public function searchemployee($params) { $query = Authuser::find(); $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider(['query' => $query, 'sort' => ['defaultOrder' => ['auth_user_fullname' => SORT_ASC]]]); $query->joinWith('employees', true, 'INNER JOIN'); if (Yii::$app->user->can('Administrator')) { $query->joinWith(['profile']); } $this->load($params); if (!$this->validate()) { // uncomment the following line if you do not want to return any records when validation fails // $query->where('0=1'); return $dataProvider; } $query->andFilterWhere(['auth_user_id' => $this->auth_user_id]); $query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'auth_user_fullname', $this->auth_user_fullname]); if (Yii::$app->user->can('Administrator')) { $query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'profile.profile_inn', $this->getAttribute('profile.profile_inn')]); $query->andFilterWhere(Proc::WhereConstruct($this, 'profile.profile_dr', Proc::Date)); $query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'profile.profile_address', $this->getAttribute('profile.profile_address')]); $query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'profile.profile_snils', $this->getAttribute('profile.profile_snils')]); $query->andFilterWhere(['profile.profile_pol' => $this->getAttribute('profile.profile_pol')]); $query->groupBy(['auth_user_id']); // Костыль для gridview, не отображает положенные 10 записей при сортировке или фильтрации. // Причина возможно в NULL значениях первичного ключа profile_id связанной модели Profile Proc::AssignRelatedAttributes($dataProvider, ['profile.profile_inn', 'profile.profile_dr', 'profile.profile_pol', 'profile.profile_address', 'profile.profile_snils']); } return $dataProvider; }
/** * Validates the password. * This method serves as the inline validation for password. * * @param string $attribute the attribute currently being validated * @param array $params the additional name-value pairs given in the rule */ public function validatePassword($attribute, $params) { if (!$this->hasErrors()) { $user = $this->getUser(); $dbUser = Config\Authuser::findOne(['auth_user_login' => $this->username]); if (!$user || !Yii::$app->getSecurity()->validatePassword($this->password, $dbUser->auth_user_password)) { $this->addError($attribute, 'Неверный логин или пароль.'); } } }
/** * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery */ public function getAuthuser() { return $this->hasOne(Authuser::className(), ['auth_user_id' => 'profile_id']); }
/** * @depends loadData */ public function destroyData() { Mattraffic::deleteAll(); Material::deleteAll(); Employee::deleteAll(); Matvid::deleteAll(); Izmer::deleteAll(); Schetuchet::deleteAll(); Authuser::deleteAll('auth_user_id <> 1'); Build::deleteAll(); Dolzh::deleteAll(); Podraz::deleteAll(); }
/** * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery */ public function getuser() { return $this->hasOne(Authuser::className(), ['auth_user_id' => 'user_id'])->from(['user' => Authuser::tableName()]); }
/** * @depends loadData */ public function destroyData() { Employee::deleteAll(); Authuser::deleteAll('auth_user_id <> 1'); Dolzh::deleteAll(); Podraz::deleteAll(); Build::deleteAll(); }
/** * Finds the Authuser model based on its primary key value. * If the model is not found, a 404 HTTP exception will be thrown. * @param integer $id * @return Authuser the loaded model * @throws NotFoundHttpException if the model cannot be found */ protected function findModel($id) { if (($model = Authuser::findOne($id)) !== null) { return $model; } else { throw new NotFoundHttpException('The requested page does not exist.'); } }
public function actionResetadmin() { $auth = Yii::$app->authManager; $auth->revokeAll(1); $ar = Authuser::findOne(1); if ($ar) { $ar->scenario = 'Changepassword'; $ar->auth_user_login = '******'; $ar->auth_user_fullname = 'Администратор'; $ar->auth_user_password = '******'; $ar->auth_user_password2 = 'admin'; if ($ar->save()) { $item = $auth->getRole('Administrator'); if ($item) { $auth->assign($item, 1); echo 'The Administrator Reset<br>'; } else { echo 'Role "Administrator" is missing<br>'; } } else { echo 'An error occurred while resetting the password and login of administrator:<br>'; var_dump($ar->errors); } } else { echo 'User ID = 1 Not Found<br>'; } }
static function ImportDo() { // Делаем запись в таблицу отчетов импорта $logreport = new Logreport(); $Importconfig = self::GetRowsPDO('select * from importconfig where importconfig_id = 1'); if ($Importconfig['importconfig_do']) { self::$os_start = $Importconfig['os_startrow']; self::$mat_start = $Importconfig['mat_startrow']; self::$gu_start = $Importconfig['gu_startrow']; self::$Mishanya = 0; self::$Debug = YII_DEBUG; $starttime = microtime(true); $logreport->logreport_date = date('Y-m-d'); $doreport = false; self::$materialexists = Material::find()->count() > 0; self::DeleteOldReports(); // Идем по файлам импорта из 1С (os.xls - Основные средства, mat.xls - Материалы) foreach ([$Importconfig['emp_filename'] . '.txt', $Importconfig['os_filename'] . '.xlsx', $Importconfig['mat_filename'] . '.xlsx', $Importconfig['gu_filename'] . '.xlsx'] as $filename) { self::$filename = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . '/imp/' . $filename; $FileType = self::$filename === dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . '/imp/' . $Importconfig['os_filename'] . '.xlsx' ? self::os : (self::$filename === dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . '/imp/' . $Importconfig['mat_filename'] . '.xlsx' ? self::mat : self::gu); self::SetFileType($FileType); self::Setxls(); if (file_exists(self::$filename)) { self::$filelastdate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", filemtime(self::$filename)); $filelastdateFromDB = self::GetMaxFileLastDate($Importconfig); if (self::$Debug || empty($filelastdateFromDB) || strtotime(self::$filelastdate) > strtotime($filelastdateFromDB)) { /* var_dump(self::$filename); var_dump(self::$filelastdate); var_dump($filelastdateFromDB); var_dump($_SERVER); var_dump($_ENV); */ ini_set('max_execution_time', $Importconfig['max_execution_time']); // 1000 seconds ini_set('memory_limit', $Importconfig['memory_limit']); // 1Gbyte Max Memory $logreport->save(); self::$logreport_id = $logreport->logreport_id; $doreport = true; // Определяем показатели импорта self::$logreport_errors = 0; // Не загружено записей из-за ошибок self::$logreport_updates = 0; // Записей изменено self::$logreport_additions = 0; // Записей добавлено self::$logreport_missed = 0; // Записей пропущено (исключены из обработки) self::$logreport_amount = 0; // Всего записей if ($filename === $Importconfig['emp_filename'] . '.txt') { self::$employee = true; } if (self::$employee) { $i = 0; $handle = @fopen(self::$filename, "r"); if ($handle) { $UTF8deleteBOM = true; while (($subject = fgets($handle, 4096)) !== false) { if ($UTF8deleteBOM) { $subject = str_replace("", '', $subject); $UTF8deleteBOM = false; } $transaction = Yii::$app->db->beginTransaction(); $i++; try { $pattern = '/^(.*?)\\|(Поликлиника №\\s?[1,2,3] )?(.*?)\\|(.*?)\\|(.*?)\\|(.*?)\\|(.*?)\\|(.*?)\\|(.*?)\\|(.*?)\\|(.*?)\\|(.*?)\\|(.*?)\\|(.*?)\\|(.*?)\\|(.*?)\\|/ui'; preg_match($pattern, $subject, $matches); if ($matches[0] !== NULL) { $pattern = '/(^Поликлиника №)\\s?([1,2,3])\\s?$/ui'; $matches[2] = preg_replace($pattern, 'Взрослая $1$2', mb_strtolower($matches[2], 'UTF-8')); if ($matches[3] === 'Поликлиника профилактических осмотров') { $matches[2] = $matches[3]; } $pattern = '/^(.+) БУ "Нижневартовская городская поликлиника"$/ui'; $matches[3] = preg_replace($pattern, '$1', $matches[3]); $employee_fio = $matches[1]; $location = self::AssignLocationForEmployeeImport(trim($matches[3]), trim($matches[2])); $id_dolzh = self::AssignDolzh(trim($matches[4])); // $sqlstr = empty($location->id_build) ? ' and id_build is null' : ' and id_build = :id_build'; $Employee = Employee::find()->joinWith('idperson')->where(array_merge(['id_dolzh' => $id_dolzh, 'id_podraz' => $location->id_podraz], empty($location->id_build) ? [] : ['id_build' => $location->id_build]))->andFilterWhere(['like', 'auth_user_fullname', $employee_fio, false])->one(); /* $Employee = self::GetRowsPDO('select employee_id, auth_user_fullname, id_dolzh, id_podraz, id_build from employee inner join auth_user on employee.id_person = auth_user.auth_user_id where auth_user_fullname like :employee_fio and id_dolzh = :id_dolzh and id_podraz = :id_podraz' . $sqlstr, array_merge([ 'employee_fio' => $employee_fio, 'id_dolzh' => $id_dolzh, 'id_podraz' => $location->id_podraz, ], empty($location->id_build) ? [] : ['id_build' => $location->id_build])); */ if (empty($Employee)) { /* var_dump('ok'); var_dump($Employee); var_dump($employee_fio); var_dump($location); var_dump($id_dolzh); */ $AuthuserCount = Authuser::find()->where(['like', 'auth_user_fullname', $employee_fio, false])->count(); $Authuser = $AuthuserCount == 1 ? Authuser::find()->where(['like', 'auth_user_fullname', $employee_fio, false])->one() : false; $newEmployee = false; if (empty($Authuser) || $AuthuserCount > 1) { $Authuser = new Authuser(); $Authuser->auth_user_fullname = $employee_fio; $Authuser->auth_user_login = Proc::CreateLogin($employee_fio); $Authuser->auth_user_password = Yii::$app->getSecurity()->generatePasswordHash('11111111'); $newEmployee = true; } $Employee = new Employee(); $Employee->attributes = ['id_dolzh' => $id_dolzh, 'id_podraz' => $location->id_podraz, 'id_build' => $location->id_build, 'employee_forinactive' => 1]; $Employeelog = new Employeelog(); $Employeelog->id_logreport = self::$logreport_id; $Employeelog->employeelog_type = 1; $Employeelog->employeelog_filename = self::$filename; $Employeelog->employeelog_filelastdate = self::$filelastdate; $Employeelog->employeelog_rownum = $i; $Employeelog->employeelog_message = 'Запись добавлена.'; if (isset($Employee->scenarios()['import1c'])) { $Employee->scenario = 'import1c'; } if (isset($Authuser->scenarios()['import1c'])) { $Authuser->scenario = 'import1c'; } if ($Authuser->validate()) { $Authuser->save(false); $Profile = Profile::findOne($Authuser->primaryKey); $Profile = empty($Profile) ? new Profile() : $Profile; $Profile->profile_id = $Authuser->primaryKey; $Profile->profile_dr = $matches[16]; $Profile->profile_pol = $matches[15]; $Profile->profile_inn = $matches[11]; $Profile->profile_snils = $matches[12]; $Profile->profile_address = $matches[10]; $Profile->save(); if ($Profile->getErrors()) { var_dump($Profile->getErrors()); } $Employeelog->employeelog_message = $Profile->getErrors() ? 'Запись добавлена. Ошибка при создании профиля' : 'Запись добавлена.'; $Employee->id_person = $Authuser->getPrimaryKey(); if ($Employee->validate()) { $newEmployee ? self::$logreport_additions++ : self::$logreport_updates++; $Employee->save(false); if ($newEmployee && !self::$Debug) { self::Mishanya($Authuser, $Employee, $matches); } } else { $Employeelog->employeelog_type = 3; $Employeelog->employeelog_message = 'Ошибка при добавлении записи: '; foreach ($Employee->getErrors() as $fields) { $Employeelog->employeelog_message .= implode(' ', $fields) . ' '; } self::$logreport_errors++; } } else { $Employeelog->employeelog_type = 3; $Employeelog->employeelog_message = 'Ошибка при добавлении записи: '; foreach ($Authuser->getErrors() as $fields) { $Employeelog->employeelog_message .= implode(' ', $fields) . ' '; } self::$logreport_errors++; } $Employeelog->employee_fio = $Authuser->auth_user_fullname; $Employeelog->dolzh_name = Dolzh::findOne($Employee->id_dolzh)->dolzh_name; //self::GetNameByID('dolzh', 'dolzh_name', $Employee->id_dolzh); $Employeelog->podraz_name = Podraz::findOne($Employee->id_podraz)->podraz_name; //self::GetNameByID('podraz', 'podraz_name', $Employee->id_podraz); if (!empty($Employee->id_build)) { $Employeelog->build_name = Build::findOne($Employee->id_build)->build_name; } //self::GetNameByID('build', 'build_name', $Employee->id_build); $Employeelog->save(false); } else { if ($Employee->employee_importdo === 1) { if (isset($Employee->scenarios()['import1c'])) { $Employee->scenario = 'import1c'; } $inactivePerson = Employee::find()->andWhere(['id_person' => $Employee->id_person, 'employee_dateinactive' => NULL])->count(); if (empty($inactivePerson)) { $Employee = Employee::find(['id_person' => $Employee->id_person])->andWhere(['id_person' => $Employee->id_person])->orderBy(['employee_id' => SORT_DESC])->one(); $Employeelog = new Employeelog(); $Employeelog->id_logreport = self::$logreport_id; $Employeelog->employeelog_type = 2; $Employeelog->employeelog_filename = self::$filename; $Employeelog->employeelog_filelastdate = self::$filelastdate; $Employeelog->employeelog_rownum = $i; $Employeelog->employeelog_message = 'Запись изменена. Очищена дата неактивности специальности "' . Yii::$app->formatter->asDate($Employee->employee_dateinactive) . '"'; $Employeelog->employee_fio = Authuser::findOne($Employee->id_person)->auth_user_fullname; $Employeelog->dolzh_name = Dolzh::findOne($Employee->id_dolzh)->dolzh_name; $Employeelog->podraz_name = Podraz::findOne($Employee->id_podraz)->podraz_name; if (!empty($Employee->id_build)) { $Employeelog->build_name = Build::findOne($Employee->id_build)->build_name; } $Employeelog->save(false); $Employee->employee_dateinactive = null; self::$logreport_updates++; } $Employee->employee_forinactive = 1; $Employee->save(false); } } } elseif (trim($subject) !== '') { $Employeelog = new Employeelog(); $Employeelog->id_logreport = self::$logreport_id; $Employeelog->employeelog_type = 3; $Employeelog->employeelog_filename = self::$filename; $Employeelog->employeelog_filelastdate = self::$filelastdate; $Employeelog->employeelog_rownum = $i; $Employeelog->employeelog_message = 'Ошибка при добавлении записи: Не пройдено регулярное выражение /^(.*?)\\|(Поликлиника №\\s?[1,2,3] )?(.*?)\\|(.*?)\\|(.*?)\\|(.*?)\\|(.*?)\\|(.*?)\\|(.*?)\\|(.*?)\\|(.*?)\\|(.*?)\\|(.*?)\\|(.*?)\\|(.*?)\\|(.*?)\\|/ui'; $Employeelog->save(false); self::$logreport_errors++; } $transaction->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $transaction->rollBack(); throw new Exception($e->getMessage() . ' $i = ' . $i . '; $filename = ' . self::$filename); } } fclose($handle); if (!self::$Debug) { self::InactiveEmployee(); } } $logreport->logreport_amount += $i; $logreport->logreport_employeelastdate = self::$filelastdate; self::$employee = false; } else { if (self::IsFileType(self::mat) || self::IsFileType(self::gu)) { Mattraffic::updateAll(['mattraffic_forimport' => NULL], ['mattraffic_forimport' => 1]); } $startRow = self::IsFileType(self::os) ? self::$os_start : (self::IsFileType(self::mat) ? self::$mat_start : self::$gu_start); //начинаем читать с определенной строки $exit = false; //флаг выхода $empty_value = 0; //счетчик пустых знаений // Загружаем данные из файла Excel // $inputFileType = 'Excel5'; // $inputFileName = self::$filename; $chunkSize = 1000; //размер считываемых строк за раз // $objReader = \PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReaderForFile(self::$filename); // $objReader = \PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader($inputFileType); $chunkFilter = new chunkReadFilter(); $objReader->setReadFilter($chunkFilter); $objReader->setReadDataOnly(true); while (!$exit) { // Инициализируем переменные // $row = $sheetData[self::$rownum_xls]; $chunkFilter->setRows($startRow, $chunkSize); //устанавливаем знаечние фильтра $objPHPExcel = $objReader->load(self::$filename); //открываем файл $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0); //устанавливаем индекс активной страницы $objWorksheet = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet(); //делаем активной нужную страницу // Идем по данных excel for ($i = $startRow; $i < $startRow + $chunkSize; $i++) { //внутренний цикл по строкам self::$rownum_xls = $i; $value = trim(htmlspecialchars($objWorksheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(0, $i)->getValue())); //получаем первое знаение в строке if (empty($value)) { //проверяем значение на пустоту $empty_value++; } if ($empty_value == 1) { //после трех пустых значений, завершаем обработку файла, думая, что это конец $exit = true; break; } /* Манипуляции с данными каким Вам угодно способом, в PHPExcel их превеликое множество */ $row = $objWorksheet->rangeToArray('A' . $i . ':M' . $i, null, true, true, true); $row = $row[key($row)]; $material = new Material(); $authuser = new Authuser(); $employee = new Employee(); $mattraffic = new Mattraffic(); $matlog = new Matlog(); $employeelog = new Employeelog(); $traflog = new Traflog(); $MaterialDo = false; $EmployeeDo = false; $MattrafficDo = false; // Начинаем транзакцию $transaction = Yii::$app->db->beginTransaction(); try { // Применяем значения атрубутов Материальной ценности $MaterialDo = self::MaterialDo($material, $matlog, $row); if ($MaterialDo) { // Применяем значения атрубутов Сотрудника $EmployeeDo = self::EmployeeDo($employee, $employeelog, $row); if ($EmployeeDo) { // Применяем значения атрубутов "Операции над материальной ценностью" $MattrafficDo = self::MattrafficDo($mattraffic, $traflog, $row, $material, $employee->employee_id); } } // $matlog->matlog_type !== 5 - Если Запись не изменилась не пишем в лог if ($matlog->matlog_type !== 5 && ($MaterialDo || count($material->getErrors()) > 0)) { $matlog->save(false); if ($matlog->matlog_type === 2) { $material->save(false); } } if ($MaterialDo) { // $employeelog->employeelog_type !== 5 - Если Запись не изменилась не пишем в лог if ($employeelog->employeelog_type !== 5 && ($EmployeeDo || count($employee->getErrors()) > 0)) { $employeelog->save(false); } if ($EmployeeDo) { if ($MattrafficDo || count($mattraffic->getErrors()) > 0) { if ($matlog->IsNewRecord) { $matlog->material_number = $material->material_number; // Иначе пишется предыдущее значение количества материальной ценности $matlog->save(false); } if ($employeelog->IsNewRecord) { $employeelog->save(false); } $traflog->id_matlog = $matlog->matlog_id; $traflog->id_employeelog = $employeelog->employeelog_id; if ($traflog->validate()) { $traflog->save(false); } } if ($MattrafficDo) { $material->save(false); $employee->save(false); $mattraffic->id_material = $material->material_id; $mattraffic->id_mol = $employee->employee_id; $mattraffic->save(false); // Применяем значения атрубутов, если материальная ценность списна self::WriteOffDo($material, $matlog, $mattraffic, $traflog, $row); } } } // if ($transaction->isActive) $transaction->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $transaction->rollBack(); throw new Exception($e->getMessage() . ' $rownum_xls = ' . self::$rownum_xls . '; $filename = ' . self::$filename); } } $objPHPExcel->disconnectWorksheets(); //чистим unset($objPHPExcel); //память unset($material); unset($employee); unset($mattraffic); unset($matlog); unset($employeelog); unset($traflog); unset($objWorksheet); echo '<BR>Память использована с ' . $startRow . ' по ' . ($startRow + $chunkSize) . ' : ' . Yii::$app->formatter->asShortSize(memory_get_usage(true)); $startRow += $chunkSize; //переходим на следующий шаг цикла, увеличивая строку, с которой будем читать файл } $logreport->logreport_amount += self::$rownum_xls - (self::IsFileType(self::os) ? self::$os_start : (self::IsFileType(self::mat) ? self::$mat_start : self::$gu_start)); if (self::IsFileType(self::os)) { $logreport->logreport_oslastdate = self::$filelastdate; } elseif (self::IsFileType(self::mat)) { $logreport->logreport_matlastdate = self::$filelastdate; } else { $logreport->logreport_gulastdate = self::$filelastdate; } if (self::IsFileType(self::mat) || self::IsFileType(self::gu)) { self::MaterialSpisanie(); } } $logreport->logreport_additions += self::$logreport_additions; $logreport->logreport_updates += self::$logreport_updates; $logreport->logreport_errors += self::$logreport_errors; $logreport->logreport_missed += self::$logreport_missed; $logreport->save(); } else { if (self::IsFileType(self::os)) { $logreport->logreport_oslastdate = self::$filelastdate; } elseif (self::IsFileType(self::mat)) { $logreport->logreport_matlastdate = self::$filelastdate; } else { $logreport->logreport_gulastdate = self::$filelastdate; } if ($filename === $Importconfig['emp_filename'] . '.txt') { $logreport->logreport_employeelastdate = self::$filelastdate; } } } } if ($doreport) { self::MakeReport(); $endtime = microtime(true); $logreport->logreport_executetime = gmdate('H:i:s', $endtime - $starttime); $logreport->logreport_memoryused = memory_get_usage(true); $logreport->save(); } $endtime = microtime(true); echo 'ImportDo success<BR>'; echo 'Использовано памяти: ' . Yii::$app->formatter->asShortSize(memory_get_usage(true)) . '; Время выполнения: ' . gmdate('H:i:s', $endtime - $starttime); } else { echo 'Импорт отключен'; } }
/** * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery */ public function getusers() { return $this->hasMany(Authuser::className(), ['auth_user_id' => 'user_id'])->from(['users' => Authuser::tableName()])->viaTable('auth_assignment', ['item_name' => 'name']); }
public static function VariablesValues($attribute, $value = NULL) { $values = ['mol_id_build' => [$value => Build::getBuildByID($value)], 'mol_fullname_material' => [$value => Authuser::getAuthuserByID($value)], 'material_writeoff' => Material::VariablesValues($attribute), 'mat_id_grupa' => [$value => Grupa::getGrupaByID($value)]]; return isset($values[$attribute]) ? $values[$attribute] : NULL; }
/** * @param iImportLog $importLog */ private function changeExistEmployee(iImportLog $importLog) { $this->setAuthUser(Authuser::findOne($this->getEmployee()->id_person)); if ($this->getEmployee()->employee_importdo === 1) { if ($this->hasEmployeeInactiveByPerson()) { $importLog->setup(iImportLog::CHANGE, [], 'Очищена дата неактивности специальности "' . Yii::$app->formatter->asDate($this->getEmployee()->employee_dateinactive) . '"'); $this->getEmployee()->employee_dateinactive = null; } $this->getEmployee()->employee_forinactive = 1; $this->getEmployee()->save(false); $AR_Errors = $this->createProfile($this->getEmployeeParseObject())->getErrors(); if ($AR_Errors) { $importLog->setup(iImportLog::ADD_ERROR, $AR_Errors); } } }
public static function VariablesValues($attribute, $value = NULL) { $values = ['patient_pol' => Patient::VariablesValues($attribute), 'fias_city' => [$value => Fias::GetCityByAOGUID($value)], 'fias_street' => [$value => Fias::GetStreetByAOGUID($value)], 'glaukuchet_detect' => Glaukuchet::VariablesValues($attribute), 'glaukuchet_deregreason' => Glaukuchet::VariablesValues($attribute), 'glaukuchet_stage' => Glaukuchet::VariablesValues($attribute), 'glaukuchet_invalid' => Glaukuchet::VariablesValues($attribute), 'glaukuchet_id_employee' => [$value => Employee::getEmployeeByID($value)], 'employee_id_person' => [$value => Authuser::getAuthuserByID($value)], 'employee_id_dolzh' => [$value => Dolzh::getDolzhByID($value)], 'employee_id_podraz' => [$value => Podraz::getPodrazByID($value)], 'employee_id_build' => [$value => Build::getBuildByID($value)], 'glprep_id_preparat' => [$value => Preparat::getPreparatByID($value)], 'glprep_rlocat' => Glprep::VariablesValues($attribute)]; return isset($values[$attribute]) ? $values[$attribute] : NULL; }
public static function VariablesValues($attribute, $value = NULL) { $values = ['mat_id_material' => [$value => Material::getMaterialByID($value)], 'mol_id_person' => [$value => Authuser::getAuthuserByID($value)], 'mat_id_material_mat' => [$value => Material::getMaterialByID($value)], 'mol_id_person_mat' => [$value => Authuser::getAuthuserByID($value)], 'recoveryrecieveakt_repaired' => Recoveryrecieveakt::VariablesValues($attribute)]; return isset($values[$attribute]) ? $values[$attribute] : NULL; }
/** * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery */ public function getIdperson() { return $this->hasOne(Authuser::className(), ['auth_user_id' => 'id_person'])->from(['idperson' => Authuser::tableName()]); }
/** * Фукния создает Логин пользователя на основе полного ФИО. * Например, $Fullname = 'Иванов Петр Сергеевич' выведет 'IvanovPS'. * Если логин 'IvanovPS' существует, то метод добавит количество совпадающих логинов в конце результата, т.е. IvanovPS1, IvanovPS2, и т.д. * @param $Fullname ФИО пользователя полностью. * @return string Преобразованный логин. */ public static function CreateLogin($Fullname) { preg_match('/(\\w+)\\s?(\\w+)?\\s?(\\w+)?/ui', $Fullname, $matches); $result = ''; if (!empty($matches[1])) { $result .= ucfirst(self::Translit($matches[1])); } if (!empty($matches[2])) { $result .= ucfirst(self::Translit(mb_substr($matches[2], 0, 1, 'UTF-8'))); } if (!empty($matches[3])) { $result .= ucfirst(self::Translit(mb_substr($matches[3], 0, 1, 'UTF-8'))); } $count = Authuser::find()->where(['like', 'auth_user_login', $result . '%', false])->count(); return $count > 0 ? $result . $count : $result; }