public function setNewServer($host, $user, $password, $database, $faild = self::EXCEPTION_FAILD_MODE) { //$this->server=null; // if ($host == "" and $user == "" and $database == "") { throw new DatabaseArgumentsException(); } else { Database::$server = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $password, $database); // if (!Database::$server) { if ($faild == 2 && Config::get('panel.configured')) { throw new DatabaseConnectionException(); } else { if ($faild == 1) { \Errors::r_db(); } } } // mysqli_query(Database::$server, "SET NAMES " . Config::get("database.charset")); // Database::$serverData = ['host' => $host, "username" => $user, "password" => $password, "database" => $database]; // // return Database::$server; } }
/** * Format the message to show */ public function show($process) { if ($process) { $this->info("The seeder is executed"); } else { $this->error("There is an error" . Database::execErr()); } }
/** * Format the message to show */ public function show($process) { if ($process) { $this->info("The schema is restored"); } else { $this->error("There is an error " . Database::execErr()); } }
public function getAll() { return Database::read('select * from ' . $this->DatabaseTableName()); }
public static function exec_cos() { $Root = "../"; $r = glob("../app/schemas/*.php"); $r2 = array(); $r2 = array(); foreach ($r as $value) { $temp1 = explode("schemas/", $value); $temp2 = explode("_", $temp1[1]); $temp3 = explode(".", $temp2[1]); $ex = $temp3[0]; // if ($ex == $_POST['exec_cos_migrate_select']) { $r2[] = $ex; $r3[] = $temp2[0]; } } $v = ""; $full_name = ""; // if (count($r2) > 1) { for ($i = 1; $i < count($r2); $i++) { error_log($r3[$i] . '*/*' . $r3[$i - 1]); if ($r3[$i] >= $r3[$i - 1]) { $v = "../app/schemas/" . $r3[$i] . "_" . $r2[$i] . ".php"; $full_name = $r3[$i] . "_" . $r2[$i]; } } } else { $v = "../app/schemas/" . $r3[0] . "_" . $r2[0] . ".php"; $full_name = $r3[0] . "_" . $r2[0]; } try { include_once $v; if (up()) { Migration::updateRegister($full_name, "exec", $Root, ''); echo "Schéma executé"; } else { echo Database::execErr(); } } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } }
public static function remove($nom, $colmuns) { $name = self::tableName($nom); // self::$main_sql = "alter table " . $name . " "; // if (is_array($colmuns)) { // foreach ($colmuns as $value) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($colmuns); $i++) { if ($i == count($colmuns) - 1) { self::$main_sql .= " drop " . $colmuns[$i]; } else { self::$main_sql .= " drop " . $colmuns[$i] . ","; } } } else { self::$main_sql .= " drop " . $colmuns; } // return Database::exec(self::$main_sql); }
/** * To count rows by where clause * * @param $where (string) : the where clause **/ public static function count($where) { $self = self::instance(); $rows = new ModelArray(); // $sql = "select count(*) as cnt from " . $self->DBtable . " where {$where} "; $data = Database::read($sql, 1); // return $data[0]['cnt']; }
/** * Init Framework classes */ protected static function ini() { Alias::ini(self::$root); Sys::ini(); Url::ini(); Path::ini(); Template::run(); Faker::ini(); Links::ini(); Errors::ini(self::$root); License::ini(self::$page); //langues Lang::setReplaceBlankTranslationBy(Lang::REPLACE_BY_BLANK); Lang::setReplaceNonExistingTranslationBy(Lang::REPLACE_BY_KEY_TRANSLATE_ME); Lang::initLanguage(); Database::ini(); Auth::ini(); Plugins::ini(); Widgets::ini(); }
public function paginate($RowsPerPage) { // count data $sql = "select count(*) as nbRows from " . $this->name; $var = Database::read($sql); $this->RowsPerPage = $RowsPerPage; $this->nbRows = $var[0]['nbRows']; $this->nbPages = ceil($this->nbRows / $RowsPerPage); //if isset get $this->CurrentPage = 1; if (isset($_GET[Config::get('view.pagination_param')]) && !empty($_GET[Config::get('view.pagination_param')])) { if ($_GET[Config::get('view.pagination_param')] > 0 && $_GET[Config::get('view.pagination_param')] <= $this->nbPages) { $this->CurrentPage = Res::get(Config::get('view.pagination_param')); } } //get Data $r = array(); $sql = "select * from " . $this->name . " Limit " . ($this->CurrentPage - 1) * $this->RowsPerPage . ",{$this->RowsPerPage}"; $this->data = Database::read($sql); // return $this; }
public static function check() { if (Session::existe('auths')) { return true; } else { if (Cookie::existe(Config::get('auth.rememeber_cookie'))) { $y = Database::countS('select * from ' . Config::get('auth.table') . ' where rememberToken="' . Cookie::get(Config::get('auth.rememeber_cookie')) . '"'); if ($y == 1) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } }