Пример #1
  * Function that adds a bill to the system.
  * @return Response
 public function addBill()
     // Validate Input.
     $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), array('billNumber' => 'required', 'billProvider' => 'required', 'billValue' => 'required', 'billCredit' => 'required', 'billProducts' => 'required', 'billDiscount' => 'required'));
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         return response()->json(['error' => $validator->messages()]);
     // Validate file input.
     /*$validator = Validator::make(Request::all(),
               'billImage' => 'required|mimes:jpeg,jpg,png|max:2000'
       if($validator->fails()) {
           return response()->json(['error' => $validator->messages()]);
     // Check that user is part of authorized staff.
     if (Auth::user()->Type != 1) {
         // If they are unauthorized no point in returning anything.
         return response()->json(array());
     // Calculate the discount percentage.
     $discount = 1 - Input::get('billDiscount') / (Input::get('billDiscount') + Input::get('billValue'));
     // Let's check that the bill Number is unique for this provider.
     $bill = ProviderBill::where('BillNumber', '=', Input::get('billNumber'))->where('ProviderId', '=', Input::get('billProvider'))->first();
     if ($bill) {
         // Inform user bill already exists.
         return response()->json(['error' => 'Una factura con el mismo numero y para el mismo proveedor ya existe en el sistema!']);
     // Get the branch of the current worker.
     $worker = Worker::find(Auth::user()->TypeId);
     $branchId = $worker->BranchId;
     // Create Bill it can either be 1 - pending payment or 2 paid.
     $state = Input::get('billCredit') == 'true' ? 1 : 2;
     // If we have already paid it upfront mark is as paid.
     if ($state == 2) {
         // Make transaction for user's cashbox.
         $userId = Auth::user()->Id;
         $cashbox = Cashbox::where('UserId', '=', $userId)->where('Close', '=', NULL)->first();
         if (!$cashbox) {
             return response()->json(['error' => 'No hay una caja abierta!']);
         $bill = ProviderBill::create(array('Date' => date('Y-m-d'), 'BillNumber' => Input::get('billNumber'), 'Value' => Input::get('billValue'), 'Credit' => Input::get('billCredit') == 'true' ? true : false, 'State' => $state, 'ProviderId' => Input::get('billProvider'), 'BranchId' => $branchId, 'Discount' => Input::get('billDiscount')));
         // Prepare reason for transaction.
         $provider = Provider::find(Input::get('billProvider'));
         $reason = "Pago a {$provider->Name} por Factura Numero: " . Input::get('billNumber');
         // Transaction types 1 : Sale. 2 : Payment. 3 : Withdrawal. 4 : Deposit.
         $transaction = CashboxTransaction::create(array('CashboxId' => $cashbox->Id, 'DateTime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'Type' => 2, 'Amount' => Input::get('billValue'), 'Reason' => $reason));
         $billPayment = ProviderBillPayment::create(array('ProviderBillId' => $bill->Id, 'TransactionId' => $transaction->Id, 'Date' => date('Y-m-d'), 'Payment' => Input::get('billValue'), 'Debt' => 0));
     } else {
         $bill = ProviderBill::create(array('Date' => date('Y-m-d'), 'BillNumber' => Input::get('billNumber'), 'Value' => Input::get('billValue'), 'Credit' => Input::get('billCredit') == 'true' ? true : false, 'State' => $state, 'ProviderId' => Input::get('billProvider'), 'BranchId' => $branchId, 'Discount' => Input::get('billDiscount')));
         $billPayment = ProviderBillPayment::create(array('ProviderBillId' => $bill->Id, 'TransactionId' => 0, 'Date' => date('Y-m-d'), 'Payment' => 0, 'Debt' => Input::get('billValue')));
     // Now add items that came with bill to stock.
     $notified = false;
     $billProducts = json_decode(Input::get('billProducts'));
     foreach ($billProducts as $product => $data) {
         // First get the item in question from stock.
         $item = Stock::where('Code', '=', $product)->where('BranchId', '=', $branchId)->where('ProviderId', '=', Input::get('billProvider'))->first();
         // Now check if the price was changed.
         if ($item->Cost != $data->cost && !$notified) {
             // Prepare to notify admins.
             // Admins are UserLevel 1
             $admins = User::where('UserLevel', '=', 1)->get();
             // Now send notifications to admins.
             foreach ($admins as $admin) {
                 $provider = Provider::find(Input::get('billProvider'));
                 $worker = Worker::find(Auth::user()->TypeId);
                 $reason = "Hubo cambio de precio en al menos un producto en la factura: " . Input::get('billNumber') . " de el Proveedor {$provider->Name}. " . "La factura fue agregada por {$worker->Name}.";
                 Notification::create(array('UserId' => $admin->Id, 'Reason' => $reason, 'Url' => '/bills/provider/' . $provider->Id . '/viewBill/' . Input::get('billNumber'), 'Seen' => false));
             $notified = true;
         // Now add it to the breakdown of the bill.
         ProviderBillBreakdown::create(array('ProviderBillId' => $bill->Id, 'Code' => $product, 'Quantity' => $data->quantity, 'OldCost' => $item->Cost, 'CurrentCost' => $data->cost));
         // Get the average cost of the stock.
         $quantity = $item->Quantity;
         $totalAverage = $item->AverageCost * $quantity;
         $totalCurrent = $data->quantity * $data->cost * $discount;
         // Calculate new average value.
         $newAverage = ($totalAverage + $totalCurrent) / ($quantity + $data->quantity);
         // Update the stock.
         $item->AverageCost = $newAverage;
         $item->Quantity += $data->quantity;
         // Now update all costs of all products with this code and provider.
         $items = Stock::where('Code', '=', $product)->where('ProviderId', '=', Input::get('billProvider'))->get();
         foreach ($items as $i) {
             $i->Cost = $data->cost;
     /*$disk = Storage::disk('local');
             // Check if directory for this Provider exists.
             $directory = Input::get('billProvider').'/';
             if(!$disk->exists($directory)) {
                 // Create directory for this provider.
             $file = Request::file('billImage');
             $extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
             // Now move the save the file to directory.
             $disk->put($directory.$bill->Id.'.'.$extension,  file_get_contents($file));
     // Return suggestions.
     return response()->json(['success' => 'Factura agregada exitosamente al sistema!']);