/** * Handle the event. * * @param LoggedIn $event * @return void */ public function handle(LoggedIn $event) { // $orders = Cart::content(); //dd($orders); foreach ($orders as $order) { $tempcart = Tempcart::create(['user_id' => $event->user->id, 'product_id' => $order->id, 'pqty_id' => $order->options->pid, 'nos' => $order->qty]); } }
/** * Handle the event. * * @param MadeCheckout $event * @return void */ public function handle(MadeCheckout $event) { // $user = $event->user; $checkout = $event->checkout; //dd($checkout); $orders = Order::where('checkout_id', $checkout->id)->get(); foreach ($orders as $order) { Tempcart::where('user_id', $user->id)->where('product_id', $order->product_id)->delete(); } }
/** * Handle the event. * * @param AddToCart $event * @return void */ public function handle(AddToCart $event) { // $price = Price::with('unit')->find($event->priceID); $product = Product::with('images', 'offers')->findorfail($event->prodID); $category = Category::with('offers')->findorfail($product->category_id); $brand = Brand::with('offers')->findorfail($product->brand_id); //if product has offers if ($product->offers->count() > 0) { $offer_price = []; $offer_name = []; foreach ($product->offers as $offer) { //dd($offer->amount); if ($offer->active == 1) { //store offer name array_push($offer_name, $offer->offer_name); if ($offer->offer_type == 1) { $tmp_price = $price->price / 100 * $offer->amount; array_push($offer_price, $tmp_price); //dd($tmp_price); } elseif ($offer->offer_type == 2) { //dd($offer->amount); array_push($offer_price, $offer->amount); } } } if (count($offer_price) > 0) { $max_offer = max($offer_price); $key = array_search($max_offer, $offer_price); //get the key of the selected offer and macth to offer name $product_offer_price = $price->price - $max_offer; $product_offer_name = $offer_name[$key]; } else { $product_offer_price = $price->price; $product_offer_name = "no offer"; } } else { $product_offer_price = $price->price; $product_offer_name = "no offer"; } //if category has offers if ($category->offers->count() > 0) { $offer_price = []; $offer_name = []; foreach ($category->offers as $offer) { //dd($offer->amount); if ($offer->active == 1) { //store offer name array_push($offer_name, $offer->offer_name); if ($offer->offer_type == 1) { $tmp_price = $price->price / 100 * $offer->amount; array_push($offer_price, $tmp_price); //dd($tmp_price); } elseif ($offer->offer_type == 2) { //dd($offer->amount); array_push($offer_price, $offer->amount); } } } if (count($offer_price) > 0) { $max_offer = max($offer_price); $key = array_search($max_offer, $offer_price); //get the key of the selected offer and macth to offer name $category_offer_price = $price->price - $max_offer; $category_offer_name = $offer_name[$key]; } else { $category_offer_price = $price->price; $category_offer_name = "no offer"; } } else { $category_offer_price = $price->price; $category_offer_name = "no offer"; } //if brand has offers if ($brand->offers->count() > 0) { $offer_price = []; $offer_name = []; foreach ($brand->offers as $offer) { //dd($offer->amount); if ($offer->active == 1) { //store offer name array_push($offer_name, $offer->offer_name); if ($offer->offer_type == 1) { $tmp_price = $price->price / 100 * $offer->amount; array_push($offer_price, $tmp_price); //dd($tmp_price); } elseif ($offer->offer_type == 2) { //dd($offer->amount); array_push($offer_price, $offer->amount); } } } if (count($offer_price) > 0) { $max_offer = max($offer_price); $key = array_search($max_offer, $offer_price); //get the key of the selected offer and macth to offer name $brand_offer_price = $price->price - $max_offer; $brand_offer_name = $offer_name[$key]; } else { $brand_offer_price = $price->price; $brand_offer_name = "no offer"; } } else { $brand_offer_price = $price->price; $brand_offer_name = "no offer"; } //compare category offer, brand offer, product offer and select one if ($product_offer_price <= $category_offer_price && $product_offer_price <= $brand_offer_price) { $offered_price = $product_offer_price; $offered_name = $product_offer_name; } elseif ($category_offer_price <= $brand_offer_price) { $offered_price = $category_offer_price; $offered_name = $category_offer_name; } else { $offered_price = $brand_offer_price; $offered_name = $brand_offer_name; } Cart::add($product->id, $product->product_name, 1, $offered_price, array('pqty' => $price->qty, 'pqunit' => $price->unit->shortform, 'offer_name' => $offered_name, 'pid' => $price->id)); if ($user = Sentinel::check()) { $tempcart = Tempcart::create(['user_id' => $user->id, 'product_id' => $event->prodID, 'pqty_id' => $event->priceID, 'nos' => 1]); } $trolleycart = ['count' => Cart::count(), 'total' => Cart::total()]; //return response()->json($trolleycart); }
public function remove($id) { $order = Cart::get($id); if ($user = Sentinel::check()) { $tempcart = Tempcart::where('user_id', $user->id)->where('product_id', $order->id)->where('pqty_id', $order->options->pid)->delete(); } Cart::remove($id); $trolleycart = ['count' => Cart::count(), 'total' => Cart::total()]; return response()->json($trolleycart); }