public function __invoke(Job $job) { $job = $this->elasticsearch->getJob($job->getId()); // find and kill child jobs $childJobs = $this->elasticsearch->getJobs(['query' => 'runId:' . $job->getRunId() . '.*', '' => $job->getProject()['id']]); $this->logger->debug("Child jobs found", ['jobs' => $childJobs]); $snsClient = new SnsClient(['credentials' => ['key' => $this->snsConfig['key'], 'secret' => $this->snsConfig['secret']], 'region' => isset($this->snsConfig['region']) ? $this->snsConfig['region'] : 'us-east-1', 'version' => '2010-03-31']); // kill them all if (!empty($childJobs)) { foreach ($childJobs as $childJob) { $snsClient->publish(['TopicArn' => $this->snsConfig['topic_arn'], 'Message' => json_encode(['jobId' => $childJob['id']])]); } } $callback = $this->cleanupCallback; $callback($job); $endTime = time(); $duration = $endTime - strtotime($job->getStartTime()); $job->setStatus(Job::STATUS_TERMINATED); $job->setResult(['message' => 'Job has been terminated']); $job->setEndTime(date('c', $endTime)); $job->setDurationSeconds($duration); $this->jobMapper->update($job); }
/** * @param string $request * @param string|null $resource_type * @param string|null $resource_id * * @return array * @throws BadRequestException * @throws InternalServerErrorException * @throws NotFoundException * @throws null */ public function publish($request, $resource_type = null, $resource_id = null) { /** */ $data = []; if (is_array($request)) { if (null !== ($message = ArrayUtils::get($request, 'Message'))) { $data = array_merge($data, $request); if (is_array($message)) { $data['Message'] = json_encode($message); if (!ArrayUtils::has($request, 'MessageStructure')) { $data['MessageStructure'] = 'json'; } } } else { // This array is the message $data['Message'] = json_encode($request); $data['MessageStructure'] = 'json'; } } else { // This string is the message $data['Message'] = $request; } switch ($resource_type) { case SnsTopic::RESOURCE_NAME: $data['TopicArn'] = $this->addArnPrefix($resource_id); break; case SnsEndpoint::RESOURCE_NAME: $data['TargetArn'] = $this->addArnPrefix($resource_id); break; default: // Must contain resource, either Topic or Endpoint ARN $topic = ArrayUtils::get($data, 'Topic', ArrayUtils::get($data, 'TopicArn')); $endpoint = ArrayUtils::get($data, 'Endpoint', ArrayUtils::get($data, 'EndpointArn', ArrayUtils::get($data, 'TargetArn'))); if (!empty($topic)) { $data['TopicArn'] = $this->addArnPrefix($topic); } elseif (!empty($endpoint)) { $data['TargetArn'] = $this->addArnPrefix($endpoint); } else { throw new BadRequestException("Publish request does not contain resource, either 'Topic' or 'Endpoint'."); } break; } try { if (null !== ($result = $this->conn->publish($data))) { $id = ArrayUtils::get($result->toArray(), 'MessageId', ''); return ['MessageId' => $id]; } } catch (\Exception $ex) { if (null !== ($newEx = static::translateException($ex))) { throw $newEx; } throw new InternalServerErrorException("Failed to push message.\n{$ex->getMessage()}", $ex->getCode()); } return []; }
public function publish($subject, $body, $channels = []) { $structured = ['default' => $body]; foreach ($channels as $channel) { $is_supported = true; switch ($channel) { case self::CHANNEL_EMAIL: case self::CHANNEL_SQS: case self::CHANNEL_LAMBDA: case self::CHANNEL_HTTP: case self::CHANNEL_HTTPS: case self::CHANNEL_SMS: // don't touch body break; case self::CHANNEL_APNS: case self::CHANNEL_APNS_SANDBOX: case self::CHANNEL_APNS_VOIP: case self::CHANNEL_APNS_VOIP_SANDBOX: case self::CHANNEL_MACOS: case self::CHANNEL_MACOS_SANDBOX: $body = ["aps" => ["alert" => $body]]; break; case self::CHANNEL_GCM: case self::CHANNEL_ADM: $body = ["data" => ["message" => $body]]; break; case self::CHANNEL_BAIDU: $body = ["title" => $body, "description" => $body]; break; case self::CHANNEL_MPNS: $body = htmlentities($body, ENT_XML1); $body = <<<XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><wp:Notification xmlns:wp="WPNotification"><wp:Tile><wp:Count>ENTER COUNT</wp:Count><wp:Title>{$body}</wp:Title></wp:Tile></wp:Notification> XML; break; default: mwarning("Channel [%s] is not supported by %s", $channels, static::class); $is_supported = false; break; } if ($is_supported) { $structured[$channel] = $body; } } $json = json_encode($structured); $this->client->publish(["Subject" => $subject, "Message" => $json, "MessageStructure" => "json", "TopicArn" => $this->topic_arn]); }
/** * Send message to sqs and trigger lambda * * @param string $message to be send via sqs * */ public function publish($message) { // $this->sqs->sendMessage(['QueueUrl' => $this->sqsQueueUrl, 'MessageBody' => $message]); // $this->sns->publish(['TopicArn' => $this->snsTopicArn, 'Message' => 'SQS Message send', 'Subject' => 'SQS Message send']); }
/** * @param $token * @param PushMessage $message * * @return mixed */ private function sendOne($token, $message) { $client = new SnsClient(['credentials' => new Credentials($this->accessKey, $this->secretKey), 'region' => $this->region, 'version' => 'latest']); $endpoint = $client->createPlatformEndpoint(['PlatformApplicationArn' => $this->appArn, 'Token' => $token]); $published = $client->publish(['MessageStructure' => 'json', 'Message' => Json::encode(['default' => $message->getBody(), $message->getService() => $this->formatMessage($message)]), 'TargetArn' => $endpoint['EndpointArn']]); return $published['MessageId']; }
public function testExecute() { $application = new Application($this->httpClient->getKernel()); $application->add(new InitKillQueueCommand()); /** @var InitKillQueueCommand $command */ $command = $application->find('syrup:queue:kill-init'); $commandTester = new CommandTester($command); $commandTester->execute(['command' => $command->getName()]); $this->assertEquals(0, $commandTester->getStatusCode()); /** @var QueueFactory $queueFactory */ $queueFactory = $this->httpClient->getContainer()->get('syrup.queue_factory'); $queueId = 'syrup_kill_' . str_replace('', '', gethostname()); $queueService = $queueFactory->get($queueId); $this->assertInstanceOf('Keboola\\Syrup\\Service\\Queue\\QueueService', $queueService); $snsConfig = $this->httpClient->getContainer()->getParameter('sns'); $snsClient = new SnsClient(['credentials' => ['key' => $snsConfig['key'], 'secret' => $snsConfig['secret']], 'region' => isset($snsConfig['region']) ? $snsConfig['region'] : 'us-east-1', 'version' => '2010-03-31']); $subscriptions = $snsClient->listSubscriptionsByTopic(['TopicArn' => $snsConfig['topic_arn']]); $ssArr = $subscriptions->get('Subscriptions'); $ourSS = null; foreach ($ssArr as $ss) { if (false !== strstr($ss['Endpoint'], $queueId)) { $ourSS = $ss; break; } } $this->assertNotNull($ourSS); $this->assertEquals('sqs', $ourSS['Protocol']); $this->assertEquals($snsConfig['topic_arn'], $ourSS['TopicArn']); }
function getSnsClient() { if ($this->snsClient) { return $this->snsClient; } $this->snsClient = $this->aws->get('sns'); $this->snsClient->setRegion($this->topicRegion); return $this->snsClient; }
function sms($number, $message) { if (empty($number) || empty($message)) { return false; } $SnsClient = new Aws\Sns\SnsClient(['version' => 'latest', 'region' => "ap-southeast-1"]); $result = $SnsClient->publish(array('Message' => $message, 'PhoneNumber' => $number, 'MessageAttributes' => array('AWS.SNS.SMS.SMSType' => array('StringValue' => 'Transactional', 'DataType' => 'String'), 'AWS.SNS.SMS.SenderID' => array('StringValue' => explode('.', getenv('HOST'), 2)[0], 'DataType' => 'String')))); return $result['MessageId']; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function write(array $record) { try { $this->sns->publish(['TopicArn' => $this->topicArn, 'Message' => mb_strcut($this->getFormatter()->format($record), 0, 262144), 'Subject' => $this->subject]); } catch (SnsException $e) { if ($this->logger) { $this->logger->error("Failed to send message via AmazonSNS", ['exception' => $e]); } } }
private function showEndpoints($platformArn, $title = 'List of endpoints:') { $result = $this->client->listEndpointsByPlatformApplication(array('PlatformApplicationArn' => $platformArn)); $output = $this->output; $output->writeln("<comment>{$title}</comment>"); foreach ($result['Endpoints'] as $endpoint) { $output->writeln($endpoint['EndpointArn']); $output->writeln("<info>CustomUserData:</info> {$endpoint['Attributes']['CustomUserData']}"); $output->writeln("<info>Enabled:</info> {$endpoint['Attributes']['Enabled']}"); } }
private function subscribePlatform($platform, $topic) { foreach ($this->sns->getPaginator('ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication', ['PlatformApplicationArn' => $this->arns[$platform]]) as $endpoint) { $this->logger && $this->logger->info('Subscribing device to topic', ['device' => $endpoint['EndpointArn'], 'topic' => $topic, 'platform' => $platform]); try { $this->sns->subscribe(['TopicArn' => $topic, 'Protocol' => 'application', 'Endpoint' => $endpoint['EndpointArn']]); } catch (SnsException $e) { $this->logger && $this->logger->info('Error subscribing device to topic', ['device' => $endpoint['EndpointArn'], 'topic' => $topic, 'platform' => $platform, 'exception' => $e]); } } }
public function testPublishAlteredMessage() { $args = ['Message' => $originalMessage = 'MyOriginalMessage']; $this->snsClient->method('__call')->with('publish')->willReturnCallback(function ($name, array $args) use($originalMessage) { $params = array_key_exists(0, $args) ? $args[0] : []; \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertNotEquals($originalMessage, $params['Message']); return new Result(); }); $actual = $this->sut->publish($args); self::assertInstanceOf(Result::class, $actual); }
/** * Enable all devices registered on platform * * @param string $platform */ private function enablePlatform($platform) { foreach ($this->sns->getPaginator('ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication', ['PlatformApplicationArn' => $this->arns[$platform]]) as $endpoint) { if ($endpoint['Attributes']['Enabled'] == "false") { try { $this->sns->setEndpointAttributes(['EndpointArn' => $endpoint['EndpointArn'], 'Attributes' => ['Enabled' => "true"]]); $this->logger && $this->logger->info("Enabled {$endpoint['EndpointArn']}"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->logger && $this->logger->error("Failed to push set attributes on {$endpoint['EndpointArn']}", ['exception' => $e, 'endpoint' => $endpoint]); } } } }
/** * Enable all devices registered on platform * * @param string $platform */ private function removeFromPlatform($platform) { foreach ($this->sns->getPaginator('ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication', ['PlatformApplicationArn' => $this->arns[$platform]]) as $endpoint) { if ($endpoint['Attributes']['Enabled'] == "false") { try { $this->sns->deleteEndpoint(['EndpointArn' => $endpoint['EndpointArn']]); $this->logger && $this->logger->info("Removed {$endpoint['EndpointArn']}"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->logger && $this->logger->error("Failed to remove endpoint {$endpoint['EndpointArn']}", ['exception' => $e, 'endpoint' => $endpoint]); } } } }
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $noWatch = $input->getOption('no-watch'); $queueId = $this->getQueueId(); $snsConfig = $this->getContainer()->getParameter('sns'); $region = isset($snsConfig['region']) ? $snsConfig['region'] : 'us-east-1'; /** @var QueueFactory $queueFactory */ $queueFactory = $this->getContainer()->get('syrup.queue_factory'); $sqs = $queueFactory->create($queueId, $region, $snsConfig['key'], $snsConfig['secret']); /** @var Connection $conn */ $conn = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine.dbal.syrup_connection'); $stmt = $conn->query("SELECT * FROM queues WHERE id='{$queueId}'"); $res = $stmt->fetchAll(); if (empty($res)) { $conn->insert('queues', ['id' => $queueId, 'access_key' => $snsConfig['key'], 'secret_key' => $snsConfig['secret'], 'region' => $region, 'url' => $sqs->get('QueueUrl')]); } $sqsClient = new SqsClient(['region' => $region, 'version' => '2012-11-05', 'credentials' => ['key' => $snsConfig['key'], 'secret' => $snsConfig['secret']]]); $sqsArn = $sqsClient->getQueueArn($sqs->get('QueueUrl')); // subscribe SQS to SNS $snsClient = new SnsClient(['region' => $region, 'version' => '2010-03-31', 'credentials' => ['key' => $snsConfig['key'], 'secret' => $snsConfig['secret']]]); $snsClient->subscribe(['TopicArn' => $snsConfig['topic_arn'], 'Protocol' => 'sqs', 'Endpoint' => $sqsArn]); // add policy to SQS to allow SNS sending messages to it $sqsPolicy = '{ "Version": "2008-10-17", "Id": "' . $sqsArn . '/SQSDefaultPolicy", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "sqs-sns", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "*" }, "Action": "SQS:SendMessage", "Resource": "' . $sqsArn . '", "Condition": { "ArnEquals": { "aws:SourceArn": "' . $snsConfig['topic_arn'] . '" } } } ] }'; $sqsClient->setQueueAttributes(['QueueUrl' => $sqs->get('QueueUrl'), 'Attributes' => ['Policy' => $sqsPolicy]]); $output->writeln("SQS created and registered to SNS"); // Add Cloudwatch alarm if (!$noWatch) { $cwClient = new CloudWatchClient(['region' => $region, 'version' => '2010-08-01', 'credentials' => ['key' => $snsConfig['key'], 'secret' => $snsConfig['secret']]]); $cwClient->putMetricAlarm(['AlarmName' => sprintf('Syrup %s queue is full', $queueId), 'ActionsEnabled' => true, 'AlarmActions' => [$snsConfig['alarm_topic_arn']], 'MetricName' => 'ApproximateNumberOfMessagesVisible', 'Namespace' => 'AWS/SQS', 'Statistic' => 'Average', 'Dimensions' => [['Name' => 'QueueName', 'Value' => $queueId]], 'Period' => 300, 'EvaluationPeriods' => 1, 'Threshold' => 5, 'ComparisonOperator' => 'GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold']); $output->writeln("Cloudwatch alarm created"); } }
private function addEndpoint(Model\AbstractEndpoint $endpoint) { try { $result = $this->sns->createPlatformEndpoint(['PlatformApplicationArn' => $this->getPlatformArn($endpoint), 'Token' => $endpoint->getToken(), 'CustomUserData' => $endpoint->getUser()->getId()]); } catch (\Aws\Sns\Exception\InvalidParameterException $e) { if (preg_match('/Endpoint (.*) already exists/', $e->getResponse()->getMessage(), $matches)) { $this->sns->deleteEndpoint(array('EndpointArn' => $matches[1])); $result = $this->sns->createPlatformEndpoint(['PlatformApplicationArn' => $this->getPlatformArn($endpoint), 'Token' => $endpoint->getToken(), 'CustomUserData' => $endpoint->getUser()->getId()]); } else { return; } } $endpoint->setArn($result['EndpointArn']); $this->em->persist($endpoint); $this->em->flush($endpoint); }
/** * @covers Aws\Sns\SnsClient::factory */ public function testFactoryInitializesClient() { $client = SnsClient::factory(array('key' => 'foo', 'secret' => 'bar', 'region' => 'us-east-1')); $this->assertInstanceOf('Aws\\Common\\Signature\\SignatureV2', $client->getSignature()); $this->assertInstanceOf('Aws\\Common\\Credentials\\Credentials', $client->getCredentials()); $this->assertEquals('', $client->getBaseUrl()); }
public function __construct($region = false) { if (!$region && !($region = getenv("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"))) { throw new \Exception("Set 'AWS_DEFAULT_REGION' environment variable!"); } $this->region = $region; $this->sns = SnsClient::factory(['region' => $region]); $this->ddb = DynamoDbClient::factory(['region' => $region]); }
function __construct() { $this->snsARNs = explode(',', $_ENV['snsTopicARNs']); if ('POST' === $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] && !empty($_POST['text'])) { $this->setText(); $this->setARN(); $this->awsClient = SnsClient::factory(array('region' => $_ENV['awsSNSRegion'])); $this->processForm(); } else { $this->renderForm(); } }
/** * Handles SNS Notifications * * For Subscription notifications, this method will automatically confirm * the Subscription request * * For Message notifications, this method polls the queue and dispatches * the `{queue}.message_received` event for each message retrieved * * @param NotificationEvent $event The Notification Event * @param string $eventName Name of the event * @param EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher * @return bool|void */ public function onNotification(NotificationEvent $event, $eventName, EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher) { if (NotificationEvent::TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION == $event->getType()) { $topicArn = $event->getNotification()->getMetadata()->get('TopicArn'); $token = $event->getNotification()->getMetadata()->get('Token'); $this->sns->confirmSubscription(['TopicArn' => $topicArn, 'Token' => $token]); $context = ['TopicArn' => $topicArn]; $this->log(200, "Subscription to SNS Confirmed", $context); return; } $messages = $this->receive(); foreach ($messages as $message) { $messageEvent = new MessageEvent($this->name, $message); $dispatcher->dispatch(Events::Message($this->name), $messageEvent); } }
public function testAttributesSerializeCorrectly() { $client = SnsClient::factory(array('key' => 'foo', 'secret' => 'bar', 'region' => 'us-east-1')); // Mock the response so no request is sent to the service $mockPlugin = new MockPlugin(); $mockPlugin->addResponse(new Response(200)); $client->addSubscriber($mockPlugin); // Listener to grab the request body about to be sent $client->getEventDispatcher()->addListener('request.before_send', function ($event) use(&$actualRequestBody) { list(, $actualRequestBody) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $event['request']); }, -255); // Expected serialization; extracted from service API documentation $expectedRequestBody = 'Action=SetPlatformApplicationAttributes&Version=2010-03-31&PlatformApplicationArn=arn%3' . 'Aaws%3Asns%3Aus-west-2%3A123456789012%3Aapp%2FGCM%2Fgcmpushapp&Attributes.entry.1.key=EventEndpointCreat' . 'ed&Attributes.entry.1.value=arn%3Aaws%3Asns%3Aus-west-2%3A123456789012%3Atopicarn'; // Perform the operation $client->setPlatformApplicationAttributes(array('PlatformApplicationArn' => 'arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:app/GCM/gcmpushapp', 'Attributes' => array('EventEndpointCreated' => urldecode('arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:topicarn')))); $this->assertEquals($expectedRequestBody, $actualRequestBody); }
/** * Send a message to all devices on a platform * * @param Message|string $message * @param string $platform */ private function broadcastToPlatform($message, $platform) { if ($this->debug) { $this->logger && $this->logger->notice("Message would have been sent to {$platform}", ['Message' => $message]); return; } foreach ($this->sns->getPaginator('ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication', ['PlatformApplicationArn' => $this->arns[$platform]]) as $endpoint) { if ($endpoint['Attributes']['Enabled'] == "true") { try { $this->send($message, $endpoint['EndpointArn']); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->logger && $this->logger->error("Failed to push to {$endpoint['EndpointArn']}", ['Message' => $message, 'Exception' => $e, 'Endpoint' => $endpoint]); } } else { $this->logger && $this->logger->info("Disabled endpoint {$endpoint['EndpointArn']}", ['Message' => $message, 'Endpoint' => $endpoint]); } } }
/** * @param $strAccountUrl * @param $strUserId * @param $strApplication * @param $strEndpoint * @param $arrJsonData * @throws \Exception (on missing parameters) * @throws Aws\Sns\Exception\SnsException (on method failure) */ public function sendMessage($strAccountUrl, $strUserId, $strApplication, $strEndpoint, $arrJsonData) { if (empty($strAccountUrl)) { throw new \Exception('Missing Account URL'); } if (empty($strUserId)) { throw new \Exception('Missing User ID'); } if (empty($strApplication)) { throw new \Exception('Missing Application Name'); } if (empty($strEndpoint)) { throw new \Exception('Missing URL Endpoint'); } $strTarget = $this->_strTarget; $arrMessage = ['accounturl' => $strAccountUrl, 'userid' => $strUserId, 'application' => $strApplication, 'endpoint' => $strEndpoint]; if (isset($arrJsonData)) { $arrJsonData = is_array($arrJsonData) ? json_encode($arrJsonData) : $arrJsonData; $arrMessage['json_data'] = $arrJsonData; } $client = SnsClient::factory($this->_arrCredentials); $arrMessage = json_encode(['default' => json_encode($arrMessage), 'lambda' => json_encode($arrMessage)]); $client->publish(['TargetArn' => $strTarget, 'MessageStructure' => 'json', 'Message' => $arrMessage]); }
$lastfmApi = ""******"&period=" . $request['period'] . "&api_key=" . $config['api_key'] . "&limit={$limit}&format=json"; $validUser = "******" . $request['user'] . "&api_key=" . $config['api_key'] . "&format=json"; //Check if a valid user $infoJson = json_decode(getJson($validUser)); //If an error is thrown, generate an error image and exit if (isset($infoJson->{"error"})) { header("Content-Type: image/png"); error_log($infoJson->{"message"} . " - " . $request['user']); imagepng(errorImage($infoJson->{"message"})); $sns = SnsClient::factory(array('credentials.cache' => $cache, 'region' => 'eu-west-1')); $sns->publish(array('TopicArn' => 'arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:346795263809:LastFM-Errors', 'Message' => $infoJson->{"message"} . " - " . $request['user'], 'Subject' => "Lastfm Error: " . $infoJson->{"error"})); return; } //Get User's albums and generate a MD5 hash based on this $json = getJson($lastfmApi); $sns = SnsClient::factory(array('credentials.cache' => $cache, 'region' => 'eu-west-1')); $sns->publish(array('TopicArn' => 'arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:346795263809:LastFM-API-CAlls', 'Message' => $json, 'Subject' => $user . "s JSON API Call")); $jsonhash = md5($json); //Cache based on user set variables and JSON hash $filename = "images/{$user}.{$period}.{$rows}.{$cols}.{$albumInfo}.{$plays}.{$jsonhash}"; //if a previous file exists - request is cached, serve from cache and exit if (file_exists($filename)) { header("Content-Type: image/jpeg"); error_log("Serving from cache - " . $filename); echo file_get_contents($filename); exit; } //otherwise carry on and getAlbums from LastFM. $albums = getAlbums(json_decode($json)); //Pass the Albums to getArt to download the art into a $covers array $covers = getArt($albums, 3);
public function boot() { $this->app->make('Illuminate\\Broadcasting\\BroadcastManager')->extend('sns', function ($app, $config) { return new SnsBroadcaster(SnsClient::factory(array('credentials' => array('key' => $config['aws_key'], 'secret' => $config['aws_secret']), 'version' => 'latest', 'region' => $config['aws_region']))); }); }
public function connect() { $this->_connection = SnsClient::factory($this->config); $this->connected = true; }
/** * Returns a S3Client instance * @return \Aws\Sns\SnsClient */ private function getClient() { if ($this->_client === null) { $this->_client = SnsClient::factory(['key' => $this->key, 'secret' => $this->secret, 'region' => $this->region]); } return $this->_client; }
private function subscribePlatform($platform, $topic) { foreach ($this->sns->getListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationIterator(['PlatformApplicationArn' => $this->arns[$platform]]) as $endpoint) { $this->logger && $this->logger->info('Subscribing device to topic', ['device' => $endpoint['EndpointArn'], 'topic' => $topic, 'platform' => $platform]); $this->topics->registerDeviceOnTopic($endpoint['EndpointArn'], $topic); } }
/** * @param mixed[] $args * @return Result * @throws ExceptionInterface */ private function publishClaimCheck(array $args = []) { $claimCheckSerializer = $this->configuration->getClaimCheckSerializer(); $message = array_key_exists('Message', $args) ? $args['Message'] : ''; $claimCheck = $this->storeMessageInS3($message); $args['Message'] = $claimCheckSerializer->serialize($claimCheck); return $this->snsClient->publish($args); }
/** * @depends testCreatesTopic */ public function testListsTopicAttributes($topicArn) { $result = $this->sns->getTopicAttributes(array('TopicArn' => $topicArn)); $result = $result->toArray(); // Ensure that the map was deserialized correctly $this->assertArrayHasKey('TopicArn', $result['Attributes']); $this->assertArrayHasKey('Policy', $result['Attributes']); $this->assertArrayHasKey('Owner', $result['Attributes']); }