public function testActivityCanBeAddedToAnEvent1() { $this->logIn(); $event = new Event(); $event->name = 'Kokous'; $event->time = '2016-07-25 16:40:00'; $event->place = 'Kolo'; $event->description = 'Iltakokous'; $event->endDate = '2016-07-25 17:20:20'; $event->group_id = self::createTestGroup(); $event->save(); $activity = new Activity(); $activity->name = 'Kalastus'; $activity->guid = 'Guid'; $activity->age_group = 'sudenpennut'; $activity->task_group = 'pohjoinen'; $activity->save(); $event_id = DB::table('events')->where('name', 'Kokous')->value('id'); // Pitää muutta occurensejä käyttämään /* $this->visit('/events/'. $event_id) ->click('Muuta aktiviteetteja') ->see('Äänestys') ->press('Lisää') ->click('Takaisin') ->see('Äänestys'); */ }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(Request $request) { $notify_report = false; for ($i = 0; $i < count($request->all()); $i++) { if ($request->input($i . '.include')) { $this->validate($request, [$i . '.id' => 'required', $i . '' => 'required|numeric', $i . '.position_id' => 'required|numeric', $i . '.project_id' => 'required|numeric', $i . '.target_id' => 'required|numeric', $i . '.output' => 'required|numeric', $i . '.date_start' => 'required|date', $i . '.date_end' => 'required|date', $i . '.hours_worked' => 'required|numeric', $i . '.daily_work_hours' => 'required|numeric', $i . '.output_error' => 'required|numeric']); // check if a report is already created if (!$notify_report) { $admin = User::where('role', 'admin')->first(); $report = Report::where('id', $request->input($i . '.report_id'))->first(); // create a notification $notification = new Notification(); $notification->message = 'updated a '; $notification->sender_user_id = $request->user()->id; $notification->receiver_user_id = $admin->id; $notification->subscriber = 'admin'; $notification->state = 'main.weekly-report'; $notification->event_id = $report->id; $notification->event_id_type = 'report_id'; $notification->seen = false; $notification->save(); $notify = DB::table('reports')->join('users', '', '=', 'reports.user_id')->join('projects', '', '=', 'reports.project_id')->join('notifications', 'notifications.event_id', '=', '')->select('reports.*', 'users.*', DB::raw('LEFT(users.first_name, 1) as first_letter'), 'projects.*', 'notifications.*')->where('', $notification->id)->first(); // foreach ($query as $key => $value) { // $notify = $value; // } event(new ReportSubmittedBroadCast($notify)); $activity_type = ActivityType::where('action', 'update')->first(); $activity = new Activity(); $activity->report_id = $report->id; $activity->user_id = $request->user()->id; $activity->activity_type_id = $activity_type->id; $activity->save(); // report $create_report = true; } $old_performance = Performance::where('id', $request->input($i . '.id'))->first(); // record history of the performance $performance_history = new PerformanceHistory(); $performance_history->activity_id = $activity->id; $performance_history->performance_id = $old_performance->id; $performance_history->report_id = $old_performance->report_id; $performance_history->member_id = $old_performance->member_id; $performance_history->position_id = $old_performance->position_id; $performance_history->department_id = $old_performance->department_id; $performance_history->project_id = $old_performance->project_id; $performance_history->target_id = $old_performance->target_id; $performance_history->date_start = $old_performance->date_start; $performance_history->date_end = $old_performance->date_end; $performance_history->daily_work_hours = $old_performance->daily_work_hours; $performance_history->output = $old_performance->output; $performance_history->hours_worked = $old_performance->hours_worked; $performance_history->output_error = $old_performance->output_error; $performance_history->average_output = $old_performance->average_output; $performance_history->productivity = $old_performance->productivity; $performance_history->quality = $old_performance->quality; $performance_history->quadrant = $old_performance->quadrant; $performance_history->save(); } } }
/** * Bootstrap the application services. * * @return void */ public function boot() { Task::created(function ($task) { $activity = new Activity(); $activity->user_id = Auth::user()->id; $activity->task_id = $task->id; $activity->message = 'task created'; $activity->save(); }); }
private static function pullDataForProvider($provider) { foreach ($provider->providesSensors() as $name => $type) { $functionName = self::getFunctionName($name, $type); $val = $provider->{$functionName}(); $activity = new Activity(); $activity->provider = get_class($provider); $activity->name = $name; $activity->value = $val; $activity->save(); } }
public function authenticate() { $username = Input::get('username'); $password = Input::get('password'); $remember = Input::get('remember'); if (Auth::viaRemember() || Auth::attempt(['email' => $username, 'password' => $password], $remember) || Auth::attempt(['username' => $username, 'password' => $password], $remember)) { // Authentication passed... $thisactivity = new Activity(); $thisactivity->createActivity(Auth::user(), 'login', 'have logged in', 0); return redirect()->intended('/home'); } else { return redirect()->intended('/login')->withErrors(['Username and/or Password you entered does not belong to any user']); } }
public function testActivityIsAddedToUserCorrectly() { $this->logIn(); $user = new User(); $user->membernumber = '100000'; $user->firstname = 'First_name'; $user->lastname = 'Last_name'; $user->save(); $activity = new Activity(); $activity->guid = 1; $activity->name = 'Activity 1'; $activity->age_group = 'sudenpennut'; $activity->task_group = 'pohjoinen'; $activity->save(); $this->visit('/users/1/activities')->select('1', 'activityId')->press('Lisää')->seeInDatabase('activity_user', ['activity_id' => 1, 'user_id' => 1]); }
public function performIntuitiveAssignment() { //Grab all the activities $activities = Activity::all(); //pr0duce a tally 0f h0w many succesful applicati0ns each activity has received, //in the f0rm 0f an ass0ciative array f0r th0se activities which have received //m0re than 0 applicati0ns $activityApplicationTally = array(); foreach ($activities as $activity) { //get a c0unt 0f the number 0f succesful applicants f0r this activity $numSuccesfulApplicants = $activity->getSuccessfulApplications->count(); if ($numSuccesfulApplicants > 0) { $activityApplicationTally[$activity->id] = $numSuccesfulApplicants; } } //fr0m asort($activityApplicationTally, SORT_NUMERIC); foreach ($activityApplicationTally as $activityID => $numSuccesfulApplicants) { $numTutorsRequired = Activity::find($activityID)->quant_ppl_needed; echo $numTutorsRequired; //var_dump($activity); } //return $activityApplicationTally; //return Activity::with('activityRequests'); }
private function initData() { $this->login(); factory(App\Activity::class, 50)->create(); factory(App\User::class, 10)->create(); factory(App\User::class, 'admin', 1)->create(); factory(App\Group::class, 25)->create()->each(function ($g) { for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $g->users()->save(factory(App\User::class)->make(), ['role' => 'member']); } $g->users()->save(factory(App\User::class)->make(), ['role' => 'leader']); }); factory(App\Event::class, 5)->create()->each(function ($event) { $date = $event->time->startOfDay(); $endDate = $event->endDate; do { $occurrence = new EventOccurrence(); $occurrence->event_id = $event->id; $occurrence->date = $date; $occurrence->save(); $date->addWeek(); } while ($date < $endDate); }); $faker = Faker\Factory::create(); $occurrences = EventOccurrence::all(); $activities = Activity::all()->toArray(); foreach ($occurrences as $occurrence) { foreach ($faker->randomElements($activities, $faker->randomDigit) as $activity) { $occurrence->activities()->attach($activity['id']); } } }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { $faker = Faker\Factory::create(); // Create a faker, add en_SG providers $faker->addProvider(new Faker\Provider\en_SG\Address($faker)); $faker->addProvider(new Faker\Provider\en_SG\Enhanced($faker)); $faker->addProvider(new Faker\Provider\en_SG\Person($faker)); $faker->addProvider(new Faker\Provider\en_SG\PhoneNumber($faker)); $faker->seed(9876); // Calling the same script twice with the same seed produces the same results $durations = [30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 135, 150, 165, 180]; // Insert 30 dummy records foreach (range(1, 30) as $index) { $startDate = $faker->dateTimeBetween('-3 months', '3 months'); $startHour = ['08', '09', '10', '11', '13', '14', '15', '16']; $startMin = ['00', '15', '30', '45']; while (Carbon::instance($startDate)->dayOfWeek === Carbon::SUNDAY) { $startDate = $faker->dateTimeBetween('-3 months', '3 months'); } if ($startDate === Carbon::SATURDAY) { $startHour = ['08', '09', '10', '11']; } $startTime = $faker->randomElement($startHour) . ":" . $faker->randomElement($startMin) . ":00"; $elderly = Elderly::with('centre')->find($faker->numberBetween(1, 15)); $staffList = $elderly->centre->staff->lists('staff_id')->toArray(); Activity::create(['datetime_start' => $startDate->format('Y-m-d') . " " . $startTime, 'expected_duration_minutes' => $faker->randomElement($durations), 'category' => 'transport', 'more_information' => $faker->optional(0.4, '')->sentence(10, true), 'location_from_id' => $elderly->centre_id, 'location_to_id' => $faker->numberBetween(4, 6), 'elderly_id' => $elderly->elderly_id, 'centre_id' => $elderly->centre_id, 'staff_id' => $faker->randomElement($staffList)]); } }
public static function transformOutMany($activities) { foreach ($activities as $k => $v) { $activities[$k] = Activity::transformOut($v); } return $activities; }
/** * Define your route model bindings, pattern filters, etc. * * @param \Illuminate\Routing\Router $router * @return void */ public function boot(Router $router) { // parent::boot($router); $router->bind('devices', function ($slug) { return \App\Device::findBySlugOrFail($slug); }); $router->bind('types', function ($slug) { return \App\DeviceType::findBySlugOrFail($slug); }); $router->bind('locations', function ($slug) { return \App\DeviceLocation::findBySlugOrFail($slug); }); $router->bind('admins', function ($slug) { return \App\User::findBySlugOrFail($slug); }); $router->bind('systemusers', function ($slug) { return \App\User::findBySlugOrFail($slug); }); $router->bind('activitylogs', function ($id) { return \App\Activity::findOrFail($id); }); $router->bind('userlogs', function ($id) { return \App\UserLog::findOrFail($id); }); $router->bind('authuser', function ($slug) { return \App\User::findBySlugOrFail($slug); }); }
public function update($id, Request $request) { if ($this->inputIsValid($request)) { $agenda = Agenda::findOrFail($id); $agenda->update($request->except('attendees', 'activities')); // Remove all old attendees. $agenda->users()->detach(); // Add attendees to agenda_user table as many-to-many relationship. foreach ($request->input('attendees') as $attendeeId) { $agenda->users()->attach(1, ['agenda_id' => $agenda->id, 'user_id' => $attendeeId]); } // Remove this agenda_id from all its activities. foreach ($agenda->activities() as $activity) { $activity = Activity::find($activityId); $activity->agenda_id = 0; $activity->save(); } // Add agenda_id to a_activities table. foreach ($request->input('activities') as $activityId) { $activity = Activity::find($activityId); $activity->agenda_id = $agenda->id; $activity->save(); } return response()->json(['header' => 'Your agenda was successfully updated!', 'info' => 'Both your agenda here on Meeter and you Google Calendar event were updated with your changes.'], 200); } else { return response()->json('', 400); } }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function show($id) { $actArray = POF::getItem(Activity::findOrFail($id)->guid); $activity = Activity::findOrFail($id); $singleActArray = ['title' => array_get($actArray, 'title', 'ei määritetty'), 'guid' => array_get($actArray, 'guid', 'ei määritetty'), 'content' => array_get($actArray, 'content', 'ei määritetty'), 'pakollisuus' => array_get($actArray, '', 'ei määritetty'), 'pakollisuusikoni' => array_get($actArray, 'tags.pakollisuus.0.icon', 'ei määritetty'), 'ryhmakoko' => array_get($actArray, '', 'ei määritetty'), 'agegroup' => array_get($actArray, 'parents.1.title'), 'paikka' => array_get($actArray, '', 'ei määritetty'), 'suoritus_kesto' => array_get($actArray, '', 'ei määritetty')]; return view('activity', compact('singleActArray', 'activity')); }
/** * Execute the command. * * @return void */ public function handle() { $this->menu->updated_at = Carbon::now(); $this->menu->update($this->request->all()); Activity::create(['text' => $this->auth->linkedName() . ' updated menu named ' . $this->menu->linkedName(), 'user_id' => $this->auth->id]); Session::flash('flash_message', 'You have updated menu!'); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy($id) { $item = Activity::find($id); $item->status = 'deleted'; $item->save(); Log::create(array("user_id" => Auth::user()->id, "action" => "Delete Activities named " . $item->name)); }
/** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function edit($id) { $warehouse = Warehouse::findOrFail($id); $activities = Activity::lists('name', 'id'); $types = Type::lists('name', 'id'); return view('warehouses.edit', compact('warehouse', 'activities', 'types')); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store($id, Request $request) { $this->validate($request, ['file' => 'required|mimes:jpg,jpeg,png']); $activity = Activity::findOrFail($id); $photo = $request->file('file'); ActivityPhoto::createPhoto($activity, $photo); return 'Done'; }
/** * Run the migrations. * * @return void */ public function up() { $activities = Activity::where('type', 'Run')->orderBy('start_date_local', 'desc')->get(); foreach ($activities as $activity) { $activity->details = 0; $activity->save(); } }
/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function update(Requests\SpacificationEditRequesyt $request, $id) { $especificacion = Spacification::find($id); $especificacion->fill($request->all()); $especificacion->save(); $actividad = Activity::find($especificacion->activity_id); return response()->json(['valid', $especificacion, $actividad]); }
/** * Register any other events for your application. * * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher $events * @return void */ public function boot(DispatcherContract $events) { parent::boot($events); $events->listen('auth.login', function ($user, $remember) { // Record user login Activity::create(['subject_type' => 'User', 'subject_id' => '', 'event' => 'Logged In', 'user_id' => $user->id, 'ip' => Request::server('REMOTE_ADDR')]); }); }
public function byLoan($id, Manager $fractal, ActivityTransformer $activityTransformer) { // show all $records = Activity::where('loan_id', $id)->get(); $collection = new Collection($records, $activityTransformer); $data = $fractal->createData($collection)->toArray(); return $this->respond($data); }
/** * Bootstrap any application services. * * @return void */ public function boot() { \App\Project::observe(new \App\Observers\ActivityObserver()); \App\Task::observe(new \App\Observers\ActivityObserver()); \App\Activity::creating(function ($activity) { $activity->user()->associate(auth()->user()); }); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy($id) { if (Activity::destroy($id)) { return "Activity deleted successfully."; } else { return $this->response->error('Activity does not exist.', 404); } }
/** * Removes activity from given event * * @param type $id * @param type $activityId */ public function remove($id, $occId, Request $request) { $eventOccurrence = EventOccurrence::where('event_id', $id)->findOrFail($occId); $activity = Activity::findOrFail($request->input('activityId')); $eventOccurrence->activities()->detach($activity); $eventOccurrence->save(); return redirect()->back(); }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function fire() { //register log in DB $dateBegin = new \DateTime(); $activity = Activity::concept(ConstDb::LOAD_CRL)->first(); if ($activity) { $activity->date_begin = $dateBegin->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $activity->save(); } else { Activity::create(['concept' => ConstDb::LOAD_CRL, 'date_begin' => $dateBegin->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')]); } //end log $this->info('Begin: ' . date('H:i:s')); $result = DB::connection('mysql_crl')->select($this->getQuery(true)); $rows = $result[0]->total; $this->info("Total de filas: {$rows}"); $begin = 0; $block = 10000; $countBlock = 1; $fCsv = storage_path('app/crl.csv'); if (file_exists($fCsv)) { unlink($fCsv); } $fp = fopen($fCsv, 'w'); fputs($fp, "organization, from, year, quarter, month, total \n"); while ($rows > $begin) { $result = DB::connection('mysql_crl')->select($this->getQuery(false, $begin, $block)); foreach ($result as $key => $value) { $array = json_decode(json_encode($value), true); $replace = ["\n", ',', ' ']; $replaceTo = ["", ';', ' ']; foreach ($array as $key => $value) { $array[$key] = str_replace($replace, $replaceTo, $value); } fputs($fp, implode($array, ',') . "\n"); } $this->info("End block {$countBlock}: " . date('H:i:s')); $begin += $block; $countBlock++; } fclose($fp); $this->info('End export CSV: ' . date('H:i:s')); Schema::drop('crl'); $db = env('MONGO_DATABASE'); $command = "mongoimport -d {$db} -c crl --type csv --file {$fCsv} --headerline"; shell_exec($command); //register log in DB $dateEnd = new \DateTime(); $activity = Activity::concept(ConstDb::LOAD_CRL)->first(); if ($activity) { $activity->date_end = $dateEnd->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $activity->save(); } else { Activity::create(['concept' => ConstDb::LOAD_CRL, 'date_end' => $dateEnd->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')]); } //end log $this->info('End: ' . $dateEnd->format('H:i:s')); }
/** * Handle an incoming request. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param \Closure $next * @return mixed */ public function handle($request, Closure $next) { $activity = Activity::findOrFail($request->route()->parameter('activities')); // Allows only activity that has no applicant and starts in the future if (str_contains($activity->getApplicationStatus(), 'No application') && !$activity->datetime_start->isToday()) { return $next($request); } return redirect('/activities'); }
public function index(Request $request) { $activities = Activity::with(['user', 'subject'])->latest(); $activities = $activities->where('old_value', 'LIKE', '%' . $request->get('filter') . '%'); $activities = $activities->orwhere('new_value', 'LIKE', '%' . $request->get('filter') . '%'); $activities = $activities->orWhere('name', 'LIKE', '%' . $request->get('filter') . '%')->paginate(25); $activities->setPath('activity'); return view('activity.index', compact('activities')); }
public function getActivityOfOneMonth($month, $year) { $date = Carbon::create($year, $month, 1, 0); $initial_date = $date->toDateString(); $last_date = $date->addMonth()->subDay()->toDateString(); $trucks = Car::lists('name'); $activities = Activity::where('date', '>=', $initial_date)->where('date', '<=', $last_date)->get(); return $activities; }
/** * Define the application's command schedule. * * @param \Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule $schedule * @return void */ protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule) { $schedule->command('inspire')->hourly(); // Delete user activity older than 30 days $schedule->call(function () { Activity::where('created_at', '<', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime("-1 month")))->delete(); })->daily(); $schedule->command('bill:run')->daily(); }
public function index() { $activities = Activity::all()->take(2); $title = trans('default.home'); $locale = App::getLocale(); $homeText = HomeText::first(); $sliders = Slider::all(); return view('pages.index', compact('title', 'activities', 'locale', 'homeText', 'sliders')); }