Пример #1
  * Match all newcomer without a referral to a referral
  * In this algorithme, we first try to match godsons to referral of the same branch
  * Then we try to match them we other branch if there is no space left.
  * Current algorithme as 7 big steps :
  * * STEP 1 : Creation of $counts and $counts2 arrays.
  * $counts is used in steps 2 and 3 to lower the number of queries to DB.
  * And $counts2 is used in steps X, X and X to lower the number of queries to DB.
  * The only difference between theses two arrays is that user are grouped by branch in the first one.
  * * STEP 2 : Calculate the future number of godson for each referrals.
  * We get the number of newcomers and we add one to each referral until reaching their wanted maximum.
  * If there is still newcomers when all maximums are reached, we increment the maximum
  * (with $counts[branch]['+1']) for everyone except thoses with a maximum at 5 (6 godsons is really too much)
  * and we do it again until reaching the $MAXIMUM_OVERFLOW.
  * * STEP 3 : Give godsons to referrals according to the calculated value in
  * precedent step and according to referral and godsons location.
  * For every newcomers, we take all referrals of his branch that have place left
  * and we try to match them by full postal_code and country. If there is a match
  * We associate them, if there is a multiple match, we take a random referral in the list
  * If there is no match we pass this newcomer and try with another one. At the
  * end of the newcomer list, we try agains with the newcomer that we have passed
  * with another matching solution. We do this again with all theses matching solution :
  *   * Full postal code
  *   * French departement code
  *   * French region
  *   * Country
  * If there is still no match, we try to match newcomers with everyone of his branch
  * * STEP 4 : Remove PMOM and Master from left newcomers
  * We will now try to match newcomers with referral from other branches.
  * So we remove PMOM and masters because we don't want to associate them
  * with other branch referrals.
  * * STEP 5 : Calculate the future number of godson for each referrals.
  * It's like the step 2 but we match newcomers with all branches
  * * STEP 6 : Give godsons to referrals according to the calculated value in
  * It's like the step 3 but we match newcomers with all branches
  * * STEP 7 : If everyone has now a referral we save everything to DB
  * Good luck if you want to edit this algo :)
 public static function matchReferrals()
     // Settings you can tweak
     // Maximum of godson that can be added to a referral original max
      * STEP 1 : Creation of $counts and $counts2 arrays.
     // This array is created to minimize the number of query to db
     /*$counts = [
           'TC' => [
               42 => [ // 42 is a referral id
                   'current' => XX, // Current number of godson
                   'future' => XX, // Number of godson that will be associated at the end of the next step
                   'max' => XX, // Maximum number of godson asked by referral
                   '+1' => X, // Number of godson that can be added to `max` because there is not enough referrals. Used in step 2
                   '+1r2' => X, // Number of godson that can be added to `max` because there is not enough referrals. Used in step X
                   'student' => X, // Instance of the referral
               // referrals are deleted from the array once they reach the maximum
       $counts2 = [
           42 => [ // 42 is a referral id
               'current' => XX, // Current number of godson
               'future' => XX, // Number of godson that will be associated at the end of the next step
               'max' => XX, // Maximum number of godson asked by referral
               '+1' => X, // Number of godson that can be added to `max` because there is not enough referrals. Used in step 2
               '+1r2' => X, // Number of godson that can be added to `max` because there is not enough referrals. Used in step X
               'student' => X, // Instance of the referral
           // referrals are deleted from the array once they reach the maximum
     $counts = [];
     $counts2 = [];
     $referrals = Student::where(['referral' => 1, 'referral_validated' => 1])->get();
     foreach ($referrals as $referral) {
         if (!isset($counts[$referral->branch])) {
             $counts[$referral->branch] = [];
         if ($referral->branch != 'MP') {
             // Remove masters
             $counts[$referral->branch][$referral->student_id] = ['current' => $referral->newcomers->count(), 'future' => $referral->newcomers->count(), 'max' => $referral->referral_max, '+1' => 0, '+1r2' => 0, 'student' => $referral];
         // This array is used when there is no place left in some branches and we put godson from a branch to a referral from another
         if ($referral->branch != 'TC' && $referral->branch != 'MM' && $referral->branch != 'MP') {
             // Remove masters because they cannot have an engineer godson
             $counts2[$referral->student_id] =& $counts[$referral->branch][$referral->student_id];
      * STEP 2 : Calculate the future number of godson for each referrals
     foreach ($counts as $branch => $data) {
         // Get number of newcomers for this branch
         $newcomers = Newcomer::where(['branch' => $branch, 'referral_id' => null])->count();
         $currentGoal = 1;
         $overflow = 0;
         // Is true when we decide to add one to each maximum (but still < 5)
         while ($newcomers > 0 && $currentGoal <= 5) {
             // Randomize the foreach
             $student_ids = array_keys($data);
             foreach ($student_ids as $student_id) {
                 $referral_array =& $counts[$branch][$student_id];
                 if ($referral_array['future'] < $currentGoal && $currentGoal <= $referral_array['max'] + $referral_array['+1'] && $newcomers > 0) {
                     $transfer = $currentGoal - $referral_array['future'];
                     $referral_array['future'] += $transfer;
                     $newcomers -= $transfer;
             // Check if need to go over maximums and add +1
             if ($currentGoal > 5 && $overflow < $MAXIMUM_OVERFLOW && $newcomers > 0) {
                 foreach ($data as $student_id => $tmp) {
                     if ($counts[$branch][$student_id]['max'] < 5) {
                 $currentGoal = 1;
         // Debugging snippet to see repartition and set the $MAXIMUM_OVERFLOW var
         $future = 0;
         foreach ($data as $student_id => $tmp) {
             $future += $counts[$branch][$student_id]['future'];
         echo '-----'.$branch.'-----'."\n";
         echo 'Nombre de nouveaux : '.(Newcomer::where(['branch' => $branch])->count())."\n";
         echo 'Nombre de nouveaux qui ont trouvé un parrain : '.$future . " (peut être superieur au nombre de nouveaux si des parrains de cette branche ont parrainé des nouveaux d'autres branches)\n";
      * STEP 3 : Give godsons to referrals according to the calculated value
      * in precedent step and according to referral and godsons location
     $round = 0;
     $allNewcomers = Newcomer::whereNull('referral_id')->get();
     $newcomers = [];
     foreach ($allNewcomers as $value) {
         $newcomers[] = $value;
     $branchNotFound = [];
     // Newcomers in this array will have referral from other branches
     while (count($newcomers) > 0) {
         foreach ($newcomers as $key => $newcomer) {
             // Create array of users that are matching with the newcomer
             $matchingArray = [];
             if (isset($counts[$newcomer->branch])) {
                 foreach ($counts[$newcomer->branch] as $student_id => $array) {
                     if ($array['current'] >= $array['future']) {
                     } else {
                         switch ($round) {
                             case 0:
                                 // Match if newcomer and referral have same postal_code and country
                                 if ($newcomer->postal_code == $array['student']->postal_code && strtolower($newcomer->country) == strtolower($array['student']->country)) {
                                     $matchingArray[] = $student_id;
                             case 1:
                                 // Match if newcomer and referral have same french departement (postal_code/1000) and country
                                 if (floor($newcomer->postal_code / 1000) == floor($array['student']->postal_code / 1000) && strtolower($newcomer->country) == strtolower($array['student']->country)) {
                                     $matchingArray[] = $student_id;
                             case 2:
                                 // Match if newcomer and referral have same french region (region[postal_code/1000]) and country
                                 if (isset(self::REGION[floor($newcomer->postal_code / 1000)]) && isset(self::REGION[floor($array['student']->postal_code / 1000)]) && self::REGION[floor($newcomer->postal_code / 1000)] == self::REGION[floor($array['student']->postal_code / 1000)] && strtolower($newcomer->country) == strtolower($array['student']->country)) {
                                     $matchingArray[] = $student_id;
                             case 3:
                                 // Match if newcomer and referral have same country
                                 if (trim(strtolower($newcomer->country)) == trim(strtolower($array['student']->country))) {
                                     $matchingArray[] = $student_id;
                                 // Match if newcomer and referral have nothing in common
                                 $matchingArray[] = $student_id;
                 // Take a random student in the matched referral list
                 if (count($matchingArray)) {
                     $student_id = $matchingArray[array_rand($matchingArray)];
                     $newcomer->referral_id = $student_id;
                     // Debugging snippet
                     $student = $counts[$newcomer->branch][$student_id]['student'];
                     echo $round.' '. $newcomer->first_name . ' '.$newcomer->last_name.' ('.$newcomer->branch.'|'.$newcomer->postal_code.','.$newcomer->country.') => ' .$student->first_name . ' '.$student->last_name.' ('.$student->branch.'|'.$student->postal_code.','.$student->country.')'
                         .' '.$counts[$newcomer->branch][$student_id]['current'].'/'.$counts[$newcomer->branch][$student_id]['future']."\n";
                 } elseif ($round >= 4) {
                     $branchNotFound[] = $newcomers[$key];
             } else {
                 $branchNotFound[] = $newcomers[$key];
      * STEP 4 : Remove PMOM and Master from left newcomers
     foreach ($branchNotFound as $key => $value) {
         if ($value->branch == 'MM' || $value->branch == 'MP') {
      * STEP 5 : Calculate the future number of godson for each referrals
     $newcomers = count($branchNotFound);
     $currentGoal = 1;
     $overflow = 0;
     // Is true when we decide to add one to each maximum (but still <= 5)
     while ($newcomers > 0 && $currentGoal <= 5) {
         // Randomize
         $student_ids = array_keys($counts2);
         foreach ($student_ids as $student_id) {
             // unset($counts2[$student_id]['student']); // Uncomment this to debug
             $referral_array =& $counts2[$student_id];
             if ($referral_array['future'] < $currentGoal && $currentGoal <= $referral_array['max'] + $referral_array['+1r2'] && $newcomers > 0) {
                 $transfer = $currentGoal - $referral_array['future'];
                 $referral_array['future'] += $transfer;
                 $newcomers -= $transfer;
         // Check if need to go over maximums and add +1
         if ($currentGoal > 5 && $overflow < $MAXIMUM_OVERFLOW && $newcomers > 0) {
             foreach ($counts2 as $student_id => $tmp) {
                 if ($counts2[$student_id]['max'] < 5) {
             $currentGoal = 1;
      * STEP 6 : Give godsons to referrals according to the calculated value
      * in precedent step and according to referral and godsons location
     $round = 0;
     $newcomers = $branchNotFound;
     while (count($newcomers) > 0) {
         foreach ($newcomers as $key => $newcomer) {
             // Create array of users that are matching with the newcomer
             $matchingArray = [];
             if (isset($counts2)) {
                 foreach ($counts2 as $student_id => $array) {
                     if ($array['current'] >= $array['future']) {
                     } else {
                         switch ($round) {
                             case 0:
                                 // Match if newcomer and referral have same postal_code and country
                                 if ($newcomer->postal_code == $array['student']->postal_code && strtolower($newcomer->country) == strtolower($array['student']->country)) {
                                     $matchingArray[] = $student_id;
                             case 1:
                                 // Match if newcomer and referral have same french departement (postal_code/1000) and country
                                 if (floor($newcomer->postal_code / 1000) == floor($array['student']->postal_code / 1000) && strtolower($newcomer->country) == strtolower($array['student']->country)) {
                                     $matchingArray[] = $student_id;
                             case 2:
                                 // Match if newcomer and referral have same french region (region[postal_code/1000]) and country
                                 if (isset(self::REGION[floor($newcomer->postal_code / 1000)]) && isset(self::REGION[floor($array['student']->postal_code / 1000)]) && self::REGION[floor($newcomer->postal_code / 1000)] == self::REGION[floor($array['student']->postal_code / 1000)] && strtolower($newcomer->country) == strtolower($array['student']->country)) {
                                     $matchingArray[] = $student_id;
                             case 3:
                                 // Match if newcomer and referral have same country
                                 if (trim(strtolower($newcomer->country)) == trim(strtolower($array['student']->country))) {
                                     $matchingArray[] = $student_id;
                                 // Match if newcomer and referral have nothing in common
                                 $matchingArray[] = $student_id;
                 // Take a random student in the matched referral list
                 if (count($matchingArray)) {
                     $student_id = $matchingArray[array_rand($matchingArray)];
                     $newcomer->referral_id = $student_id;
                     // Debugging code
                     $student = $counts2[$student_id]['student'];
                     echo $round.' '. $newcomer->first_name . ' '.$newcomer->last_name.' ('.$newcomer->branch.'|'.$newcomer->postal_code.','.$newcomer->country.') => ' .$student->first_name . ' '.$student->last_name.' ('.$student->branch.'|'.$student->postal_code.','.$student->country.')'
                         .' '.$counts2[$student_id]['current'].'/'.$counts2[$student_id]['future']."\n";
                 } elseif ($round >= 4) {
                     // Warning not all student have referral !!
                     $branchNotFound[] = $newcomers[$key];
             } else {
                 // Warning not all student have referral !!
                 $branchNotFound[] = $newcomers[$key];
      * Debugging snippet that synthetise referral matching
     $referralList = [];
     foreach ($allNewcomers as $newcomer) {
         $referralList[$newcomer->referral_id][] = $newcomer;
     foreach ($referralList as $referral_id => $array) {
         if (isset($array[0]->referral)) {
             echo '<h3>'.$array[0]->referral->first_name.' '.$array[0]->referral->last_name.'</h3>';
             echo '<p>max: '.$array[0]->referral->referral_max.', '.$array[0]->referral->branch.$array[0]->referral->level.', '.$array[0]->referral->postal_code.', '.$array[0]->referral->country.'</p><ul>';
         } else {
             echo '<h3>Aucun</h3><ul>';
         foreach ($array as $godson) {
             echo '<li>'.$godson->first_name.' '.$godson->last_name.' : '.$godson->branch.', '.$godson->postal_code.', '.$godson->country.', ';
             if (isset($godson->referral)) {
                 if ($godson->postal_code == $godson->referral->postal_code
                             && strtolower($godson->country) == strtolower($godson->referral->country)) {
                     echo 'CP';
                 } elseif (floor($godson->postal_code/1000) == floor($godson->referral->postal_code/1000)
                             && strtolower($godson->country) == strtolower($godson->referral->country)) {
                     echo 'departement';
                 } elseif (isset(self::REGION[floor($godson->postal_code/1000)]) && isset(self::REGION[floor($godson->referral->postal_code/1000)])
                             && self::REGION[floor($godson->postal_code/1000)] == self::REGION[floor($godson->referral->postal_code/1000)]
                             && strtolower($godson->country) == strtolower($godson->referral->country)) {
                     echo 'region';
                 } elseif (trim(strtolower($godson->country)) == trim(strtolower($godson->referral->country))) {
                     echo 'pays';
             echo '</li>';
         echo '</ul>';
      * STEP 7 : If everyone has now a referral we save everything to DB
     // If we cannot match everyone, we cancel everything
     if (count($newcomers) > 0) {
         return false;
     // Save it to DB
     foreach ($allNewcomers as $newcomer) {
     return true;