public static function setUpBeforeClass()
     self::$org = new Organization();
     self::$org->create(['name' => 'Test Org', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'username' => 'test' . time()]);
     $uid = TestBootstrap::app('user')->id();
     $volunteer = new Volunteer();
     $volunteer->create(['organization' => self::$org->id(), 'uid' => $uid, 'role' => Volunteer::ROLE_ADMIN]);
     self::$ogUserId = $uid;
Пример #2
 public function getSections()
     $section = ['title' => 'Volunteers', 'rows' => []];
     $tagHeaders = $this->organization->hourTags();
     $section['header'] = ['Volunteer', 'Metadata', 'Hours'];
     // $section['header'] = array_merge( $section['header'], $tagHeaders );
     $totalHours = 0;
     $totalHoursByTag = [];
     foreach ($tagHeaders as $tag) {
         $totalHoursByTag[$tag] = 0;
     $volunteers = Volunteer::findAll(['where' => ['active' => true, 'organization' => $this->organization->id()]]);
     foreach ($volunteers as $volunteer) {
         $metadata = $volunteer->metadata;
         if ($metadata) {
             $metadata = urldecode(http_build_query($metadata));
         $volunteerHours = $this->organization->totalHoursVolunteered($this->start, $this->end, $volunteer);
         $volunteerHoursBytag = $this->organization->totalHoursVolunteeredByTag($this->start, $this->end, $volunteer);
         $row = [$volunteer->name(), $metadata, $volunteerHours];
         // process tags
         foreach ($tagHeaders as $tag) {
             $tagHours = 0;
             if (isset($volunteerHoursBytag[$tag])) {
                 $tagHours = $volunteerHoursBytag[$tag];
             // $row[] = $tagHours;
             $totalHoursByTag[$tag] += $tagHours;
         $section['rows'][] = $row;
         $totalHours += $volunteerHours;
     $section['footer'] = ['', 'Total Hours', number_format($totalHours)];
     // $section['footer'] = array_merge( $section['footer'], array_values( $totalHoursByTag ) );
     return [$section];
Пример #3
  * Adds a volunteer to the organization. If the volunteer is not a
  * member yet, then a temporary account will be created. This
  * will send an e-mail to the user.
  * @param string $emailOrUsername
  * @return Volunteer|false invited volunteer
 public function inviteVolunteer($emailOrUsername)
     $user = false;
     $isEmail = true;
     if (Validate::is($emailOrUsername, 'email')) {
         $user = User::findOne(['where' => ['user_email' => $emailOrUsername]]);
         $isEmail = true;
     } else {
         $user = User::findOne(['where' => ['username' => $emailOrUsername]]);
     // create temporary user
     if (!$user && $isEmail) {
         $user = User::createTemporary(['user_email' => $emailOrUsername, 'invited_by' => $this->id()]);
     if (!$user) {
         return false;
     $isTemporary = $user->isTemporary();
     $volunteer = new Volunteer([$user->id(), $this->id()]);
     if ($volunteer->exists()) {
         return $volunteer;
     $volunteer = new Volunteer();
     $volunteer->create(['uid' => $user->id(), 'organization' => $this->id(), 'application_shared' => true, 'active' => true, 'role' => Volunteer::ROLE_VOLUNTEER]);
     $base = $this->app['base_url'];
     $orgName = $this->name;
     $ctaUrl = $isTemporary ? $base . 'signup?user_email=' . $user->user_email : $base . 'profile';
     $user->sendEmail('volunteer-invite', ['subject' => "{$orgName} has invited you as a volunteer", 'orgname' => $orgName, 'cta_url' => $ctaUrl]);
     return $volunteer;
Пример #4
  * @depends testCreate
 public function testFind()
     // try with the organization supplied
     $volunteers = Volunteer::find(['where' => ['organization' => self::$org->id()], 'sort' => 'id ASC'])['models'];
     $this->assertCount(2, $volunteers);
     // look for our 3 known customers
     $find = [self::$volunteer->id(), self::$volunteer2->id()];
     foreach ($volunteers as $m) {
         if (($key = array_search($m->uid, $find)) !== false) {
     $this->assertCount(0, $find);
Пример #5
  * @depends testCreate
 public function testEdit()
     // reset last sent email time for volunteer
     $volunteer = new Volunteer([self::$hour2->uid, self::$hour2->organization]);
     $volunteer->set('last_email_sent_about_hours', 0);
Пример #6
 private function getOrgForAdmin($req, $res)
     $org = $this->getOrg($req, $res);
     if (is_object($org)) {
         if ($org->can('admin', $this->app['user'])) {
             // calculate the number of unapproved volunteers, places, and hours
             $unapprovedVolunteers = Volunteer::totalRecords(['organization' => $org->id(), 'role' => Volunteer::ROLE_AWAITING_APPROVAL]);
             $unapprovedHours = VolunteerHour::totalRecords(['organization' => $org->id(), 'approved' => false]);
             $unapprovedPlaces = VolunteerPlace::totalRecords(['organization' => $org->id(), 'place_type' => VolunteerPlace::EXTERNAL, 'verify_approved' => false]);
             $this->app['view_engine']->setGlobalParameters(['volunteersAwaitingApproval' => $unapprovedVolunteers, 'hoursAwaitingApproval' => $unapprovedHours, 'placesAwaitingApproval' => $unapprovedPlaces]);
         } else {
             return false;
     return $org;
Пример #7
 public function myProfile($req, $res)
     $currentUser = $this->app['user'];
     if (!$currentUser->isLoggedIn()) {
         return $res->redirect('/login');
     // organizations user is volunteer at
     $volunteersAt = Volunteer::find(['where' => ['organization IN ( SELECT id FROM Organizations )', 'role >= ' . Volunteer::ROLE_VOLUNTEER, 'uid' => $currentUser->id()]])['models'];
     // recent volunteer hours
     $recentVolunteerHours = VolunteerHour::find(['where' => ['uid' => $currentUser->id(), 'timestamp >= ' . strtotime('-1800 days')], 'sort' => 'timestamp DESC', 'limit' => 1000])['models'];
     return new View('myProfile', ['title' => 'My Profile', 'profileTab' => true, 'tabClass' => 'profile', 'recentVolunteerHours' => $recentVolunteerHours, 'volunteersAt' => $volunteersAt, 'completedApplication' => $currentUser->hasCompletedVolunteerApplication()]);
Пример #8
 public function unjoinOrganization($req, $res)
     $org = $this->getOrg($req, $res);
     if (!is_object($org)) {
         return $org;
     $currentUser = $this->app['user'];
     // make sure the user is logged in
     if (!$currentUser->isLoggedIn()) {
         return $res->redirect('/login');
     $volunteer = new Volunteer([$currentUser->id(), $org->id()]);
     $volunteer->set(['role' => Volunteer::ROLE_NONE]);
     if ($req->query('redir') == 'profile') {
         return $res->redirect('/profile');
Пример #9
 public function testCreate()
     self::$org = new Organization();
     $this->assertTrue(self::$org->create(['name' => 'Test Organization', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'username' => 'test' . time()]));
     self::$org2 = new Organization();
     $this->assertTrue(self::$org2->create(['name' => 'Test Org', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'username' => 'test2' . time()]));
     /* Create some volunteers */
     $user = TestBootstrap::app('user');
     $uid = $user->id();
     $volunteer = new Volunteer();
     $this->assertTrue($volunteer->create(['uid' => $uid, 'organization' => self::$org->id(), 'role' => Volunteer::ROLE_ADMIN]));
     $volunteer = new Volunteer();
     $this->assertTrue($volunteer->create(['uid' => -2, 'organization' => self::$org->id(), 'role' => Volunteer::ROLE_AWAITING_APPROVAL]));
     $volunteer = new Volunteer();
     $this->assertTrue($volunteer->create(['uid' => -3, 'organization' => self::$org->id(), 'role' => Volunteer::ROLE_VOLUNTEER]));
     $volunteer = new Volunteer();
     $this->assertTrue($volunteer->create(['organization' => self::$org->id(), 'uid' => -4, 'timestamp' => time(), 'approved' => true]));
     /* Create some hours */
     for ($i = 0; $i < 5; ++$i) {
         $hour = new VolunteerHour();
         $this->assertTrue($hour->create(['organization' => self::$org->id(), 'uid' => -3, 'hours' => 1, 'timestamp' => mktime(0, 0, 0, 5, 11, 2013), 'approved' => true]));
     $hour = new VolunteerHour();
     $this->assertTrue($hour->create(['organization' => self::$org->id(), 'uid' => -4, 'hours' => 10, 'timestamp' => mktime(0, 0, 0, 5, 12, 2013), 'approved' => true]));
     $hour = new VolunteerHour();
     $this->assertTrue($hour->create(['organization' => self::$org->id(), 'uid' => $uid, 'timestamp' => mktime(10, 10, 10, 5, 10, 2013), 'hours' => 11, 'approved' => true]));
     // unapproved hours
     $hour = new VolunteerHour();
     $this->assertTrue($hour->create(['organization' => self::$org->id(), 'uid' => $uid, 'timestamp' => mktime(0, 0, 0, 5, 11, 2013), 'hours' => 10, 'tags' => ['yo', 'hello', 'test'], 'approved' => false]));
     // approved hours
     $hour = new VolunteerHour();
     $this->assertTrue($hour->create(['organization' => self::$org->id(), 'uid' => $uid, 'timestamp' => mktime(0, 0, 0, 5, 11, 2013), 'hours' => 5, 'approved' => true, 'tags' => ['test']]));
     $hour = new VolunteerHour();
     $this->assertTrue($hour->create(['organization' => self::$org->id(), 'uid' => $uid, 'timestamp' => mktime(0, 0, 0, 5, 11, 2013), 'hours' => 10, 'approved' => true, 'tags' => ['test', 'test2']]));
     // official, outside hours
     $hour = new VolunteerHour();
     $this->assertTrue($hour->create(['organization' => self::$org2->id(), 'uid' => $uid, 'timestamp' => mktime(0, 0, 0, 5, 15, 2013), 'hours' => 12, 'approved' => true]));
     self::$ogUserId = $uid;