Пример #1
 public function update($id)
     try {
         $groups = Cache::get('admin.adkats.special.groups');
         $player = Special::findOrFail($id);
         foreach ($groups as $group) {
             if ($group['group_key'] == Input::get('group')) {
                 $newGroup = $group['group_name'];
         $player->player_group = Input::get('group');
         if (is_null($player->player)) {
             $soldierName = $player->player_identifier;
         } else {
             $soldierName = $player->player->SoldierName;
         $message = sprintf('%s group has been changed to %s.', $soldierName, $newGroup);
         return MainHelper::response(null, $message);
     } catch (ModelNotFoundException $e) {
         $message = sprintf('No player found with special id of %u', $id);
         return MainHelper::response(null, $message, 'error', 404);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return MainHelper::response($e, $e->getMessage(), 'error', 500);
Пример #2
 public function getIndex()
     $limit = 100;
     $chat = $this->chat->leftJoin('tbl_server', 'tbl_chatlog.ServerID', '=', 'tbl_server.ServerID')->select('tbl_chatlog.*', 'tbl_server.ServerName')->orderBy('logDate', 'desc');
     if (Input::has('limit') && in_array(Input::get('limit'), range(10, 100, 10))) {
         $limit = Input::get('limit');
     if (Input::has('nospam') && Input::get('nospam') == 1) {
         $chat = $chat->excludeSpam();
     if (Input::has('between')) {
         $between = explode(',', Input::get('between'));
         $startDate = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $between[0]);
         if (count($between) == 1) {
             $endDate = Carbon::now();
         } else {
             $endDate = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $between[1]);
         if ($startDate->gte($endDate)) {
             return MainHelper::response(null, sprintf("%s is greater than %s. Please adjust your dates.", $startDate->toDateTimeString(), $endDate->toDateTimeString()), 'error', null, false, true);
         $chat = $chat->whereBetween('logDate', [$startDate->toDateTimeString(), $endDate->toDateTimeString()])->paginate($limit);
     } else {
         $chat = $chat->simplePaginate($limit);
     return MainHelper::response($chat, null, null, null, false, true);
Пример #3
  * Shows the player profile
  * @param  integer $id
  * @param  string  $name
 public function profile($id, $name = '')
     // Cache key
     $key = sprintf('player.%u', $id);
     // Is there already a cached version for the player
     $isCached = Cache::has($key);
     // Get or Set cache for player
     $player = Cache::remember($key, 5, function () use($id) {
         $json = $this->repository->setopts(['ban.previous.server', 'ban.record.server', 'reputation', 'infractionsGlobal', 'infractionsServer.server', 'stats.server', 'specialGroups'], true)->getPlayerById($id)->toJson();
         return json_decode($json);
     $charts = Cache::remember(sprintf('player.%u.charts', $id), 5, function () use($id) {
         $charts = [];
         $charts['overview'] = new Collection(DB::select(File::get(storage_path() . '/sql/playerCommandOverview.sql'), [$id]));
         $charts['spline'] = new Collection(DB::select(File::get(storage_path() . '/sql/playerCommandHistory.sql'), [$id]));
         $charts['aliases'] = Record::where('command_type', 48)->where('target_id', $id)->select(DB::raw('record_message AS `player_name`, COUNT(record_id) AS `seen`'))->groupBy('player_name')->get();
         $charts['iphistory'] = Record::where('command_type', 49)->where('target_id', $id)->where('record_message', '!=', 'No previous IP on record')->select(DB::raw('record_message AS `ip`, COUNT(record_id) AS `seen`'))->groupBy('ip')->get();
         $charts['overview'] = $charts['overview']->map(function ($command) {
             return [$command->label, intval($command->value)];
         $charts['aliases'] = $charts['aliases']->map(function ($a) {
             return [$a->player_name, intval($a->seen)];
         $charts['iphistory'] = $charts['iphistory']->map(function ($ip) {
             return [$ip->ip, intval($ip->seen)];
         return $charts;
     $groups = MainHelper::specialGroups($player->special_groups, 'player_group');
     $page_title = !empty($player->ClanTag) ? sprintf('[%s] %s', $player->ClanTag, $player->SoldierName) : $player->SoldierName;
     return View::make('player.profile', compact('player', 'page_title', 'charts', 'isCached', 'groups'));
Пример #4
 public function index()
     $games = $this->game->with(['servers' => function ($query) {
     $page_title = Lang::get('navigation.main.items.chatlogs.title');
     $chat = $this->chat->with('player', 'server')->orderBy('logDate', 'desc');
     // If the show spam checkbox was not checked then exclude it
     if (!Input::has('showspam')) {
         $chat = $chat->excludeSpam();
     // Check if user hit the submit button
     if ($this->hasInput()) {
         // Filtering by dates
         if (Input::has('StartDateTime') && Input::has('EndDateTime')) {
             $startDate = Carbon::parse(Input::get('StartDateTime'))->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
             $endDate = Carbon::parse(Input::get('EndDateTime'))->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
             $chat = $chat->whereBetween('logDate', [$startDate, $endDate]);
         // Specific keywords the user has typed. Each word separated by a comma.
         // This can add significant time to fetching the results
         if (Input::has('keywords')) {
             $keywords = array_map('trim', explode(',', Input::get('keywords')));
             if (MainHelper::hasFulltextSupport('tbl_chatlog', 'logMessage')) {
                 $chat = $chat->whereRaw('MATCH(logMessage) AGAINST(? IN BOOLEAN MODE)', [implode(' ', $keywords)]);
             } else {
                 $chat = $chat->where(function ($query) use($keywords) {
                     foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
                         $query->orWhere('logMessage', 'LIKE', '%' . $keyword . '%');
         // Player names the user has typed. Partal names can be provided. Must be seprated
         // by a comma to search multiple players.
         if (Input::has('players')) {
             $players = array_map('trim', explode(',', Input::get('players')));
             $playerIds = $this->player->where(function ($query) use($players) {
                 foreach ($players as $player) {
                     $query->orWhere('SoldierName', 'LIKE', sprintf('%s%%', $player));
             $playerIds = $playerIds->lists('PlayerID');
             $chat = $chat->whereIn('logPlayerID', $playerIds);
         if (Input::has('pid')) {
             if (Input::get('pid') > 0 && is_numeric(Input::get('pid'))) {
                 $chat = $chat->where('logPlayerID', Input::get('pid'));
         // Filter based on server if one is selected
         if (Input::has('server') && is_numeric(Input::get('server')) && Input::get('server') > 0) {
             $chat = $chat->where('ServerID', Input::get('server'));
     // Return paginated results
     $chat = $chat->simplePaginate(60);
     return View::make('chatlogs', compact('games', 'chat', 'page_title'));
Пример #5
 public function putIndex()
     if (!$this->isLoggedIn || !$this->user->ability(null, 'admin.adkats.reports.edit')) {
         throw new AccessDeniedHttpException('Authorization Denied!');
     $r = App::make('BFACP\\Repositories\\ReportRepository');
     $v = Validator::make(Input::all(), ['id' => 'required|numeric|exists:adkats_records_main,record_id', 'action' => 'required|numeric|in:' . implode(',', $r::$allowedCommands), 'reason' => 'required|string|between:3,500', 'extras.tban.duration' => 'required_if:action,7|numeric|between:1,525960'], ['extras.tban.duration.required_if' => 'The duration is required for temp bans.', 'extras.tban.duration.between' => 'The duration must be between :min minute and :max minutes.']);
     if ($v->fails()) {
         throw new ResourceException(null, $v->errors());
     try {
         $record = $r->getReportById(Input::get('id'));
         if (!in_array($record->command_action, [18, 20])) {
             throw new UpdateResourceFailedException('Unable to complete action. Report has already been acted on.');
         // If the action is {Accept, Deny, Ignore} Round Report then we just need to update the existing record.
         if (in_array(Input::get('action'), [40, 41, 61])) {
             $record->command_action = Input::get('action');
         } else {
             $newRecord = $record->replicate();
             $newRecord->command_type = Input::get('action');
             $newRecord->command_action = Input::get('action');
             if (Input::get('action') == 7) {
                 $maxDuration = Setting::where('setting_name', 'Maximum Temp-Ban Duration Minutes')->where('server_id', 1)->pluck('setting_value');
                 $duration = Input::get('extras.tban.duration', $maxDuration);
                 $commandNumeric = (int) $duration > (int) $maxDuration ? $maxDuration : $duration;
             } else {
                 $commandNumeric = 0;
             $newRecord->command_numeric = $commandNumeric;
             $newMessage = trim(Input::get('reason', $newRecord->record_message));
             $oldMessage = trim($newRecord->record_message);
             if ($newMessage != $oldMessage && !empty($newMessage)) {
                 $newRecord->record_message = $newMessage;
             $source = MainHelper::getAdminPlayer($this->user, $newRecord->server->game->GameID);
             if (!is_null($source)) {
                 $newRecord->source_id = $source->PlayerID;
                 $newRecord->source_name = $source->SoldierName;
             } else {
                 $newRecord->source_id = null;
                 $newRecord->source_name = $this->user->username;
             $newRecord->record_time = Carbon::now();
             $newRecord->adkats_read = 'N';
             $record->command_action = 40;
         return MainHelper::response(['old' => $record, 'new' => isset($newRecord) ? $newRecord : null], 'Report updated', null, null, false, true);
     } catch (ModelNotFoundException $e) {
         return MainHelper::response(null, 'Report was not found. Aborting!', 'error', null, false, true);
Пример #6
 public function stats()
     $yesterdaysBans = Cache::remember('bans.stats.yesterday', 120, function () {
         return Ban::yesterday()->count();
     $avgBansPerDay = Cache::remember('bans.stats.average', 180, function () {
         $result = head(DB::select(File::get(storage_path() . '/sql/avgBansPerDay.sql')));
         return intval($result->total);
     return MainHelper::response(['bans' => ['yesterday' => $yesterdaysBans, 'average' => $avgBansPerDay]], null, null, null, false, true);
Пример #7
 public function onlineAdmins()
     $admins = DB::table('tbl_currentplayers')->select('SoldierName', 'ServerName', 'tbl_currentplayers.ServerID', 'PlayerJoined')->join('tbl_server', 'tbl_currentplayers.ServerID', '=', 'tbl_server.ServerID')->whereIn('EA_GUID', function ($query) {
         $query->from('adkats_usersoldiers')->select('EAGUID')->join('adkats_users', 'adkats_usersoldiers.user_id', '=', 'adkats_users.user_id')->join('adkats_roles', 'adkats_users.user_role', '=', 'adkats_roles.role_id')->join('tbl_playerdata', 'adkats_usersoldiers.player_id', '=', 'tbl_playerdata.PlayerID')->groupBy('EAGUID')->whereExists(function ($query2) {
             $query2->select('adkats_rolecommands.role_id')->from('adkats_rolecommands')->join('adkats_commands', 'adkats_rolecommands.command_id', '=', 'adkats_commands.command_id')->where('command_playerInteraction', 1)->whereRaw('adkats_rolecommands.role_id = adkats_users.user_role')->groupBy('adkats_rolecommands.role_id');
     foreach ($admins as $key => $admin) {
         $admins[$key]->stamp = Carbon::parse($admin->PlayerJoined, 'UTC')->toIso8601String();
     return MainHelper::response($admins, null, null, null, false, true);
Пример #8
 public function update()
     $settings = Option::lists('option_value', 'option_key');
     foreach (Input::all() as $key => $value) {
         if (starts_with($key, '_') === false) {
             $key = str_replace('-', '.', $key);
             $value = trim($value);
             if (!is_null(MainHelper::stringToBool($value))) {
                 $value = MainHelper::stringToBool($value);
             } else {
                 if (empty($value)) {
                     $value = null;
             if ($value != $settings[$key]) {
                 Option::where('option_key', $key)->update(['option_value' => $value]);
     return Redirect::route('admin.site.settings.index')->with('messages', ['Settings Saved!']);
Пример #9
  * Delete user
  * @param  integer $id User ID
  * @return \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Response
 public function destroy($id)
     try {
         $user = User::findOrFail($id);
         $username = $user->user_name;
         return MainHelper::response(['url' => route('admin.adkats.users.index')], sprintf('%s was deleted', $username));
     } catch (ModelNotFoundException $e) {
         return Redirect::route('admin.adkats.users.index')->withErrors([sprintf('User #%u doesn\'t exist.', $id)]);
Пример #10
  * Wrapper for \BFACP\Facades\Main
  * @param  array  $data
  * @param  string $message
  * @param  string $type
  * @return MainHelper
 private function _response($data = null, $message = null, $type = null)
     $data = ['failed' => $this->errors, 'passed' => $this->data, 'other' => $data];
     if (!empty($this->errors)) {
         $message = self::COMPLETE_WITH_ERRORS;
     return MainHelper::response($data, $message, $type, null, false, true);
Пример #11
  * Get the country name
  * @return string
 public function getCountryNameAttribute()
     try {
         if ($this->CountryCode == '--' || empty($this->CountryCode)) {
             throw new Exception();
         $cc = MainHelper::countries($this->CountryCode);
         if ($cc === null) {
             throw new Exception();
         return $cc;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return 'Unknown';
Пример #12
  * Parse the battlelog weapons list
  * @param  array $weapons
  * @return $this
 public function parse($weapons)
     if (!array_key_exists($this->game, $this->weapons)) {
         throw new HttpException(500, sprintf('The game "%s" is not supported.', $this->game));
     foreach ($weapons as $weapon) {
         $category = str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower(trim($weapon['category'])));
         if (!in_array($category, $this->allowedCategories[$this->game]) || !array_key_exists($category, $this->weapons[$this->game]) || !array_key_exists($weapon['slug'], $this->weapons[$this->game][$category])) {
         $status = ['DPS' => false, 'HKP' => false, 'KPM' => false];
         $_weaponDPS = $this->weapons[$this->game][$category][$weapon['slug']];
         $DPSDiff = 1 - MainHelper::divide($_weaponDPS['max'] - $weapon['dps'], $_weaponDPS['max']);
         // Convert first letter of each word to an uppercase
         $weapon['category'] = ucwords($weapon['category']);
         // Check if the weapon has been used with a damage mod
         if ($DPSDiff > 1.5 && $weapon['kills'] >= $this->triggers['Kills']) {
             $status['DPS'] = true;
         // Check if the weapon has a high headshot to kill ratio in percentages
         if ($weapon['hskp'] >= $this->triggers['HKP'] && $weapon['kills'] >= $this->triggers['Kills']) {
             $status['HKP'] = true;
         // Check if the weapon has a high kill per minute
         if ($weapon['kpm'] >= $this->triggers['KPM'] && $weapon['kills'] >= $this->triggers['Kills']) {
             $status['KPM'] = true;
         // If either DPS, KPM, or HKP get triggered add the weapon to the triggered weapons list
         if ($status['DPS'] || $status['KPM'] || $status['HKP']) {
             $this->triggered[] = $weapon + ['triggered' => $status];
     return $this;
Пример #13
 public function destroy($id)
     try {
         // Disable rules on model
         Role::$rules = [];
         // Get role
         $role = Role::findOrFail($id);
         if (in_array($role->id, [1, 2])) {
             return MainHelper::response(null, sprintf('You can\'t delete the %s role.', $role->name), 'error');
         // Save role name
         $roleName = $role->name;
         foreach ($role->users as $user) {
         return MainHelper::response(['url' => route('admin.site.roles.index')], sprintf('%s was deleted', $roleName));
     } catch (ModelNotFoundException $e) {
         return Redirect::route('admin.site.roles.index')->withErrors([sprintf('Role #%u doesn\'t exist.', $id)]);
Пример #14
  * Gets the player vehicle stats
  * @return array
 public function getVehicleStats()
     // Generate URI for request
     $uri = sprintf($this->uris[$this->game]['vehicles'], $this->game, $this->personaID);
     // Send request
     $results = $this->sendRequest($uri)['data'];
     // Create vehicles array
     $vehicles = new Collection();
     foreach ($results['mainVehicleStats'] as $vehicle) {
         $vehicles->push(['slug' => $vehicle['slug'], 'code' => $vehicle['code'], 'category' => $vehicle['category'], 'kills' => $vehicle['kills'], 'score' => array_key_exists('score', $vehicle) ? $vehicle['score'] : null, 'timeEquipped' => $vehicle['timeIn'], 'serviceStars' => $vehicle['serviceStars'], 'kpm' => MainHelper::divide($vehicle['kills'], MainHelper::divide($vehicle['timeIn'], 60))]);
     return $vehicles;
Пример #15
  * Delete user
  * @param  integer $id User ID
  * @return \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Response
 public function destroy($id)
     try {
         $user = User::findOrFail($id);
         $username = $user->username;
         return MainHelper::response(['url' => route('admin.site.users.index')], Lang::get('alerts.user.deleted', compact('username')));
     } catch (ModelNotFoundException $e) {
         $this->messages[] = Lang::get('alerts.user.invlid', ['userid' => $id]);
         return Redirect::route('admin.site.users.index')->withErrors($this->messages);
Пример #16
  * Moves the player to a different team and/or squad
  * @param            $player
  * @param null       $teamId
  * @param int        $squadId
  * @param bool|false $locked
  * @return bool
  * @throws PlayerNotFoundException|RconException
 public function adminMovePlayer($player, $teamId = null, $squadId = 0, $locked = false)
     if (!is_numeric($squadId) || empty($squadId) || !in_array($squadId, range(0, 32))) {
         $squadId = 0;
     if (!is_numeric($teamId) || empty($teamId) || !in_array($teamId, range(1, 4))) {
         $teamId = $this->client->getPlayerTeamId($player);
     $teamName = $this->getTeamName($teamId);
     $squadName = BattlefieldHelper::squad($squadId);
     if (is_array($teamName)) {
         $teamName = $teamName['full_name'];
     if ($this->isValidName($player)) {
         if (method_exists($this->client, 'adminGetSquadPrivate') && method_exists($this->client, 'adminSetSquadPrivate')) {
             // Check if squad is private
             if ($squadId != 0 && $this->client->adminGetSquadPrivate($teamId, $squadId)) {
                 // Check if squad is full
                 $playersInSquad = $this->client->adminSquadListPlayer($teamId, $squadId)[1];
                 // If squad is full throw an exception with an error message
                 // else unlock the squad so we can move them in.
                 if ($playersInSquad == 5) {
                     throw new RconException(200, sprintf('%s squad is full. Cannot switch %s to squad.', $squadName, $player));
                 } else {
                     $this->client->adminSetSquadPrivate($teamId, $squadId, false);
         $response = $this->client->adminMovePlayerSwitchSquad($player, (int) $squadId, true, (int) $teamId);
         // Check if the server returned a player not found error
         if ($response == 'InvalidPlayerName') {
             throw new PlayerNotFoundException(404, sprintf('No player found with the name "%s"', $player));
         // Lock squad if $locked is truthy
         if (MainHelper::stringToBool($locked)) {
             $this->client->adminSetSquadPrivate($teamId, $squadId, $locked);
         if ($response == 'SetSquadFailed') {
             $squadId = 0;
         if ($squadId == 0) {
             $message = sprintf('You were switched to team %s and not placed in a squad.', $teamName);
         } else {
             $message = sprintf('You were switched to team %s and placed in squad %s.', $teamName, $squadName);
         $dbMessage = sprintf('Switched to %s and placed in squad %s', $teamName, $squadName);
         $this->adminTell($player, $message, 5, false, true, 1);
         $this->log($player, 'player_fmove', $dbMessage);
     } else {
         throw new RconException(400, sprintf('"%s" is not a valid name.', $player));
     return ['player' => $player, 'message' => $dbMessage];
Пример #17
  * Unbans the player
  * @param  integer $id Ban ID
  * @return \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Response
 public function destroy($id)
     try {
         // Fetch the ban
         $ban = $this->repository->getBanById($id);
         $bfacp = App::make('bfadmincp');
         $oldRecord = $ban->record;
         $admin = MainHelper::getAdminPlayer($bfacp->user, $ban->player->game->GameID);
         // Only modify the old record if the command action is a temp or perma ban.
         if (in_array((int) $oldRecord->command_action, [7, 8])) {
             // 72 => Previous Temp Ban
             // 73 => Previous Perm Ban
             $oldRecord->command_action = $oldRecord->command_action == 8 ? 73 : 72;
         // Duplicate the record and save the changes
         $record = $ban->record->replicate();
         $record->command_type = 37;
         $record->command_action = 37;
         $record->source_id = is_null($admin) ? null : $admin->PlayerID;
         $record->source_name = is_null($admin) ? Auth::user()->username : $admin->SoldierName;
         $record->record_message = Input::get('message', 'Unbanned');
         $record->record_time = Carbon::now();
         $record->adkats_web = true;
         // Update the ban record and save the changes
         $ban->ban_status = 'Disabled';
         if (!is_null(Input::get('notes', null))) {
             $ban->ban_notes = Input::get('notes', 'NoNotes');
         try {
             if (!is_null($this->metabans)) {
                 $this->metabans->assess($ban->player->game->Name, $ban->player->EAGUID, 'None', Input::get('message', 'Unbanned'));
         } catch (MetabansException $e) {
         // Purge the cache for the player
         Cache::forget(sprintf('api.player.%u', $ban->player_id));
         Cache::forget(sprintf('player.%u', $ban->player_id));
         return MainHelper::response();
     } catch (ModelNotFoundException $e) {
         return MainHelper::response(null, $e->getMessage(), 'error', 404);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return MainHelper::response(null, $e->getMessage(), 'error', 500);
Пример #18
  * Generates a strong password
  * @param  integer $len Length of generated password
  * @return string
 public function generatePassword($len = 12)
     $pass = MainHelper::generateStrongPassword($len);
     return $pass;
Пример #19
  * @param Player $player
  * @return mixed
 public function getCheatDetection(Player $player)
     $acs = new AntiCheat($player);
     $data = $acs->parse($acs->battlelog->getWeaponStats())->get();
     return MainHelper::response($data, null, null, null, false, true);
Пример #20
 public function scoreboardAdmin()
     try {
         $id = Input::get('server_id');
         if (!is_numeric($id) || $id <= 0) {
             throw new NotFoundHttpException('Invalid Server ID');
         $allowedMethods = ['yell', 'say', 'kill', 'move', 'kick', 'punish'];
         $permissions = Cache::get('admin.perm.list');
         if (!Input::has('method') || !in_array(Input::get('method'), $allowedMethods)) {
             throw new NotFoundHttpException();
         if (!$this->isLoggedIn || !$this->user->ability(null, $permissions['scoreboard'])) {
             throw new AccessDeniedHttpException();
         $scoreboard = new LiveServerRepository(Server::findOrFail($id));
         if ($scoreboard->attempt()->check()) {
             $players = [];
             if (Input::has('players')) {
                 $players = explode(',', Input::get('players'));
             switch (Input::get('method')) {
                 case 'yell':
                     if (Input::get('type') == 'Player' && Input::has('players')) {
                         foreach ($players as $player) {
                             $scoreboard->adminYell(Input::get('message', null), $player, null, Input::get('duration', 5), 'Player');
                     } else {
                         $scoreboard->adminYell(Input::get('message', null), Input::get('player', null), Input::get('team', null), Input::get('duration', 5), Input::get('type', 'All'));
                 case 'say':
                     if (Input::get('type') == 'Player' && Input::has('players')) {
                         foreach ($players as $player) {
                             $scoreboard->adminSay(Input::get('message', null), $player, null, 'Player');
                     } else {
                         $scoreboard->adminSay(Input::get('message', null), Input::get('player', null), Input::get('team', null), Input::get('type', 'All'));
                 case 'kill':
                     if (Input::has('players')) {
                         $unkilled = [];
                         foreach ($players as $player) {
                             try {
                                 $scoreboard->adminKill($player, Input::get('message', null));
                             } catch (PlayerNotFoundException $e) {
                                 $unkilled[] = ['name' => $player, 'reason' => $e->getMessage()];
                         if (!empty($unkilled)) {
                             $data = $unkilled;
                     } else {
                         throw new RconException(400, 'No players selected.');
                 case 'kick':
                     if (Input::has('players')) {
                         $unkicked = [];
                         foreach ($players as $player) {
                             try {
                                 $scoreboard->adminKick($player, Input::get('message', null));
                             } catch (PlayerNotFoundException $e) {
                                 $unkicked[] = ['name' => $player, 'reason' => $e->getMessage()];
                         if (!empty($unkicked)) {
                             $data = $unkicked;
                     } else {
                         throw new RconException(400, 'No player selected.');
                 case 'move':
                     if (Input::has('players')) {
                         $unmoved = [];
                         foreach ($players as $player) {
                             try {
                                 $scoreboard->adminMovePlayer($player, Input::get('team', null), Input::get('squad', null));
                             } catch (PlayerNotFoundException $e) {
                                 $unmoved[] = ['name' => $player, 'reason' => $e->getMessage()];
                             } catch (RconException $e) {
                                 $unmoved[] = ['name' => $player, 'reason' => $e->getMessage()];
                         if (!empty($unmoved)) {
                             $data = $unmoved;
                     } else {
                         throw new RconException(400, 'No player selected.');
                 case 'punish':
                     if (Input::has('players')) {
                         foreach ($players as $player) {
                             $data[] = $scoreboard->adminPunish($player, Input::get('message'));
                     } else {
                         throw new RconException(400, 'No player selected.');
                 case 'forgive':
                     if (Input::has('players')) {
                         foreach ($players as $player) {
                             $scoreboard->adminForgive($player, Input::get('message'));
                     } else {
                         throw new RconException(400, 'No player selected.');
                     throw new NotFoundHttpException();
             if (!isset($data)) {
                 $data = [];
             return MainHelper::response($data, null, null, null, false, true);
     } catch (PlayerNotFoundException $e) {
         return MainHelper::response(null, $e->getMessage(), 'error', null, false, true);
     } catch (ModelNotFoundException $e) {
         throw new NotFoundHttpException(sprintf('No server found with id %s', $id));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
Пример #21
  * Fetches records targeted on player to calculate the target reputation
  * @return mixed
 public function target()
     // Retrieve the punish records
     $punishments = $this->player->recordsOn()->where('command_type', 9)->get();
     foreach ($punishments as $punishment) {
         $days = Carbon::now()->diffInDays($punishment->record_time);
         if ($days < 50) {
             $this->targetReputation -= 20 * MainHelper::divide(50 - $days, 50);
     // Retrieve the forgive records
     $forgives = $this->player->recordsOn()->where('command_type', 10)->get();
     foreach ($forgives as $forgive) {
         $days = Carbon::now()->diffInDays($forgive->record_time);
         if ($days < 50) {
             $this->targetReputation += 20 * MainHelper::divide(50 - $days, 50);
     // Retrieve the rest
     $records = Record::select(DB::raw('command_type, command_action, COUNT(record_id) AS command_count'))->where('target_id', $this->player->PlayerID)->whereRaw('target_name != source_name')->groupBy('command_type')->groupBy('command_action')->get();
     foreach ($records as $record) {
         $command = sprintf('%u|%u', $record->command_type, $record->command_action);
         foreach ($this->weights as $weight) {
             if ($command == $weight['command_typeaction']) {
                 $this->targetReputation += $weight['target_weight'] * $record->command_count;
     return $this;
Пример #22
  * Gets users gravatar image
  * @return string
 public function getGravatarImgAttribute()
     return MainHelper::gravatar(null, $this->gravatar, 128);
Пример #23
  * Search for playeers
  * @param string $phrase
  * @return \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Response
 public function search($phrase = '')
     $rules = ['phrase' => 'required'];
     $data = ['phrase' => trim($phrase)];
     if (!$this->validate($data, $rules)) {
         return MainHelper::response($this->getErrors(), 'Validation failed.', 'error', 400);
     $matches = new Collection($this->request(['mbo_search' => $data])['matches']);
     return MainHelper::response($matches);
Пример #24
 public function destroy($id)
     try {
         // Get role
         $role = Role::findOrFail($id);
         if ($role->role_id == 1) {
             return MainHelper::response(null, sprintf('You can\'t delete the %s role.', $role->role_name), 'error');
         // Save role name
         $roleName = $role->role_name;
         $guestRole = Role::findOrFail(1);
         foreach ($role->users as $user) {
         return MainHelper::response(['url' => route('admin.adkats.roles.index')], sprintf('%s was deleted', $roleName));
     } catch (ModelNotFoundException $e) {
         return Redirect::route('admin.adkats.roles.index')->withErrors([sprintf('Role #%u doesn\'t exist.', $id)]);
Пример #25
 public function getAssessments()
     $assessments = $this->metabans->assessments();
     return MainHelper::response($assessments, null, null, null, false, true);
Пример #26
  * Gets the players sessions
  * @param  integer $id
  * @return \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Response
 public function showSessions($id)
     $sessions = $this->repository->getPlayerSessions($id);
     return MainHelper::response($sessions, null, null, null, false, true);
Пример #27
 public function getGroupAttribute()
     $group = MainHelper::specialGroups($this->player_group);
     return $group;
Пример #28
  * Gets users gravatar image
  * @return string
 public function getGravatarAttribute()
     return MainHelper::gravatar($this->email);
Пример #29
  * Calculates how full the server is represented by a percentage
  * @return float
 public function getPercentageAttribute()
     return MainHelper::percent($this->usedSlots, $this->maxSlots);