Пример #1
 public function testMoreDetails()
     $person = new Person();
     $moreDetails = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent porta, lectus vitae scelerisque ornare, mi sem posuere dolor, in feugiat sapien dolor quis ex. Aliquam varius sem at urna viverra, non vulputate mi cursus.';
     $this->assertEquals($moreDetails, $person->getMoreDetails());
     // Test Unicode
     $moreDetails = '祦覦 窨鎌ば亜䏤 げずキェ祦覦 㦵土みゃ, 尦奚飌䨣みゅ じゃ嶣馺ギェひゅ げずキェ祦覦 訣が榊 亜䏤 秺碜䋥 䯞ぬ果クァ㩟';
     $this->assertEquals($moreDetails, $person->getMoreDetails());
Пример #2
 public static function parse($contents)
     $crawler = new Crawler();
     $crawler->addHTMLContent($contents, 'UTF-8');
     $personrecord = new Person();
     # Person ID.
     # Example:
     # <input type="hidden" name="vaid" value="185">
     $personrecord->setId((int) $crawler->filter('input[name="vaid"]')->attr('value'));
     # Name
     # Example:
     # <div><h1 class="h1">Hanazawa, Kana</h1></div>
     $personrecord->setName(trim($crawler->filter('div h1')->text()));
     # Image
     # Example:
     # <a href="/people/185/Kana_Hanazawa/pictures"><img src="http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/voiceactors/3/43500.jpg" alt="Hanazawa, Kana"></a>
     $personrecord->setImageUrl($crawler->filter('div#content tr td div img')->attr('src'));
     $leftcolumn = $crawler->filterXPath('//div[@id="content"]/table/tr/td[@class="borderClass"]');
     # Given name
     $extracted = $leftcolumn->filterXPath('//span[text()="Given name:"]');
     if ($extracted->count() > 0) {
         $personrecord->setGivenName(trim(str_replace($extracted->text(), '', $extracted->parents()->text())));
     # Family name
     # MAL messed this field up. It's not wrapped in a div, so the text is floating out in the td.
     $extracted = $leftcolumn->filterXPath('//span[text()="Family name:"]');
     if ($extracted->count() > 0) {
         $matches = array();
         # This regex matches "Family name:..." until it hits Birthday/Website/Alternate [name], one of which should
         # be the field following the Family name field
         preg_match('/Family name:.*?(?:(?!Birthday|Website|Alternate).)*/', $leftcolumn->text(), $matches);
         if (count($matches) > 0) {
             $personrecord->setFamilyName(trim(str_replace($extracted->text(), '', $matches[0])));
     # Alternate names
     $extracted = $leftcolumn->filterXPath('//span[text()="Alternate names:"]');
     if ($extracted->count() > 0) {
         $text = trim(str_replace($extracted->text(), '', $extracted->parents()->text()));
         $alternateNames = explode(', ', $text);
     # Birthday
     $extracted = $leftcolumn->filterXPath('//span[text()="Birthday:"]');
     if ($extracted->count() > 0) {
         $dateStr = trim(str_replace($extracted->text(), '', $extracted->parents()->text()));
         $dateStr = str_replace('  ', ' ', $dateStr);
         // Replace 2 spaces with 1, MAL seems to add 2 spaces in some dates
         if (strpos($dateStr, ',') === false) {
             if (strlen($dateStr) === 4) {
                 // Only a year, Example ID 11746
                 $personrecord->setBirthday(DateTime::createFromFormat('Y m d', $dateStr . ' 01 01'), 'year');
             } elseif (count(explode(' ', $dateStr)) == 2) {
                 // Month + Year, i.e. "Feb 1999", Example ID 7277
                 $dateComponents = explode(' ', $dateStr);
                 $month = $dateComponents[0];
                 $year = $dateComponents[1];
                 $personrecord->setBirthday(DateTime::createFromFormat('M Y d', $month . ' ' . $year . ' 01'), 'month');
         } else {
             $dateComponents = explode(' ', $dateStr);
             if (count($dateComponents) == 2) {
                 // Month + Day, i.e. "Jun 15,", Example ID 2608
                 $month = $dateComponents[0];
                 $day = substr($dateComponents[1], 0, -1);
                 $personrecord->setBirthday(DateTime::createFromFormat('M d Y', $month . ' ' . $day . ' 1970'), 'dayMonth');
             } elseif (count($dateComponents) == 3) {
                 // Full date, i.e. "Feb 25, 1989", Example ID 185
                 $personrecord->setBirthday(DateTime::createFromFormat('M j, Y', $dateStr), 'day');
     # Website
     # This isn't in a div, but the anchor element is the next sibling of the span
     $extracted = $leftcolumn->filterXPath('//span[text()="Website:"]');
     if ($extracted->count() > 0) {
         $personrecord->setWebsiteUrl(trim(str_replace($extracted->text(), '', $extracted->nextAll()->attr("href"))));
     # Favorites count
     $extracted = $leftcolumn->filterXPath('//span[text()="Member Favorites:"]');
     if ($extracted->count() > 0) {
         $personrecord->setFavoritedCount(trim(str_replace($extracted->text(), '', $extracted->parents()->text())));
     # More Details
     # Note: CSS classes are misspelled, need to keep an eye on this
     $extracted = $leftcolumn->filter('div[class="people-informantion-more js-people-informantion-more"]');
     if ($extracted->count() > 0) {
     # Extract from sections on the right column: Voice acting roles, anime staff positions, published manga
     $rightcolumn = $crawler->filter('div[id="content"] td[style="padding-left: 5px;"]');
     // Voice acting roles
     $vaRoles = $rightcolumn->filterXPath('//div[text()="Voice Acting Roles"]');
     if ($vaRoles->count() > 0) {
         $rolesArray = array();
         // Iterate over each row in the table
         foreach ($vaRoles->nextAll()->children() as $item) {
             $node = new Crawler($item);
             // Fill in the character details
             $characterAnchor = $node->filterXPath('//td[3]/a');
             $characterName = $characterAnchor->text();
             $characterUrl = $characterAnchor->attr('href');
             $isMainCharacer = strpos($node->filterXPath('//td[3]/div')->text(), "Main") !== false;
             $characterImage = preg_replace('/r(.+?)\\/(.+?)\\?(.+?)$/', '$2', $node->filterXPath('//td[4]/div/a/img')->attr('data-src'));
             $match = preg_match('/\\/(character)\\/(\\d+)\\/.*?/', $characterUrl, $urlParts);
             if ($match !== false && $match !== 0) {
                 $characterId = (int) $urlParts[2];
             $itemArray = array('id' => $characterId, 'name' => $characterName, 'image_url' => $characterImage, 'main_role' => $isMainCharacer);
             $itemArray['anime'] = new Anime();
             $animeDetails = $node->filterXPath('//td[2]/a');
             // Fill in the anime details
             $itemArray['anime']->setImageUrl(preg_replace('/r(.+?)\\/(.+?)\\?(.+?)$/', '$2', $node->filterXPath('//td[1]/div/a/img')->attr('data-src')));
             $match = preg_match('/\\/(anime)\\/(\\d+)\\/.*?/', $animeDetails->attr('href'), $urlParts);
             if ($match !== false && $match !== 0) {
             $rolesArray[] = $itemArray;
     // Anime staff positions
     $staffPositions = $rightcolumn->filterXPath('//div[text()="Anime Staff Positions"]');
     if ($staffPositions->count() > 0) {
         $positionsArray = array();
         // Iterate over each row in the table
         foreach ($staffPositions->nextAll()->children() as $item) {
             $node = new Crawler($item);
             // Fill in the position details
             $position = $node->filterXPath('//td[2]/div/small')->text();
             $positionDetails = $node->filterXPath('//td[2]/div')->text();
             // Details are wrapped in parenthesis, so we'll find those parens and grab what's inside
             // Sometimes what comes back is malformed - i.e. "ep. 1-15)," - it appears malformed on the site too
             $match = preg_match('/\\((.*)\\)/', $positionDetails, $positionDetailsParts);
             if ($match !== false && $match !== 0) {
                 $positionDetails = $positionDetailsParts[1];
             } else {
                 $positionDetails = null;
             $itemArray = array('position' => $position, 'details' => $positionDetails);
             $itemArray['anime'] = new Anime();
             $animeDetails = $node->filterXPath('//td[2]/a');
             // Fill in the anime details
             $itemArray['anime']->setImageUrl(preg_replace('/r(.+?)\\/(.+?)\\?(.+?)$/', '$2', $node->filterXPath('//td[1]/div/a/img')->attr('data-src')));
             $match = preg_match('/\\/(anime)\\/(\\d+)\\/.*?/', $animeDetails->attr('href'), $urlParts);
             if ($match !== false && $match !== 0) {
             $positionsArray[] = $itemArray;
     // Published manga
     $mangaPositions = $rightcolumn->filterXPath('//div[text()="Published Manga"]');
     if ($mangaPositions->count() > 0) {
         $positionsArray = array();
         // Iterate over each row in the table
         foreach ($mangaPositions->nextAll()->children() as $item) {
             $node = new Crawler($item);
             // Fill in the position
             $position = $node->filterXPath('//td[2]/div/small')->text();
             $itemArray = array('position' => $position);
             $itemArray['manga'] = new Manga();
             $mangaDetails = $node->filterXPath('//td[2]/a');
             // Fill in the manga details
             $itemArray['manga']->setImageUrl(preg_replace('/r(.+?)\\/(.+?)\\?(.+?)$/', '$2', $node->filterXPath('//td[1]/div/a/img')->attr('data-src')));
             $match = preg_match('/\\/(manga)\\/(\\d+)\\/.*?/', $mangaDetails->attr('href'), $urlParts);
             if ($match !== false && $match !== 0) {
             $positionsArray[] = $itemArray;
     return $personrecord;