Пример #1
  * Generate BCE Authorization Signature
  * @param string $method HTTP Request Method.
  * @param string $resource The resource path.
  * @param array $params The query strings.
  * @param array $headers The extra http request headers.
  * @param number $timestamp The customized timestamp, if it's 0, the will use time() instead.
  * @param number $expiration_in_seconds The valid time in seconds.
  * @param array $headers_to_sign The extra http request headers will be included in the signature
  * @return string
 public function generateAuthorization($method, $resource, $params = array(), $headers = array(), $timestamp = 0, $expiration_in_seconds = 1800, $headers_to_sign = null)
     $raw_session_key = sprintf("bce-auth-v1/%s/%s/%d", $this->credentials->access_key_id, Time::bceTimeNow($timestamp), $expiration_in_seconds);
     $session_key = hash_hmac("sha256", $raw_session_key, $this->credentials->secret_access_key, false);
     $canonical_uri = Coder::urlEncodeExceptSlash($resource);
     $canonical_query_string = $this->queryStringCanonicalization($params);
     list($canonical_headers, $signed_headers) = $this->headersCanonicalization($headers, $headers_to_sign);
     $raw_signature = $method . "\n" . $canonical_uri . "\n" . $canonical_query_string . "\n" . $canonical_headers;
     $signature = hash_hmac("sha256", $raw_signature, $session_key, false);
     if (count($signed_headers) > 0) {
         return sprintf('%s/%s/%s', $raw_session_key, implode(';', $signed_headers), $signature);
     return sprintf('%s//%s', $raw_session_key, $signature);
Пример #2
  * @param string $path The bucket and object path.
  * @param array @param The query strings
  * @return string The complete request url path with query string.
 private function getRequestUrl($path, $params)
     $uri = Coder::urlEncodeExceptSlash($path);
     $query_string = implode("&", array_map(function ($k, $v) {
         return $k . "=" . Coder::urlEncode($v);
     }, array_keys($params), $params));
     if (!is_null($query_string) && $query_string != "") {
         $uri = $uri . "?" . $query_string;
     $parsed_url = parse_url($this->config['endpoint']);
     $port = '';
     $protocol = isset($parsed_url['scheme']) ? $parsed_url['scheme'] : 'http';
     if ($protocol !== 'http' && $protocol !== 'https') {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Invalid protocol: %s, either HTTP or HTTPS is expected.", $protocol));
     return sprintf("%s%s", $this->config['endpoint'], $uri);
Пример #3
  * Copy one object to another.
  * @param string $source_bucket_name The source bucket name.
  * @param string $source_key The source object path.
  * @param string $target_bucket_name The target bucket name.
  * @param string $target_key The target object path.
  * @param mixed $headers The http request headers.
  * @param mixed $config The optional bce configuration, which will overwrite the
  *   default configuration that was passed while creating BosClient instance.
  * @return mixed
 public function copyObject($source_bucket_name, $source_key, $target_bucket_name, $target_key, $headers = array(), $config = array())
     if (empty($source_bucket_name)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('source_bucket_name should not be empty or None.');
     if (empty($source_key)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('source_key should not be empty or None.');
     if (empty($target_bucket_name)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('target_bucket_name should not be empty or None.');
     if (empty($target_key)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('target_key should not be empty or None.');
     list($object_headers, $has_user_metadata) = $this->prepareObjectHeaders($headers);
     $object_headers[HttpHeaders::BCE_COPY_SOURCE] = Coder::urlEncodeExceptSlash(sprintf("/%s/%s", $source_bucket_name, $source_key));
     if (isset($object_headers[HttpHeaders::ETAG])) {
         $object_headers[HttpHeaders::BCE_COPY_SOURCE_IF_MATCH] = $object_headers[HttpHeaders::ETAG];
     $object_headers[HttpHeaders::BCE_COPY_METADATA_DIRECTIVE] = $has_user_metadata ? 'replace' : 'copy';
     return $this->sendRequest(HttpMethod::PUT, array('bucket_name' => $target_bucket_name, 'key' => $target_key, 'headers' => $object_headers, 'config' => $config));