Автор: Tim Wagner (tw@appserver.io)
Наследование: extends AppserverIo\Description\Api\Node\AbstractValueNode
Пример #1
  * Sets the param with the passed name, type and value.
  * @param string $name  The param name
  * @param string $type  The param type
  * @param mixed  $value The param value
  * @return void
 public function setParam($name, $type, $value)
     // initialize the param to set
     $paramToSet = new ParamNode($name, $type, new NodeValue($value));
     // query whether a param with this name has already been set
     foreach ($this->params as $key => $param) {
         if ($param->getName() === $paramToSet->getName()) {
             // override the param
             $this->params[$key] = $paramToSet;
     // append the param
     $this->params[] = $paramToSet;
  * Returns an array with initialized parameters.
  * @return array<\AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node\ParamNode> The array with params
 public function getParamNodes()
     $configuration = new Configuration();
     $configuration->initFromFile(__DIR__ . '/_files/params.xml');
     $params = array();
     foreach ($configuration->getChilds('/params/param') as $paramConfiguration) {
         $paramNode = new ParamNode();
         $params[$paramNode->getName()] = $paramNode;
     return $params;
Пример #3
  * Initializes the default logger configuration.
  * @return void
 protected function initDefaultLoggers()
     // we dont need any processors
     $processors = array();
     // initialize the params for the system logger handler
     $handlerParams = array();
     $logLevelParam = new ParamNode('logLevel', 'string', new NodeValue(LogLevel::INFO));
     $logFileParam = new ParamNode('logFile', 'string', new NodeValue('var/log/appserver-errors.log'));
     $handlerParams[$logFileParam->getPrimaryKey()] = $logFileParam;
     $handlerParams[$logLevelParam->getPrimaryKey()] = $logLevelParam;
     // initialize the handler
     $handlers = array();
     $handler = new HandlerNode('\\AppserverIo\\Logger\\Handlers\\CustomFileHandler', null, $handlerParams);
     $handlers[$handler->getPrimaryKey()] = $handler;
     // initialize the system logger with the processor and the handlers
     $systemLogger = new LoggerNode(LoggerUtils::SYSTEM, '\\AppserverIo\\Logger\\Logger', 'system', $processors, $handlers);
     // we dont need any processors
     $processors = array();
     // initialize the params for the access logger formatter
     $formatterParams = array();
     $messageFormatParam = new ParamNode('format', 'string', new NodeValue('%4$s'));
     $formatterParams[$messageFormatParam->getPrimaryKey()] = $messageFormatParam;
     // initialize the formatter for the access logger
     $formatter = new FormatterNode('\\AppserverIo\\Logger\\Formatters\\StandardFormatter', $formatterParams);
     // initialize the params for the system logger handler
     $handlerParams = array();
     $logLevelParam = new ParamNode('logLevel', 'string', new NodeValue(LogLevel::DEBUG));
     $logFileParam = new ParamNode('logFile', 'string', new NodeValue('var/log/appserver-access.log'));
     $handlerParams[$logFileParam->getPrimaryKey()] = $logFileParam;
     $handlerParams[$logLevelParam->getPrimaryKey()] = $logLevelParam;
     // initialize the handler
     $handlers = array();
     $handler = new HandlerNode('\\AppserverIo\\Logger\\Handlers\\CustomFileHandler', $formatter, $handlerParams);
     $handlers[$handler->getPrimaryKey()] = $handler;
     // initialize the system logger with the processor and the handlers
     $accessLogger = new LoggerNode(LoggerUtils::ACCESS, '\\AppserverIo\\Logger\\Logger', 'access', $processors, $handlers);
     // add the loggers to the default logger configuration
     $this->loggers[$systemLogger->getPrimaryKey()] = $systemLogger;
     $this->loggers[$accessLogger->getPrimaryKey()] = $accessLogger;