private function status() { $closure = Info::withClosure($this->qdn->slug)->closure; if ($this->isApproverComplete($closure) && $this->qdn->status == 'Q.a. Verification') { throw new Exception("QDN signatories is not yet complete and the status is already Q.a. Verification" . __LINE__ . " of " . __FILE__); } return $this->isApproverComplete($closure); }
public function fire($qdn) { Activity::log("Approved {$qdn['info']->control_id} : {$qdn['info']->discrepancy_category} and commented - {$qdn['request']->ApproverMessage}"); Event::fire(new ApprovalNotificationEvent($qdn['info'], $qdn['request']->ApproverMessage)); //flash success alert message $closure = Info::withClosure($qdn['info']->slug)->closure; $msg = $closure->other_department && $closure->production && $closure->quality_assurance && $closure->process_engineering ? 'Successfully updated! Issued QDN is now subject for QA Verification!' : 'Successfully updated! Issued QDN still waiting for other approvers!'; Flash::success($msg); }