Пример #1
  * Fetches all existing TYPO3 users related to the given LDAP/AD users.
  * @param array $ldapUsers List of LDAP/AD users
  * @return array
 public function fetchTypo3Users($ldapUsers)
     // Populate an array of TYPO3 users records corresponding to the LDAP users
     // If a given LDAP user has no associated user in TYPO3, a fresh record
     // will be created so that $ldapUsers[i] <=> $typo3Users[i]
     $typo3UserPid = Configuration::getPid($this->configuration['users']['mapping']);
     $typo3Users = Authentication::getTypo3Users($ldapUsers, $this->configuration['users']['mapping'], $this->userTable, $typo3UserPid);
     return $typo3Users;
Пример #2
  * Gets the LDAP and TYPO3 user groups for a given user.
  * @param array $ldapUser LDAP user data
  * @param array $configuration LDAP configuration
  * @param string $groupTable Name of the group table (should normally be either "be_groups" or "fe_groups")
  * @return array|NULL Array of groups or NULL if required LDAP groups are missing
  * @throws \Causal\IgLdapSsoAuth\Exception\InvalidUserGroupTableException
 public static function getUserGroups(array $ldapUser, array $configuration = NULL, $groupTable = '')
     if ($configuration === NULL) {
         $configuration = static::$config;
     if (empty($groupTable)) {
         if (isset(static::$authenticationService)) {
             $groupTable = static::$authenticationService->authInfo['db_groups']['table'];
         } else {
             if (TYPO3_MODE === 'BE') {
                 $groupTable = 'be_groups';
             } else {
                 $groupTable = 'fe_groups';
     // User is valid only if exist in TYPO3.
     // Get LDAP groups from LDAP user.
     $typo3_groups = array();
     $ldapGroups = static::getLdapGroups($ldapUser);
     /** @var \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\BackendUserGroup[]|\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FrontendUserGroup[] $requiredLDAPGroups */
     $requiredLDAPGroups = Configuration::getValue('requiredLDAPGroups');
     if (count($ldapGroups) === 0) {
         if (count($requiredLDAPGroups) > 0) {
             return NULL;
     } else {
         // Get pid from group mapping
         $typo3GroupPid = Configuration::getPid($configuration['groups']['mapping']);
         $typo3GroupsTemp = static::getTypo3Groups($ldapGroups, $groupTable, $typo3GroupPid);
         if (count($requiredLDAPGroups) > 0) {
             $hasRequired = FALSE;
             $groupUids = array();
             foreach ($typo3GroupsTemp as $typo3Group) {
                 $groupUids[] = $typo3Group['uid'];
             foreach ($requiredLDAPGroups as $group) {
                 if (in_array($group->getUid(), $groupUids)) {
                     $hasRequired = TRUE;
             if (!$hasRequired) {
                 return NULL;
         if (Configuration::getValue('IfGroupExist') && count($typo3GroupsTemp) === 0) {
             return array();
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($typo3GroupsTemp as $typo3Group) {
             if (Configuration::getValue('GroupsNotSynchronize') && !$typo3Group['uid']) {
                 // Groups should not get synchronized and the current group is invalid
             if (Configuration::getValue('GroupsNotSynchronize')) {
                 $typo3_groups[] = $typo3Group;
             } elseif (!$typo3Group['uid']) {
                 $newGroup = Typo3GroupRepository::add($groupTable, $typo3Group);
                 $typo3_group_merged = static::merge($ldapGroups[$i], $newGroup, $configuration['groups']['mapping']);
                 Typo3GroupRepository::update($groupTable, $typo3_group_merged);
                 $typo3Group = Typo3GroupRepository::fetch($groupTable, $typo3_group_merged['uid']);
                 $typo3_groups[] = $typo3Group[0];
             } else {
                 // Restore group that may have been previously deleted
                 $typo3Group['deleted'] = 0;
                 $typo3_group_merged = static::merge($ldapGroups[$i], $typo3Group, $configuration['groups']['mapping']);
                 Typo3GroupRepository::update($groupTable, $typo3_group_merged);
                 $typo3Group = Typo3GroupRepository::fetch($groupTable, $typo3_group_merged['uid']);
                 $typo3_groups[] = $typo3Group[0];
     // Hook for processing the groups
     if (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['ig_ldap_sso_auth']['getGroupsProcessing'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['ig_ldap_sso_auth']['getGroupsProcessing'] as $className) {
             /** @var $postProcessor \Causal\IgLdapSsoAuth\Utility\GetGroupsProcessorInterface */
             $postProcessor = GeneralUtility::getUserObj($className);
             if ($postProcessor instanceof \Causal\IgLdapSsoAuth\Utility\GetGroupsProcessorInterface) {
                 $postProcessor->getUserGroups($groupTable, $ldapUser, $typo3_groups);
             } else {
                 throw new \RuntimeException('Processor ' . get_class($postProcessor) . ' must implement the \\Causal\\IgLdapSsoAuth\\Utility\\GetGroupsProcessorInterface interface', 1431340191);
     return $typo3_groups;
Пример #3
  * Returns the LDAP user groups with information merged with local TYPO3 user groups.
  * @param \Causal\IgLdapSsoAuth\Domain\Model\Configuration $configuration
  * @param string $mode
  * @return array
 protected function getAvailableUserGroups(\Causal\IgLdapSsoAuth\Domain\Model\Configuration $configuration, $mode)
     $userGroups = array();
     $config = $mode === 'be' ? Configuration::getBackendConfiguration() : Configuration::getFrontendConfiguration();
     $ldapGroups = array();
     if (!empty($config['groups']['basedn'])) {
         $filter = Configuration::replaceFilterMarkers($config['groups']['filter']);
         $attributes = Configuration::getLdapAttributes($config['groups']['mapping']);
         $ldapGroups = Ldap::getInstance()->search($config['groups']['basedn'], $filter, $attributes);
     // Populate an array of TYPO3 group records corresponding to the LDAP groups
     // If a given LDAP group has no associated group in TYPO3, a fresh record
     // will be created so that $ldapGroups[i] <=> $typo3Groups[i]
     $typo3GroupPid = Configuration::getPid($config['groups']['mapping']);
     $table = $mode === 'be' ? 'be_groups' : 'fe_groups';
     $typo3Groups = Authentication::getTypo3Groups($ldapGroups, $table, $typo3GroupPid);
     foreach ($ldapGroups as $index => $ldapGroup) {
         $userGroup = Authentication::merge($ldapGroup, $typo3Groups[$index], $config['groups']['mapping']);
         // Attempt to free memory by unsetting fields which are unused in the view
         $keepKeys = array('uid', 'pid', 'deleted', 'title', 'tx_igldapssoauth_dn');
         $keys = array_keys($userGroup);
         foreach ($keys as $key) {
             if (!in_array($key, $keepKeys)) {
         $userGroups[] = $userGroup;
     return $userGroups;