Пример #1
 public static function askBinaryPath(Event $oEvent, $sLabel, $sBinaryName, $sCheckCommand, $sDefault = null, $bGetRealDefaultValue = true, $bMandatory = false)
     // Get real default value
     $aOutput = [];
     if ($bGetRealDefaultValue) {
         try {
             ExtendedShell::exec(sprintf('which %s', $sBinaryName), $aOutput);
         } catch (Exception $oException) {
             $aOutput = [];
     $sDefault = isset($aOutput[0]) ? trim($aOutput[0]) : $sDefault;
     // Return
     return self::ask($oEvent, self::formatQuestion($sLabel, $sDefault), $sDefault, $bMandatory, function ($sValue) use($sCheckCommand) {
         // Initialize
         $aOutput = [];
         // Update check command
         $sCheckCommand = sprintf($sCheckCommand, $sValue);
         // Exec
         try {
             ExtendedShell::exec($sCheckCommand, $aOutput);
         } catch (\Exception $oException) {
             throw new RuntimeException(sprintf("Invalid path %s with error %s", $sValue, implode(', ', ExtendedArray::clean($aOutput))));
         // Return
         return $sValue;
 public function build(array &$aBuild, array $aSteps)
     // Loop through steps
     /** @var $oStep \Asticode\DeploymentManager\Entity\Build\Step */
     foreach ($aSteps as $iIndex => $oStep) {
         // Log
         $this->log($aBuild, sprintf('%s.%s', $iIndex + 1, $oStep->getLabel()));
         if ($oStep->getDatasource() === StepDatasource::PHP) {
             // Log
             $this->log($aBuild, call_user_func($oStep->getContent()));
         } else {
             // Log
             $this->log($aBuild, $oStep->getContent());
             // Execute
             $aOutput = [];
             $iExitStatus = ExtendedShell::exec($oStep->getContent(), $aOutput, $oStep->getTimeout(), false);
             // Log
             $this->log($aBuild, $aOutput);
             // Error
             if ($iExitStatus !== 0) {
                 throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Invalid exit status %s', $iExitStatus));
Пример #3
 private function exec($sCommand)
     // Execute
     $aOutput = [];
     ExtendedShell::exec($sCommand, $aOutput, $this->aConfig['timeout']);
     // Return
     return $aOutput;
Пример #4
 public static function postInstall(Event $oEvent)
     // Initialize
     $sAppDirPath = __DIR__ . '/../../../app';
     $sLocalDistConfigPath = sprintf('%s/%s', $sAppDirPath, 'install/local.php.dist');
     $sLocalConfigPath = sprintf('%s/%s', $sAppDirPath, 'config/local.php');
     // Create file manager
     $oFileManager = new FileManager([]);
     $oFileManager->addHandler('local', 'PHP', []);
     // Make sure console is executable
     $sOutput = 'Make sure the deployment manager console is executable';
     $sErrorMessage = '';
     try {
         ExtendedShell::exec(sprintf('chmod +x %s', sprintf('%s/%s', $sAppDirPath, 'console')));
     } catch (Exception $oException) {
         // Update error message
         $sErrorMessage = $oException->getMessage();
     // No error
     if ($sErrorMessage === '') {
         $sResult = 'OK';
     } else {
         $sResult = 'KO';
     // Output
     $oEvent->getIO()->write(sprintf("\n%s: %s", $sOutput, $sResult));
     // Copy dist config
     $sOutput = 'Copy the local dist config';
     $sErrorMessage = '';
     try {
         $oFileManager->copy($sLocalDistConfigPath, $sLocalConfigPath);
     } catch (Exception $oException) {
         // Update error message
         $sErrorMessage = $oException->getMessage();
     // Error
     if ($sErrorMessage === '') {
         // Output
         $oEvent->getIO()->write(sprintf("\n%s: OK", $sOutput));
         // Explain
         $oEvent->getIO()->write("\nTo install the manager, you need a valid UTF-8 database as well as a user with " . "read/write privileges on it. Once you have it, please fill in the information below:\n");
         // Set ouput
         $sOutput = 'Update local config parameters';
         // Get local config content
         $sLocalConfigContent = $oFileManager->read($sLocalConfigPath);
         // Get values to ask
         $aValuesToAsk = ['%DATASOURCE_HOSTNAME%' => ['label' => 'database host', 'default' => 'localhost', 'mandatory' => true], '%DATASOURCE_DATABASE%' => ['label' => 'database name', 'default' => 'deployment', 'mandatory' => true], '%DATASOURCE_USERNAME%' => ['label' => 'database user name', 'mandatory' => true], '%DATASOURCE_PASSWORD%' => ['label' => 'database user password', 'mandatory' => false], '%BUILD_nb_backups_per_project%' => ['label' => 'number of backups kept per project', 'default' => '2', 'mandatory' => true], '%BUILD_BIN_COMPOSER%' => ['label' => 'full path to composer binary', 'default' => '/usr/bin/composer', 'mandatory' => true, 'binary' => ['check_command' => '%s -v', 'name' => 'composer']], '%BUILD_BIN_GIT%' => ['label' => 'full path to git binary', 'default' => '/usr/local/bin/git', 'mandatory' => true, 'binary' => ['check_command' => '%s --version', 'name' => 'git']], '%BUILD_BIN_PHP%' => ['label' => 'full path to php binary', 'default' => '/usr/bin/php', 'mandatory' => true, 'binary' => ['check_command' => '%s -v', 'name' => 'php']]];
         // Loop through values to ask
         foreach ($aValuesToAsk as $sKeyToReplace => $aValueToAsk) {
             // Initialize
             $sDefault = isset($aValueToAsk['default']) ? $aValueToAsk['default'] : null;
             // Binary path
             if (isset($aValueToAsk['binary'])) {
                 // Get value
                 $sValue = ExtendedComposer::askBinaryPath($oEvent, $aValueToAsk['label'], $aValueToAsk['binary']['name'], $aValueToAsk['binary']['check_command'], $sDefault, true, $aValueToAsk['mandatory']);
             } else {
                 // Get value
                 $sValue = ExtendedComposer::askString($oEvent, $aValueToAsk['label'], $sDefault, $aValueToAsk['mandatory']);
             // Replace config
             $sLocalConfigContent = preg_replace(sprintf('/%s/', ExtendedString::pregQuote($sKeyToReplace)), $sValue, $sLocalConfigContent);
         // Put local config content
         $oFileManager->write($sLocalConfigContent, $sLocalConfigPath, WriteMethod::OVERWRITE);
         // Output
         $oEvent->getIO()->write(sprintf("\n%s: OK", $sOutput));
         // Get config
         $aConfig = ExtendedArray::extendWithDefaultValues(require __DIR__ . '/../../../app/config/local.php', require __DIR__ . '/../../../app/config/global.php');
         // Build extended PDO
         $aDatasourceConfig = $aConfig['datasources']['write']['deployment'];
         $oExtendedPDO = new ExtendedPdo("mysql:host={$aDatasourceConfig['hostname']};" . "dbname={$aDatasourceConfig['database']};", $aDatasourceConfig['username'], $aDatasourceConfig['password'], $aConfig['pdo_options']);
         // Execute SQL commands
         $sOutput = 'Execute SQL commands';
         $sErrorMessage = '';
         try {
             // Get SQL files
             $aSQLFiles = $oFileManager->explore(__DIR__ . '/../../../sql', OrderField::BASENAME);
             // Loop through SQL files
             /** @var $oSQLFile \Asticode\FileManager\Entity\File */
             foreach ($aSQLFiles as $oSQLFile) {
                 // Split statements
                 $aStatements = explode(';', $oFileManager->read($oSQLFile->getPath()));
                 // Loop through statements
                 foreach ($aStatements as $sStatement) {
                     if ($sStatement !== '') {
         } catch (Exception $oException) {
             // Get error message
             $sErrorMessage = $oException->getMessage();
         // Error
         if ($sErrorMessage === '') {
             // Output
             $oEvent->getIO()->write(sprintf("\n%s: OK", $sOutput));
             // Create dirs
             $sOutput = 'Create directories';
             $aDirsToCreate = ['backups', 'gits', 'tmp'];
             // Check keys exist
             ExtendedArray::checkRequiredKeys($aConfig['build']['dirs'], $aDirsToCreate);
             // Loop through dirs to create
             foreach ($aDirsToCreate as $sDirToCreate) {
                 // Create dir
             // Output
             $oEvent->getIO()->write(sprintf("\n%s: OK", $sOutput));
             // Conclude
             $oEvent->getIO()->write("\n\nInstallation successful!\n\n\nYou can now add a new project with\n\n" . "    \$ <your path>/app/console project:add\n\nOr remove a project with\n\n" . "    \$ <your path>/app/console project:remove\n");
         } else {
             // Output
             $oEvent->getIO()->write(sprintf("\n%s: KO\n", $sOutput));
             // Throw exception
             throw new RuntimeException($sErrorMessage);
     } else {
         // Output
         $oEvent->getIO()->write(sprintf("\n%s: KO\n", $sOutput));
         // Throw exception
         throw new RuntimeException($sErrorMessage);