public function putUpdate(CreateCarreraRequest $request) { $carrera = Carrera::findOrFail($request->get('id')); $carrera->fill($request->all()); $carrera->save(); return response()->json(['message' => 'La carrera ' . $request->nombre . ' se editó correctamente']); }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * * @return Response */ public function show($id) { $carrera = Carrera::findOrFail($id); $carrera->with('materias')->get(); $materia = $carrera->materias; return view('cli.materia.index', compact('materia')); }
public function postCarrerasByFacultad(Request $request) { if ($request->ajax()) { return Carrera::where('facultad', $request->get('idBuscar'))->get()->toJson(); } else { return "no ajax"; } }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { $faker = Faker::create(); $carrara = Carrera::all(); $samples_temp = []; for ($j = 1; $j < 300; $j++) { for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) { $samples_temp[] = ['codigo' => $faker->bothify('??????######'), 'nombre' => $faker->sentence($nbWords = 3, $variableNbWords = true), 'nivel' => $faker->numberBetween($min = 1, $max = 12), 'anio' => $faker->numberBetween($min = 1, $max = 6), 'carrera' => $j]; } } Asignatura::insert($samples_temp); }
public function edit($id, Request $request) { $user = $this->userRepository->search($id)->where('id', $id)->with('roles', 'carreras.semestres.materias')->get(); $carreras = Carrera::all(); $semestres = Semestre::all(); $materias = Materia::all(); $roles = Role::all(); $userMaterias = $this->userRepository->search($id); $detalles = ['user' => $user, 'carreras' => $carreras, 'semestres' => $semestres, 'materias' => $materias, 'roles' => $roles]; if ($request->ajax()) { return response()->json($detalles); } }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { $faker = Faker::create(); $facultad = Facultad::all(); $samples_temp = []; foreach ($facultad as $item) { # code... $numCarrera = $faker->numberBetween($min = 1, $max = 10); for ($i = 0; $i < $numCarrera; $i++) { $samples_temp[] = ['facultad' => $item->id, 'nombre' => $faker->catchPhrase, 'director' => $faker->firstName . ' ' . $faker->lastName, 'email' => $faker->unique->email]; } } Carrera::insert($samples_temp); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * * @return Response */ public function destroy($id) { Carrera::destroy($id); Session::flash('flash_message', 'Carrera deleted!'); return redirect('cli/carreras'); }
public function poblarSelectCarrera(Request $request) { $id_universidad = $request->id; $carreras = Carrera::where('id_universidad', $id_universidad)->get(); return \Response::json($carreras); }
public function crearCarrera(Request $request) { $plan = Carrera::create($request->all()); return $plan; }
public function __construct() { $variable10 = Image::where("filename", "=", 'fcytlogo')->first(); if (empty($variable10)) { $variable10 = new Image(); $variable10->original_name = 'fcytlogo'; $variable10->filename = 'fcytlogo'; $variable10->save(); } $variable10 = Image::where("filename", "=", 'fcyt')->first(); if (empty($variable10)) { $variable10 = new Image(); $variable10->original_name = 'fcyt'; $variable10->filename = 'fcyt'; $variable10->save(); } $variable10 = Image::where("filename", "=", 'organigramafcyt')->first(); if (empty($variable10)) { $variable10 = new Image(); $variable10->original_name = 'organigramafcyt'; $variable10->filename = 'organigramafcyt'; $variable10->save(); } $variable10 = Image::where("filename", "=", 'avatar1')->first(); if (empty($variable10)) { $variable10 = new Image(); $variable10->original_name = 'avatar1'; $variable10->filename = 'avatar1'; $variable10->save(); } $variable10 = Image::where("filename", "=", 'avatar2')->first(); if (empty($variable10)) { $variable10 = new Image(); $variable10->original_name = 'avatar2'; $variable10->filename = 'avatar2'; $variable10->save(); } $variable10 = Image::where("filename", "=", 'avatar3')->first(); if (empty($variable10)) { $variable10 = new Image(); $variable10->original_name = 'avatar3'; $variable10->filename = 'avatar3'; $variable10->save(); } $variable10 = Image::where("filename", "=", 'avatar4')->first(); if (empty($variable10)) { $variable10 = new Image(); $variable10->original_name = 'avatar4'; $variable10->filename = 'avatar4'; $variable10->save(); } $variable10 = Image::where("filename", "=", 'avatar5')->first(); if (empty($variable10)) { $variable10 = new Image(); $variable10->original_name = 'avatar5'; $variable10->filename = 'avatar5'; $variable10->save(); } $variable9 = Configuracion::where("estado", "=", 1)->first(); //$variable9= Configuracion::all()->last(); if (empty($variable9)) { $Configuracion = new Configuracion(); $Configuracion->nombre = 'lugrawibe'; $Configuracion->estado = 1; $Configuracion->logo = 'fcytlogo'; $Configuracion->facultad = 'fcyt'; $Configuracion->organigrama = 'organigramafcyt'; $Configuracion->imgenuno = 'avatar1'; $Configuracion->imgendos = 'avatar2'; $Configuracion->imgentres = 'avatar3'; $Configuracion->imgencuatro = 'avatar4'; $Configuracion->imgencinco = 'avatar5'; $Configuracion->save(); $variable9 = Configuracion::findOrFail($Configuracion->id); } $variable8 = Materium::all()->last(); if (!empty($variable8)) { $variable8 = $variable8->codigo + 1; } if (empty($variable8)) { $variable8 = 400; } $variable7 = Sistemapg::all()->last(); if (!empty($variable7)) { $variable7 = $variable7->nombre_de_facultad; } if (empty($variable7)) { $Sistema = new Sistemapg(); $Sistema->nombre_de_facultad = 'Lugrawibe'; $Sistema->save(); $variable7 = 'Lugrawibe'; } $variable6 = Autoridad::all()->last(); if (!empty($variable6)) { $variable6 = $variable6->codigo + 1; } if (empty($variable6)) { $variable6 = 400; } $variable5 = Docente::all()->last(); if (!empty($variable5)) { $variable5 = $variable5->codigo + 1; } if (empty($variable5)) { $doc = new Docente(); $doc->nombre = 'por designar'; $doc->codigo = 399; $doc->save(); $variable5 = 400; } $variable4 = Carrera::all()->last(); if (!empty($variable4)) { $variable4 = $variable4->codigo + 1; } if (empty($variable4)) { $variable4 = 400; } $variable3 = Area::all()->last(); if (!empty($variable3)) { $variable3 = $variable3->codigo + 1; } if (empty($variable3)) { $variable3 = 400; } $variable2 = tema::all()->last(); if (!empty($variable2)) { $variable2 = $variable2->tema; } if (empty($variable2)) { $tema = new tema(); $tema->tema = 'skin-black'; $tema->menu = 'sidebar-mini'; $tema->save(); $variable2 = 'skin-black'; } $variable1 = tema::all()->last(); if (!empty($variable1)) { $variable1 = $variable1->menu; } if (empty($variable1)) { $variable1 = 'sidebar-mini'; } $variablefecha = Carbon::now(); $variablefecha = $variablefecha->format('d-m-Y'); View::share('variablefecha', $variablefecha); View::share('variable1', $variable1); View::share('variable2', $variable2); View::share('variable3', $variable3); View::share('variable4', $variable4); View::share('variable5', $variable5); View::share('variable6', $variable6); View::share('variable7', $variable7); View::share('variable8', $variable8); View::share('variable9', $variable9); }
public function carreras() { return \App\Carrera::with('escuela')->where('escuela_id', $this->id)->get(); }