public function post($body, $type, $id) { if (!$this->config('enabled')) { return false; } // Find out when the last time an announce was sent for this entity $result = $this->Slack->findAllByEntityAndEntityId($type, $id)->first(); if ($result) { $last_update = $result->modified; } else { $result = $this->Slack->newEntity(); $result->entity = $type; $result->entity_id = $id; $last_update = new Time('1 year ago'); } // Prevent sending out an update too soon if ($last_update->wasWithinLast($this->config('debounce'))) { return false; } $http = new Client(); $data = (object) ['text' => $body]; $response = $http->post($this->config('webhook_url'), ['payload' => json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)]); $result->messages++; $this->Slack->save($result); }
public function results() { $client = new Client(); $results = json_decode($client->get('', ['q' => $this->request->data('search'), 'api_key' => $this->api_key])->body()); $this->set('results', $results->data); $this->set('search_string', $this->request->data('search')); }
public function rent($id) { // no view to render $this->autoRender = false; $id--; $http = new Client(); $response = $http->get(''); $rental = json_decode($response->body); // echo $rental[$id - 1]->address; // die; $property = $this->Properties->newEntity(); // Added this line $property->user_id = $this->Auth->user('id'); $property->unitType = $rental[$id]->unitType; $property->address = $rental[$id]->address; $property->city = $rental[$id]->city; $property->state = $rental[$id]->state; $property->zip = $rental[$id]->zip; $property->building = $rental[$id]->building; $property->unitNumber = $rental[$id]->unit; $property->beds = $rental[$id]->beds; $property->baths = $rental[$id]->baths; $property->rent = $rental[$id]->rent; $property->square_feet = $rental[$id]->squareFt; if ($this->Properties->save($property)) { $this->Flash->success(__('You are now renting at ' . $property->address)); return $this->redirect(['action' => 'search']); } //return $this->redirect(['action' => 'search']); //$this->Flash->error(__('Unable to rent this property.')); return $this->redirect(['action' => 'search']); }
public function cep($cep) { $cep = str_replace('-', '', $cep); $this->viewBuilder()->layout('ajax'); $http = new Client(); $response = $http->get('' . $cep . '.json'); $this->set('retorno', json_decode($response->body(), true)); }
public function main() { $tick_names_and_values = array(); $this->authentication(); $http = new Client(); $this->loadModel('Stocks'); $this->loadModel('Devices'); $token_file = new File("/home/demo/token/token.txt"); $token = $token_file->read(); $token_file->close(); $MyAuthObject = new OAuthObject(array("token_type" => "Bearer", "access_token" => $token)); $OptionsToast = new WNSNotificationOptions(); $OptionsToast->SetAuthorization($MyAuthObject); $OptionsToast->SetX_WNS_REQUESTFORSTATUS(X_WNS_RequestForStatus::Request); $NotifierToast = new WindowsNotificationClass($OptionsToast); $OptionsTile = new WNSNotificationOptions(); $OptionsTile->SetAuthorization($MyAuthObject); $OptionsTile->SetX_WNS_REQUESTFORSTATUS(X_WNS_RequestForStatus::Request); //NOTE: Set the Tile type $OptionsTile->SetX_WNS_TYPE(X_WNS_Type::Tile); $NotifierTile = new WindowsNotificationClass($OptionsTile); $allStocks = $this->Stocks->find('all')->toArray(); //$allStocks = $this->Stocks->find('all')->group(['Stocks.device_id'])->toArray(); //$allStocks = $this->Stocks->Devices->find()->group([''])->toArray(); Debugger::dump('allStocks: '); Debugger::dump($allStocks); $allStocksByDeviceId = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($allStocks); $i++) { $actualDeviceId = $allStocks[$i]['device_id']; $added = false; for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($allStocksByDeviceId); $a++) { if ($allStocksByDeviceId[$a]['device_id'] == $actualDeviceId) { $allStocksByDeviceId[$a]['stocks'][] = $allStocks[$i]; $added = true; } } if (!$added) { $allStocksByDeviceId[] = ['device_id' => $actualDeviceId, 'stocks' => [$allStocks[$i]]]; } } Debugger::dump('allStocksByDeviceId: '); Debugger::dump($allStocksByDeviceId); $someStocks = $this->Stocks->find()->distinct(['tick_name'])->toArray(); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($someStocks); $i++) { $response = $http->get('' . $someStocks[$i]['tick_name']); $tick_name = explode(",", $response->body())[0]; $tick_names_and_values[] = [str_replace("\"", "", $tick_name), explode(",", $response->body())[1]]; } Debugger::dump('tick_names_and_values: '); Debugger::dump($tick_names_and_values); $this->sendAllStocksNotificationsInTileNotifications($NotifierTile, $tick_names_and_values, $allStocksByDeviceId); $this->checkMinMaxValuesAndSendToastNotifications($NotifierToast, $tick_names_and_values); //$stuff = implode(",", $stuff); //$now = Time::now(); //$this->createFile('/home/demo/files_created_each_minute/'.$now->i18nFormat('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss').'.txt', $stuff); }
/** * Validate a google recaptcha. * * @param string $value The captcha value. * @param array $context The form context. * @return bool */ public static function googleRecaptcha($value, $context) { $httpClient = new Client(); $googleReponse = $httpClient->post('', ['secret' => Configure::read('Google.Recaptcha.secret'), 'response' => $value, 'remoteip' => Router::getRequest()->clientIp()]); $result = json_decode($googleReponse->body(), true); if (!empty($result['error-codes'])) { Log::error('Google Recaptcha: ' . $result['error-codes'][0]); } return (bool) $result['success']; }
public function getPlayerSummary($steamId = null) { $this->autoRender = false; if ($steamId === null) { $steamId = $this->myId; } $http = new Client(); $response = $http->get('', ['key' => $this->key, 'steamids' => $steamId, 'format' => 'json']); $out = json_decode($response->body); debug($out); }
/** * @param $id * @param $data * @param $isRejection * @return \Cake\Network\Http\Response */ public static function processRequirementApproval($id, $data, $isRejection) { $queryParams = ['cod_u' => $data->user_code, 'cod_sol' => $data->request_user, 'opt' => $isRejection ? 'no' : 'si', 'id' => $id]; if ($isRejection) { $queryParams['moti'] = $data->reject_reason; } $http = new Client(); // Simple get with query string $response = $http->get('', $queryParams); return $response; }
public function sendCodeToNode($id) { $http = new Client(); $node = $this->Nodes->get($id, ['fields' => 'node_code']); $node_code = $node['node_code']; $master_address = \Cake\Core\Configure::read('Master.master_address'); $master_port = \Cake\Core\Configure::read('Master.master_port'); $address = $master_address . ':' . $master_port . '/node/link?target=' . $node_code . '&sender=1'; $response = $http->get((string) $address); $this->Flash->success('Code sent'); return $this->redirect(['action' => 'index']); }
/** * Geocodes an address. * * @param string $address The address or location to geocode * @param array $parameters Additional params to pass to the Google Geocoding API * @throws GeocoderException if the API return a status code other than 200 * @return object */ public function geocode($address, $parameters = []) { $parameters['address'] = $address; $parameters['sensor'] = 'false'; $url = ''; $http = new Client(); $response = $http->get($url, $parameters); if ($response->code != 200) { throw new GeocoderException('Google Maps Geocoding API returned status code ' . $response->code); } $response = json_decode($response->body()); return $response->results; }
/** * Retuns the full address */ public function getByZipcode($zipcode) { $http = new Client(); $response = $http->get('' . $zipcode); $html = str_get_html($response->body()); $lines = $html->find("table td"); $data = []; $data['street'] = isset($lines[1]) ? $lines[1]->innertext : ''; $data['neighborhood'] = isset($lines[2]) ? $lines[2]->innertext : ''; $data['city'] = isset($lines[3]) ? $lines[3]->innertext : ''; $data['state'] = isset($lines[4]) ? $lines[4]->innertext : ''; return $data; }
public function send() { // no view to render $this->autoRender = false; $message = new Message(); $http = new Client(); $response = $http->post('', $message->to_json(), ['type' => 'json']); // $response = $http->post( // '', // $message->to_json(), // ['type' => 'json']); $this->Flash->success(__('Your message has been sent.')); return $this->redirect(['action' => 'index']); }
public function desactivateScenario($id) { $scenariosTable = TableRegistry::get('Scenarios'); $scenario = $scenariosTable->get($id); $http = new Client(); $master_address = \Cake\Core\Configure::read('Master.master_address'); $master_port = \Cake\Core\Configure::read('Master.master_port'); $address = $master_address . ':' . $master_port . '/master/desactivateScript?script_file=' . $scenario->script_file; $response = $http->get((string) $address); $scenario->status = false; $scenariosTable->save($scenario); $this->Flash->success('Scenario desactivated'); return $this->redirect(['action' => 'view' . '/' . $id]); }
public function index() { $http = new Client(); $response = $http->post('', []); // $body = json_decode($response->body); // foreach ($body as $k => $v) { // $ch = curl_init(); // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $v); // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // $data = curl_exec($ch); // curl_close($ch); // (new File(TMP . 'maj' . DS . $k . '.zip', true, 0644))->write($data); // } }
public function formatarGrafico($chart = null, $user_id = null, $tab_id = null) { $default = ["chart_id" => $chart->id, "options" => ["legend" => ["itemStyle" => ["fontWeight" => "normal", "fontSize" => "12px", "fontFamily" => "'Arvo'", "textTransform" => "uppercase"]], "chart" => ["type" => $chart->type], "plotOptions" => ["series" => ["stacking" => "", "cursor" => 'pointer'], "pie" => ["cursor" => "pointer", "dataLabels" => ["enabled" => "true", "format" => '<b>{}</b>: {point.percentage:.1f} %']]], "xAxis" => ["categories" => []]], "series" => [], "title" => ["text" => "Gráfico de Demonstração", "style" => ["fontWeight" => "bold", "fontSize" => "21px", "fontFamily" => "'Arvo'", "textTransform" => "uppercase"]], "subtitle" => ["text" => "", "style" => ["fontSize" => "15px", "fontFamily" => "'Arvo'", "textTransform" => "uppercase"]], "credits" => ["enabled" => false], "loading" => false, "size" => [], "filter_start" => (new \DateTime())->format("01/01/Y"), "filter_end" => (new \DateTime())->format("d/m/Y"), 'format' => 'diario']; if (!empty($_GET['inicio'])) { $chart->filter_start = $_GET['inicio']; } if (!empty($_GET['fim'])) { $chart->filter_end = $_GET['fim']; } if (!empty($chart->name)) { $default['title']['text'] = $chart->name; } if (!empty($chart->subname)) { $default['subtitle']['text'] = $chart->subname; } if (!empty($chart->filter_start)) { $default['filter_start'] = $chart->filter_start; } if (!empty($chart->filter_end)) { $default['filter_end'] = $chart->filter_end; } if (!empty($chart->chart_series)) { // limpa as series $default['series'] = []; $http = new Client(); foreach ($chart->chart_series as $serie) { // requisição a API $url = $this->Url->build("/", true); $dados = ['formato' => $chart->format, 'input' => $serie->input_id, 'materia' => $serie->theme_id]; $url = $url . 'cms/api/calcular_serie/'; $payload = ['user_id' => $user_id, 'chart_serie_id' => $serie->id, 'input_id' => $dados['input'], 'formato_grafico' => $dados['formato'], 'theme_id' => $dados['materia']]; if (!empty($_GET['inicio'])) { $payload['inicio'] = $_GET['inicio']; } if (!empty($_GET['fim'])) { $payload['fim'] = $_GET['fim']; } if (!empty($tab_id)) { $payload['tab_id'] = $tab_id; } $response = $http->post($url, $payload, ['type' => 'json']); $response = $response->json; if (!empty($response['data'])) { $default['series'][] = ['id' => $serie->id, 'name' => $serie->name, 'color' => $serie->color, 'type' => $serie->type, 'input_id' => strval($serie->input_id), 'theme_id' => strval($serie->theme_id), 'actors_tutors' => $serie->actors_tutors, 'actors_therapists' => $serie->actors_therapists, 'actors_schools' => $serie->actors_schools, 'actors_protectors' => $serie->actors_protectors, 'data' => $response['data']]; } } } return json_encode($default, JSON_HEX_APOS); }
public function forgot() { $this->layout = 'default'; if ($this->request->data) { $success = false; $http = new Client(); $broker_url = Router::url('/', true); if (substr($broker_url, 0, 7) == 'http://') { $broker_url = substr($broker_url, 7); } else { if (substr($broker_url, 0, 8) == 'https://') { $broker_url = substr($broker_url, 8); } } if (substr($broker_url, -1) == '/') { $broker_url = substr($broker_url, 0, strlen($broker_url) - 1); } if (substr($broker_url, 0, 3) != 'www') { $broker_url = 'www.' . $broker_url; } $broker_url = Router::url('/', true); $broker_url = str_replace("http://", "", $broker_url); $broker_url = str_replace("https://", "", $broker_url); $broker_url = str_replace("/", "", $broker_url); $length = 8; $randomString = substr(str_shuffle("23456789"), 0, $length); //call out to sso parent to verify login $params = ['action' => 'user_profile', 'broker_url' => $broker_url, 'broker_key' => Configure::read('hippo.sso_broker_key'), 'email' => $this->request->data['email']]; $response = $http->post('http://' . SSO_PARENT . '/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php', $params); $user_info = $response->body(); if ($user_info) { $params = ['action' => 'broker_pwd', 'hash' => MD5($randomString), 'email' => $this->request->data['email']]; $http->post('http://' . SSO_PARENT . '/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php', $params); $success = true; $message = "<html>\n\t\t <head>\n\t\t </head>\n\t\t <body>\n\t\t <h1>" . __('Your ENVOY Password Has Been Reset') . "</h1>\n\t\t <p>\n\t\t " . __('Hello') . ', <br><br>' . __('The password associated with this email address has been reset to the following') . ":<br />" . $randomString . "</p><br>\n\t\t <p>\n\t\t " . __('For accuracy, it is recommended that you copy and paste the password information into the travel agent login area of the website.') . '<br><br>' . __('You can change your password in the My Profile section of the site once you have logged in.') . "\n\t\t </p>\n\t\t </body>\n\t\t </html>"; $from = Configure::read('hippo.system_email'); $subject = __('ENVOY Password Reset'); $this->_sendEmail($this->request->data['email'], $from, $subject, $message); $this->loadModel('Agents'); $user = $this->Agents->findByEmail($this->request->data['email']); if ($user->count()) { $user = $user->first(); $user->password = MD5($randomString); $this->Agents->save($user); } } } $this->set(compact('success')); }
/** * Retrieve information about the authentication * * Will get the realm and other tokens by performing * another request without authentication to get authentication * challenge. * * @param \Cake\Network\Http\Request $request The request object. * @param array $credentials Authentication credentials. * @return Array modified credentials. */ protected function _getServerInfo(Request $request, $credentials) { $response = $this->_client->get($request->url(), [], ['auth' => []]); if (!$response->header('WWW-Authenticate')) { return false; } preg_match_all('@(\\w+)=(?:(?:")([^"]+)"|([^\\s,$]+))@', $response->header('WWW-Authenticate'), $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches as $match) { $credentials[$match[1]] = $match[2]; } if (!empty($credentials['qop']) && empty($credentials['nc'])) { $credentials['nc'] = 1; } return $credentials; }
public function send($serviceRequest) { // no view to render $this->autoRender = false; $http = new Client(); $response = $http->post('', json_encode($serviceRequest), ['type' => 'json']); // var_dump($response->body); // die; // $response = $http->post( // '', // $this->to_json(), // ['type' => 'json']); //$this->Flash->success(__('Your service request has been sent.')); //return $this->redirect(['controller' => 'ServiceRequests', 'action' => 'index']); }
/** * Calls an HTTP POST function to verify if the user's guess was correct * * @param string $challengeField Challenge field data * @param string $responseField Response field data * @param array $extraParams an array of extra variables to post to the verify server * * @return bool */ public static function isValid($challengeField, $responseField, $extraParams = []) { $privateKey = Configure::read('ReCaptcha.privateKey'); $remoteIp = env('REMOTE_ADDR'); if ($privateKey == null || $privateKey == '') { $url = '<a href=""></a>'; die(__d('re_captcha', 'To use reCAPTCHA you must get an API key from {0}', $url)); } if ($remoteIp == null || $remoteIp == '') { die(__d('re_captcha', 'For security reasons, you must pass the remote ip to reCAPTCHA')); } $http = new Client(); $response = $http->post(self::RECAPTCHA_VERIFY_SERVER, ['privatekey' => $privateKey, 'remoteip' => $remoteIp, 'challenge' => $challengeField, 'response' => $responseField] + $extraParams, ['headers' => ['User-Agent' => 'reCAPTCHA/PHP', 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded']]); return self::responseParser($response->body()); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function sendInternalRequest(InternalRequestInterface $internalRequest) { $request = new Request(); foreach ($this->prepareHeaders($internalRequest) as $name => $value) { $request->header($name, $value); } $request->method($internalRequest->getMethod()); $request->body($this->prepareBody($internalRequest)); $request->url($uri = (string) $internalRequest->getUri()); $request->version($this->getConfiguration()->getProtocolVersion()); try { $response = $this->client->send($request, array('timeout' => $this->getConfiguration()->getTimeout(), 'redirect' => false)); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw HttpAdapterException::cannotFetchUri($uri, $this->getName(), $e->getMessage()); } return $this->getConfiguration()->getMessageFactory()->createResponse((int) $response->statusCode(), $response->version(), $response->headers(), $response->body()); }
/** * Shorten the given $url, handle response errors and return a BitlyResponseData object. * * @param string $url * @return BitlyResponseData|null */ public function shorten($url) { $longUrl = urlencode($url); $apiRequest = Text::insert(':shortenEndpoint?login=:login&apiKey=:apiKey&longUrl=:longUrl', ['shortenEndpoint' => self::ENDPOINT . self::SHORTEN, 'login' => $this->_login, 'apiKey' => $this->_apiKey, 'longUrl' => $longUrl]); /** @var null|BitlyResponse $response */ $response = $this->http->get($apiRequest)->body('json_decode'); $this->_handleBitlyResponse($response, $longUrl); return $response->data; }
/** * Returns a application access token. * * @return string|bool The access token or false in case of a failure */ public function accessToken() { $cacheKey = 'twitter-' . $this->config('name') . '-token'; if (Cache::read($cacheKey) !== false) { return Cache::read($cacheKey); } $bearerToken = $this->bearerToken(); if (!$bearerToken) { return false; } $client = new Client(['headers' => ['Authorization' => 'Basic ' . $bearerToken], 'host' => '', 'scheme' => 'https']); $response = $client->post('/oauth2/token', ['grant_type' => 'client_credentials']); if (!$response->isOk() || !$response->json['token_type']) { return false; } Cache::write($cacheKey, $response->json['access_token']); return $response->json['access_token']; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function sendRequest(RequestInterface $request) { $cakeRequest = new Request(); $cakeRequest->method($request->getMethod()); $cakeRequest->url((string) $request->getUri()); $cakeRequest->version($request->getProtocolVersion()); $cakeRequest->body($request->getBody()->getContents()); foreach ($request->getHeaders() as $header => $values) { $cakeRequest->header($header, $request->getHeaderLine($header)); } if (null === $cakeRequest->header('Content-Type')) { $cakeRequest->header('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); } try { $cakeResponse = $this->client->send($cakeRequest, $this->client->config()); } catch (Exception $exception) { throw new NetworkException('Failed to send request', $request, $exception); } return $this->responseFactory->createResponse($cakeResponse->statusCode(), null, $cakeResponse->headers(), $cakeResponse->body(), $cakeResponse->version()); }
/** * Calls the reCAPTCHA siteverify API to verify whether the user passes * CAPTCHA test. * * @param HttpClientInterface $httpClient Required. HttpClient. * @param string $response Required. The user response token provided by the reCAPTCHA to the user and provided to your site on. * @param string $remoteIp Optional. The user's IP address. * * @return bool */ public function verifyResponse(Client $httpClient, $response, $remoteIp = null) { if (is_null($this->secret)) { return false; } // Get Json GRecaptchaResponse Obj from Google server $postOptions = ['secret' => $this->secret, 'response' => $response]; if (!is_null($remoteIp)) { $postOptions['remoteip'] = $remoteIp; } $gRecaptchaResponse = $httpClient->post(self::$siteVerifyUrl, $postOptions); // problem while accessing remote if (!$gRecaptchaResponse->isOk()) { return false; } $this->recaptchaResponse->setJson($gRecaptchaResponse->json); if ($this->recaptchaResponse->isSuccess()) { return true; } return false; }
public function decodeAddress($lat, $lng) { $url = "{$this->config['apiUrl']}?latlng={$lat},{$lng}&language={$this->config['language']}®ion={$this->config['region']}"; $httpClient = new Client(); $response = $httpClient->get($url); if (!$response->isOk()) { return false; } $resp = json_decode($response->body(), true); // debug($resp); if (!isset($resp['results']['0'])) { return false; } $address = []; foreach ($resp['results'][0]['address_components'] as $component) { if (!isset($this->apiFieldMap[$component['types'][0]])) { continue; } $address[$this->config['fields'][$this->apiFieldMap[$component['types'][0]]]] = $component['long_name']; } return $address; }
public function flood($payload, $job) { $command = 'ps -p ' . $payload['pid']; exec($command, $op); if (!isset($op[1])) { return 'Flood has been stopped'; } $pi = $this->_bcpi(rand(1, $payload['work'])); //Fetch an api 50% of the time if (rand(0, 1) == 0) { $client = new Client(); $client->get(''); $pi .= ' - api'; sleep(rand(0, 120)); } $number_forks = rand($payload['first'] ? 1 : 0, $payload['max_fork']); $payload['first'] = false; $sequence = rand(0, 9) > 0 ? null : 'ark_' . $job->id . '_' . time(); for ($i = 0; $i < $number_forks; $i++) { $this->_queueJob('FloodTest', 'DelayedJobs\\Worker\\ArkWorker', 'flood', $payload, rand(0, 9) + $job->priority, $sequence); } return $pi; }
/** * Before save callback. * * @param \Cake\Event\Event $event The beforeSave event that was fired * @param \Cake\ORM\Entity $entity The entity that is going to be saved * @return bool */ public function beforeSave(Event $event, Entity $entity) { $addressColumn = $this->_config['addressColumn']; $latitudeColumn = $this->_config['latitudeColumn']; $longitudeColumn = $this->_config['longitudeColumn']; $parameters = (array) $this->_config['parameters']; $requireSuccess = $this->_config['requireSuccess']; if (is_array($addressColumn)) { $address = []; foreach ($addressColumn as $column) { if (!empty($entity->{$column})) { $address[] = $entity->{$column}; } } $address = implode(', ', $address); } else { $address = $entity->{$addressColumn}; } $parameters['address'] = $address; $parameters['sensor'] = 'false'; $url = ''; $http = new Client(); $response = $http->get($url, $parameters); $response = json_decode($response->body()); if ($response->status == 'OK') { $entity->{$latitudeColumn} = floatval($response->results[0]->geometry->location->lat); $entity->{$longitudeColumn} = floatval($response->results[0]->geometry->location->lng); return true; } else { if ($requireSuccess) { $entity->errors($addressColumn, 'Could not geocode address'); return false; } else { return true; } } }
/** * Add method * * @return void Redirects on successful add, renders view otherwise. */ public function add() { if ($this->Auth->user()) { $this->Flash->error(__('Vous êtes déjà connecté.')); return $this->redirect('/'); } $this->set('h1', __('Inscription')); $user = $this->Users->newEntity(); if ($this->request->is('post')) { $data = $this->request->data; if (empty($data['username']) || empty($data['password']) || empty($data['email']) || empty($data['firstname']) || empty($data['lastname']) || empty($data['birthday']) || empty($data['g-recaptcha-response'])) { $this->Flash->error(__('Tous les champs obligatoires n\'ont pas été remplis.')); } elseif ($data['password'] != $data['password_confirm']) { $this->Flash->error(__('Les mots-de-passe ne sont pas identiques.')); } else { $http = new Client(); $reCaptcha = Configure::read('reCAPTCHA'); $response = $http->post($reCaptcha['requestUrl'], ['secret' => $reCaptcha['privateKey'], 'response' => $data['g-recaptcha-response'], 'remoteip' => $this->request->env('REMOTE_ADDR')])->json; if (!$response['success']) { $this->Flash->error(__('La vérification anti-bot a retourné une erreur. Veuillez réessayer.')); debug($response); } else { $user = $this->Users->patchEntity($user, $this->request->data); if ($this->Users->save($user)) { $this->Flash->success(__('Le compte a été créé.')); return $this->redirect('/'); } else { debug($data); $this->Flash->error(__('L\'opération a rencontré un problème. Veuillez réessayer.')); } } } } $this->set(compact('user')); $this->set('_serialize', ['user']); }
/** * Fetch data from Openweathermap website * * @param array $params Array of parameters for building the url * @param string $mode Output format expected (json, xml, html) * @param string $type Type of request (forecast, current) * @return array|mixed */ protected function _fetchData($params, $mode = null, $type = 'forecast') { try { // if $mode is null, we get the default config mode if (is_null($mode)) { $mode = $this->config('mode'); } // create HTTP Client $client = new Client(); $params['mode'] = $mode; // grab the info $data = $client->get($this->config('url.' . $type), $params); if (!$data->isOk()) { // if the grabing is a failure, we return an error return ['success' => false, 'error' => __d('openweathermap', 'Fetching error from Openweathermap')]; } else { // if grabing is a success, we parse the result switch ($mode) { case 'json': $response = ['success' => true, 'data' => $data->json]; break; case 'xml': $response = ['success' => true, 'data' => $data->xml]; break; case 'html': $response = ['success' => true, 'data' => $data->body()]; break; } // we save weather informations into database $this->_saveData($data->json); } } catch (\Exception $ex) { $response = ['success' => false, 'error' => $ex->getMessage()]; } return $response; }
/** * Svn method * * @param int $id user id * * @return void */ public function svn($id) { $user = $this->Users->get($id); $svnsUsers = TableRegistry::get('svn_users'); $pseudos = $svnsUsers->findByUserId($id)->toArray(); $code = $this->request->query('code'); if ($code) { $http = new Client(); $result = $http->post('', ['client_id' => GITHUBID, 'client_secret' => GITHUBKEY, 'code' => $code]); $tmp = explode('&', $result->body)[0]; $token = explode('=', $tmp)[1]; if ($token != "bad_verification_code") { $result = $http->get('', ['access_token' => $token]); $res = json_decode($result->body, true); if (!$svnsUsers->findByPseudo($res['login'])->toArray()) { $svnUser = $svnsUsers->newEntity(); $svnUser->editPseudo($res['login']); $svnUser->editSvnId(1); $svnUser->edituserId($id); if ($svnsUsers->save($svnUser)) { $this->Flash->success(__('The account have been added')); return $this->redirect(['controller' => 'Users', 'action' => 'svn', $id]); } else { $this->Flash->error(__('Error in adding the account, please try again.')); } } else { $this->Flash->error(__('This account have already been added')); } } } $this->set(compact('user', 'pseudos')); $this->set('_serialize', ['user']); }