Пример #1
  * Get value of HTTP cookie from the current HTTP request
  * Return the value of a cookie from the current HTTP request,
  * or return NULL if cookie does not exist. Cookies created during
  * the current request will not be available until the next request.
  * @param  string      $name
  * @param  bool        $deleteIfInvalid doing delete if invalid
  * @param  bool        $encrypted       use force encryped to set true if encrypted
  *                                      without following config
  *                                      set to false if use no encryption
  * @return string|null
 public static function get($name, $deleteIfInvalid = false, $encrypted = null)
     // Get cookie value
     $cookies = Request::cookies();
     $value = $cookies->get($name);
     $config = Config::singleton();
     $prefix = $config->get('cookie_encrypt_prefix', 'enc|');
     is_string($prefix) && trim($prefix) || ($prefix = 'enc|');
     // Decode if encrypted
     if (($config->get('cookie_encrypt', true) && $encrypted !== false || $encrypted) && strpos($value, $prefix) === 0) {
         $value = Security::decrypt($value, sha1($config->security_key . $config->security_salt . $config->session_hash));
         if ($value === null && $deleteIfInvalid) {
     return $value;
Пример #2
  * Parse Request URL
  * @return string Request URI parsed
 protected function parseRequestUri()
     // static cached
     static $return = null;
     if ($return !== null) {
         return $return;
     if (!Server::get('REQUEST_URI') && !Server::get('SCRIPT_NAME')) {
         $return = '';
         return $return;
     // add Request URI
     // $requri = Path::cleanSlashed(Request::getHost().'/'.Server::get('REQUEST_URI'));
     $requri = Server::get('REQUEST_URI');
     $requri = substr($requri, 0, 1) == '/' ? $requri : "/{$requri}";
     $requri = rtrim(Request::getHost(), '/') . $requri;
     $uri = parse_url('http://' . $requri);
     $query = isset($uri['query']) ? $uri['query'] : '';
     $uri = isset($uri['path']) ? $uri['path'] : '';
     $script_name = Server::get('SCRIPT_NAME');
     if (isset($script_name[0])) {
          * Set New URL Path
         if (strpos($uri, $script_name) === 0) {
             $uri = substr($uri, strlen($script_name));
         } elseif (strpos($uri, dirname($script_name)) === 0) {
             $uri = substr($uri, strlen(dirname($script_name)));
     // This section ensures that even on servers that require the URI to be in the query string (Nginx) a correct
     // URI is found, and also fixes the QUERY_STRING server var and $_GET array.
     if (trim($uri, '/') === '' && strncmp($query, '/', 1) === 0) {
         $query = explode('?', $query, 2);
         $uri = $query[0];
         $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = isset($query[1]) ? $query[1] : '';
     } else {
         $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = $query;
     // replace server attributes
     // parse the string
     parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $_GET);
     // replace get
     if ($uri === '/' || $uri === '') {
         $return = '/';
     } else {
         $return = Path::removeRelativeDirectory($uri);
     return $return;
Пример #3
 private final function buildInit()
      * If one has been called no call anymore!
      * @var boolean static cached
     static $has_called;
     // prevent multiple called
     if ($has_called) {
         return $this->x_list_templates;
     $has_called = true;
     $documentRoot = Path::documentRoot();
     $template_after_dir = preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote($documentRoot, '/') . '/', '', $this->templates_directory);
     $this->templates_directory_url = Request::baseUrl(rtrim($template_after_dir, '/'));
     foreach ((array) Internal::readDirList($this->templates_directory, 1) as $key => $value) {
         if (!is_file("{$this->templates_directory}/{$value}/{$this->x_file_to_read}")) {
     return $this->x_list_templates;
Пример #4
  * Agregate Display
  * @return void
 private static final function displayRender()
     // set 500 fatal error
     if (static::$x_is_fatal || Route::isFatalError()) {
         static::$x_is_fatal = true;
         // set again
         // set fatal error
         // set 500
     } elseif (Route::isNoMatch()) {
         // set 404
      * check again if not set on boolean
     if (static::$x_is_request_head === null) {
         static::$x_is_request_head = Request::isHead();
      * Get Request
      * This as cached variable to prevent Being Overide
     $is_head_request = static::$x_is_request_head;
      * If not in Head request
      * get body content before and prepend it
     if (!$is_head_request) {
         // start buffer if not exists
         ob_get_level() || ob_start();
         $body = ob_get_clean();
          * Prepend The Body if there's some output before prepend it
     } else {
         // if on head request set into empty string
      * Fetch status, header, and body
     list($status, $headers, $body) = Response::finalize();
      * Serialize cookies (with optional encryption)
      * set cookie header into Response
      * no headers hooks for fatal error
     if (!static::$x_is_fatal && !$is_head_request) {
          * Set OLD Header And status
          * for safe header request
         $old_headers = $headers->all();
         $old_status = $headers->all();
          * Doing Headers Hook
          * @var string
         $headers = Hook::apply('x_headers', $headers->all());
         // if on hooks change headers has not array
         if (!is_array($headers)) {
             $headers = $old_headers;
          * Doing Status Hook
          * @var string
         $status = (int) Hook::apply('x_header_status', $status);
         // if on hooks change status  and that is invalid
         if (!Response::getMessageForCode($status)) {
             $status = $old_status;
         // freed
         unset($old_headers, $old_status);
      * for safe method, check if headers
      * has not already sent.
      * header will be send into client
      * that if header has been sent , the header set will be
      * thrown an error
     if (!headers_sent()) {
          * Send status header
         if (strpos(PHP_SAPI, 'cgi') === 0) {
             header(sprintf('Status: %s', Response::getMessageForCode($status)));
         } else {
             header(sprintf('HTTP/%s %s', Config::get('http_version', '1.1'), Response::getMessageForCode($status)));
          * Send headers, getting all headers and set it
         foreach ($headers as $name => $value) {
             if (!is_string($value)) {
             $hValues = explode("\n", $value);
             foreach ($hValues as $hVal) {
                 header("{$name}: {$hVal}", false);
      * Hook Body / Output Content
      * @var string
     $body = Hook::apply('x_before_output', $body);
      * Send body, but only if it isn't a HEAD request
     if (!Request::isHead()) {
          * Hoks only available if no fatal
         if (!static::$x_is_fatal) {
              * Force tag Output
             if (Config::get('force_tag', false)) {
                 // force balance the tags
                 $body = Hook::apply('x_force_tag_output', Filter::forceBalanceTags($body), $body);
              * Safe Output Check
             if (Config::get('safe_output', false)) {
                 // Filtering multibyte entities and set entities into false
                 $body = Hook::apply('x_safe_output', Filter::multibyteEntities($body, false), $body, false);
              * Inject Error Info if on debug mode
             if (Config::get('debug', false)) {
                 $error = ErrorHandler::HtmlError();
                  * Insert Into Body content if exists
                  * if exist data-target='x_data_error' -> will be inserted here
                  * or will  be inserted into after open <body(.?)> tag
                 if ($error && is_string($error)) {
                     $body = Hook::apply('x_error_output', preg_match('/(<div\\s*(?:data\\-target\\=(\'|\\")([\\w:]*\\s+)?x_data_error(\\s+|$2)*)(?:[^>]*)>)/', $body) ? preg_replace('/(<div\\s*(?:data\\-target\\=(\'|\\")([\\w:]*\\s+)?x_data_error(\\s+|$2)*)(?:[^>]*)>(.*))/', "\$1{$error}\$2", $body) : (stripos($body, '<body') !== false && preg_match('/(<body\\s*(?:[^>]*)>)/i', $body) ? preg_replace('/(<body\\s*(?:[^>]*)>)/i', "\$1\n{$error}", $body) : preg_replace("/^\\s\\s(\\s*)/m", "\$1", $error) . "\n{$body}"), $body);
          * set again end of application
         Benchmark::set('app', 'end');
          * check if contains shortcode here about %[
          * if exists will bereturning replace
         if (strpos($body, "%[") !== false) {
             $body = str_replace(array('%[benchmark]%', '%[memory]%', '%[real_memory]%', '%[\\benchmark\\]%', '%[\\memory\\]%', '%[\\real_memory\\]%'), array(round(Benchmark::get('app'), 6), StringHelper::sizeFormat(Benchmark::getMemory(), 2), StringHelper::sizeFormat(Benchmark::getRealMemory(), 2), '%[benchmark]%', '%[memory]%', '%[real_memory]%'), $body);
              * fix escaped
              * Above will be replace if only one
             strpos($body, "%[") !== false && ($body = preg_replace('/(\\%\\[)\\\\(\\\\+)(benchmark|memory|real\\_memory)\\\\(\\\\+)(\\]\\%)/', '$1$2$3$4$5', $body));
          * Clean Body Output from empty non ascii characters
          * set second parameters to false because this is not URL
         $body = StringHelper::removeInvisibleCharacters($body, false);
          * set response body
         Response::setBody(Hook::apply('x_before_output', $body));
         if (!headers_sent() && in_array('Content-Length', headers_list())) {
             header('Content-Length: ' . Response::getLength(), true);
          * freed memory
         unset($body, $headers);
          * starting buffer if buffer has been cleaned before
         ob_get_level() || ob_start();
          * print output
         echo Response::getBody();
          * Set Hook after output if not in Fatal
         if (!static::$x_is_fatal) {
             // do after
             Hook::doAction('x_after_output', Response::getBody());
              * start buffer again if bugger is cleared
             ob_get_level() || ob_start();
              * doing after all end of system
          * set response body to empty freed the memory
          * Reset Body
     // restore error handler -> end