public function create($id) { $campaign = new Campaign($id); $cinfo = $campaign->get(); $buser = new User($cinfo['brand']); $binfo = $buser->get(); $this->mail_enqueue(array('to' => $binfo['email'], 'from' => $this->_from_email, 'subject' => 'Campaign Created', 'message' => $this->_mail_body($this->_prefix . __FUNCTION__ . '.php', array('user' => $binfo, 'campaign' => $cinfo)))); // Send notification to admins $admin = new Admin(null); $emails = array(); $recipients = array(); foreach ($admin->filter(array()) as $doc) { $emails[$doc['email']] = true; $recipients[] = $doc['_id']; } $this->add(array('sender' => $binfo['_id'], 'recipients' => $recipients, 'text' => $this->_body('admin.' . $this->_prefix . __FUNCTION__ . '.php', array('brand' => $binfo)), 'type' => $this->_prefix . __FUNCTION__, 'url' => Url::base('admin/campaign/view/' . $id))); $this->mail_enqueue(array('to' => array_keys($emails), 'from' => $this->_from_email, 'subject' => 'New Campaign Approval', 'message' => $this->_mail_body('admin.' . $this->_prefix . __FUNCTION__ . '.php', array('brand' => $binfo, 'campaign' => $cinfo)))); }
public function register($id, $password, $by = null) { $user = new User($id); $uinfo = $user->get(); $uinfo['password'] = $password; $binfo = null; if ($by !== null) { $buser = new User($by); $binfo = $buser->get(); } else { $by = $id; $binfo = $uinfo; } $recipients = array($id); $this->add(array('sender' => $by, 'recipients' => $recipients, 'text' => $this->_body($this->_prefix . __FUNCTION__ . '.php', array('user' => $uinfo, 'by' => $binfo)), 'type' => $this->_prefix . __FUNCTION__, 'url' => Url::base('influencer'))); $this->mail_enqueue(array('to' => $uinfo['email'], 'from' => $this->_from_email, 'subject' => 'User Registered', 'message' => $this->_mail_body($this->_prefix . __FUNCTION__ . '.php', array('user' => $uinfo, 'by' => $binfo)))); // Send notification to admins $admin = new Admin(null); $emails = array(); foreach ($admin->filter(array()) as $doc) { $emails[$doc['email']] = true; } $this->mail_enqueue(array('to' => array_keys($emails), 'from' => $this->_from_email, 'subject' => 'New Influencer Registration', 'message' => $this->_mail_body('admin.' . $this->_prefix . __FUNCTION__ . '.php', array('user' => $uinfo, 'by' => $binfo)))); }