Пример #1
 public function onRun()
     try {
         Utils::postURL($this->endpoint, $this->data, 5, ["Content-Type: application/json", "Content-Length: " . strlen($this->data)]);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
Пример #2
 public function execute(CommandSender $sender, $currentAlias, array $args)
     if (!$this->testPermission($sender)) {
         return true;
     $rUsage = Utils::getRealMemoryUsage();
     $mUsage = Utils::getMemoryUsage(true);
     $server = $sender->getServer();
     $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::GREEN . "---- " . TextFormat::WHITE . "%BukkitPE.command.status.title" . TextFormat::GREEN . " ----");
     $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::GOLD . "%BukkitPE.command.status.player" . TextFormat::GREEN . \count($sender->getServer()->getOnlinePlayers()) . "/" . $sender->getServer()->getMaxPlayers());
     $time = microtime(true) - \BukkitPE\START_TIME;
     $seconds = floor($time % 60);
     $minutes = null;
     $hours = null;
     $days = null;
     if ($time >= 60) {
         $minutes = floor($time % 3600 / 60);
         if ($time >= 3600) {
             $hours = floor($time % (3600 * 24) / 3600);
             if ($time >= 3600 * 24) {
                 $days = floor($time / (3600 * 24));
     $uptime = ($minutes !== null ? ($hours !== null ? ($days !== null ? "{$days} %BukkitPE.command.status.days " : "") . "{$hours} %BukkitPE.command.status.hours " : "") . "{$minutes} %BukkitPE.command.status.minutes " : "") . "{$seconds} %BukkitPE.command.status.seconds";
     $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::GOLD . "%BukkitPE.command.status.uptime " . TextFormat::RED . $uptime);
     $tpsColor = TextFormat::GREEN;
     if ($server->getTicksPerSecondAverage() < 10) {
         $tpsColor = TextFormat::GOLD;
     } elseif ($server->getTicksPerSecondAverage() < 1) {
         $tpsColor = TextFormat::RED;
     $tpsColour = TextFormat::GREEN;
     if ($server->getTicksPerSecond() < 10) {
         $tpsColour = TextFormat::GOLD;
     } elseif ($server->getTicksPerSecond() < 1) {
         $tpsColour = TextFormat::RED;
     $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::GOLD . "%BukkitPE.command.status.AverageTPS " . $tpsColor . $server->getTicksPerSecondAverage() . " (" . $server->getTickUsageAverage() . "%)");
     $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::GOLD . "%BukkitPE.command.status.CurrentTPS " . $tpsColour . $server->getTicksPerSecond() . " (" . $server->getTickUsage() . "%)");
     $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::GOLD . "%BukkitPE.command.status.Networkupload " . TextFormat::RED . \round($server->getNetwork()->getUpload() / 1024, 2) . " kB/s");
     $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::GOLD . "%BukkitPE.command.status.Networkdownload " . TextFormat::RED . \round($server->getNetwork()->getDownload() / 1024, 2) . " kB/s");
     $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::GOLD . "%BukkitPE.command.status.Threadcount " . TextFormat::RED . Utils::getThreadCount());
     $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::GOLD . "%BukkitPE.command.status.Mainmemory " . TextFormat::RED . number_format(round($mUsage[0] / 1024 / 1024, 2)) . " MB.");
     $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::GOLD . "%BukkitPE.command.status.Totalmemory " . TextFormat::RED . number_format(round($mUsage[1] / 1024 / 1024, 2)) . " MB.");
     $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::GOLD . "%BukkitPE.command.status.Totalvirtualmemory " . TextFormat::RED . number_format(round($mUsage[2] / 1024 / 1024, 2)) . " MB.");
     $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::GOLD . "%BukkitPE.command.status.Heapmemory " . TextFormat::RED . number_format(round($rUsage[0] / 1024 / 1024, 2)) . " MB.");
     $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::GOLD . "%BukkitPE.command.status.Maxmemorysystem " . TextFormat::RED . number_format(round($mUsage[2] / 1024 / 1024, 2)) . " MB.");
     if ($server->getProperty("memory.global-limit") > 0) {
         $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::GOLD . "%BukkitPE.command.status.Maxmemorymanager " . TextFormat::RED . number_format(round($server->getProperty("memory.global-limit"), 2)) . " MB.");
     foreach ($server->getLevels() as $level) {
         $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::GOLD . "%BukkitPE.command.status.World \"" . $level->getFolderName() . "\"" . ($level->getFolderName() !== $level->getName() ? " (" . $level->getName() . ")" : "") . ": " . TextFormat::RED . number_format(count($level->getChunks())) . TextFormat::GREEN . " %BukkitPE.command.status.chunks " . TextFormat::RED . number_format(count($level->getEntities())) . TextFormat::GREEN . " %BukkitPE.command.status.entities " . TextFormat::RED . number_format(count($level->getTiles())) . TextFormat::GREEN . " %BukkitPE.command.status.tiles " . "%BukkitPE.command.status.Time " . (($level->getTickRate() > 1 or $level->getTickRateTime() > 40) ? TextFormat::RED : TextFormat::YELLOW) . round($level->getTickRateTime(), 2) . "%BukkitPE.command.status.ms" . ($level->getTickRate() > 1 ? " (tick rate " . $level->getTickRate() . ")" : ""));
     return true;
Пример #3
 public function __debugInfo()
     $data = [];
     foreach ($this as $k => $v) {
         if ($k === "buffer") {
             $data[$k] = bin2hex($v);
         } elseif (is_string($v) or is_object($v) and method_exists($v, "__toString")) {
             $data[$k] = Utils::printable((string) $v);
         } else {
             $data[$k] = $v;
     return $data;
Пример #4
 public static function RemovePortForward($port)
     if (Utils::$online === false) {
         return false;
     if (Utils::getOS() != "win" or !class_exists("COM")) {
         return false;
     $port = (int) $port;
     try {
         $com = new \COM("HNetCfg.NATUPnP") or false;
         if ($com === false or !is_object($com->StaticPortMappingCollection)) {
             return false;
         $com->StaticPortMappingCollection->Remove($port, "UDP");
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return false;
     return true;
Пример #5
 public static function getCoreCount($recalculate = false)
     static $processors = 0;
     if ($processors > 0 and !$recalculate) {
         return $processors;
     } else {
         $processors = 0;
     switch (Utils::getOS()) {
         case "linux":
         case "android":
             if (file_exists("/proc/cpuinfo")) {
                 foreach (file("/proc/cpuinfo") as $l) {
                     if (preg_match('/^processor[ \\t]*:[ \\t]*[0-9]+$/m', $l) > 0) {
             } else {
                 if (preg_match("/^([0-9]+)\\-([0-9]+)\$/", trim(@file_get_contents("/sys/devices/system/cpu/present")), $matches) > 0) {
                     $processors = (int) ($matches[2] - $matches[1]);
         case "bsd":
         case "mac":
             $processors = (int) `sysctl -n hw.ncpu`;
             $processors = (int) `sysctl -n hw.ncpu`;
         case "win":
             $processors = (int) getenv("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS");
     return $processors;
Пример #6
 private function networkFunctions()
     $config = new Config(\BukkitPE\DATA . "server.properties", Config::PROPERTIES);
     echo "[!] " . $this->lang->query_warning1 . "\n";
     echo "[!] " . $this->lang->query_warning2 . "\n";
     echo "[?] " . $this->lang->query_disable . " (y/N): ";
     if (strtolower($this->getInput("n")) === "y") {
         $config->set("enable-query", false);
     } else {
         $config->set("enable-query", true);
     echo "[*] " . $this->lang->rcon_info . "\n";
     echo "[?] " . $this->lang->rcon_enable . " (y/N): ";
     if (strtolower($this->getInput("n")) === "y") {
         $config->set("enable-rcon", true);
         $password = substr(base64_encode(@Utils::getRandomBytes(20, false)), 3, 10);
         $config->set("rcon.password", $password);
         echo "[*] " . $this->lang->rcon_password . ": " . $password . "\n";
     } else {
         $config->set("enable-rcon", false);
     /*echo "[*] " . $this->lang->usage_info . "\n";
     		echo "[?] " . $this->lang->usage_disable . " (y/N): ";
     		if(strtolower($this->getInput("n")) === "y"){
     			$config->set("send-usage", false);
     			$config->set("send-usage", true);
     echo "[*] " . $this->lang->ip_get . "\n";
     $externalIP = Utils::getIP();
     $internalIP = gethostbyname(trim(`hostname`));
     echo "[!] " . $this->lang->get("ip_warning", ["{{EXTERNAL_IP}}", "{{INTERNAL_IP}}"], [$externalIP, $internalIP]) . "\n";
     echo "[!] " . $this->lang->ip_confirm;
Пример #7
  * Amount of memory already freed
  * @return int
 public function getMemoryFreed()
     return $this->getMemory() - ($this->isGlobal() ? Utils::getMemoryUsage(true)[1] : Utils::getMemoryUsage(true)[0]);
Пример #8
 function getTrace($start = 1, $trace = null)
     if ($trace === null) {
         if (function_exists("xdebug_get_function_stack")) {
             $trace = array_reverse(xdebug_get_function_stack());
         } else {
             $e = new \Exception();
             $trace = $e->getTrace();
     $messages = [];
     $j = 0;
     for ($i = (int) $start; isset($trace[$i]); ++$i, ++$j) {
         $params = "";
         if (isset($trace[$i]["args"]) or isset($trace[$i]["params"])) {
             if (isset($trace[$i]["args"])) {
                 $args = $trace[$i]["args"];
             } else {
                 $args = $trace[$i]["params"];
             foreach ($args as $name => $value) {
                 $params .= (is_object($value) ? get_class($value) . " " . (method_exists($value, "__toString") ? $value->__toString() : "object") : gettype($value) . " " . (is_array($value) ? "Array()" : Utils::printable(@strval($value)))) . ", ";
         $messages[] = "#{$j} " . (isset($trace[$i]["file"]) ? cleanPath($trace[$i]["file"]) : "") . "(" . (isset($trace[$i]["line"]) ? $trace[$i]["line"] : "") . "): " . (isset($trace[$i]["class"]) ? $trace[$i]["class"] . (($trace[$i]["type"] === "dynamic" or $trace[$i]["type"] === "->") ? "->" : "::") : "") . $trace[$i]["function"] . "(" . Utils::printable(substr($params, 0, -2)) . ")";
     return $messages;
Пример #9
 private function continueDump($from, &$data, &$objects, &$refCounts, $recursion, $maxNesting, $maxStringSize)
     if ($maxNesting <= 0) {
         $data = "(error) NESTING LIMIT REACHED";
     if (is_object($from)) {
         if (!isset($objects[$hash = spl_object_hash($from)])) {
             $objects[$hash] = $from;
             $refCounts[$hash] = 0;
         $data = "(object) {$hash}@" . get_class($from);
     } elseif (is_array($from)) {
         if ($recursion >= 5) {
             $data = "(error) ARRAY RECURSION LIMIT REACHED";
         $data = [];
         foreach ($from as $key => $value) {
             $this->continueDump($value, $data[$key], $objects, $refCounts, $recursion + 1, $maxNesting, $maxStringSize);
     } elseif (is_string($from)) {
         $data = "(string) len(" . strlen($from) . ") " . substr(Utils::printable($from), 0, $maxStringSize);
     } elseif (is_resource($from)) {
         $data = "(resource) " . print_r($from, true);
     } else {
         $data = $from;
Пример #10
 private function generalData()
     $version = new VersionString();
     $this->data["general"] = [];
     $this->data["general"]["version"] = $version->get(false);
     $this->data["general"]["build"] = $version->getBuild();
     $this->data["general"]["protocol"] = Info::CURRENT_PROTOCOL;
     $this->data["general"]["api"] = \BukkitPE\API_VERSION;
     $this->data["general"]["git"] = \BukkitPE\GIT_COMMIT;
     $this->data["general"]["raklib"] = RakLib::VERSION;
     $this->data["general"]["uname"] = php_uname("a");
     $this->data["general"]["php"] = phpversion();
     $this->data["general"]["zend"] = zend_version();
     $this->data["general"]["php_os"] = PHP_OS;
     $this->data["general"]["os"] = Utils::getOS();
     $this->addLine("BukkitPE-MP version: " . $version->get(false) . " #" . $version->getBuild() . " [Protocol " . Info::CURRENT_PROTOCOL . "; API " . API_VERSION . "]");
     $this->addLine("Git commit: " . GIT_COMMIT);
     $this->addLine("uname -a: " . php_uname("a"));
     $this->addLine("PHP Version: " . phpversion());
     $this->addLine("Zend version: " . zend_version());
     $this->addLine("OS : " . PHP_OS . ", " . Utils::getOS());
Пример #11
 public function regenerateToken()
     $this->lastToken = $this->token;
     $this->token = @Utils::getRandomBytes(16, false);