/** * Dodatkowe filtry Twig zwiazane z formatowaniem danych uzytkownika * * @return array */ public function getFilters() { return [new Twig_SimpleFilter('format_date', function ($dateTime, $diffForHumans = true) { $format = Auth::check() ? auth()->user()->date_format : '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'; if (!$dateTime instanceof Carbon) { $dateTime = new Carbon($dateTime); } $now = Carbon::now(); if (!$diffForHumans) { return $dateTime->formatLocalized($format); } elseif ($dateTime->diffInHours($now) < 1) { return $dateTime->diffForHumans(null, true) . ' temu'; } elseif ($dateTime->isToday()) { return 'dziś, ' . $dateTime->format('H:i'); } elseif ($dateTime->isYesterday()) { return 'wczoraj, ' . $dateTime->format('H:i'); } else { return $dateTime->formatLocalized($format); } }), new Twig_SimpleFilter('timestamp', function ($dateTime) { if ($dateTime instanceof Carbon) { return $dateTime->getTimestamp(); } else { return strtotime($dateTime); } })]; }
public static function formatHistory($val) { $time = new Carbon($val); $now = Carbon::now(); if ($time->isToday() == $now->isToday()) { return 'Today at ' . $val->format('H:i'); } elseif ($time->isYesterday()) { return 'Yesterday at ' . $val->format('H:i'); } elseif ($time->format('Y') == $now->format('Y')) { return $val->format('d M, H:i'); } elseif ($time->format('Y') != $now->format('Y')) { return $val->format('d M Y, H:i'); } }
function ivy_echo_date(\Carbon\Carbon $date) { $date->setTimezone(config('params.user_timezone')); return $date->isToday() ? 'Mới @' . $date->format(config('params.user_hourformat')) : ($date->isYesterday() ? 'Hôm qua @' . $date->format(config('params.user_hourformat')) : $date->format(config('params.user_dateformat'))); }
printf("difference between now and %s in \n\thours: %d, \n\tdays: %d, \n\tweeks: %d, \n\tweekend days: %d, \n\tweek days: %s, \n\thuman readable: %s\n", $septEighteen2014->toFormattedDateString(), $dtBerlin->diffInHours($septEighteen2014), $dtBerlin->diffInDays($septEighteen2014), $dtBerlin->diffInWeeks($septEighteen2014), $dtBerlin->diffInWeekendDays($septEighteen2014), $dtBerlin->diffInWeekDays($septEighteen2014), $dtBerlin->diffForHumans($septEighteen2014)); // Date formatting echo $dtBerlin->toDateString() . "\n"; echo $dtBerlin->toFormattedDateString() . "\n"; echo $dtBerlin->toTimeString() . "\n"; echo $dtBerlin->toDateTimeString() . "\n"; echo $dtBerlin->toDayDateTimeString() . "\n"; echo $dtBerlin->toRfc1036String() . "\n"; echo $dtBerlin->toAtomString() . "\n"; echo $dtBerlin->toCookieString() . "\n"; echo $dtBerlin->toRssString() . "\n"; $dtBerlin->setToStringFormat('l jS \\of F Y'); echo $dtBerlin . "\n"; echo (int) $dtBerlin->isLeapYear() . "\n"; // is* range of functions test printf("Is yesterday? %s\n", $dtBerlin->isYesterday() ? "yes" : "no"); printf("Is a Thursday? %s\n", $dtBerlin->isThursday() ? "yes" : "no"); printf("Is in the future? %s\n", $dtBerlin->isFuture() ? "yes" : "no"); printf("Is a leap year? %s\n", $dtBerlin->isLeapYear() ? "yes" : "no"); // first and last of the month printf("First of the month %s\n", $dtBerlin->firstOfMonth()); printf("Last of the month %s\n", $dtBerlin->lastOfMonth()); // nthOf* function test printf("Start of the month %s\n", $dtBerlin->startOfMonth()); printf("End of the month %s\n", $dtBerlin->endOfMonth()); printf("End of the decade %s\n", $dtBerlin->endOfDecade()); // Date manipulation print $dtBerlin->addHours(5)->addDays(2)->addWeeks(1)->addMonths(3); print $dtBerlin->subMonths(8)->subHours(7); // Find UK Bank Holidays $dtLondon = CitcoCarbon::today('Europe/London');
printf("difference between now and %s in \n\thours: %d, \n\tdays: %d, \n\tweeks: %d, \n\tweekend days: %d, \n\tweek days: %s, \n\thuman readable: %s\n", $septEighteen2014->toFormattedDateString(), $dtBerlin->diffInHours($septEighteen2014), $dtBerlin->diffInDays($septEighteen2014), $dtBerlin->diffInWeeks($septEighteen2014), $dtBerlin->diffInWeekendDays($septEighteen2014), $dtBerlin->diffInWeekDays($septEighteen2014), $dtBerlin->diffForHumans($septEighteen2014)); // Date formatting echo $dtBerlin->toDateString() . "\n"; echo $dtBerlin->toFormattedDateString() . "\n"; echo $dtBerlin->toTimeString() . "\n"; echo $dtBerlin->toDateTimeString() . "\n"; echo $dtBerlin->toDayDateTimeString() . "\n"; echo $dtBerlin->toRfc1036String() . "\n"; echo $dtBerlin->toAtomString() . "\n"; echo $dtBerlin->toCookieString() . "\n"; echo $dtBerlin->toRssString() . "\n"; $dtBerlin->setToStringFormat('l jS \\of F Y'); echo $dtBerlin . "\n"; echo (int) $dtBerlin->isLeapYear() . "\n"; // is* range of functions test echo "Is yesterday? " . ($dtBerlin->isYesterday() ? "yes" : "no") . PHP_EOL; echo "Is a Thursday? " . ($dtBerlin->isThursday() ? "yes" : "no") . PHP_EOL; echo "Is in the future? " . ($dtBerlin->isFuture() ? "yes" : "no") . PHP_EOL; echo "Is a leap year? " . ($dtBerlin->isLeapYear() ? "yes" : "no") . PHP_EOL; // first and last of the month echo "First of the month " . $dtBerlin->firstOfMonth() . PHP_EOL; echo "Last of the month " . $dtBerlin->lastOfMonth() . PHP_EOL; // nthOf* function test echo "Start of the month ", $dtBerlin->startOfMonth() . PHP_EOL; echo "End of the month ", $dtBerlin->endOfMonth() . PHP_EOL; echo "End of the decade ", $dtBerlin->endOfDecade() . PHP_EOL; // Date manipulation echo $dtBerlin->addHours(5)->addDays(2)->addWeeks(1)->addMonths(3) . PHP_EOL; echo $dtBerlin->subMonths(8)->subHours(7) . PHP_EOL; // Find UK Bank Holidays $dtLondon = CitcoCarbon::today('Europe/London');
?> @foreach ( $events as $key => $value ) <div class="list-group-item disabled"> <span class="text-uppercase"> <?php $dt = new Carbon($key); ?> <?php if ($dt->isToday()) { echo "<strong>hoje</strong>, " . strftime("%A %d de %B", strtotime($key)); } else { if ($dt->isTomorrow()) { echo "<strong>amanhã</strong>, " . strftime("%A %d de %B", strtotime($key)); } else { if ($dt->isYesterday()) { echo "<strong>ontem</strong>, " . strftime("%A %d de %B", strtotime($key)); } else { echo strftime("%A, %d de %B", strtotime($key)); } } } ?> </span> </div> @foreach ( $value as $event ) <?php if ("Tarefa" == get_class($event)) { ?> @include('tarefas.panels.item',array('tarefa'=>$event))