/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(CreateCategoryRequest $request) { $category = new Category(); $data = $request->input(); $category->create($data); return Redirect()->route('categories'); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return Response */ public function index() { $pro = new Product(); $adSlotObj = new Adslot(); $catObj = new Category(); $brandObj = new Brand(); /*getting all products for all slots(currently we have 7 slots)*/ $adSlot_data = $adSlotObj->with(['products'])->get(); /*t1-t7*/ // dd($adSlot_data[4]['products'][0]); $category_temp_data = $catObj->orderBy('created_at')->take(10)->get(); /*f1-f10*/ $brand_data = $brandObj->with(['products'])->get(); $category_data = []; foreach ($category_temp_data as $cat_id) { $cat_latest_product = $pro->where('category_id', '=', $cat_id['id'])->orderBy('created_at')->take(1)->pluck('photo_1'); $cat_latest_product_id = $pro->where('category_id', '=', $cat_id['id'])->orderBy('created_at')->take(1)->pluck('id'); $cat_random_product = $pro->where('category_id', '=', $cat_id['id'])->orderBy(DB::raw('RAND()'))->take(6)->get(); $cat_brands = $pro->with(['brand'])->where('category_id', '=', $cat_id['id'])->take(5)->get(); $cat_products_random_photos = []; foreach ($cat_random_product as $photo) { $cat_products_random_photos[] = $photo; } $category_data[] = ['color' => $cat_id['color'], 'floor' => $cat_id['floor'], 'name' => $cat_id['name'], 'desc' => $cat_id['description'], 'logo' => $cat_id['logo'], 'latest_photo_id' => $cat_latest_product_id, 'latest_photo' => $cat_latest_product, 'random_photos' => $cat_products_random_photos, 'brands' => $cat_brands]; } return view('landing_page', compact(['adSlot_data', 'category_data'])); }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { /*Default Category*/ $category = new Category(); $category->user_id = 0; $category->name = "Food & Drink"; $category->save(); $category = new Category(); $category->user_id = 0; $category->name = "Bills"; $category->save(); $category = new Category(); $category->user_id = 0; $category->name = "Transportation"; $category->save(); $category = new Category(); $category->user_id = 0; $category->name = "Cellular"; $category->save(); $category = new Category(); $category->user_id = 0; $category->name = "Tax"; $category->save(); $admin = new Admin(); $admin->username = "******"; $admin->password = "******"; $admin->secret = "123456"; $admin->save(); }
/** * Execute the job. * * @return bool */ public function handle() { $this->category->name = $this->request->input('name'); $this->category->options = ['manager' => $this->request->has('manager')]; $this->category->parent_id = $this->request->parent; return $this->category->save(); }
/** * Delete a category. * * @param Category $category * @return mixed */ public function deleteCategory(Category $category) { $result = \DB::transaction(function () use($category) { return $category->delete(); }); return $result; }
public static function addCategory($title, $mid) { $category = new Category(); $category->title = $title; $category->mid = $mid; $category->sort_id = 1; $category->save(); }
/** * Get by category id. * * @param $id */ public function getById($id) { $category = $this->model->find($id); if (!is_null($category)) { $category->hot++; $category->update(); } return $category; }
public function index(Advertisement $advertModel) { $b1_baner = Baner::where('type', 'b1')->get(); $b2_baner = Baner::where('type', 'b2')->get(); $latest_advert = $advertModel->get_last_advert(); $popular_advert = $advertModel->get_popular_advert(); $categoryModel = new Category(); $categories = $categoryModel->get_order_count(); return view('site.front')->with('b1_baner', $b1_baner)->with('b2_baner', $b2_baner)->with('latest_advert', $latest_advert)->with('popular_advert', $popular_advert)->with('categories', $categories); }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { Category::truncate(); $categoryNames = ['coding', 'social', 'faith', 'health', 'minimalism']; foreach ($categoryNames as $name) { $category = new Category(['name' => $name]); $category->user()->associate(User::first()); $category->save(); } }
/** * 具体文章显示 * @return string */ public function actionArticle() { $categoryName = Yii::$app->request->get('dir'); $articleName = Yii::$app->request->get('name'); $categoryModel = new Category(); $articleInfo = $categoryModel->getArticleBody($categoryName, $articleName); $parser = new GithubMarkdown(); $articleInfo['content'] = $parser->parse($articleInfo['content']); $articleInfo['category'] = $categoryName; return $this->render('article', ['article' => $articleInfo]); }
public function get_add_test(Category $category) { if (!$this->bool_has_role) { return $this->roleHelper->call_redirect(); } else { $arr_categories_raw = $category->all()->toArray(); $arr_categories_processed = $category->process_categories($arr_categories_raw); $data = array('arr_logged_in_user' => $this->arr_logged_in_user, 'arr_categories_processed' => $arr_categories_processed); return view('tests/add_test')->with('data', $data); } }
/** * * @param Category $category * @return Response */ public function destroy(Category $category) { try { $category->delete(); return response([], Response::HTTP_NO_CONTENT); } catch (\Exception $e) { //Integrity constraint violation if ($e->getCode() === '23000') { $message = 'Category could not be deleted. It is in use.'; } else { $message = 'There was an error'; } return response(['error' => $message, 'status' => Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST], Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST); } }
public function confirmUnpublished(Product $product) { $authors_list = $product->is->authors->lists('lastname'); $category = Category::where('id', $product->organizations->first()->pivot->cat_id)->first(['name']); $editor = $product->is->editor->e_name; return view('admin.products.unpublished.confirm', compact('product', 'authors_list', 'category', 'editor')); }
public function actionTopic() { static $topics = ['today', 'hot']; $topic = \Yii::$app->request->get('topic'); $p = \Yii::$app->request->get('p', 1); if (in_array($topic, $topics)) { switch ($topic) { case 'hot': $title = '热门推荐'; $list = Blog::hotList(); break; default: break; } } else { if (is_numeric($topic)) { $cid = intval($topic); $list = Blog::getListByCid($cid); $title = Category::getName($cid); } } $this->getView()->params['title'] = $title; $this->getView()->params['description'] = $title; return $this->render('/site/list', ['data' => $list]); }
public function actionDelete($id) { $model = Category::find()->where(['id' => $id])->one(); $model->unlinkAll('posts', true); Category::deleteAll(['id' => $id]); return $this->actionNew(); }
public static function add(BlogForm $blogform) { $blog = new Blog(); $blog->uid = \Yii::$app->user->getId(); $blog->title = htmlspecialchars($blogform->title); $blog->content = htmlspecialchars($blogform->content); $blog->tags = $blogform->tags; $blog->cid = $blogform->cid ? $blogform->cid : 0; $blog->status = $blogform->status ? $blogform->status : self::STATUS_PUBLISH; $blog->is_private = $blogform->is_private ? $blogform->is_private : 0; $blog->allow_review = $blogform->allow_review ? $blogform->allow_review : 1; $blog->addtime = $blog->uptime = time(); $analyse = self::analyse($blogform->content); if (!$blogform->description) { $blog->description = $analyse['description']; } else { $blog->description = $blogform->description; } //$blog->image = $blogform->image ? $blogform->image : $analyse['image']; $blog->image = $analyse['image']; $blog->thumb = $analyse['thumb']; $result = $blog->insert(); if ($result) { Tags::add($blog->tags, $blog->id); if ($blog->status == self::STATUS_PUBLISH) { Category::countInc($blog->cid); } return true; } else { return false; } }
/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param Requests\Backend\StoreCategoryRequest $request * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function update(Requests\Backend\StoreCategoryRequest $request, $id) { $category = Category::findOrFail($id); $this->authorize($category); $category->update($request->all()); return redirect()->action('Backend\\CategoryController@show', [$category]); }
public function actionDrop() { $model = new SurveyResult(); $catList = ArrayHelper::map(Category::find()->asArray()->all(), 'id', 'name'); $subcatList = ArrayHelper::map(Subcategory::find()->asArray()->all(), 'id', 'name'); return $this->render('drop', ['model' => $model, 'catList' => $catList, 'subcatList' => $subcatList]); }
/** * Lists all Service models. * @return mixed */ public function actionIndex() { $searchModel = new ServiceSearch(); $dataProvider = $searchModel->search(Yii::$app->request->queryParams); $cat = Category::find()->orderBy('name_pt')->asArray()->all(); return $this->render('index', ['searchModel' => $searchModel, 'dataProvider' => $dataProvider, 'cat' => $cat]); }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { $videos = glob(public_path() . '/b/*'); usort($videos, function ($a, $b) { $a = (int) basename($a, '.webm'); $b = (int) basename($b, '.webm'); if ($a == $b) { return 0; } return $a < $b ? -1 : 1; }); $category = \App\Models\Category::where('shortname', '=', 'misc')->first(); $user = \App\Models\User::find(1); foreach ($videos as $video) { if (\App\Models\Video::whereFile(basename($video))->count() > 0) { continue; } $v = new \App\Models\Video(); $v->user()->associate($user); $v->category()->associate($category); $v->hash = sha1_file($video); $v->file = basename($video); $v->save(); } }
/** * @depends testStore */ public function testUpdate($category) { $this->put(route('api.admin.category.item', $category), json_encode(['category_name' => 'test edited'])); $category = Category::find($category->id); $this->assertEquals('test edited', $category->category_name); $this->assertResponseOk(); }
/** * Update the visibility of a category * * @param $id * @param $visible * @return mixed */ public function updateVisibility($id, $visible) { $category = Category::find($id); $category->visible = $visible; $category->save(); return $category; }
public static function getCategoryArr() { $category_id_root = Yii::$app->getRequest()->getQueryParam('category_id_root'); $category_id = Yii::$app->getRequest()->getQueryParam('category_id'); if (!$category_id) { return false; } $category = Category::find()->all(); $categories = []; // categories $parents = []; foreach ($category as $cate) { $categories[$cate['category_name']] = $cate; $parents[$cate['category_id_root']][$cate['category_id']] = $cate['category_id']; } $cateQueryArr = array(); $queue = array(); array_push($queue, $category_id); while ($subCate = array_shift($queue)) { $cateQueryArr[$subCate] = $subCate; if (isset($parents[$subCate])) { foreach ($parents[$subCate] as $cid) { array_push($queue, $cid); } } } // echo'<pre>'; // var_dump($cateQueryArr); // echo'</pre>'; // die(); return $cateQueryArr; }
public function save() { $category = Category::findOrNew(Input::get('id')); $category->category = Input::get('category'); $category->is_home = Input::get('is_home'); $category->is_nav = Input::get('is_nav'); $category->sort_order = Input::get('sort_order'); $category->url_key = Input::get('url_key'); $category->short_desc = Input::get('short_desc'); $category->long_desc = Input::get('long_desc'); $category->meta_title = Input::get('meta_title'); $category->meta_keys = Input::get('meta_keys'); $category->meta_desc = Input::get('meta_desc'); // $catImgs = []; $catImgs = json_decode(empty(Input::get('imgs')) ? "[]" : Input::get('imgs'), true); $destinationPath = public_path() . '/admin/uploads/catalog/category/'; if (Input::hasFile('images')) { $i = 1; foreach (Input::file("images") as $file) { $fileName = date("YmdHis") . "-{$i}" . "." . $file->getClientOriginalExtension(); $upload_success = $file->move($destinationPath, $fileName); if ($upload_success) { array_push($catImgs, $fileName); $i++; } } } $category->images = json_encode($catImgs); $category->save(); if (!empty(Input::get("parent_id"))) { $category->makeChildOf(Input::get("parent_id")); } return redirect()->route('admin.category.view'); }
public function actionIndex($mid = '', $f = 0) { $user = User::findIdentity(Yii::$app->user->id); $regFrm = new RegisterForm(); $rstFrm = new RestorePswForm(); $spOffs = new SpecialOffer(); $spOffs = $spOffs->getAllSpecialOffers(); if ($f) { $logFrm = new LoginForm(['scenario' => LoginForm::SCENARIO_LOGIN_CAPTCHA]); } else { $logFrm = new LoginForm(['scenario' => LoginForm::SCENARIO_LOGIN]); } $city = City::find()->all(); $address = new Address(); $distr = $address->getDistrict(); $category = Category::find()->all(); $brand = Brand::find()->all(); $msg = ''; switch ($mid) { case 1: $msg = Common::M_EMAIL_SEND; break; case 2: $msg = Common::M_PSW_EMAIL_SEND; break; case 3: $msg = Common::M_PSW_RESTORE_SUCCESS; break; } return $this->render('index', ['msg' => $msg, 'user' => $user, 'spOffs' => $spOffs, 'regFrm' => $regFrm, 'logFrm' => $logFrm, 'rstFrm' => $rstFrm, 'city' => $city, 'distr' => $distr, 'category' => $category, 'brand' => $brand]); }
public function save() { if (!$this->product_id) { return Category::find($this->category)->product()->create($this->fields()); } return DB::table('products')->where('id', $this->product_id)->update(['category_id' => $this->category, 'name' => $this->name, 'type' => $this->type, 'length' => $this->length, 'thickness' => $this->thickness, 'width' => $this->width, 'description' => $this->description, 'hidden' => $this->hidden]); }
public function actionMap() { Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_RAW; $headers = Yii::$app->response->headers; $headers->add('Content-Type', 'text/xml'); $dom = new \DOMDocument("1.0", "utf-8"); $root = $dom->createElement("urlset"); $root->setAttribute("xmlns", "http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9"); $dom->appendChild($root); $categories = Category::findAll(['is_active' => 1]); $articles = Article::findAll(['is_active' => 1]); $items = array_merge($categories, $articles); foreach ($items as $item) { $url = $dom->createElement("url"); $loc = $dom->createElement("loc"); if ($item instanceof Article) { $loc->appendChild($dom->createTextNode(Url::to(['article/view', 'id' => $item->id], true))); } else { $loc->appendChild($dom->createTextNode(Url::to(['category/view', 'id' => $item->id], true))); } $lastmod = $dom->createElement("lastmod"); $lastmod->appendChild($dom->createTextNode($item->timestamp)); $changefreq = $dom->createElement("changefreq"); $changefreq->appendChild($dom->createTextNode("monthly")); $priority = $dom->createElement("priority"); $priority->appendChild($dom->createTextNode("0.5")); $url->appendChild($loc); $url->appendChild($lastmod); $url->appendChild($changefreq); $url->appendChild($priority); $root->appendChild($url); } return $dom->saveXML(); }
public function test_delete_category() { $this->test_create_category(); $category = Category::firstOrFail(); $this->delete(route('inquiries.categories.destroy', [$category->id])); $this->dontSeeInDatabase('categories', ['id' => $category->id]); }
public function add() { if ($this->validate()) { return Category::add(['name' => $this->name, 'pid' => 0]); } return false; }
public function __construct(Route $route) { $this->middleware(function ($request, $next) { // if session is not set get it from .env SHOP_CODE if (!$request->session()->has('shop')) { $shop = Shop::where('code', config('app.shop_code'))->first(); $request->session()->put('shop', $shop->id); } // if limit is not set default pagination limit if (!$request->session()->has('limit')) { $request->session()->put('limit', 100); } // if session is not set reset the session for the language if (!$request->session()->has('language')) { $request->session()->put('language', config('app.locale')); } // if session is not set reset the session for the basket if (!$request->session()->has('basket')) { $request->session()->put('basket', ['subtotal' => 0, 'count' => 0, 'items' => []]); } // global list of categories $categories = Category::where('shop_id', $request->session()->get('shop'))->orderBy('order', 'asc')->get(); // share globals view()->share('language', $request->session()->get('language')); view()->share('categories', $categories); return $next($request); }); // add controller & action to the body class $currentAction = $route->getActionName(); list($controller, $method) = explode('@', $currentAction); $controller = preg_replace('/.*\\\\/', '', $controller); $action = preg_replace('/.*\\\\/', '', $method); view()->share('body_class', $controller . '-' . $action); }