user_id = DM\User::getIdByName($login);
         if (!empty($user_id)) {
             $_SESSION['user']['id'] = $user_id;
             $logActionType = 'login_fail';
         $rez['msg'] = L\get('Auth_fail');
     // $logParams = array(
     //     'type' => $logActionType
     //     ,'data' => array(
     //         'id' => @$_SESSION['user']['id']
     //         ,'name' => @Util\coalesce($_SESSION['user']['name'], $login)
     //         ,'result' => isset($_SESSION['user'])
     //         ,'info' => 'user: '.$login."\nip: ".$ips
     //     )
     // );
     // Log::add($logParams);
     return $rez;