public function contact(Art $auction) { if (!$auction->id) { $allAuctions = Art::where('processed', '0')->get(); $data['allAuctions'] = $allAuctions; } else { $data['auction'] = $auction; } return View('')->with($data); }
public function onePiece() { $now = Carbon::now(); $onePiece = Art::where('sold', 0)->where('ending', '>', $now)->orderBy(\DB::raw('RAND()'))->join('pictures', '', '=', 'pictures.art_id')->select('pictures.path', 'arts.description', 'arts.title', '')->first(); if (!empty($onePiece)) { $onePiece->shortdesc = implode(' ', array_slice(explode(' ', $onePiece->description), 0, 25)) . "..."; } else { $onePiece = 'empty'; } return $onePiece; }
public function myBids() { $mybids = Bid::where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->orderby('art_id')->orderby('bid', 'desc')->get(); $allBids = array(); foreach ($mybids as $bid) { $art = Art::where('id', $bid->art_id)->where('sold', 0)->first(); if ($art) { $bid['title'] = $art->title; $bid['ending'] = $art->ending; $allBids[] = $bid; } } $iBought = Art::where('sold_to', Auth::user()->id)->get(); return View('profile.mybids', compact('allBids', 'iBought')); }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { $this->comment(PHP_EOL . Inspiring::quote() . PHP_EOL); $auctions = Art::where('art.end_datetime', '<', Carbon::now())->where('art.processed', '0')->get(); // $test = $test; foreach ($auctions as $art) { $bids = $art->bids()->orderBy('price', 'DESC')->get(); // var_dump($bids); if (count($bids)) { $winner = $bids->first(); // var_dump($winner); $allMails = []; array_push($allMails, $winner->user->email); $loserMails = []; foreach ($bids as $bid) { $email = $bid->user->email; // echo $email; if (!in_array($email, $allMails)) { array_push($allMails, $email); array_push($loserMails, $email); } } $data = []; $data['winner'] = $winner->user; $data['auction-name'] = $art->title; Mail::send('', $data, function ($message) use($data) { $message->to($data['winner']->email)->subject('U heeft de auction gewonnen'); }); foreach ($loserMails as $mail) { $data['mail'] = $mail; Mail::send('', $data, function ($message) use($data) { $message->to($data['mail'])->subject('U heeft de auction niet gewonnen'); }); } $art->sold = 1; } $art->processed = 1; $art->save(); echo $art->title . "\n"; } }
/** * Define the application's command schedule. * * @param \Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule $schedule * @return void */ protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule) { $schedule->call(function () { $today = Carbon::today(); //alle auctions ophalen die eindigen $arts = Art::where('ending', "<", $today)->where('sold', 0)->get(); // alle bidders afgaan foreach ($arts as $art) { $bidder = bid::where('bid', $art->highest())->where('art_id', $art->id)->select('user_id', 'bid')->first(); if (!$bidder) { $art->sold_for = 0; $art->sold_to = 0; $input = new notification(); $input->user_id = $art->user_id; $input->notification = $bidder->title . " hasn't been sold before closing."; $input->save(); } else { $art->sold_for = $bidder->bid; $art->sold_to = $bidder->user_id; $this->notification($art->id, $bidder->user_id); //melding sturen naar alle bieders/geintresseerde die het niet verkregen $input = new notification(); $input->user_id = $bidder->user_id; $input->notification = $art->title . " is yours for " . $bidder->bid . " euro"; // $input->save(); } $art->sold = 1; Bid::where('art_id', $art->id)->delete(); watchlist::where('art_id', $art->id)->delete(); $art->save(); } Mail::send('email.test', ['name' => 'jonas'], function ($message) { $message->to('*****@*****.**', 'test')->subject('welcome!'); }); })->dailyAt('00:01'); }
public function searchFiltert($filter, $value) { $search = Session::get('search'); $now = Carbon::now(); $random_art = Art::where('sold', 0)->where('ending', '>', $now)->where(function ($query) use($search) { $query->where('title', 'like', '%' . $search . '%')->orWhere('description', 'like', '%' . $search . '%'); })->where(function ($query) use($filter, $value) { switch ($filter) { case 'style': $query->where('style_id', $value); break; case 'era': $query->where('era_id', $value); break; case 'price': $lower = $this->filterOnPrice($value); if ($value == 'up') { $query->where('price', '>', $lower); } else { $query->whereBetween('price', [$lower, $value + 1]); //$query->where('price','<',$value); } break; case 'when': switch ($value) { case 'weekend': $when = $this->filterOnWhen($value); $query->where('ending', '<', $when); break; case 'new': $tomorrow = Carbon::tomorrow(); $query->where('created_at', '<', $tomorrow); break; } break; } })->paginate(8); $picture = $this->getPicture($random_art); $duration = $this->getDuration($random_art, $now); $VoS = 'searchFilter'; $title = 'Search'; $onePiece = $this->onePiece(); $path = $search; $path .= ' > ' . $this->getPath($filter, $value); return View('art.overview', compact('random_art', 'VoS', 'duration', 'picture', 'title', 'onePiece', 'path')); }
public function delete($art_id) { Art::where('id', $art_id)->delete(); return redirect()->route('admin')->withSuccess('succesvol verwijderd'); }
public function myAuctions() { $active = Art::where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->where('processed', '0')->where('sold', '0')->get(); $sold = Art::where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->where('processed', '1')->where('sold', '1')->get(); $expired = Art::where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->where('processed', '1')->where('sold', '0')->get(); $allAuctions = Art::where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->get(); //pending = no bids, but not over yet $pending = collect([]); foreach ($allAuctions as $auction) { if (!count($auction->bids) && $auction->processed == '0') { $pending->push($auction); } } $data['pending'] = $pending; $data['active'] = $active; $data['expired'] = $expired; $data['sold'] = $sold; return View('Art.myAuctions')->with($data); }
public function buyNow($art_id) { $art = Art::where('id', $art_id)->where('sold', 0)->firstOrFail(); $art->sold = 1; $art->sold_for = $art->price; $art->sold_to = Auth::user()->id; $art->save(); $this->notification($art->id, Auth::user()->id); Bid::where('art_id', $art_id)->delete(); watchlist::where('art_id', $art_id)->delete(); return redirect()->route('/')->withSuccess(trans('succes.bought')); }