/** * @param Entity\Event $event * @return Entity\EventResult */ public static function onAfterDelete(Entity\Event $event) { $result = new Entity\EventResult(); $data = $event->getParameters(); $primary = array('MAILING_ID' => $data['primary']['ID']); MailingGroupTable::delete($primary); MailingChainTable::delete($primary); PostingTable::delete($primary); return $result; }
/** * Handler of before delete event * @param Entity\Event $event * @return Entity\EventResult */ public static function onBeforeDelete(Entity\Event $event) { $result = new Entity\EventResult(); $data = $event->getParameters(); $chainListDb = MailingChainTable::getList(array('select' => array('ID', 'SUBJECT', 'MAILING_ID', 'MAILING_NAME' => 'MAILING.NAME'), 'filter' => array('TEMPLATE_TYPE' => 'USER', 'TEMPLATE_ID' => $data['primary']['ID']), 'order' => array('MAILING_NAME' => 'ASC', 'ID'))); if ($chainListDb->getSelectedRowsCount() > 0) { $template = static::getRowById($data['primary']['ID']); $messageList = array(); while ($chain = $chainListDb->fetch()) { $messageList[$chain['MAILING_NAME']] = '[' . $chain['ID'] . '] ' . htmlspecialcharsbx($chain['SUBJECT']) . "\n"; } $message = Loc::getMessage('SENDER_ENTITY_TEMPLATE_DELETE_ERROR_TEMPLATE', array('#NAME#' => $template['NAME'])) . "\n"; foreach ($messageList as $mailingName => $messageItem) { $message .= Loc::getMessage('SENDER_ENTITY_TEMPLATE_DELETE_ERROR_MAILING', array('#NAME#' => $mailingName)) . "\n" . $messageItem . "\n"; } $result->addError(new Entity\EntityError($message)); } return $result; }
?> </td> </tr> <?php if ($MAILING_ID > 0) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo GetMessage("sender_stat_flt_mailing_chain"); ?> :</td> <td valign="middle"> <?php $arr = array(); $mailingChainDb = \Bitrix\Sender\MailingChainTable::getList(array('select' => array('REFERENCE' => 'SUBJECT', 'REFERENCE_ID' => 'ID'), 'filter' => array('MAILING_ID' => $MAILING_ID))); while ($arMailingChain = $mailingChainDb->fetch()) { $arr['reference'][] = $arMailingChain['REFERENCE']; $arr['reference_id'][] = $arMailingChain['REFERENCE_ID']; } echo SelectBoxFromArray("find_mailing_chain_id", $arr, $ID, false, ""); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } $oFilter->Buttons(array("table_id" => $sTableID, "url" => $APPLICATION->GetCurPage(), "form" => "find_form")); $oFilter->End(); ?> </form>
</td> </tr> <?php $oFilter->Buttons(array("table_id" => $sTableID, "url" => $APPLICATION->GetCurPage() . "?MAILING_ID=" . $MAILING_ID, "form" => "find_form")); $oFilter->End(); ?> </form> <?php //****************************** // Send mailing and show progress //****************************** if ($_REQUEST['action'] == "send") { $canSend = \Bitrix\Sender\MailingChainTable::isReadyToSend($ID); if (!$canSend) { $canSend = \Bitrix\Sender\MailingChainTable::isManualSentPartly($ID); } if ($canSend) { ?> <div id="progress_message"></div> <script> var stop = false; function Stop() { stop=true; document.getElementById('btn_stop').disabled = true; document.getElementById('btn_cont').disabled = false; } function Cont() { stop=false;
<td> <input type="text" id="EMAIL_FROM" name="EMAIL_FROM" value="<?php echo $str_EMAIL_FROM; ?> "> </td> </tr> <tr class="hidden-when-show-template-list" <?php echo empty($str_MESSAGE) ? 'style="display: none;"' : ''; ?> > <td> </td> <td> <?php $arEmailFromList = \Bitrix\Sender\MailingChainTable::getEmailFromList(); ?> <?php echo GetMessage("sender_chain_edit_field_email_from_last"); ?> <?php foreach ($arEmailFromList as $email) { ?> <a class="sender-link-email" onclick="SetAddressToControl('EMAIL_FROM', '<?php echo CUtil::AddSlashes(htmlspecialcharsbx($email)); ?> ')"> <?php echo htmlspecialcharsbx($email); ?> </a><?php
/** * @param $mailingChainId * @param $address * @return bool * @throws \Bitrix\Main\DB\Exception */ public static function sendToAddress($mailingChainId, $address) { $recipientEmail = $address; $emailParts = explode('@', $recipientEmail); $recipientName = $emailParts[0]; global $USER; $mailingChain = MailingChainTable::getRowById(array('ID' => $mailingChainId)); $sendParams = array('FIELDS' => array('NAME' => $recipientName, 'EMAIL_TO' => $address, 'USER_ID' => $USER->GetID(), 'SENDER_CHAIN_CODE' => 'sender_chain_item_' . $mailingChain["ID"], 'UNSUBSCRIBE_LINK' => Subscription::getLinkUnsub(array('MAILING_ID' => !empty($mailingChain) ? $mailingChain['MAILING_ID'] : 0, 'EMAIL' => $address, 'TEST' => 'Y'))), 'TRACK_READ' => array('MODULE_ID' => "sender", 'FIELDS' => array('RECIPIENT_ID' => 0)), 'TRACK_CLICK' => array('MODULE_ID' => "sender", 'FIELDS' => array('RECIPIENT_ID' => 0), 'URL_PARAMS' => array('bx_sender_conversion_id' => 0))); $mailSendResult = static::sendInternal($mailingChainId, $sendParams); switch ($mailSendResult) { case PostingRecipientTable::SEND_RESULT_SUCCESS: $mailResult = static::SEND_RESULT_SENT; break; case PostingRecipientTable::SEND_RESULT_ERROR: default: $mailResult = static::SEND_RESULT_ERROR; } return $mailResult; }
public static function actualizeHandlers($chainId, array $fieldsNew = null, array $fieldsOld = null) { $settingsNew = null; $settingsOld = null; if ($fieldsNew) { $settingsNew = new TriggerSettings($fieldsNew); } if ($fieldsOld) { $settingsOld = new TriggerSettings($fieldsOld); } // if old item was closed trigger if ($settingsOld && $settingsOld->isClosedTrigger()) { // delete agent $agentName = TriggerManager::getClosedEventAgentName($settingsOld->getEventModuleId(), $settingsOld->getEventType(), $chainId); $agent = new \CAgent(); $agentListDb = $agent->GetList(array(), array('MODULE_ID' => 'sender', 'NAME' => $agentName)); while ($agentItem = $agentListDb->Fetch()) { $agent->Delete($agentItem['ID']); } } // if new item is closed trigger if ($settingsNew && $settingsNew->isClosedTrigger()) { // check active state of mailing $chainDb = MailingChainTable::getList(array('select' => array('ID'), 'filter' => array('=ID' => $chainId, '=MAILING.ACTIVE' => 'Y'))); if (!$chainDb->fetch()) { return; } // add new agent $agentName = TriggerManager::getClosedEventAgentName($settingsNew->getEventModuleId(), $settingsNew->getEventType(), $chainId); // set date of next exec $agentTime = $settingsNew->getClosedTriggerTime(); $agentInterval = $settingsNew->getClosedTriggerInterval(); if ($agentInterval <= 0) { $agentInterval = 1440; } $agentTimeArray = explode(":", $agentTime); $agentDate = new \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime(); $agentDate->setTime((int) $agentTimeArray[0], (int) $agentTimeArray[1]); // set next exec on next day if exec was today if ($agentDate->getTimestamp() < time()) { $agentDate->add("1 days"); } // add agent $agent = new \CAgent(); $agent->AddAgent($agentName, 'sender', 'N', $agentInterval * 60, '', 'Y', $agentDate->toString()); return; } // actualize deleted/changed event if ($settingsOld && !$settingsOld->isClosedTrigger() && $settingsOld->getFullEventType()) { // if delete operation(no the NEW) // or change operation(the NEW is not equal to the OLD) if (!$settingsNew || $settingsOld->getFullEventType() != $settingsNew->getFullEventType()) { TriggerManager::actualizeHandler(array('MODULE_ID' => $settingsOld->getEventModuleId(), 'EVENT_TYPE' => $settingsOld->getEventType(), 'CALLED_BEFORE_CHANGE' => true)); } } // actualize new event if ($settingsNew && $settingsNew->getFullEventType()) { $calledBeforeChange = $fieldsOld ? false : true; TriggerManager::actualizeHandler(array('MODULE_ID' => $settingsNew->getEventModuleId(), 'EVENT_TYPE' => $settingsNew->getEventType(), 'CALLED_BEFORE_CHANGE' => $calledBeforeChange)); } }
/** * @return string * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException */ public static function checkPeriod($isAgentExec = true) { $isAgentExecInSetting = \COption::GetOptionString("sender", "reiterate_method") !== 'cron'; if ($isAgentExec && !$isAgentExecInSetting || !$isAgentExec && $isAgentExecInSetting) { return ""; } $dateTodayPhp = new \DateTime(); $datetimeToday = Type\DateTime::createFromPhp(clone $dateTodayPhp); $dateToday = clone $dateTodayPhp; $dateToday = Type\Date::createFromPhp($dateToday->setTime(0, 0, 0)); $dateTomorrow = clone $dateTodayPhp; $dateTomorrow = Type\Date::createFromPhp($dateTomorrow->setTime(0, 0, 0))->add('1 DAY'); $arDateFilter = array($dateToday, $dateTomorrow); $chainDb = MailingChainTable::getList(array('select' => array('ID', 'LAST_EXECUTED', 'POSTING_ID', 'DAYS_OF_MONTH', 'DAYS_OF_WEEK', 'TIMES_OF_DAY'), 'filter' => array('=REITERATE' => 'Y', '=MAILING.ACTIVE' => 'Y', 'STATUS' => MailingChainTable::STATUS_WAIT))); while ($arMailingChain = $chainDb->fetch()) { $lastExecuted = $arMailingChain['LAST_EXECUTED']; /* @var \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime $lastExecuted*/ if ($lastExecuted && $lastExecuted->getTimestamp() >= $dateToday->getTimestamp()) { continue; } $timeOfExecute = static::getDateExecute($dateTodayPhp, $arMailingChain["DAYS_OF_MONTH"], $arMailingChain["DAYS_OF_WEEK"], $arMailingChain["TIMES_OF_DAY"]); if ($timeOfExecute) { $arUpdateMailChain = array('LAST_EXECUTED' => $datetimeToday); $postingDb = PostingTable::getList(array('select' => array('ID'), 'filter' => array('=MAILING_CHAIN_ID' => $arMailingChain['ID'], '><DATE_CREATE' => $arDateFilter))); $arPosting = $postingDb->fetch(); if (!$arPosting) { $postingId = MailingChainTable::initPosting($arMailingChain['ID']); } else { $postingId = $arPosting['ID']; $arUpdateMailChain['POSTING_ID'] = $postingId; PostingTable::initGroupRecipients($postingId); } if ($postingId) { $arUpdateMailChain['STATUS'] = MailingChainTable::STATUS_SEND; $arUpdateMailChain['AUTO_SEND_TIME'] = Type\DateTime::createFromPhp($timeOfExecute); } MailingChainTable::update(array('ID' => $arMailingChain['ID']), $arUpdateMailChain); } } return static::getAgentNamePeriod(); }
public static function updateChainTrigger($id) { // get first item of chain $chainDb = MailingChainTable::getList(array('select' => array('ID', 'TRIGGER_FIELDS' => 'MAILING.TRIGGER_FIELDS'), 'filter' => array('=MAILING_ID' => $id, '=IS_TRIGGER' => 'Y', '=PARENT_ID' => null))); $chain = $chainDb->fetch(); if (!$chain) { return; } $chainId = $chain['ID']; // get trigger settings from mailing $triggerFields = $chain['TRIGGER_FIELDS']; if (!is_array($triggerFields)) { $triggerFields = array(); } // init TriggerSettings objects $settingsList = array(); foreach ($triggerFields as $key => $point) { if (empty($point['CODE'])) { continue; } $point['IS_EVENT_OCCUR'] = true; $point['IS_PREVENT_EMAIL'] = false; $point['SEND_INTERVAL_UNIT'] = 'M'; $point['IS_CLOSED_TRIGGER'] = $point['IS_CLOSED_TRIGGER'] == 'Y' ? true : false; switch ($key) { case 'END': $point['IS_TYPE_START'] = false; break; case 'START': default: $point['IS_TYPE_START'] = true; } $settingsList[] = new \Bitrix\Sender\TriggerSettings($point); } // prepare fields for save $mailingTriggerList = array(); foreach ($settingsList as $settings) { /* @var \Bitrix\Sender\TriggerSettings $settings */ $trigger = \Bitrix\Sender\TriggerManager::getOnce($settings->getEndpoint()); if ($trigger) { $triggerFindId = $trigger->getFullEventType() . "/" . (int) $settings->isTypeStart(); $mailingTriggerList[$triggerFindId] = array('IS_TYPE_START' => $settings->isTypeStart(), 'NAME' => $trigger->getName(), 'EVENT' => $trigger->getFullEventType(), 'ENDPOINT' => $settings->getArray()); } } // add new, update exists, delete old rows $triggerDb = MailingTriggerTable::getList(array('select' => array('EVENT', 'MAILING_CHAIN_ID', 'IS_TYPE_START'), 'filter' => array('=MAILING_CHAIN_ID' => $chainId))); while ($trigger = $triggerDb->fetch()) { $triggerFindId = $trigger['EVENT'] . "/" . (int) $trigger['IS_TYPE_START']; if (!isset($mailingTriggerList[$triggerFindId])) { MailingTriggerTable::delete($trigger); } else { MailingTriggerTable::update($trigger, $mailingTriggerList[$triggerFindId]); unset($mailingTriggerList[$triggerFindId]); } } foreach ($mailingTriggerList as $triggerFindId => $settings) { $settings['MAILING_CHAIN_ID'] = $chainId; MailingTriggerTable::add($settings); } TriggerManager::actualizeHandlerForChild(); }
public static function updateChain($id, array $fields) { $result = new \Bitrix\Main\Entity\Result(); static::checkFieldsChain($result, $id, $fields); if (!$result->isSuccess(true)) { return $result; } $parentChainId = null; $existChildIdList = array(); foreach ($fields as $chainFields) { $chainId = $chainFields['ID']; unset($chainFields['ID']); $chainFields['MAILING_ID'] = $id; $chainFields['IS_TRIGGER'] = 'Y'; $chainFields['REITERATE'] = 'Y'; $chainFields['PARENT_ID'] = $parentChainId; // default status if ($chainId > 0) { $chain = \Bitrix\Sender\MailingChainTable::getRowById(array('ID' => $chainId)); if ($chain && $chain['STATUS'] != \Bitrix\Sender\MailingChainTable::STATUS_WAIT) { $chainFields['STATUS'] = $chain['STATUS']; unset($chainFields['CREATED_BY']); } } if (empty($chainFields['STATUS'])) { $chainFields['STATUS'] = \Bitrix\Sender\MailingChainTable::STATUS_WAIT; } // add or update if ($chainId > 0) { $existChildIdList[] = $chainId; $chainUpdateDb = MailingChainTable::update(array('ID' => $chainId), $chainFields); if ($chainUpdateDb->isSuccess()) { } else { $result->addErrors($chainUpdateDb->getErrors()); } } else { $chainAddDb = MailingChainTable::add($chainFields); if ($chainAddDb->isSuccess()) { $chainId = $chainAddDb->getId(); $existChildIdList[] = $chainId; } else { $result->addErrors($chainAddDb->getErrors()); } } if (!empty($errorList)) { break; } $parentChainId = null; if ($chainId !== null) { $parentChainId = $chainId; } } $deleteChainDb = MailingChainTable::getList(array('select' => array('ID'), 'filter' => array('MAILING_ID' => $id, '!ID' => $existChildIdList))); while ($deleteChain = $deleteChainDb->fetch()) { MailingChainTable::delete(array('ID' => $deleteChain['ID'])); } static::updateChainTrigger($id); return $result; }
/** * @param $mailingChainId * @param $address * @return bool * @throws \Bitrix\Main\DB\Exception */ public static function sendToAddress($mailingChainId, $address) { $recipientEmail = $address; $arEmailParts = explode('@', $recipientEmail); $recipientName = $arEmailParts[0]; $mailingChain = MailingChainTable::getRowById(array('ID' => $mailingChainId)); $arParams = array('FIELDS' => array('NAME' => $recipientName, 'EMAIL_TO' => $address, 'USER_ID' => '', 'UNSUBSCRIBE_LINK' => Subscription::getLinkUnsub(array('MAILING_ID' => !empty($mailingChain) ? $mailingChain['MAILING_ID'] : 0, 'EMAIL' => $address, 'TEST' => 'Y')))); $mailSendResult = static::sendInternal($mailingChainId, $arParams); switch ($mailSendResult) { case PostingRecipientTable::SEND_RESULT_SUCCESS: $mailResult = static::SEND_RESULT_SENT; break; case PostingRecipientTable::SEND_RESULT_ERROR: default: $mailResult = static::SEND_RESULT_ERROR; } return $mailResult; }
/** * @param \Bitrix\Main\Event $event * @return void */ public static function onAfterPostingSendRecipient(\Bitrix\Main\Event $event) { $data = $event->getParameter(0); if (!$data || !$data['SEND_RESULT'] || empty($data['POSTING']['MAILING_CHAIN_ID'])) { return; } $chainId = $data['POSTING']['MAILING_CHAIN_ID']; $dataRecipient = $data['RECIPIENT']; static $mailingParams = array(); if (!isset($mailingParams[$chainId])) { $mailingParams[$chainId] = array(); $childChainDb = MailingChainTable::getList(array('select' => array('ID', 'MAILING_ID', 'PARENT_ID', 'POSTING_ID'), 'filter' => array('=MAILING.ACTIVE' => 'Y', '=IS_TRIGGER' => 'Y', '=STATUS' => array(MailingChainTable::STATUS_WAIT, MailingChainTable::STATUS_SEND), '=PARENT_ID' => $chainId))); while ($childChain = $childChainDb->fetch()) { // add posting $postingAddDb = PostingTable::add(array('MAILING_ID' => $childChain['MAILING_ID'], 'MAILING_CHAIN_ID' => $childChain['ID'])); if (!$postingAddDb->isSuccess()) { continue; } $mailingParams[$chainId][] = array('POSTING_ID' => $postingAddDb->getId(), 'CHAIN' => $childChain); } } if (empty($mailingParams[$chainId])) { return; } foreach ($mailingParams[$chainId] as $mailingParamsItem) { $postingId = $mailingParamsItem['POSTING_ID']; $childChain = $mailingParamsItem['CHAIN']; // check email as unsubscribed if (Subscription::isUnsubscibed($childChain['MAILING_ID'], $data['RECIPIENT']['EMAIL'])) { continue; } $recipient = array('POSTING_ID' => $postingId); $recipient['STATUS'] = PostingRecipientTable::SEND_RESULT_NONE; $recipient['EMAIL'] = $dataRecipient['EMAIL']; if (!empty($dataRecipient['FIELDS'])) { $recipient['FIELDS'] = $dataRecipient['FIELDS']; } if (!empty($dataRecipient['ROOT_ID'])) { $recipient['ROOT_ID'] = $dataRecipient['ROOT_ID']; } else { $recipient['ROOT_ID'] = $dataRecipient['ID']; } if (!empty($dataRecipient['NAME'])) { $recipient['NAME'] = $dataRecipient['NAME']; } if (!empty($dataRecipient['USER_ID'])) { $recipient['USER_ID'] = $dataRecipient['USER_ID']; } // add recipient PostingTable::addRecipient($recipient, true); if (empty($mailingParams[$chainId]['CHAIN']['POSTING_ID'])) { $chainUpdateDb = MailingChainTable::update(array('ID' => $childChain['ID']), array('POSTING_ID' => $postingId)); if ($chainUpdateDb->isSuccess()) { $mailingParams[$chainId]['CHAIN']['POSTING_ID'] = $postingId; } } } }
/** * Send posting. * * @param $id * @param int $timeout * @param int $maxMailCount * @return bool|string * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\DB\Exception * @throws \Bitrix\Main\Db\SqlQueryException * @throws \Exception */ public static function send($id, $timeout = 0, $maxMailCount = 0) { $start_time = getmicrotime(); @set_time_limit(0); static::$emailSentPerIteration = 0; $postingDb = PostingTable::getList(array('select' => array('ID', 'STATUS', 'MAILING_ID', 'MAILING_CHAIN_ID', 'MAILING_CHAIN_REITERATE' => 'MAILING_CHAIN.REITERATE', 'MAILING_CHAIN_IS_TRIGGER' => 'MAILING_CHAIN.IS_TRIGGER'), 'filter' => array('=ID' => $id, '=MAILING.ACTIVE' => 'Y', '=MAILING_CHAIN.STATUS' => MailingChainTable::STATUS_SEND))); $postingData = $postingDb->fetch(); // posting not found if (!$postingData) { return static::SEND_RESULT_ERROR; } // if posting in new status, then import recipients from groups and set right status for sending $isInitGroupRecipients = false; $isChangeStatusToPart = false; if ($postingData["STATUS"] == PostingTable::STATUS_NEW) { $isInitGroupRecipients = true; $isChangeStatusToPart = true; } if ($postingData["STATUS"] != PostingTable::STATUS_PART && $postingData["MAILING_CHAIN_IS_TRIGGER"] == 'Y') { $isInitGroupRecipients = false; $isChangeStatusToPart = true; } if ($isInitGroupRecipients) { PostingTable::initGroupRecipients($postingData['ID']); } if ($isChangeStatusToPart) { PostingTable::update(array('ID' => $postingData['ID']), array('STATUS' => PostingTable::STATUS_PART)); $postingData["STATUS"] = PostingTable::STATUS_PART; } // posting not in right status if ($postingData["STATUS"] != PostingTable::STATUS_PART) { return static::SEND_RESULT_ERROR; } // lock posting for exclude double parallel sending if (static::lockPosting($id) === false) { throw new \Bitrix\Main\DB\Exception(Loc::getMessage('SENDER_POSTING_MANAGER_ERR_LOCK')); } $isStopped = false; $checkStatusCounter = 0; static::$checkStatusStep = intval(Option::get('sender', 'send_check_status_step', static::$checkStatusStep)); // select all recipients of posting, only not processed $recipientDataDb = PostingRecipientTable::getList(array('filter' => array('=POSTING_ID' => $postingData['ID'], '=STATUS' => PostingRecipientTable::SEND_RESULT_NONE), 'limit' => $maxMailCount)); while ($recipientData = $recipientDataDb->fetch()) { // check pause or stop status if (++$checkStatusCounter >= static::$checkStatusStep) { $checkStatusDb = MailingChainTable::getList(array('select' => array('ID'), 'filter' => array('=ID' => $postingData["MAILING_CHAIN_ID"], '=STATUS' => MailingChainTable::STATUS_SEND))); if (!$checkStatusDb->fetch()) { break; } $checkStatusCounter = 0; } // create name from email $recipientEmail = $recipientData["EMAIL"]; if (empty($recipientData["NAME"])) { $recipientEmailParts = explode('@', $recipientEmail); $recipientName = $recipientEmailParts[0]; } else { $recipientName = $recipientData["NAME"]; } // prepare params for send $sendParams = array('FIELDS' => array('EMAIL_TO' => $recipientEmail, 'NAME' => $recipientName, 'USER_ID' => $recipientData["USER_ID"], 'SENDER_CHAIN_ID' => $postingData["MAILING_CHAIN_ID"], 'SENDER_CHAIN_CODE' => 'sender_chain_item_' . $postingData["MAILING_CHAIN_ID"], 'UNSUBSCRIBE_LINK' => Subscription::getLinkUnsub(array('MAILING_ID' => $postingData['MAILING_ID'], 'EMAIL' => $recipientEmail, 'RECIPIENT_ID' => $recipientData["ID"]))), 'TRACK_READ' => array('MODULE_ID' => "sender", 'FIELDS' => array('RECIPIENT_ID' => $recipientData["ID"])), 'TRACK_CLICK' => array('MODULE_ID' => "sender", 'FIELDS' => array('RECIPIENT_ID' => $recipientData["ID"]), 'URL_PARAMS' => array('bx_sender_conversion_id' => $recipientData["ID"]))); if (is_array($recipientData['FIELDS']) && count($recipientData) > 0) { $sendParams['FIELDS'] = $sendParams['FIELDS'] + $recipientData['FIELDS']; } // set sending result to recipient try { $mailSendResult = static::sendInternal($postingData['MAILING_CHAIN_ID'], $sendParams); } catch (\Bitrix\Main\Mail\StopException $e) { $isStopped = true; break; } PostingRecipientTable::update(array('ID' => $recipientData["ID"]), array('STATUS' => $mailSendResult, 'DATE_SENT' => new Type\DateTime())); // send event $eventData = array('SEND_RESULT' => $mailSendResult == PostingRecipientTable::SEND_RESULT_SUCCESS, 'RECIPIENT' => $recipientData, 'POSTING' => $postingData); $event = new Event('sender', 'OnAfterPostingSendRecipient', array($eventData)); $event->send(); // limit executing script by time if ($timeout > 0 && getmicrotime() - $start_time >= $timeout) { break; } // increment sending statistic static::$emailSentPerIteration++; } //set status and delivered and error emails $statusList = PostingTable::getRecipientCountByStatus($id); if ($isStopped) { $STATUS = PostingTable::STATUS_ABORT; $DATE = new Type\DateTime(); } elseif (!array_key_exists(PostingRecipientTable::SEND_RESULT_NONE, $statusList)) { if (array_key_exists(PostingRecipientTable::SEND_RESULT_ERROR, $statusList)) { $STATUS = PostingTable::STATUS_SENT_WITH_ERRORS; } else { $STATUS = PostingTable::STATUS_SENT; } $DATE = new Type\DateTime(); } else { $STATUS = PostingTable::STATUS_PART; $DATE = null; } // unlock posting for exclude double parallel sending static::unlockPosting($id); // update status of posting $postingUpdateFields = array('STATUS' => $STATUS, 'DATE_SENT' => $DATE, 'COUNT_SEND_ALL' => 0); $recipientStatusToPostingFieldMap = PostingTable::getRecipientStatusToPostingFieldMap(); foreach ($recipientStatusToPostingFieldMap as $recipientStatus => $postingFieldName) { if (!array_key_exists($recipientStatus, $statusList)) { $postingCountFieldValue = 0; } else { $postingCountFieldValue = $statusList[$recipientStatus]; } $postingUpdateFields['COUNT_SEND_ALL'] += $postingCountFieldValue; $postingUpdateFields[$postingFieldName] = $postingCountFieldValue; } PostingTable::update(array('ID' => $id), $postingUpdateFields); // return status to continue or end of sending if ($STATUS == PostingTable::STATUS_PART) { return static::SEND_RESULT_CONTINUE; } else { return static::SEND_RESULT_SENT; } }