public function storeAdvices(Share $share) { $share->guruwatches()->delete(); $data = XMLParser::getXMLDataInArray('' . $share->guruwatch); foreach ($data->channel->item as $e) { $share->guruwatches()->save($this->makeRecord($e)); } }
/** @test */ public function it_is_unique_for_the_same_email_and_order() { $this->setExpectedException('Illuminate\\Database\\QueryException'); $share = new Share(['email' => $this->user->email, 'phone' => '676676766', 'comments' => 'Lorem ipsum comment']); $share->order_id = $this->order->id; $share->save(); $share = new Share(['email' => $this->user->email, 'phone' => '77474736', 'comments' => 'Another Lorem ipsum comment']); $share->order_id = $this->order->id; $share->save(); }
private function getSharePortfolio(Share $share) { $past_price = $share->pivot->boughtFor; $now_price = $share->getlastPrice(); $profit_price = $now_price - $past_price; $profit_price_percentage = $now_price / $past_price - 1; $past_amount = $share->pivot->amount; $now_amount = $past_amount * ($profit_price_percentage + 1); $profit_amount = $now_amount - $past_amount; $profit_amount_percentage = $now_amount / $past_amount - 1; return ['id' => $share->pivot->id, 'name' => $share->name, 'past_price' => number_format((double) $past_price, 2, '.', ''), 'past_amount' => number_format((double) $past_amount, 2, '.', ''), 'now_price' => number_format((double) $now_price, 2, '.', ''), 'now_amount' => number_format((double) $now_amount, 2, '.', ''), 'profit_price' => number_format((double) $profit_price, 2, '.', ''), 'profit_price_percentage' => number_format((double) $profit_price_percentage * 100, 2, '.', '') . ' %', 'profit_amount' => number_format((double) $profit_amount, 2, '.', ''), 'profit_amount_percentage' => number_format((double) $profit_amount_percentage * 100, 2, '.', '') . ' %']; }
public function index($token) { if ($token === 'W2Xcoiq28sLNasiszA819qgLk42CTc5b') { $addressees = Model::all(); $news = News::getForDelivery(); $tenders = Tender::getForDelivery(); $vacancies = Vacancy::getForDelivery(); $shares = Share::getForDelivery(); $expert_advices = ExpertAdvice::getForDelivery(); foreach ($addressees as $addressee) { $params['title'] = $addressee->locale . '_title'; $params['text'] = $addressee->locale . '_text'; $params['locale'] = $addressee->locale; $addressee->news && count($news) ? $params['delivery']['news'] = $news : null; $addressee->tenders && count($tenders) ? $params['delivery']['tenders'] = $tenders : null; $addressee->vacancies && count($vacancies) ? $params['delivery']['vacancies'] = $vacancies : null; $addressee->shares && count($shares) ? $params['delivery']['shares'] = $shares : null; $addressee->expert_advices && count($expert_advices) ? $params['delivery']['expert_advices'] = $expert_advices : null; if (isset($params['delivery'])) { Mail::send('', $params, function ($message) use($addressee) { $from_address = MailConfig::first(); $from_name = Config::get('mail.from'); $message->from($from_address->feedback_mail, $from_name['name']); $message->to($addressee->email)->subject(trans('front-end' . DS . 'emails' . DS . 'delivery.subject')); }); } unset($params); } News::where('sended', 0)->update(['sended' => 1]); Tender::where('sended', 0)->update(['sended' => 1]); Vacancy::where('sended', 0)->update(['sended' => 1]); Share::where('sended', 0)->update(['sended' => 1]); ExpertAdvice::where('sended', 0)->update(['sended' => 1]); } }
private function generateOrderSharesFor($group) { $users = User::all(); foreach ($group->orders as $order) { foreach ($users->random(6)->values()->all() as $user) { $share = new Share(['email' => $user->email, 'order_id' => $order->id]); $share->save(); $items = []; $order->products->random(5)->each(function ($item) { $items[$item->id] = rand(1, 7) * $item->pivot->step_amount; }, array()); $items = $order->getShareItems($items); $share->items()->saveMany($items); } } }
public function run() { $shares = [['class' => 'facebook', 'website' => 'Facebook', 'url' => '', 'icon' => 'facebook'], ['class' => 'github', 'website' => 'Github', 'url' => '', 'icon' => 'github-circled'], ['class' => 'gplus', 'website' => 'Google+', 'url' => '', 'icon' => 'gplus'], ['class' => 'linkedin', 'website' => 'LinkedIn', 'url' => '', 'icon' => 'linkedin'], ['class' => 'instagram', 'website' => 'Instagram', 'url' => '', 'icon' => 'instagram'], ['class' => 'spotify', 'website' => 'Spotify', 'url' => '', 'icon' => 'spotify'], ['class' => 'soundcloud', 'website' => 'Soundcloud', 'url' => '', 'icon' => 'soundcloud'], ['class' => 'twitter', 'website' => 'Twitter', 'url' => '', 'icon' => 'twitter']]; foreach ($shares as $share) { $s = Share::create($share); Shareable::create(['share_id' => $s->id, 'shareable_id' => 1, 'shareable_type' => 'App\\User']); } }
public function storeAdvices() { $guruwatchApi = new GuruwatchApi(); foreach ($this->symbols as $symbol) { $share = Share::where('symbol', $symbol)->firstOrFail(); $guruwatchApi->storeAdvices($share); } }
public function show($id) { $infoConfig = InfoConfig::first()->toArray(); $object = Model::find($id); if ($object) { return view('', ['object' => $object, 'type' => 'vacancies', 'title' => LANG . '_title', 'text' => LANG . '_text', 'requirements' => LANG . '_requirements', 'infoConfig' => $infoConfig]); } return redirect('info-center'); }
public function show(Request $request) { if (!$request->has('q')) { return redirect('/' . LANG); } $params = $request->only('q'); $searchParams = explode(" ", trim($params['q'])); $productsResults = Product::search($searchParams); $portfoliosResults = Portfolio::search($searchParams); $newsResults = News::search($searchParams); $tendersResults = Tender::search($searchParams); $vacanciesResults = Vacancy::search($searchParams); $sharesResults = Share::search($searchParams); $experEdvicesResults = ExpertAdvice::search($searchParams); $count = count($productsResults) + count($portfoliosResults) + count($newsResults) + count($tendersResults) + count($vacanciesResults) + count($sharesResults) + count($experEdvicesResults); return view('search', ['products' => $productsResults, 'portfolios' => $portfoliosResults, 'news' => $newsResults, 'tenders' => $tendersResults, 'vacancies' => $vacanciesResults, 'shares' => $sharesResults, 'experEdvices' => $experEdvicesResults, 'count' => $count, 'title' => LANG . '_title', 'description' => LANG . '_description', 'adderss' => LANG . '_adderss', 'type' => 'news']); }
public function updateGuruwatch() { $shareSymbols = Share::lists('symbol')->toArray(); $financeApi = new FinanceApi($shareSymbols); $financeApi->storeAdvices(); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function destroy($id) { $object = Model::find($id); if ($object) { $object->delete(); } return redirect()->back(); }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function show($order_id, $share_id) { $share = Share::with(['items'])->find($share_id); $order = Order::find($order_id); return view('', compact('share', 'order')); }