Пример #1
     * @dataProvider getFilters
    public function testImport($filter1, $filter2)
        $asset = new FileAsset(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/cssimport/main.css', array(), __DIR__ . '/fixtures/cssimport', 'main.css');
        $expected = <<<CSS
/* main.css */
/* import.css */
body { color: red; }
/* more/evenmore/deep1.css */
/* more/evenmore/deep2.css */
body {
    background: url(../more/evenmore/bg.gif);
body { color: black; }
        $this->assertEquals($expected, $asset->dump(), '->filterLoad() inlines CSS imports');
Пример #2
  * @param $path String target path
  * @return \Assetic\Filter\FileAsset
 public function asset($opts = array())
     $asset = new FileAsset($this->real_path);
     $ext = strtolower(substr($this->real_path, strrpos($this->real_path, '.')));
     if (in_array($ext, array('.css', '.scss'))) {
         //il faut rajouter la méthode asset-url
         $scss = new ScssphpFilter();
         if (isset($opts['compass']) && $opts['compass']) {
         $scss->registerFunction('aphet_url', function ($args, $scss) {
             if ($args[0][0] === 'string') {
                 $url = is_array($args[0][2][0]) ? $args[0][2][0][2][0] : $args[0][2][0];
             } else {
                 throw new \Exception('je ne sais pas quoi faire là');
             if (strpos($url, '?') !== false) {
                 list($url, $query) = explode('?', $url);
             } else {
                 $query = null;
             if (strpos($url, '#') !== false) {
                 list($url, $hash) = explode('#', $url);
             } else {
                 $hash = null;
             return 'url(' . aphet_url($url) . ($query ? "?{$query}" : '') . ($hash ? "?{$hash}" : '') . ')';
     } elseif ($ext === '.js') {
         $filter = new \Assetic\Filter\CallablesFilter(function ($asset) {
             $asset->setContent(preg_replace_callback('/aphet_url\\((.*)\\)/', function ($match) {
                 return '\'' . aphet_url(json_decode($match[1])) . '\'';
             }, $asset->getContent()));
     return $asset;
Пример #3
 public function cssPackAction()
     $collection = new AssetCollection();
     foreach ($this->container->getParameter('cms.cms_resources.css_pack') as $asset) {
         $assetPath = $this->container->getApplication()->getWebRoot() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $asset;
         $assetObject = new FileAsset($assetPath, array(), $this->container->getApplication()->getWebRoot());
         if (substr($asset, strrpos($asset, '.')) == '.less') {
             $assetObject->ensureFilter(new LessphpFilter());
     $content = $this->container->getCache()->fetch('cms_assets', 'css_pack', function () use($collection) {
         return $collection->dump(new CssRewriteFilter());
     }, $collection->getLastModified());
     return new Response($content, 200, array('Content-Type' => 'text/css'));
  * @param RequestResponseEvent $event
 public function listen(RequestResponseEvent $event)
     $path = $event->getRequest()->getPathInfo();
     $parts = pathinfo($path);
     $parts = array_merge(array('dirname' => '', 'basename' => '', 'extension' => '', 'filename'), $parts);
     switch (strtolower($parts['extension'])) {
         case 'css':
             //possible it's not yet compiled less file?
             $lessFile = $this->container->getApplication()->getWebRoot() . $path . '.less';
             if (is_file($lessFile)) {
                 $asset = new FileAsset($lessFile);
                 $asset->ensureFilter(new LessphpFilter());
                 $content = $this->container->getCache()->fetch('assets_404', $path, function () use($asset) {
                     return $asset->dump();
                 }, $asset->getLastModified(), 0, true);
                 $event->setResponse(new Response($content, 200, array('Content-Type' => 'text/css')));
Пример #5
  * Call
  * This method will check the HTTP request to see if it is a CSS file. If
  * so, it will attempt to find a corresponding LESS file. If one is found,
  * it will compile the file to CSS and serve it, optionally saving the CSS
  * to a filesystem cache. The request will end at this point.
  * If the request is not for a CSS file, or if the corresponding LESS file
  * is not found, this middleware will pass the request on.
 public function call()
     $app = $this->app;
     // PHP 5.3 closures do not have access to $this, so we must proxy it in.
     // However, the proxy only has access to public fields.
     $self = $this;
     $app->hook('slim.before', function () use($app, $self) {
         $path = $app->request()->getPathInfo();
         // Run filter only for requests for CSS files
         if (preg_match('/\\.css$/', $path)) {
             $path = preg_replace('/\\.css$/', '.less', $path);
             // Get absolute physical path on filesystem for LESS file
             $abs = str_replace('\\', '/', getcwd()) . $self->options['src'] . '/' . $path;
             $abs = str_replace('//', '/', $abs);
             $self->debug("Looking for LESS file: {$abs}");
             $abs = realpath($abs);
             if ($abs === false) {
                 // If LESS file is not found, just return
                 $self->debug("LESS file not found: {$abs}");
             $self->debug("LESS file found: {$abs}");
             // Prepare Assetic
             $lessFilter = new LessphpFilter();
             $importFilter = new CssImportFilter();
             $css = new FileAsset($abs, array($lessFilter, $importFilter));
             if ($self->options['minify'] === true) {
                 // Minify, if desired
                 $self->debug("Minifying LESS file: {$abs}");
                 $css->ensureFilter(new CssMinFilter());
             if ($self->options['cache'] === true) {
                 // Cache results, if desired
                 $self->debug("Caching LESS file: {$self->options['cache.dir']}");
                 $cache = new FilesystemCache($self->options['cache.dir']);
                 $css = new AssetCache($css, $cache);
             // Render results and exit
             $res = $app->response();
             $res['Content-Type'] = 'text/css';
             $app->halt(200, $css->dump());
  * When first part of a module name is not specified in paths and not equals baseUrl, we can't find module
  * so this module exclusions will not be excluded
  * @covers Hearsay\RequireJSBundle\Assetic\Filter\RJsFilter::filterDump
  * @covers Hearsay\RequireJSBundle\Assetic\Filter\RJsFilter::addModule
  * @covers Hearsay\RequireJSBundle\Assetic\Filter\RJsFilter::addOption
 public function testNotFindModuleNameAmongPaths()
     $this->filter->addOption('preserveLicenseComments', false);
     // registering optimizer modules config
     $this->filter->addModule("module/file3", array("include" => array("module/file", "module/file2")));
     $this->filter->addModule("module2/file4", array("exclude" => array("module/file3")));
     $asset = new FileAsset(__DIR__ . '/modules/module2/file4.js');
     // expecting result contains only content of file4 although file4 depends on file3 and file3 depends on file 2 and file
     $this->assertRegExp('/^define\\("module\\/file2",\\{js:"got it twice"\\}\\),define\\("module\\/file",\\{js:"got it"\\}\\),' . 'require\\(\\["module\\/file2","module\\/file"\\],function\\(e,t\\)\\{return console.log\\(e,t\\)\\}\\),' . 'define\\("module\\/file3",function\\(\\)\\{\\}\\),require\\(\\["module\\/file3"\\],function\\(e\\)\\{return console.log\\(e\\)\\}\\),' . 'define\\(".{32}",function\\(\\)\\{\\}\\);$/', $asset->dump(), 'Defined exclusions for modules/module2/file4.js excluded incorrectly');