/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(Request $request) { // Validate entries // No entries to validate for a CV. //var_dump($request); //TODO change firstOr*** to *** // Create the CV first. $cv = $request->user()->cvs()->firstOrCreate(['name' => $request->name]); // Update the user's data. $request->user()->update(['surname' => $request->surname, 'lastname' => $request->lastname, 'address' => $request->address, 'telephone' => $request->telephone]); // Build the subsections first. $work = $request->user()->jobs()->firstOrNew(['name' => $request->enterprise, 'location' => $request->enterpriseAddress, 'title' => $request->job_name, 'description' => 'not filled yet', 'start_date' => $request->enterpriseBeginDate, 'end_date' => $request->enterpriseEndDate]); $education = $request->user()->educations()->firstOrNew(['name' => $request->school, 'location' => $request->schoolAddress, 'title' => $request->degree, 'description' => 'not filled yet', 'start_date' => $request->degreeBeginDate, 'end_date' => $request->degreeEndDate]); $language = $request->user()->languages()->firstOrNew(['name' => $request->language, 'level' => $request->languageLevel, 'creditation' => $request->languageDegree]); // New build the sections. $workSection = new Section(['type' => 'work']); $languageSection = new Section(['type' => 'language']); $educationSection = new Section(['type' => 'education']); // First attach the sections to the user $request->user()->sections()->saveMany([$workSection, $educationSection, $languageSection]); // Now attach them to the cv $cv->sections()->saveMany([$workSection, $educationSection, $languageSection]); // Now attach each section with it's correct subsection. $languageSection->language()->save($language); $language->save(); $workSection->job()->save($work); $work->save(); $educationSection->education()->save($education); $education->save(); // Now save the sections. $workSection->save(); $educationSection->save(); $languageSection->save(); return redirect('/cvs'); }
public function index(Slider $slider, Blog $blog, Product $shop, Section $section) { $slides = $slider->getActive(); $posts = $blog->getActive(); $products = $shop->getPopular(); // dd($products); $sections = $section->getSection(); // var_dump(\Session::get('product8')); return view('pages.index', ['slides' => $slides, 'posts' => $posts, 'products' => $products, 'sections' => $sections]); }
public function getProduct($slug, Product $product, Section $section) { $oneProduct = $product->getProduct($slug); // dd($oneProduct); $payment = $oneProduct->payment_system; $images = $oneProduct->galleries; // dd($images); $sections = $section->getSection(); if ($payment === 0) { return view('pages.shop.productWithPayment', ['product' => $oneProduct, 'images' => $images, 'sections' => $sections]); } return view('pages.shop.product', ['product' => $oneProduct, 'images' => $images, 'sections' => $sections]); }
/** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function edit($id) { $post = Post::findOrFail($id); $contacts = json_decode($post->phone); $section = Section::where('service_id', '1')->where('status', 1)->orderBy('sort_id')->get(); return view('admin.posts.edit', compact('post', 'contacts', 'section')); }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { $sections = [130 => 'Велосипеды шоссе', 131 => 'Велосипеды МТБ', 128 => 'Рамы шоссе', 129 => 'Рамы МТБ', 95 => 'Услуги', 60 => 'Колёса', 61 => 'Вилки и амортизаторы', 62 => 'Сидим и рулим', 63 => 'Крутим', 64 => 'Переключаем', 65 => 'Тормозим', 66 => 'Одежда, обувь и защита', 73 => 'Туристическое снаряжение', 80 => 'Свет и электричество', 70 => 'Aксессуары', 87 => 'Не велосипедное', 69 => 'Меняю', 81 => 'Подарю!', 72 => 'Украли!']; foreach ($sections as $id => $title) { Section::create(['id' => $id, 'title' => $title]); } }
public function index() { $sections = Section::all(); if (Auth::user()) { $cart = Auth::user()->cart; } else { $cart = new Collection(); if (Session::has('cart')) { foreach (Session::get('cart') as $item) { $elem = new Cart(); $elem->product_id = $item['product_id']; $elem->amount = $item['qty']; if (isset($item['options'])) { $elem->options = $item['options']; } $cart->add($elem); } } } $total = 0; $options = new Collection(); foreach ($cart as $item) { $total += $item->product->price * $item->amount; if ($item->options) { $values = explode(',', $item->options); foreach ($values as $value) { $options->add(OptionValue::find($value)); } } } return view('site.cart', compact('sections', 'total', 'cart', 'options')); }
public function editMyProfile() { $profile = Auth::user()->profile; $contacts = json_decode($profile->phone); $section = Section::orderBy('sort_id')->where('status', 1)->get(); return view('profile.my_profile_edit', compact('profile', 'contacts', 'section')); }
public function registrationForm() { $sections = Section::lists('name', 'id'); $departments = Department::lists('name', 'id'); $password = $this->generatePassword(); return view('admin.account.create', compact('sections', 'departments', 'password')); }
/** * Show the application registration form. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function showRegistrationForm() { // Get the list of departments $departmentArr = Department::all(); // Get the list of sections $sectionArr = Section::all(); return view($this->registerView)->with(['departments' => $departmentArr, 'sections' => $sectionArr]); }
public function create() { $years = config('student.year_level'); $cities = config('student.cities'); $states = config('student.states'); $sections = Section::get(['id', 'description']); return view('students.add', compact(['years', 'sections', 'cities', 'states'])); }
public function show($id) { $user = User::find($id); $sections = Section::lists('name', 'id'); $departments = Department::lists('name', 'id'); $subjects = $user->type == 'student' ? $user->studentSubjects : $user->teacherSubjects; return view('admin.user.show', compact('user', 'sections', 'subjects', 'departments')); }
protected static function newSection($id, $name, $items) { $section = Section::create(['cv_id' => $id, 'name' => $name]); foreach ($items as $item) { $item = (object) $item; static::newItem($section->id, $item->name, $item->headers, $item->entries); } }
/** * Builds section hierarchy * @param string sections in string * @return int current section id */ public static function parse($string) { foreach ($sections = explode(" | ", $string) as $index => $sectionName) { $parent = $index ? $section->id : 0; $section = App\Section::firstOrNew(['name' => $sectionName, 'parent_id' => $parent]); $section->save(); } return $section->id; }
public function analyseStudentPerformance($studentId) { $student = User::find($studentId); $studentTeachingSection = TeachingSection::where('users_id', '=', $studentId)->first(); // dd($studentTeachingSection); $studentSection = Section::find($studentTeachingSection->sections_id); $studentArray = array(); $studentArray['name'] = $student->name; $studentArray['realname'] = $student->realname; $studentArray['grade'] = $studentSection->grade; $studentArray['order'] = $studentSection->order; // a table show all exminations the student has token // show the different table of different subjects. $allTranscripts = Transcript::where('users_id', '=', $studentId)->get(); // dd($allTranscripts); $studentExaminations = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($allTranscripts as $transcript) { /*对该成绩单的学生的每次考试的语文,数学,英语三科的排名*/ $studentExaminations[$i]['chineseRanking'] = Transcript::getStudentSubjectRanking($transcript, 1); $studentExaminations[$i]['mathRanking'] = Transcript::getStudentSubjectRanking($transcript, 2); $studentExaminations[$i]['englishRanking'] = Transcript::getStudentSubjectRanking($transcript, 3); $examination = Examination::find($transcript->examinations_id); $studentExaminations[$i]['examination_name'] = $examination->name; $studentExaminations[$i]['examination_semester'] = $examination->semester; $studentExaminations[$i]['examination_date'] = $examination->date; $studentExaminations[$i]['total'] = $transcript->total; $studentExaminations[$i]['rank'] = $transcript->rank; $subjects = Subject::where('transcripts_id', '=', $transcript->id)->get(); foreach ($subjects as $subject) { $subjectType = $subject->type; if ($subjectType == 1) { $studentExaminations[$i]['chinese'] = $subject->score; } elseif ($subjectType == 2) { $studentExaminations[$i]['math'] = $subject->score; } elseif ($subjectType == 3) { $studentExaminations[$i]['english'] = $subject->score; } elseif ($subjectType == 4) { $studentExaminations[$i]['physics'] = $subject->score; } elseif ($subjectType == 5) { $studentExaminations[$i]['biology'] = $subject->score; } elseif ($subjectType == 6) { $studentExaminations[$i]['chemistry'] = $subject->score; } elseif ($subjectType == 7) { $studentExaminations[$i]['history'] = $subject->score; } elseif ($subjectType == 8) { $studentExaminations[$i]['politics'] = $subject->score; } else { $studentExaminations[$i]['geography'] = $subject->score; } } $i++; } //dd($studentExaminations); return view('scores.analyseStudentPerformance', compact('studentArray', 'studentExaminations')); }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { DB::table('sections')->truncate(); Section::create(['name' => 'Saint Paul']); Section::create(['name' => 'Saint Francis']); Section::create(['name' => 'Saint Therese']); Section::create(['name' => 'Saint John']); Section::create(['name' => 'Saint Peter']); Section::create(['name' => 'Saint Luke']); }
/** * Bootstrap any application services. * * @return void */ public function boot() { // if (Schema::hasTable('sections')) { $sections = Section::all(); $pages = Page::all(); $pagesNew = []; $sectionsNew = []; view()->share(['sections' => $sections, 'pages' => $pages, 'sectionsNew' => $sectionsNew, 'pagesNew' => $pagesNew]); } }
/** * Show the application dashboard. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index($name) { $page = Page::where('name', 'LIKE', $name)->first(); $section = Section::where('id', 'LIKE', $page->section_id)->first(); $articles = Article::where('page_id', 'LIKE', $page->id)->orderBy('publish_time', 'desc')->get(); $articles_attachments = []; foreach ($articles as $article) { $articles_attachments[$article->id] = Attachment::where('article_id', 'LIKE', $article->id)->get(); } return view('page.index', ['page' => $page, 'section' => $section, 'articles' => $articles, 'articles_attachments' => $articles_attachments]); }
public function destroy($id) { $section = Section::find($id); // have something associated? // we have to validate these relationships in a future /*if ($units->count() > 0) return back()->with('error', 'No es posible eliminar un periodo asociado a unidades.'); */ $section->delete(); return back(); }
public function run() { DB::table('sections')->delete(); Section::create(['crn' => 124578, 'course_id' => 1, 'instructor' => "Kamal", 'time' => "1:00 pm - 4:00 pm", 'days' => "M", 'time_code' => 2, 'capacity' => 30, 'description' => "Course 1 Section", 'location' => 'Warrensburg']); Section::create(['crn' => 789456, 'course_id' => 1, 'instructor' => "Faja", 'time' => "1:00 pm - 4:00 pm", 'days' => "T", 'time_code' => 2, 'capacity' => 30, 'description' => "Course 1 Section", 'location' => 'Warrensburg']); Section::create(['crn' => 456785, 'course_id' => 1, 'instructor' => "Narsimham", 'time' => "1:00 pm - 4:00 pm", 'days' => "W", 'time_code' => 2, 'capacity' => 30, 'description' => "Course 1 Section", 'location' => 'Warrensburg']); Section::create(['crn' => 415263, 'course_id' => 2, 'instructor' => "Sam", 'time' => "1:00 pm - 4:00 pm", 'days' => "W", 'time_code' => 2, 'capacity' => 30, 'description' => "Course 2 Section", 'location' => 'Warrensburg']); Section::create(['crn' => 458741, 'course_id' => 2, 'instructor' => "Blake", 'time' => "6:00 pm - 9:00 pm", 'days' => "F", 'time_code' => 3, 'capacity' => 30, 'description' => "Course 2 Section", 'location' => 'Warrensburg']); Section::create(['crn' => 968574, 'course_id' => 2, 'instructor' => "Prasad", 'time' => "9:00 am - 11:00 am", 'days' => "S", 'time_code' => 1, 'capacity' => 30, 'description' => "Course 2 Section", 'location' => 'Warrensburg']); Section::create(['crn' => 968274, 'course_id' => 3, 'instructor' => "Abhijith", 'time' => "9:00 am - 11:00 am", 'days' => "S", 'time_code' => 1, 'capacity' => 30, 'description' => "Course 3 Section", 'location' => 'Warrensburg']); Section::create(['crn' => 960574, 'course_id' => 3, 'instructor' => "Abhijith", 'time' => "9:00 am - 11:00 am", 'days' => "F", 'time_code' => 1, 'capacity' => 30, 'description' => "Course 3 Section", 'location' => 'Warrensburg']); }
public static function drop($uid, $sid) { $enrollment = Enrollment::where('student_id', '=', $uid)->where('section_id', '=', $sid); if ($enrollment->count() <= 0) { return "Enrollment does not exist."; } $enrollment->delete(); $section = Section::find($sid); $section->filled = $section->filled - 1; $section->save(); return true; }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { Section::create(['description' => 'Saint Francis']); Section::create(['description' => 'Saint Paul']); Section::create(['description' => 'Saint Therese']); Section::create(['description' => 'Saint John']); Section::create(['description' => 'Saint Peter']); Section::create(['description' => 'Saint Luke']); factory(App\User::class)->create(['email' => '*****@*****.**']); factory(App\User::class, 10)->create(); factory(App\Student::class, 180)->create(); }
public static function getUserSchoolByUser($user) { // $profile= ; // $classId = DB::table('teachingclasses')->where('users_id', $user->id)->value('classes_id'); // $schoolId = DB::table('classes')->where('classes_id', $classId)->value('schools_id'); // $schoolName = DB::table('schools')->where('id', $schoolId)->value('name'); $sectionId = User::find($user->id)->teachingSection()->first()->value('sections_id'); $section = Section::getSectionByUser($user); $school = Section::find($sectionId)->school(); $section = Section::find($sectionId); // $profile = []; return $school; }
/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function update(Requests\Sections\EditSectionRequest $request, $id, StoreFile $storeFile, \App\Section $section) { if ($request->hasFile('image')) { //Creating and moving the file image $image_path = $storeFile->move($request->file('image'), 'public/images/sections/', 16); //Adding the image file path to the array of request $modified_request = array_merge($request->except('image'), ['image' => $image_path]); } else { $modified_request = $request->except('image'); } //Storing $section->findOrFail($id)->update($modified_request); //Redirect return redirect()->action('Panel\\SectionsController@index'); }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { // if (App::environment() === 'production') { exit('Do not seed in production environment'); } DB::statement('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0'); // disable foreign key constraints DB::table('sections')->truncate(); Section::create(['id' => 1, 'name' => 'Lifestyle Habits', 'description' => 'This section focuses on lifestyle and habits of a patient']); Section::create(['id' => 2, 'name' => 'Family History', 'description' => 'This section focuses on medical history of family of a patient']); Section::create(['id' => 3, 'name' => 'Complaints', 'description' => 'This section deals with recent complaints of pateint']); Section::create(['id' => 4, 'name' => 'Clinical Examination', 'description' => 'This section deals with various clinical reports of a patient']); DB::statement('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1'); // enable foreign key constraints }
public function enroll() { $section_id = Request::input('id'); $user = Auth::user(); $enrollment_count = Enrollment::where('student_id', '=', $user->id)->count(); if ($enrollment_count > 3) { return json_encode(array("status" => "error", "message" => "You have already enrolled in maximum courses. Please contact the advisor")); } $section = Section::find($section_id); if ($section->filled >= $section->capacity) { return json_encode(array("status" => "error", "message" => "The section your requested is full. Please pick a diffrent section")); } $k = Enrollment::enroll($user->id, $section_id); file_put_contents("enroll_drop.log", date("F j, Y, g:i a") . " " . $user->student_id . "(" . $user->name . ") enrolled in Section Id: " . $section_id . "\n", FILE_APPEND); return json_encode(array("status" => "success", "message" => "Enrollment Successfull")); }
/** * Show all students for reports/searching * * @param StudentSearch $request * @return \BladeView|bool|\Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory|\Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse|\Illuminate\View\View */ public function all(StudentSearch $request) { if (count($request->query())) { if ($request->ajax()) { $students = $this->createQuery($request); //save to session for printing session()->put('students', $request->all()); return response()->json(['results' => view('reports._results', ['students' => $students])->render(), 'count' => $students->total()], 200); } } //clear session session()->forget('students'); $years = config('student.year_level'); $cities = config('student.cities'); $brackets = config('student.brackets'); $sections = Section::get(['id', 'description']); return view('reports.all', compact(['years', 'sections', 'cities', 'brackets'])); }
public function students(Request $request) { $section_id = $request->section; $subject_id = $request->subject; $students = Section::find($section_id)->students; foreach ($students as $i => $student) { $studentSubjects = $student->user->studentSubjects; $found = false; if (count($studentSubjects)) { foreach ($studentSubjects as $subject) { if ($subject->subject_id == $subject_id) { $found = true; } } } $student['valid'] = $found; } return $students->where('valid', true); }
public function __construct() { /*Licznik zmian, który zmienia się po 24h od dodania zmiany*/ $date = Carbon::now(); $date->modify('-24 hours'); $formatted_date = $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $countchange = Change::where('created_at', '>', $formatted_date)->count(); /*Licznik graczy Online na serwerze*/ $countonline = Player::where('online', '=', 1)->count(); /*Licznik niedoczytanych wiadomości prywatnych*/ $notread1 = Message::where('to_user_id', \Auth::id())->where('read', 0)->count(); if (\Auth::check()) { Cache::remember('users', 5, function () { return User::where('id', \Auth::id())->update(['last_activity' => Carbon::now()]); }); } /*Licznik i skrypt usuwający i nadający banicję za 4 ostrzeżenia na stronie*/ $countcautions = Caution::where('user_id', \Auth::id())->count(); if (!\Auth::guest() && $countcautions == 4) { $user = User::where('id', \Auth::id())->first(); $g = array(4); $user->update(['banned' => 'Zbanowany za 4 ostrzeżenia na stronie']); $user->group()->sync($g); } $deleteCaution = Caution::where('user_id', \Auth::id())->where('created_at', '<=', Carbon::now()->subDays(14)); $deleteCaution->delete(); $section = Section::lists('name', 'id'); $lives = Live::latest('created_at')->take(5)->get(); if (!\Auth::guest()) { $notifications = \Auth::user()->notification()->latest('created_at')->take(10)->get(); View::share('notifications', $notifications); } View::share('countchange', $countchange); View::share('countonline', $countonline); View::share('notread1', $notread1); View::share('section', $section); View::share('lives', $lives); $this->middleware('banned', ['except' => ['auth']]); }
public static function getPageInfo(&$sections, &$cart, &$total) { $sections = Section::all(); if (Auth::user()) { $cart = Auth::user()->cart; } else { $cart = new Collection(); if (Session::has('cart')) { foreach (Session::get('cart') as $item) { $elem = new Cart(); $elem->product_id = $item['product_id']; $elem->amount = $item['qty']; if (isset($item['options'])) { $elem->options = $item['options']; } $cart->add($elem); } } } $total = 0; foreach ($cart as $item) { $total += $item->product->price * $item->amount; } }
function getAvailableSections() { $enrollments = Enrollment::where('student_id', '=', $this->id)->get()->toArray(); $enrollment_ids = array_column($enrollments, 'id'); $section_ids = array_column($enrollments, 'section_id'); $sections_enrolled = Section::whereIn('id', $section_ids)->get()->toArray(); $courses_enrolled = array_column($sections_enrolled, 'course_id'); $sections_enrolled_timecode = array_column($sections_enrolled, 'time_code'); $sections_enrolled_days = array_column($sections_enrolled, 'days'); $sections_enrolled_timeflags = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($sections_enrolled_timecode); $i++) { $sections_enrolled_timeflags[] = $sections_enrolled_days[$i] . $sections_enrolled_timecode[$i]; } $sections_available = Section::whereNotIn('course_id', $courses_enrolled)->get()->toArray(); $sections_available_ids = array_column($sections_available, 'id'); $vsections_available = Vsection::whereIn('id', $sections_available_ids)->whereRaw('filled < capacity')->whereNotIn('time_flag', $sections_enrolled_timeflags)->get()->toArray(); // print_r($section_ids); // foreach ($enrollments as $e) { // $enrollment_ids[] = $e->id; // } // dd($sections_enrolled); // dd($vsections_available); return $vsections_available; }