/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function update($id, Request $request) { //$this->validate($request, ['name' => 'required']); // Uncomment and modify if needed. $app = App::findOrFail($id); $app->update($request->all()); return redirect('admin/apps')->with('success', Lang::get('message.success.update')); }
private function start($message, $tg) { $key = trim(str_replace('/start', '', $message['text'])); $token = Token::findByToken($key); $app = App::findOrFail($token->app_id); try { $auth = Auth::findByAppAndTelegramUser($app, $tg); } catch (ModelNotFoundException $e) { $auth = new Auth(); $auth->app_id = $app->id; $auth->telegram_user_id = $tg->id; $auth->email = 'a' . $app->id . 't' . $tg->id . '-' . generate_email() . '@telegramlogin.com'; } $auth->access_token = generate_access_token(); $auth->active = true; $auth->save(); $code = Code::create(array('app_id' => $app->id, 'auth_id' => $auth->id, 'code' => generate_code())); $url = $app->redirect_url . '?code=' . $code->code; if ($token->query_string) { $url .= '&' . $token->query_string; } $text = 'Please click this link to finish your signup at *' . $app->name . '*: ' . PHP_EOL; $text .= '[Click here](' . $url . ')'; $params = array('text' => $text, 'chat_id' => $tg->telegram_id); $this->send($params); $token->delete(); if ($app->client_id == 314159265) { $tg->status = str_replace('state=', '', $token->query_string); } else { $tg->status = 'access_granted'; } $tg->save(); }
/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function update(Requests\AppRequest $request, $id) { $app = App::findOrFail($id); $app->fill($request->all()); $app->save(); return redirect('dashboard'); }
private function start($message) { $key = trim(str_replace('/start', '', $message['text'])); $token = Token::findByToken($key); $app = App::findOrFail($token->app_id); $from = $message['from']; $telegramId = $from['id']; $telegramName = $from['first_name']; if (array_key_exists('last_name', $from)) { $telegramName .= ' ' . $from['last_name']; } if (array_key_exists('username', $from)) { $username = $from['username']; } try { $tg = TelegramUser::findByTelegramId($telegramId); } catch (ModelNotFoundException $e) { $tg = new TelegramUser(); $tg->telegram_id = $telegramId; } $tg->name = $telegramName; $tg->save(); if ($tg->status != '/start') { $tg->status = '/start'; $tg->save(); if (isset($username)) { $tg->username = $username; } try { $auth = Auth::findByAppAndTelegramUser($app, $tg); } catch (ModelNotFoundException $e) { $auth = new Auth(); $auth->app_id = $app->id; $auth->telegram_user_id = $tg->id; $auth->email = generate_email() . '-' . $app->id . '-' . $tg->id . '@telegramlogin.com'; } $auth->access_token = generate_access_token(); $auth->active = true; $auth->save(); $code = Code::create(array('app_id' => $app->id, 'auth_id' => $auth->id, 'code' => generate_code())); $url = $app->redirect_url . '?code=' . $code->code; if ($token->query_string) { $url .= '&' . $token->query_string; } $text = 'Please click this link to finish your signup at *' . $app->name . '*: ' . PHP_EOL; $text .= '[Click here](' . $url . ')'; $params = array('text' => $text, 'chat_id' => $telegramId); $success = false; $trys = 0; while (!$success && $trys < 5) { $success = $this->send($params)['ok']; sleep(1); $trys++; } $token->delete(); if ($app->client_id == 314159265) { $tg->status = str_replace('state=', '', $token->query_string); } else { $tg->status = 'access_granted'; } $tg->save(); } }