Пример #1
  * Edit Emails Reports
  * @return Array json Emails
 public function editemails($id)
     // Find the emailreport using the email id
     $email = Emails::find($id);
     $clientspermissions = "";
     $jobspermissions = "";
     $clientspermissions = unserialize($email->clients);
     $jobspermissions = unserialize($email->jobs);
     return View::make('admin.emailnewedit')->with('when', array('Daily' => 'Daily', "Weekly" => "Weekly", "Monthly" => "Monthly"))->with('whenSelected', $email->when)->with('clients', Client::clientSelectBox())->with('clientsSelected', $clientspermissions)->with('jobsSelected', $jobspermissions)->with('jobs', Job::jobSelectBox())->with('emails', $email->emails)->with('id', $email->id);
Пример #2
  * Edit User
  * @return Array json Users
 public function edituser($id)
     // Find the user using the user id
     $user = Sentry::getUserProvider()->findById($id);
     // Get the user groups
     $groupsOfSelected = $user->getGroups();
     foreach ($groupsOfSelected as $group) {
         $this->groupSelected[$group->id] = $group->id;
     $clientspermissions = "";
     $jobspermissions = "";
     $permissions = Userspermissions::find($id);
     if ($permissions != null) {
         $clientspermissions = unserialize($permissions->clients);
         $jobspermissions = unserialize($permissions->jobs);
     return View::make('admin.usersnewedit')->with('groups', $this->group_array)->with('groupSelected', $this->groupSelected)->with('clients', Client::clientSelectBox())->with('clientsSelected', $clientspermissions)->with('jobsSelected', $jobspermissions)->with('jobs', Job::jobSelectBox())->with('email', $user->email)->with('id', $user->id);
Пример #3
  * Edit Group
  * @return Array json groups
 public function editgroup($id)
     // Find the user using the user id
     $group = Sentry::getGroupProvider()->findById($id);
     $users = Sentry::getUserProvider()->findAllInGroup($group);
     // Get the user groups
     $userSelected = "";
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $userSelected[$user->id] = $user->id;
     /* Get Groups Permissions */
     $clientspermissions = "";
     $jobspermissions = "";
     $permissions = Groupspermissions::find($id);
     if ($permissions != null) {
         $clientspermissions = unserialize($permissions->clients);
         $jobspermissions = unserialize($permissions->jobs);
     // LOG::info( $group->name);
     return View::make('admin.groupsnewedit')->with('users', $this->user_array)->with('userSelected', $userSelected)->with('clients', Client::clientSelectBox())->with('clientsSelected', $clientspermissions)->with('jobsSelected', $jobspermissions)->with('jobs', Job::jobSelectBox())->with('groupname', $group->name)->with('id', $group->id);
Пример #4
 public function jobs($job = null)
     Asset::container('footer')->add('amcharts', 'assets/js/amcharts.js');
     Asset::container('footer')->add('jobs', 'assets/js/jobs.js');
     $start = Input::get('start', Date::now()->sub('1 day'));
     $end = Input::get('end', Date::now());
     $jobselected = Input::get('Job', $job);
     if (empty($jobselected)) {
         $jobselected = 0;
     } else {
         $jobselected = Job::select('name')->where('jobid', '=', $jobselected)->remember(10)->get();
         $jobselected = $jobselected->first()->name;
         /* Array Search for Get Id and set the select box when passing url id of job*/
         $job = array_search($jobselected, Job::jobSelectBox());
     $user = Sentry::getUser();
     // Get Clients to fill the Client Select Box And Select Values From Permissions
     $permissions = Userspermissions::where('id', '=', $user->id)->first();
     if ($permissions !== null) {
         $permissions = unserialize($permissions->jobs);
         $jobs = Job::wherein('jobid', $permissions)->remember(10)->get();
         $jobsSelectBox = Job::jobSelectBox($jobs->toArray());
     } else {
         $jobsSelectBox = Job::jobSelectBox();
     ///// End Permissions
     /* Get Included Files & Excluded Files Configuration */
     $cfgjob = "";
     if ($cfgjob != "") {
         $cfgfileset = cfgFileset::wherename($cfgjob->fileset)->remember(10)->first();
         $fileinclude = cfgFileset::find($cfgfileset->id)->filesinclude()->remember(10)->get();
         $fileexclude = cfgFileset::find($cfgfileset->id)->filesexclude()->remember(10)->get();
     } else {
         $fileinclude = "";
         $fileexclude = "";
     /* Get Terminated Jobs */
     $tjobs = Job::where('jobstatus', '=', 'T')->where('starttime', '>=', $start)->where('endtime', '<=', $end)->where('name', '=', $jobselected)->remember(10)->get();
     //dd ($tjobs);
     // Number Terminate Jobs
     $terminatedJobs = count($tjobs);
     /* Get Canceled Jobs */
     $canceledJobs = Job::where('jobstatus', '=', 'A')->where('starttime', '>=', $start)->where('endtime', '<=', $end)->where('name', '=', $jobselected)->remember(10)->get();
     // Number Terminate Jobs
     $cancelJobs = count($canceledJobs);
     /* Get Running Jobs */
     $runJobs = Job::where('jobstatus', '=', 'R')->where('starttime', '>=', $start)->where('endtime', '<=', $end)->where('name', '=', $jobselected)->remember(10)->get();
     // Number Running Jobs
     $runningJobs = count($runJobs);
     /* Get Watting Jobs */
     $wateJobs = Job::wherein('jobstatus', array('c', 'F', 'j', 'M', 'm', 'p', 's', 't'))->where('endtime', '<=', $end)->where('starttime', '>=', $start)->where('name', '=', $jobselected)->remember(10)->get();
     // Number Watting Jobs
     $wattingJobs = count($wateJobs);
     /* Get Error Jobs */
     $errJobs = Job::wherein('jobstatus', array('e', 'f', 'E'))->where('starttime', '>=', $start)->where('endtime', '<=', $end)->where('name', '=', $jobselected)->remember(10)->get();
     // Number Error Jobs
     $errorJobs = count($errJobs);
     // Indicates Failed and Okay Jobs
     $nTransBytes = 0;
     $nTransFiles = 0;
     $terminatedJobs = count($tjobs);
     /* Calculate Jobs and Bytes */
     $tjobs = $tjobs->toArray();
     if (Config::get('database.default') == 'pgsql') {
         $nTransFiles = array_sum(array_fetch($tjobs, 'jobfiles'));
         $nTransBytes = array_sum(array_fetch($tjobs, 'jobbytes'));
     } else {
         $nTransFiles = array_sum(array_fetch($tjobs, 'JobFiles'));
         $nTransBytes = array_sum(array_fetch($tjobs, 'JobBytes'));
     /* Draw GRaphs */
     $graphBytes = DB::table($this->tables['job'])->where('name', '=', $jobselected)->where('starttime', '>=', $start)->where('endtime', '<=', $end)->orderby('starttime', 'asc')->remember(10)->get(array(DB::raw('date(' . $this->tables['job'] . '.starttime) as date'), DB::raw('jobbytes as bytes')));
     $graphBytes = json_encode((array) $graphBytes);
     $graphFiles = DB::table($this->tables['job'])->where('name', '=', $jobselected)->where('starttime', '>=', $start)->where('endtime', '<=', $end)->orderby('starttime', 'asc')->remember(10)->get(array(DB::raw('date(' . $this->tables['job'] . '.starttime) as date'), DB::raw('jobfiles as files')));
     $graphFiles = json_encode((array) $graphFiles);
     // var_dump($graphFiles);
     Former::populate(array('date' => $start . ' - ' . $end));
     //array('Job' => $jobselected) );
     return View::make('jobs', array('terminatedJobs' => $terminatedJobs, 'nTransFiles' => preg_replace("/(?<=\\d)(?=(\\d{3})+(?!\\d))/", ",", $nTransFiles), 'cancelJobs' => $cancelJobs, 'runningJobs' => $runningJobs, 'wattingJobs' => $wattingJobs, 'errorJobs' => $errorJobs, 'nTransBytes' => $this->byte_format($nTransBytes), 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end, 'job' => $job, 'type' => 'terminated', 'graphOkJob' => $terminatedJobs != 0 ? $terminatedJobs / ($terminatedJobs + $errorJobs) * 100 : 0, 'graphFailedJob' => $errorJobs != 0 ? $errorJobs / ($errorJobs + $terminatedJobs) * 100 : 0, 'filesinclude' => $fileinclude, 'filesexclude' => $fileexclude, 'jobSelectBox' => $jobsSelectBox, 'graphBytes' => $graphBytes, 'graphFiles' => $graphFiles));