Пример #1
  * @inheritdoc
 public function run(&$cmdParams, &$params)
     $controller = $this->controller;
     $res = true;
     $connectionId = !empty($cmdParams[0]) ? $cmdParams[0] : '';
     $dir = !empty($cmdParams[1]) ? $cmdParams[1] : '';
     $recursive = !empty($cmdParams[2]) ? $cmdParams[2] : false;
     if (empty($connectionId) || empty($dir)) {
         Log::throwException('sftpRmdir: Please specify a valid connection id and directory');
     /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection (provided by the SftpConnectReqs Behavior) */
     $connParams = $controller->getConnectionParams($connectionId);
     $controller->stdout(" " . $connectionId . " ", $connParams['sftpLabelColor'], Console::FG_BLACK);
     $controller->stdout(' Removing directory ' . ($recursive ? '(recursive) ' : ''));
     $controller->stdout($dir, Console::FG_CYAN);
     if (!$controller->dryRun) {
         // the getConnection method is provided by the SftpConnectReqs Behavior
         /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */
         /** @var $connection Net_SFTP|resource */
         $connection = $controller->getConnection($connectionId);
         $sftpHelper = new SftpHelper($connectionId, $connection, $connParams);
         if (!$recursive) {
             $res = $sftpHelper->rmdir($dir);
         } else {
             $res = $sftpHelper->delete($dir, true);
         if (!$res) {
             Log::logger()->addError('sftpRmdir: error removing directory {dir} (recursive: {recursive})', ['dir' => $dir, 'recursive' => $recursive ? 'yes' : 'no']);
     } else {
         $controller->stdout(' [dry run]', Console::FG_YELLOW);
     return $res;
Пример #2
  * @inheritdoc
 public function run(&$cmdParams, &$params)
     $controller = $this->controller;
     $res = true;
     $connectionId = !empty($cmdParams[0]) ? $cmdParams[0] : '';
     $file = !empty($cmdParams[1]) ? $cmdParams[1] : '';
     if (empty($connectionId) || empty($file)) {
         Log::throwException('sftpRm: Please specify a valid connection id and file');
     /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection (provided by the SftpConnectReqs Behavior) */
     $connParams = $controller->getConnectionParams($connectionId);
     $controller->stdout(" " . $connectionId . " ", $connParams['sftpLabelColor'], Console::FG_BLACK);
     $controller->stdout(' Removing file ');
     $controller->stdout($file, Console::FG_CYAN);
     if (!$controller->dryRun) {
         // the getConnection method is provided by the SftpConnectReqs Behavior
         /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */
         /** @var $connection Net_SFTP|resource */
         $connection = $controller->getConnection($connectionId);
         $sftpHelper = new SftpHelper($connectionId, $connection, $connParams);
         if ($sftpHelper->isFile($file)) {
             $res = $sftpHelper->delete($file, false);
             if (!$res) {
                 Log::logger()->addError('sftpRm: error removing file {file}', ['file' => $file]);
         } else {
             $controller->warn('sftpRm: ' . $file . ' is not a file');
     } else {
         $controller->stdout(' [dry run]', Console::FG_YELLOW);
     return $res;
Пример #3
  * Load build script configuration (if present) and ask/set current environment (if needed)
  * The current environment name is saved in params['environment']
 private function _loadScriptConfig()
     $env = '';
     $configFile = Yii::getAlias('@buildScripts/config.php');
     if (file_exists($configFile)) {
         Log::logger()->addDebug('Loading build script configuration: {configFile}', ['configFile' => $configFile]);
         /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */
         $config = (require $configFile);
         $envConfig = [];
         $commonConfig = !empty($config['config']['common']) ? $config['config']['common'] : [];
         if (!empty($config['environments']) && is_array($config['environments'])) {
             Log::logger()->addDebug('Available environments: {environments}', ['environments' => implode(', ', array_keys($config['environments']))]);
             if (!property_exists($this->controller, 'env') || empty($this->controller->env)) {
                 if ($this->controller->interactive) {
                     $env = $this->controller->select('Please select your current environment', $config['environments']);
                 } elseif (isset($config['defaultEnvironment'])) {
                     $env = $config['defaultEnvironment'];
             } else {
                 $env = $this->controller->env;
             if (!isset($config['environments'][$env])) {
                 Log::throwException('Invalid environment: ' . $env);
             Log::logger()->addDebug('Using environment: {env}', ['env' => $env]);
             // Save the current environment name in params['environment']:
             $this->_params['environment'] = $env;
             $envConfig = !empty($config['config'][$env]) ? $config['config'][$env] : [];
         $flatCommonConfig = $this->flattenArray($commonConfig);
         $flatEnvConfig = $this->flattenArray($envConfig);
         $flatConfig = array_merge($flatCommonConfig, $flatEnvConfig);
         $this->_configParams = array_keys($flatConfig);
         $this->_params = array_merge($this->_params, $flatConfig);
Пример #4
  * Log the error message and throw \yii\console\Exception
  * @param string $message
  * @param array  $context
  * @throws \yii\console\Exception
 public static function throwException($message, array $context = [])
     Log::logger()->addCritical($message, $context);
     throw new Exception($message);
Пример #5
  * Returns the content of the given directory
  * @param string $dir
  * @param bool   $recursive
  * @param bool   $log whether to log or not the action
  * @return array
 public function nlist($dir, $recursive = false, $log = true)
     $res = $this->_getFromCache(__FUNCTION__, $dir);
     if ($res === null) {
         switch ($this->_connType) {
             case SftpHelper::TYPE_SFTP:
                 $res = $this->_connection->nlist($dir, $recursive);
             case SftpHelper::TYPE_FTP:
                 if ($recursive) {
                     Log::throwException('Recursive not supported for nlist in ftp mode');
                 $res = @ftp_nlist($this->_connection, $dir);
                 if (is_array($res)) {
                     // remove the $dir prefix from the results to match the format
                     // of $this->_connection->nlist
                     $res = preg_replace('/^' . str_replace('/', '\\/', $dir) . '[\\/]/', '', $res);
                 } elseif (!$res && $this->isDir($dir)) {
                     // for some reason ftp_nlist returns false if the directory is empty...
                     $res = [];
         $this->_addToCache(__FUNCTION__, $dir, $res);
         if ($log) {
             Log::logger()->addDebug('Performing ' . __METHOD__ . ' // result: {res}', ['res' => var_export($res, true), 'path' => $dir]);
     return $res;
Пример #6
  * For each version that is newer of the current DeploYii home version and that requires
  * changes, tells the user which changes need to be performed manually and if possible
  * updates it automatically.
  * To update a file it is possible to amend it manually or to remove it; if the file is missing
  * it will be replaced with the original one from the home-dist folder.
  * If some manual changes are required, it is possible to simply delete the VERSION file once
  * the changes have been applied.
  * @param string $homeVersion The DeploYii home version
  * @throws \yii\console\Exception if the home folder requires to be updated manually
 public static function checkHomeVersion($homeVersion)
     $changeLog = '';
     $requiredActions = '';
     $home = Shell::getHomeDir();
     $homeDist = __DIR__ . '/../home-dist';
     $changes = array_reverse(self::$_homeChangeList);
     foreach ($changes as $version => $list) {
         if (version_compare($version, $homeVersion, '>')) {
             // files to be manually updated by the user:
             if (isset($list['mod'])) {
                 foreach ($list['mod'] as $relFilePath => $logMessage) {
                     // If the destination file does not exists, add it from the dist folder
                     // instead of requesting the user to manually update it:
                     $destFile = $home . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $relFilePath;
                     if (!file_exists($destFile)) {
                         $list['add'][$relFilePath] = $logMessage;
                     } else {
                         $requiredActions .= " - [{$version}] {$relFilePath}: {$logMessage}\n";
             // files/directories to be added: (if no manual actions are required)
             if (empty($requiredActions) && isset($list['add'])) {
                 foreach ($list['add'] as $relPath => $logMessage) {
                     $srcPath = $homeDist . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $relPath;
                     $destPath = $home . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $relPath;
                     if (!is_dir($srcPath) && !file_exists($destPath) && file_exists($srcPath)) {
                         $changeLog .= " - [{$version}] Adding {$relPath} ({$logMessage})\n";
                         copy($srcPath, $destPath);
                     } elseif (is_dir($srcPath) && !is_dir($destPath)) {
                         $changeLog .= " - [{$version}] Adding directory: {$relPath} ({$logMessage})\n";
                         FileHelper::copyDirectory($srcPath, $destPath);
                     } elseif (is_dir($srcPath) && is_dir($destPath)) {
                         $requiredActions .= " - [{$version}] {$relPath}: {$logMessage}\n";
             // files/directories to be removed: (if no manual actions are required)
             if (empty($requiredActions) && isset($list['rem'])) {
                 foreach ($list['rem'] as $relPath => $logMessage) {
                     $destPath = $home . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $relPath;
                     if (!is_dir($destPath) && file_exists($destPath)) {
                         $changeLog .= " - [{$version}] Removing {$relPath} ({$logMessage})\n";
                     } elseif (is_dir($destPath)) {
                         $requiredActions .= " - [{$version}] {$relPath}: {$logMessage}\n";
     if (!empty($requiredActions)) {
         Log::throwException("Your DeploYii home folder needs to be manually updated to " . DEPLOYII_VERSION . ":\n" . $requiredActions . "When done delete the VERSION file and run DeploYii again.\n");
     } elseif (!empty($changeLog)) {
         $message = "Your DeploYii home folder has been updated to: " . DEPLOYII_VERSION . ":\n" . $changeLog;
         Console::stdout("---------------------------------------------------------------\n" . $message . "---------------------------------------------------------------\n");
Пример #7
  * Log the given string and send it to stdout
  * @param string $string
  * @param int    $level (optional) if null is passed, level will be set to Logger::DEBUG
 public function logStdout($string, $level = Logger::DEBUG)
     $level = $level === null ? Logger::DEBUG : $level;
     Log::logger()->addRecord($level, trim($string));
     $args = func_get_args();
     // remove the $level parameter to be compatible with the stdout method
     call_user_func_array(['parent', 'stdout'], $args);
Пример #8
 private function _put($srcFullPath, $srcRelPath)
     $destRelPath = $this->_destDir . '/' . $srcRelPath;
     $this->controller->stdout("\n - " . $srcRelPath . "\t => " . $destRelPath);
     if (!$this->controller->dryRun) {
         if (is_dir($srcFullPath)) {
             $files = FileHelper::findFiles($srcFullPath, $this->_options);
             foreach ($files as $foundPath) {
                 $relativePath = substr($foundPath, strlen($this->_srcBaseDir) + 1);
                 $this->_put($foundPath, $relativePath, $this->_srcBaseDir, $this->_destDir, $this->_options);
         } elseif (FileHelper::filterPath($srcFullPath, $this->_options)) {
             $this->_sftpHelper->mkdir(dirname($destRelPath), -1, true);
             if ($this->_overwrite || !$this->_sftpHelper->fileExists($destRelPath)) {
                 $res = $this->_sftpHelper->put($destRelPath, $srcFullPath);
                 if (!$res) {
                     Log::logger()->addError('sftpPut: error uploading file {from} to {to}', ['from' => $srcFullPath, 'to' => $destRelPath]);
             } else {
                 $this->controller->stdout(' [skipped]', Console::FG_PURPLE);
     } else {
         $this->controller->stdout(' [dry run]', Console::FG_YELLOW);