  * Exports the object as an array.
  * You can specify the key type of the array by passing one of the class
  * type constants.
  * @param     string  $keyType (optional) One of the class type constants TableMap::TYPE_PHPNAME, TableMap::TYPE_CAMELNAME,
  *                    TableMap::TYPE_COLNAME, TableMap::TYPE_FIELDNAME, TableMap::TYPE_NUM.
  *                    Defaults to TableMap::TYPE_PHPNAME.
  * @param     boolean $includeLazyLoadColumns (optional) Whether to include lazy loaded columns. Defaults to TRUE.
  * @param     array $alreadyDumpedObjects List of objects to skip to avoid recursion
  * @param     boolean $includeForeignObjects (optional) Whether to include hydrated related objects. Default to FALSE.
  * @return array an associative array containing the field names (as keys) and field values
 public function toArray($keyType = TableMap::TYPE_PHPNAME, $includeLazyLoadColumns = true, $alreadyDumpedObjects = array(), $includeForeignObjects = false)
     if (isset($alreadyDumpedObjects['TranslationKeyword'][$this->hashCode()])) {
         return '*RECURSION*';
     $alreadyDumpedObjects['TranslationKeyword'][$this->hashCode()] = true;
     $keys = TranslationKeywordTableMap::getFieldNames($keyType);
     $result = array($keys[0] => $this->getId(), $keys[1] => $this->getCatalogId(), $keys[2] => $this->getKeyword(), $keys[3] => $this->getCreatedAt(), $keys[4] => $this->getUpdatedAt());
     $utc = new \DateTimeZone('utc');
     if ($result[$keys[3]] instanceof \DateTime) {
         // When changing timezone we don't want to change existing instances
         $dateTime = clone $result[$keys[3]];
         $result[$keys[3]] = $dateTime->setTimezone($utc)->format('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z');
     if ($result[$keys[4]] instanceof \DateTime) {
         // When changing timezone we don't want to change existing instances
         $dateTime = clone $result[$keys[4]];
         $result[$keys[4]] = $dateTime->setTimezone($utc)->format('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z');
     $virtualColumns = $this->virtualColumns;
     foreach ($virtualColumns as $key => $virtualColumn) {
         $result[$key] = $virtualColumn;
     if ($includeForeignObjects) {
         if (null !== $this->aTranslationCatalog) {
             switch ($keyType) {
                 case TableMap::TYPE_CAMELNAME:
                     $key = 'translationCatalog';
                 case TableMap::TYPE_FIELDNAME:
                     $key = 'translation_catalog';
                     $key = 'TranslationCatalog';
             $result[$key] = $this->aTranslationCatalog->toArray($keyType, $includeLazyLoadColumns, $alreadyDumpedObjects, true);
         if (null !== $this->collTranslationLanguageKeywords) {
             switch ($keyType) {
                 case TableMap::TYPE_CAMELNAME:
                     $key = 'translationLanguageKeywords';
                 case TableMap::TYPE_FIELDNAME:
                     $key = 'translation_language_keywords';
                     $key = 'TranslationLanguageKeywords';
             $result[$key] = $this->collTranslationLanguageKeywords->toArray(null, false, $keyType, $includeLazyLoadColumns, $alreadyDumpedObjects);
     return $result;