private function addNormalUser($aRequest)
     $aUser = array();
     foreach ($this->aUserParams as $sParam) {
         switch ($sParam) {
             case "username":
                 $aUser[$sParam] = strtolower($aRequest[$sParam]);
             case "logo":
                 $aUser['photo'] = Backend::uploadPhotos($aRequest['logo'], 'logo');
                 $aUser[$sParam] = $aRequest[$sParam];
     $aUser['date_registered'] = date('Y-m-d h:i:s');
     $aUser['age'] = $aRequest['date_of_birth'];
     $aUser['user_mobile'] = $aRequest['telephone'];
     $aUser['user_status'] = 'active';
     //Hashing the password to be saved encrypted
     $aUser['password'] = Hash::make($aUser['password']);
     $dIdUser = DB::table('users')->where(array('username' => $aUser['username']))->get(array('id_user'));
     DB::table('user_rating')->insert(array('id_user' => $dIdUser[0]->id_user, 'likes_count' => 0));
     echo "You've registered successfully!";
     return redirect()->intended('/');
 public function checkout()
     //Check if user is logged in
     if (!Backend::validateUser()) {
         return redirect('/');
     $aRequest = \Request::all();
     //This is a temprory array that will be used to create a temp item to be used in saved and any processing on item before saving it.
     $tempItem = array();
     if (!isset($aRequest['items'])) {
      * Total price will be saved here,
      * this also will be used to indicate the last price that will be required on each restaurant
     foreach ($aRequest['items'] as $item) {
         $dTotalPrice = 0;
         $oItem = DB::table('food')->where(array('id_item' => $item['id_item']))->get(array("id_restaurant", "price"))[0];
         $tempItem['id_item'] = $item['id_item'];
         $tempItem['qty'] = $item['qty'];
         $tempItem['spicy'] = $item['spicy'];
         $tempItem['total_price'] = $oItem->price * $item['qty'];
         $dTotalPrice += $tempItem['total_price'];
         $aRestaurants[$oItem->id_restaurant]['total_price'] = $dTotalPrice;
         $aRestaurants[$oItem->id_restaurant]['items'][] = $tempItem;
         $tempItem = array();
     $sNote = $aRequest['note'];
     $sLocation = json_encode($aRequest['location']);
     foreach ($aRestaurants as $id_restaurant => $aRestaurant) {
         $id_user = \Session::all()['id_user'];
         $sOrderDetails = json_encode($aRestaurant);
         $aOrder = array('id_user' => $id_user, 'id_restaurant' => $id_restaurant, 'order_details' => $sOrderDetails, 'note' => $sNote, 'location' => $sLocation, 'date_inserted' => Date('Y-m-d h:i:s'), 'status' => 'not_approved_yet');
     return redirect('/');
 public function login()
     $aRequest = \Input::all();
     $sUsername = $aRequest['username'];
     $sPassword = $aRequest['password'];
     //Check if there's a user with this name, if yes, get all needed information for them
     $aResult = DB::table('users')->where(array('username' => $sUsername))->get(array('*'));
     if (!empty($aResult)) {
         //If execution reached here then the user is normal user.
         $sUserType = 'user';
     if (empty($aResult)) {
         //Check if the user is a restaurant
         $aResult = DB::table('restaurants')->where(array('username' => $sUsername))->get(array('*'));
         $sUserType = 'restaurant';
     if (empty($aResult)) {
         return redirect('login')->withErrors('User not found!');
     if (Hash::check($sPassword, $aResult[0]->password)) {
         \Session::put('loggedin', 'true');
         \Session::put('username', $sUsername);
         \Session::put('user_type', $sUserType);
         if ($sUserType == 'user') {
             //add empty array of items
             \Session::put('cart', array('items' => array()));
             \Session::put('id_user', $aResult[0]->id_user);
         } else {
             if ($sUserType == 'restaurant') {
                 \Session::put('id_user', $aResult[0]->id_restaurant);
         $data = Backend::LoginData();
         return redirect()->intended('/')->with(array('data' => $data));
     } else {
         return redirect('login')->withErrors(['Please check your credentials!!', 'Error']);
 public static function ago($datetime)
     $interval = date_create('now')->diff($datetime);
     $suffix = $interval->invert ? ' ago' : '';
     if ($v = $interval->y >= 1) {
         return Backend::pluralize($interval->y, 'year') . $suffix;
     if ($v = $interval->m >= 1) {
         return Backend::pluralize($interval->m, 'month') . $suffix;
     if ($v = $interval->d >= 1) {
         return Backend::pluralize($interval->d, 'day') . $suffix;
     if ($v = $interval->h >= 1) {
         return Backend::pluralize($interval->h, 'hour') . $suffix;
     if ($v = $interval->i >= 1) {
         return Backend::pluralize($interval->i, 'minute') . $suffix;
     return Backend::pluralize($interval->s, 'second') . $suffix;
 public function showRestaurantsOrders()
     if (!Backend::validateUser()) {
         return redirect('/');
     $aSession = \Session::all();
     $aOrdersList = DB::table('orders')->where(array('id_restaurant' => $aSession['id_user']))->WhereNotIn('status', array('DONE'))->orderBy('date_inserted', 'desc')->get(array('*'));
     $aTmpOrder = array();
     $dTotalPrice = 0;
     $aOrders = array();
     foreach ($aOrdersList as $oOrder) {
         $aTmpOrder['customer'] = DB::table('users')->where(array('id_user' => $oOrder->id_user))->get(array('first_name', 'last_name', 'user_mobile', 'username', 'email'))[0];
         $oOrderDetails = json_decode($oOrder->order_details);
         $oOrder->order_details = $this->parseOrderDetails($oOrderDetails);
         $oOrder->status = str_replace('_', ' ', $oOrder->status);
         $oLocation = json_decode($oOrder->location);
         if (!empty($oLocation->lat)) {
             $aTmpOrder['location'] = "{$oLocation->lat},{$oLocation->long}";
         $aTmpOrder['info'] = $oOrder;
         $dTotalPrice += $oOrderDetails->total_price;
         $oOrder->date_inserted = Backend::ago(new \DateTime($oOrder->date_inserted));
         $aOrders[] = $aTmpOrder;
         $aTmpOrder = [];
     $data = Backend::LoginData();
     $data['isRestaurant'] = true;
     $data['status'] = array('preparing', 'canceled', 'not approved yet', 'on the way');
     return view('pages.orders')->with(array('orders' => $aOrders, 'data' => $data));
 public function GetRestaurantsList($aData)
     $aRestaurants = array();
      * Get the search term from the Data
     $searchTerms = explode(' ', $aData['searchTerm']);
      * Put the table name in order to be used in updating the query
     $query = DB::table('restaurants');
     $aSearchTerms = array();
     if (!empty($searchTerms[0])) {
          * Make sure to get all the combination of the data
         foreach ($searchTerms as $term) {
             $aSearchTerms[] = ucfirst($term);
             $aSearchTerms[] = strtolower($term);
             $aSearchTerms[] = ucfirst(strtolower($term));
          * This foreach, will update the query, puting the likes
          * in searching for the used columns.
          * if you want to serach in another column
          * just add a new line like how it is written.
         foreach ($aSearchTerms as $term) {
             $query->where('restaurant_name', 'LIKE', '%' . $term . '%')->orWhere('username', 'LIKE', '%' . $term . '%')->orWhere('bio', 'LIKE', '%' . $term . '%')->orWhere('cuisines', 'LIKE', '%' . $term . '%');
          * Get a list of Restaurants IDS
         $aRestaurantsIdsSearchTerm = $query->get(array("id_restaurant"));
      * If the location data was sent with the query
     if (isset($aData['location']) && $aData['location'] != '') {
         if (!empty($aData['location'])) {
             $query->where('id_country', '=', $aData['location']);
     if (isset($aData['no_smoking']) && ($aData['no_smoking'] = 'yes')) {
         $sSmoking = 'yes';
     } else {
         if (isset($aData['no_smoking']) && ($aData['no_smoking'] = 'no')) {
             $sSmoking = 'no';
     if (isset($sSmoking)) {
         $query->orWhere('smoking_allowed', '=', $sSmoking);
     $aRestaurantsIds = $query->get(array("id_restaurant"));
     if (isset($aRestaurantsIdsSearchTerm)) {
         array_merge($aRestaurantsIds, $aRestaurantsIdsSearchTerm);
     foreach ($aRestaurantsIds as $aRestaurantsId) {
         $aResults[] = $aRestaurantsId->id_restaurant;
     $query = DB::table('food');
     if (!empty($searchTerms[0])) {
         foreach ($aSearchTerms as $term) {
             $query->where('name', 'LIKE', '%' . $term . '%')->orWhere("type", 'LIKE', '%' . $term . '%')->orWhere("description", 'LIKE', '%' . $term . '%');
      * Check if the needed food is healthy
     if (isset($aData['food_health'])) {
         $query->where('healthy', '=', $aData['food_health']);
     if (isset($aData['price_range'])) {
         $aPriceRange = explode(" - ", $aData['price_range']);
         $dFrom = trim(str_replace('$', '', $aPriceRange[0]));
         $dTo = trim(str_replace('$', '', $aPriceRange[1]));
         if (isset($dTo) && isset($dFrom)) {
             $query->whereBetween("price", array($dFrom, $dTo));
     $aRestaurantsIds = $query->get(array("id_restaurant"));
     foreach ($aRestaurantsIds as $aRestaurantsId) {
         $aResults[] = $aRestaurantsId->id_restaurant;
     if (!empty($aResults[0])) {
         $aRestaurants = DB::table("restaurants")->whereIn("id_restaurant", $aResults)->get(Backend::$aRestaurantsParams);
         foreach ($aRestaurants as $restaurant) {
             $restaurant->opening_days = Backend::checkifOpen($restaurant->opening_days);
     $aFinalResult = array();
     //32.0265737,35.8360242 lat long, use if failed
     if (isset($aData['userlat']) && isset($aData['userlong'])) {
         if ($aData['userlat'] != 0 && $aData['userlong'] != 0) {
             foreach ($aRestaurants as $restaurant) {
                 if (!empty($restaurant->location)) {
                     $point = json_decode($restaurant->location);
                 if (isset($point->lat)) {
                     $dCalculatedDist = $this->haversineGreatCircleDistance($aData['userlat'], $aData['userlong'], $point->lat, $point->long) / 1000;
                     if ($dCalculatedDist <= $aData['distance']) {
                         $restaurant->location = $dCalculatedDist;
                         $aFinalResult[] = $restaurant;
             //Search based on location!
             return $aFinalResult;
     return $aRestaurants;
 public function showReviews()
     // dd(\Request::all());
     $aRequest = \Request::all();
     $oRestaurant = DB::table('restaurants')->where(array('username' => $aRequest['username']))->get(array('id_restaurant'))[0];
     $aReviewsList = DB::table('reviews')->where(array('id_restaurant' => $oRestaurant->id_restaurant))->get(array('*'));
     $aReviews = array();
     $aTempReview = array();
     foreach ($aReviewsList as $oReview) {
         $oUser = DB::table('users')->where(array('id_user' => $oReview->id_user))->get(array('username'))[0];
         $aTempReview['id_review'] = $oReview->id_review;
         $aTempReview['username'] = $oUser->username;
         $aTempReview['body'] = $oReview->body;
         $aTempReview['rating'] = $oReview->rating;
         switch ($oReview->rating) {
             case 'poor':
                 $aTempReview['rating'] = 1;
             case 'good':
                 $aTempReview['rating'] = 2;
             case 'vGood':
                 $aTempReview['rating'] = 3;
             case 'excellent':
                 $aTempReview['rating'] = 4;
             case 'extraordinary':
                 $aTempReview['rating'] = 5;
         $aTempReview['image'] = $oReview->review_image;
         $aTempReview['date_created'] = $oReview->date_created;
         $aReviews[] = $aTempReview;
     $data = Backend::LoginData();
     return view('/')->with(array('data' => $data, 'aReviews' => $aReviews));