public function store(Request $request)
     $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), self::validator()['slider']['rules']);
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         return back()->withErrors($validator)->withInput();
     } else {
         $path = $this->path;
         $inputPath = 'admin/slider/create';
         $destination = 'assets/images/slider';
         $image = $request->file('image');
         $slug = $this->resource->get_slug($request->caption);
         $check = Sliders::where('image', $slug)->first();
         if ($check) {
             Session::flash('status', 'nama Caption sudah ada mohon ganti dengan yang lain.');
             return back() > withInput();
         } else {
             /*for upload*/
             // getting all of the post data
             $file = array('image' => $image);
             // doing the validation, passing post data, rules and the messages
             $validator = Validator::make($file, self::validator()['slider']['rules']);
             if ($validator->fails()) {
                 // send back to the page with the input data and errors
                 return redirect($inputPath)->withInput()->withErrors($validator);
             } else {
                 // checking file is valid.
                 if ($image->isValid()) {
                     $destinationPath = $destination;
                     // upload path
                     $extension = $image->getClientOriginalExtension();
                     // getting image extension
                     $fileName = $slug . '.' . $extension;
                     // renameing image
                     $user = Auth::user();
                     //insert into Database
                     $slider = Sliders::create(array('alt' => $request->alt, 'caption' => $request->caption, 'urutan' => $request->urutan, 'image' => $destination . '/' . $fileName, 'active' => $request->active, 'link' => $request->link, 'user_id' => $user->id))->first();
                     $image->move($destinationPath, $fileName);
                     // uploading file to given path
                     // sending back with message
                     Session::flash('status', 'Upload successfully');
                     return redirect($path);
                 } else {
                     // sending back with error message.
                     Session::flash('error', 'uploaded file is not valid');
                     return redirect($inputPath);
                 /*end of upload*/
Пример #2
 public function newSlide($id)
     if ($_POST) {
         $request = (object) $_POST;
         $imagen = (object) $_FILES;
         if (isset($id)) {
             $slide = new Sliders();
             $slide->update($request->title, $request->subtitle, $id);
             newFlashMessage('test', 'Slide #: ' . $id . " actualizado.");
             return redirect('admin/slide');
         } else {
             $dir_upload = '../resource/images/slide/';
             $name_real = $imagen->imagen['name'];
             if (move_uploaded_file($imagen->imagen['tmp_name'], $dir_upload . $name_real)) {
                 $slide = new Sliders();
                 $slide->create($name_real, $request->title, $request->subtitle);
                 newFlashMessage('test', 'Slide creado.');
                 return redirect('admin/slide');
             return redirect('admin/newslide');
     } elseif (isset($id)) {
         $slide = new Sliders();
         $slide = $slide->find($id);
         return view('admin/slide/update', compact('slide'), 'baseAdmin');
     } else {
         return view('admin/slide/create', '', 'baseAdmin');