/** * Handle the event. * * @param PasswordChange $event * @return void */ public function handle(PasswordChange $event) { $log = new Slog(); $log->ip = request()->ip(); $log->czlx = 'chgpwd'; $log->save(); }
/** * Handle the event. * * @param Logout $event * @return void */ public function handle(Logout $event) { request()->session()->flush(); $log = new Slog(); $log->ip = request()->ip(); $log->czlx = 'logout'; $log->save(); }
/** * Handle the event. * * @param Login $event * @return void */ public function handle(Login $event) { if (!Fresh::whereXh(Auth::user()->xh)->exists()) { if (!Profile::whereXh(Auth::user()->xh)->whereXjzt(config('constants.school.student'))->exists()) { Auth::logout(); return back()->withInput()->withStatus('不是在校生,请不要登录系统'); } } session(['year' => Setting::find('XK_ND')->value, 'term' => Setting::find('XK_XQ')->value, 'campus' => Auth::user()->profile->college->pivot->xq, 'season' => Auth::user()->profile->zsjj, 'grade' => Auth::user()->profile->nj, 'major' => Auth::user()->profile->zy]); $log = new Slog(); $log->ip = request()->ip(); $log->czlx = 'login'; $log->save(); }
public static function boot() { parent::boot(); static::created(function ($course) { // 2016-09-01:应教务处要求添加公体选课统计,修改选课统计方式 if ($isPubSport = Helper::isCourseType($course->kcxh, 'TB14')) { $count = Count::whereKcxh($course->kcxh)->first(); } else { $count = Count::whereKcxh($course->kcxh)->whereZy($course->zy)->first(); } if (count($count)) { $count->rs += 1; } else { $count = new Count(); $count->kcxh = $course->kcxh; $count->zy = $isPubSport ? '' : $course->zy; $count->rs = 1; } $count->save(); $log = new Slog(); $log->kcxh = $course->kcxh; $log->ip = request()->ip(); $log->czlx = 'insert'; $log->save(); }); static::deleted(function ($course) { // 2016-09-01:应教务处要求添加公体选课统计,修改选课统计方式 if ($isPubSport = Helper::isCourseType($course->kcxh, 'TB14')) { $count = Count::whereKcxh($course->kcxh)->first(); } else { $count = Count::whereKcxh($course->kcxh)->whereZy($course->zy)->first(); } if (count($count)) { $count->rs -= 1; } else { $count = new Count(); $count->kcxh = $course->kcxh; $count->zy = $isPubSport ? '' : $course->zy; $count->rs = 0; } $count->save(); $log = new Slog(); $log->kcxh = $course->kcxh; $log->ip = request()->ip(); $log->czlx = 'delete'; $log->save(); }); }
/** * 列出选课日志 * @author FuRongxin * @date 2016-02-06 * @version 2.0 * @return JSON 选课日志 */ public function listing() { $logs = Slog::whereXh(Auth::user()->xh)->orderBy('czsj', 'desc'); return Datatables::of($logs)->editColumn('czlx', function ($log) { return config('constants.log.' . $log->czlx); })->make(true); }
public static function boot() { parent::boot(); static::created(function ($exam) { $log = new Slog(); $log->ip = request()->ip(); $log->czlx = 'regist'; $log->save(); }); static::deleted(function ($exam) { $log = new Slog(); $log->ip = request()->ip(); $log->czlx = 'cancel'; $log->save(); }); }
public static function boot() { parent::boot(); static::created(function ($course) { $log = new Slog(); $log->ip = request()->ip(); $log->kcxh = $course->kcxh; $log->czlx = 'apply'; $log->save(); }); static::deleted(function ($course) { $log = new Slog(); $log->ip = request()->ip(); $log->kcxh = $course->kcxh; $log->czlx = 'revoke'; $log->save(); }); }